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Topic: Begin to Change
Seakolony's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:20 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Sun 06/13/10 09:48 PM
Begin to change, I read it in another thread these three words. Did you know staistically speaking that more causcasian women over men attend college nowadays. Something like a 50 percent higher ratio. Women are now becoming financial leaders in the family households. This in part responsibility lays in the propeling of scholarships for minorities list, age, gender, race, etc. It seems now more than ever the caucasian male a remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male?

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:25 PM
good insight. I agree with some of that. except the part about the caucasian male being the last discrimination.

Winx's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:27 PM

good insight. I agree with some of that. except the part about the caucasian male being the last discrimination.


Seakolony's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:47 PM

good insight. I agree with some of that. except the part about the caucasian male being the last discrimination.
[/quoteOkay give you that, but the point is we still are discriminating.

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:47 PM
then i am inclined to agree with you!

Wulfenstraat's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:56 PM
Edited by Wulfenstraat on Sun 06/13/10 09:58 PM

Begin to change, I read it in another thread these three words. Did you know staistically speaking that more causcasian women over men attend college nowadays. Something like a 50 percent higher ratio. Women are now becoming financial leaders in the family households. This in part responsibility lays in the propeling of scholarships for minorities list, age, gender, race, etc. It seems now more than ever the caucasian male is the only remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male?

Discrimination against white males is fine. I'm all for it. I am a white male, and for the longest time I had a hard time trying to get any job for which I was more qualified than my competition. I couldn't understand why the job openings kept stating "Affirmative Action" yet were bypassing highly qualified individuals for low-level applicants. Then, I found that affirmative action was reverse discrimination. "White males need not apply." Well, what do you know?

So, instead of being able to get these government jobs, such as teaching and counseling (for which I had studied and trained and invested every nickle and dime I could scrape from every menial job I could get), I found that the know-nothing (barely able to string two words together) basketball jock I'd graduated with had gotten the position of English teacher. Wow. Affirmative Action in action.

As a result, in order not to starve, I entered another world for which I was not prepared. It was dog eat dog. And I adapted, and I rose in the business community by fighting every step of the way, sometimes licking my wounds, more often gorging on the carcass of a competitor. And then one day, while driving in my Mercedes to work, I spotted that basketball English teacher emptying trash cans outside a restaurant.

You see, he didn't have to fight for what he got; and so, he didn't value what was given to him. And he lost everything. If I can generalize for a moment, white males are being forced to fight harder and harder, which makes us stronger. Nobody gives us anything; and we don't ask for anything. If we can't dramatically improve the bottom line for some corporation, they can us and take the government tax credit for hiring a woman or a minority in our place. So, we work harder, and we succeed.

Who is forcing us to fight harder, even in the face of blatant injustice? Why, the white male establishment, of course, the old guys in Congress and the Supreme Court, all those old KKK types who realized this was the only way to toughen the race. After all, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Pass out the government cheese, boys. Let our welfare state force feed the lazy until they're all fat and complacent.

And, that's why I'm for Affirmative Action. It worked for me.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:51 PM

Begin to change, I read it in another thread these three words. Did you know staistically speaking that more causcasian women over men attend college nowadays. Something like a 50 percent higher ratio. Women are now becoming financial leaders in the family households. This in part responsibility lays in the propeling of scholarships for minorities list, age, gender, race, etc. It seems now more than ever the caucasian male is the only remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male?

Discrimination against white males is fine. I'm all for it. I am a white male, and for the longest time I had a hard time trying to get any job for which I was more qualified than my competition. I couldn't understand why the job openings kept stating "Affirmative Action" yet were bypassing highly qualified individuals for low-level applicants. Then, I found that affirmative action was reverse discrimination. "White males need not apply." Well, what do you know?

So, instead of being able to get these government jobs, such as teaching and counseling (for which I had studied and trained and invested every nickle and dime I could scrape from every menial job I could get), I found that the know-nothing (barely able to string two words together) basketball jock I'd graduated with had gotten the position of English teacher. Wow. Affirmative Action in action.

