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Topic: Begin to Change
wux's photo
Thu 07/01/10 07:44 PM
I am a Caucasian male, and I enjoy being discriminated against. D reflects well on my low self-esteem due to the fact I am short, fat, old, ugly and bald. And poor.

I remember the best and most tasteful discrimination of my life, executed flawlessly and with suave by a slender, beautiful, tall beauty. She came to a public dance where I was a regular, with her girlfriends. They were friendly and classy, not in a bitchy sort of way, but rather in a condescending sort of way. They apparently had decided earlier on in the evening that the place was a wash-up, but were intent on making the most of the evening, and not let the other people destroy their fun.

So I am on the floor with one of these ladies. She was very nice, she hardly made a grimace when I stepped on her toes. Both times. She asked me, so, what do you do for a living? I replied, I am a taxi driver. She smiled at me, said "that's very interesting," another big smile, then "excuse me, please," got out of the dancers' embrace and walked off the dance floor and clear out of my life forever.

Thorb's photo
Sat 07/03/10 06:47 PM
hmmm ... what goes around
comes around

then there is age discrimination

short discrimination

ugly discrimination

smell discrimination

where will it stop?????frustrated

Wulfenstraat's photo
Sun 07/11/10 07:16 PM

My best friend is a young women from Napal, working on a computer science degree here in North Carolina, no help from the good ole gubmint.

I myself moved from the UK, started up with no help and after a few years earn very good money with no degree. I just think the market is more competitive then ever and skill is more important then gender or race, at least here in urban Raleigh.

Take my anecdote for what it is . . .


Thanks redonkulous, that reminds me, any individual attending college in the U.S. on a visa - is not allowed to work, they must come here with the resouces to go to school, paying the highest tuition rates, and live without working. Just wanted to cover that base as well.


ValentinaSS's photo
Sun 07/11/10 07:53 PM
In spite of who is and who is not discriminated against,,,,higher education is just another over-priced commodity (this is a capitalist country, after all). It is true that caucasian males are never afforded any special grants or allowances,,,,life just is never fair, no sarcasm intended at all. What fix is there???

Wulfenstraat's photo
Mon 07/12/10 09:49 AM
Edited by Wulfenstraat on Mon 07/12/10 09:56 AM

Begin to change, I read it in another thread these three words. Did you know staistically speaking that more causcasian women over men attend college nowadays. Something like a 50 percent higher ratio. Women are now becoming financial leaders in the family households. This in part responsibility lays in the propeling of scholarships for minorities list, age, gender, race, etc. It seems now more than ever the caucasian male is the only remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male?

Discrimination against white males is fine. I'm all for it. I am a white male, and for the longest time I had a hard time trying to get any job for which I was more qualified than my competition. I couldn't understand why the job openings kept stating "Affirmative Action" yet were bypassing highly qualified individuals for low-level applicants. Then, I found that affirmative action was reverse discrimination. "White males need not apply." Well, what do you know?

So, instead of being able to get these government jobs, such as teaching and counseling (for which I had studied and trained and invested every nickle and dime I could scrape from every menial job I could get), I found that the know-nothing (barely able to string two words together) basketball jock I'd graduated with had gotten the position of English teacher. Wow. Affirmative Action in action.

As a result, in order not to starve, I entered another world for which I was not prepared. It was dog eat dog. And I adapted, and I rose in the business community by fighting every step of the way, sometimes licking my wounds, more often gorging on the carcass of a competitor. And then one day, while driving in my Mercedes to work, I spotted that basketball English teacher emptying trash cans outside a restaurant.

You see, he didn't have to fight for what he got; and so, he didn't value what was given to him. And he lost everything. If I can generalize for a moment, white males are being forced to fight harder and harder, which makes us stronger. Nobody gives us anything; and we don't ask for anything. If we can't dramatically improve the bottom line for some corporation, they can us and take the government tax credit for hiring a woman or a minority in our place. So, we work harder, and we succeed.

Who is forcing us to fight harder, even in the face of blatant injustice? Why, the white male establishment, of course, the old guys in Congress and the Supreme Court, all those old KKK types who realized this was the only way to toughen the race. After all, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Pass out the government cheese, boys. Let our welfare state force feed the lazy until they're all fat and complacent.

And, that's why I'm for Affirmative Action. It worked for me.