As a result, in order not to starve, I entered another world for which I was not prepared. It was dog eat dog. And I adapted, and I rose in the business community by fighting every step of the way, sometimes licking my wounds, more often gorging on the carcass of a competitor. And then one day, while driving in my Mercedes to work, I spotted that basketball English teacher emptying trash cans outside a restaurant.

You see, he didn't have to fight for what he got; and so, he didn't value what was given to him. And he lost everything. If I can generalize for a moment, white males are being forced to fight harder and harder, which makes us stronger. Nobody gives us anything; and we don't ask for anything. If we can't dramatically improve the bottom line for some corporation, they can us and take the government tax credit for hiring a woman or a minority in our place. So, we work harder, and we succeed.

Who is forcing us to fight harder, even in the face of blatant injustice? Why, the white male establishment, of course, the old guys in Congress and the Supreme Court, all those old KKK types who realized this was the only way to toughen the race. After all, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Pass out the government cheese, boys. Let our welfare state force feed the lazy until they're all fat and complacent.

And, that's why I'm for Affirmative Action. It worked for me.

Yeah, nothing like the feeling of disenfranchisement becasue we are the wrong color. But unlike all these BOO HOO minority and Liberal sympathizers to every "sufferance" cause, people like us get out there and work for our prosperity without trying to suckle at the government teat and expecting hand outs! I'm white too and imagine how I felt when I lost my job and not only was turned down for Unemployment I was turned down for maintenance jobs I was more than qualified for.

Yeah, discrimination to fight discrimination!

Anyone want to pull my finger?

Seakolony's photo
Mon 06/14/10 06:54 AM

Begin to change, I read it in another thread these three words. Did you know staistically speaking that more causcasian women over men attend college nowadays. Something like a 50 percent higher ratio. Women are now becoming financial leaders in the family households. This in part responsibility lays in the propeling of scholarships for minorities list, age, gender, race, etc. It seems now more than ever the caucasian male is the only remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male?

Discrimination against white males is fine. I'm all for it. I am a white male, and for the longest time I had a hard time trying to get any job for which I was more qualified than my competition. I couldn't understand why the job openings kept stating "Affirmative Action" yet were bypassing highly qualified individuals for low-level applicants. Then, I found that affirmative action was reverse discrimination. "White males need not apply." Well, what do you know?

So, instead of being able to get these government jobs, such as teaching and counseling (for which I had studied and trained and invested every nickle and dime I could scrape from every menial job I could get), I found that the know-nothing (barely able to string two words together) basketball jock I'd graduated with had gotten the position of English teacher. Wow. Affirmative Action in action.

As a result, in order not to starve, I entered another world for which I was not prepared. It was dog eat dog. And I adapted, and I rose in the business community by fighting every step of the way, sometimes licking my wounds, more often gorging on the carcass of a competitor. And then one day, while driving in my Mercedes to work, I spotted that basketball English teacher emptying trash cans outside a restaurant.

You see, he didn't have to fight for what he got; and so, he didn't value what was given to him. And he lost everything. If I can generalize for a moment, white males are being forced to fight harder and harder, which makes us stronger. Nobody gives us anything; and we don't ask for anything. If we can't dramatically improve the bottom line for some corporation, they can us and take the government tax credit for hiring a woman or a minority in our place. So, we work harder, and we succeed.

Who is forcing us to fight harder, even in the face of blatant injustice? Why, the white male establishment, of course, the old guys in Congress and the Supreme Court, all those old KKK types who realized this was the only way to toughen the race. After all, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Pass out the government cheese, boys. Let our welfare state force feed the lazy until they're all fat and complacent.

And, that's why I'm for Affirmative Action. It worked for me.

Yeah, nothing like the feeling of disenfranchisement becasue we are the wrong color. But unlike all these BOO HOO minority and Liberal sympathizers to every "sufferance" cause, people like us get out there and work for our prosperity without trying to suckle at the government teat and expecting hand outs! I'm white too and imagine how I felt when I lost my job and not only was turned down for Unemployment I was turned down for maintenance jobs I was more than qualified for.

Yeah, discrimination to fight discrimination!

Anyone want to pull my finger?

Do you think its affecting the caucasian males decision to attend college? Do they feel they cannot afford it, find it over whelming?

Wulfenstraat's photo
Mon 06/14/10 12:31 PM
Edited by Wulfenstraat on Mon 06/14/10 12:34 PM
I suspect one of the reasons is that colleges don't open as many doors for white males anymore, as they do for everybody else. In fact, try getting a dishwashing job if you're starving but your prospective employer finds you have a college degree. Not going to happen. That was the excuse that was repeatedly given to me: "Over-qualified."

Ask all those white firemen candidates with scores over 90 on their physical, written and oral examinations who, everyday, are being bypassed because the minority candidate is given a "free" 20-point advantage. Does that make you feel safer in your home when the fire alarm goes off? How about when you're in the hospital for surgery, and you find your doctor is an affirmative action graduate, meaning he's been rated higher than he should have all along because of these grading requirements.

So, why aren't white males going to college? Because older white males like me tell them not to waste their time. Why lose four or more years of your life in school, when it only creates a roadblock for you later on. There's more money to be made in going rogue. That's what Bill Gates realized and why he went into business right away. Like he said: "F**k a college education. I'll be so rich I'll buy guys like you with college educations."

Seakolony's photo
Mon 06/14/10 12:37 PM

I suspect one of the reasons is that colleges don't open as many doors for white males anymore, as they do for everybody else. In fact, try getting a dishwashing job if you're starving but your prospective employer finds you have a college degree. Not going to happen. That was the excuse that was repeatedly given to me: "Over-qualified."

Ask all those white firemen candidates with scores over 90 on their physical, written and oral examinations who, everyday, are being bypassed because the minority candidate is given a "free" 20-point advantage. Does that make you feel safer in your home when the fire alarm goes off? How about when you're in the hospital for surgery, and you find your doctor is an affirmative action graduate, meaning he's been rated higher than he should have all along because of these grading requirements.

So, why aren't white males going to college? Because older white males like me tell them not to waste their time. Why lose four or more years of your life in school, when it only creates a roadblock for you later on. There's more money to be made in going rogue. That's what Bill Gates realized and why he went into business right away. Like he said: "F**k a college education. I'll be so rich I'll buy guys like you with college educations."

Guess I should have gone into business...actually I did own my own business and was doing well, grrrrrrrr, oh well shine happens.....I'm ready to go fishing.........

hmlover's photo
Mon 06/14/10 12:42 PM
I think that it is in part, at least, a loss of hope. First in getting into college in the first place with so many road blocks being put in place like you've mentioned. Then, the fact that you're not likely to get a job with it anyway, due to the same roadblocks. And, looking around, the only people that are making a decent living are business owners, many of whom don't have a single day of college education.

I remember, when I was trying to decide just what I'd major in, I spent many hours reading all the job forecasts and taking the aptitude tests. My counselors "guaranteed" that there would be limitless opportunities to those that had degrees in computer science. Fast forward 4 years and where are all the computer science jobs? Outsourced to India... ok, back to college for another 2 years for an MBA, so where are all the fantastic opportunities that were supposed to be available to those with an advanced education? Pffft... gone with the recession. So, thousands upon thousands of dollars in education for what.... nothing.

People are simply tired of being lied to, and are starting to see that the whole college route is over promoted and worth much less than what is being promised.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 06/14/10 07:33 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Mon 06/14/10 08:10 PM
I think there are many reasons why women are quickly overtaking men in education.

A huge portion of women earning their first degree are those over 30 with a large protion of women over 40.