Yeah, nothing like the feeling of disenfranchisement becasue we are the wrong color. But unlike all these BOO HOO minority and Liberal sympathizers to every "sufferance" cause, people like us get out there and work for our prosperity without trying to suckle at the government teat and expecting hand outs! I'm white too and imagine how I felt when I lost my job and not only was turned down for Unemployment I was turned down for maintenance jobs I was more than qualified for.

Yeah, discrimination to fight discrimination!

Anyone want to pull my finger?

Do you think its affecting the caucasian males decision to attend college? Do they feel they cannot afford it, find it over whelming?

i just started a month ago... so did goofball... theres 2 white guys in school

We used to have a fix. It was called the SAT, plain and simple. The highest scores got into the best colleges, lower scores into less prestigious institutions. Then, discrimination against the best qualified candidates came in (specifically aimed against white males) with extra credits given for non-academic potential. And, from there, it just went to worse, with poorly qualified professionals being credentialed so that, if it wasn't for our Asian-Americans, the US would be a third-world country.

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 10:04 AM

" ... It seems now more than ever the caucasian male a remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male? ... "

in case no one's been watching, the Caucasian male is probably now the MOST discriminated against gender in the United States ... has anyone noticed the distinct tinge of favoritism given black racists like the New Black Panthers when they do their 'voter intimidation special' and the AG of the US DISMISSES the charges after they're found guilty ... ? Or go back to the Bakke case in the '80s ... this started a long time ago and now their plan is in its ascendancy ...

Wulfenstraat's photo
Mon 07/12/10 10:55 AM
Had not. Tell us more.

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 12:09 AM

In spite of who is and who is not discriminated against,,,,higher education is just another over-priced commodity (this is a capitalist country, after all).


It is true that caucasian males are never afforded any special grants or allowances,,,,life just is never fair, no sarcasm intended at all. What fix is there???

There is some interesting subtlety here - white males as a whole have never been given special privilege, but non-white males have been prejudiced against. Poor white males have also been prejudiced against, and a select subset of white males have been given special privilege. The efforts to balance the playing field by race haven't address these other inequities - leading many poor white males to be especially resentful or affirmative action programs.

Seakolony's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:08 AM

In spite of who is and who is not discriminated against,,,,higher education is just another over-priced commodity (this is a capitalist country, after all). It is true that caucasian males are never afforded any special grants or allowances,,,,life just is never fair, no sarcasm intended at all. What fix is there???

Actually the US is no longer termed a Capitalistic country but a multi-dimensional government with a mixed capitalistic/socialistic government......as they are now teaching in Politics and Civics within the educational environment........

hmlover's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:14 AM

Actually the US is no longer termed a Capitalistic country but a multi-dimensional government with a mixed capitalistic/socialistic government......as they are now teaching in Politics and Civics within the educational environment........

Wishful thinking? or fact? either way, that's a distressing thought...

Seakolony's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:31 AM

Actually the US is no longer termed a Capitalistic country but a multi-dimensional government with a mixed capitalistic/socialistic government......as they are now teaching in Politics and Civics within the educational environment........

Wishful thinking? or fact? either way, that's a distressing thought...

Fact and yes this is taught in high schools....the text books confirm in classes anyways

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 01:46 PM
There is no doubt that the US has a mixed economy - capitalist and socialist. Our public universities are even more obviously hybrids - getting money from taxes and from tuition. IMO this doesn't at all detract from Valentia's point.

Seakolony's photo
Wed 07/14/10 02:00 PM
The money the government gives the colleges remains for Socialistic reasons therefore the Colleges/Universities now gain money not only from thee private sector "Capitalism"....they now take funds for affirmitive action cementing the "Socialism" money giving to promote race and gender therefore rendering the comment because of Capitalism this happens and what can wee do to make it fair......going back to grades intelligence level for all despite gender race or sexual orientation.....send it all back to the private sector where it belongs would be fair....let them in not based on allotment slot but averages....

hmlover's photo
Wed 07/14/10 02:03 PM

The money the government gives the colleges remains for Socialistic reasons therefore the Colleges/Universities now gain money not only from thee private sector "Capitalism"....they now take funds for affirmitive action cementing the "Socialism" money giving to promote race and gender therefore rendering the comment because of Capitalism this happens and what can wee do to make it fair......going back to grades intelligence level for all despite gender race or sexual orientation.....send it all back to the private sector where it belongs would be fair....let them in not based on allotment slot but averages....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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