Consider the era those women grew up in. In the 70's a women was more likely to be the benefactor of marriage as men were more likely to have either a college degree or be in a field of industry in which wages were enough to support a single income family.

That changed and women entered the workforce in greater numbers. The jobs they often took were basically unskilled labor as they were not looking for a professional career, but only a supplemental income.

One more thing changed - the divorce rate increased substantially. Women with children could not provide for the family, even with child support.

Women discovered the NEED for higher education and every year their numbers as college students grows.

As long as men with little or no college education were holding their own, they did not consider going back to school.

Over the years at the same time that industries began to look for cheaper labor, move factories abroad, and union labor began to fade out, women were also competing for higher paying jobs with men and educated women often won the job over the uneducated man.

Then the economy began a downward spiral and men, who have typically paid more than their female counterparts became more attractive as cheaper labor, in roles that men had once enjoyed.

I think in the future women will be telling the young girls in their families about the hard times they went through and that working, raising a family, and going back to college all at the same time was not the best route. They will be more insistant that their daughters, grandaughters and neices pursue their education BEFORE they take on a husband and a family.

Men, expecially white American born, just need to catch up, after all they are not use to performing on a level playing field.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 06/14/10 08:32 PM
Some people seem to think that there is a lot of money out there for 'minority' education. Well there cerainly is - in fact it comes from the same LOANS that is offered to just about anyone.

Also, all the scholorship money that some poeple seem to think is so freely given to minorities - that just shows people's ignorance about how the system works.

There are indeed minority scholarships, but they are privately funded and they are specifically earmarked and the vast majority of those (not so large funds) are not FREELY given, they are earned and the competition is fierce.

There is also Federal funding - pell grant - and it is available to everyone based on income. You want to try living on $10,000 a year? Then good, even white males can qualify.

There are also State funds which vary according to the state you live in. Many states have adopted a couple different strategies for doling out the limited funds. A college gets a grant from the State and the college determines its best use. Larger universities pay for a very limited number of fellowships but only for graduate programs as they often request or requre that their graduate students do now work outside of school.

Undergrads can also benefit from university grant money in the form or a work-study program and for about 10 to 15 hrs a week per semester you can mentor other students, assist in research, or work in campus offices and receive $1,000 to $1,500 per semester. These are ususally limited based on income.

There are also other awards by State either based on income or GPA or both and they are typically low dollars from $500 to $1,000 per semester AND they are used to pay for your tuition.

NOT EXACTLY ALL FREE FUNDS and the only minority specific funds are by private donors and the funds which are extended to minority colleges though they ARE COLLEGES and just becasue they may be a minority college does not mean they cannot receive the same grants as other universities.

END OF LESSON - there is more but I think the basic are covered.

So all you men - the funds are there for you too - you just need to get loans, like everybody else, OR live in poverty for a few years to help defry the costs of your education.

PS - you will be expected to read some rules and regulations AND pass a small test about the loans before you can qualify to recieve them. Just a warning, in case you should feel discriminated against - everyone has to do it.

redonkulous's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:35 PM
My best friend is a young women from Napal, working on a computer science degree here in North Carolina, no help from the good ole gubmint.

I myself moved from the UK, started up with no help and after a few years earn very good money with no degree. I just think the market is more competitive then ever and skill is more important then gender or race, at least here in urban Raleigh.

Take my anecdote for what it is . . .


Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/15/10 08:08 PM

My best friend is a young women from Napal, working on a computer science degree here in North Carolina, no help from the good ole gubmint.

I myself moved from the UK, started up with no help and after a few years earn very good money with no degree. I just think the market is more competitive then ever and skill is more important then gender or race, at least here in urban Raleigh.

Take my anecdote for what it is . . .


Thanks redonkulous, that reminds me, any individual attending college in the U.S. on a visa - is not allowed to work, they must come here with the resouces to go to school, paying the highest tuition rates, and live without working. Just wanted to cover that base as well.

Jess642's photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:03 PM
We have a female Prime Minister....all shiny and new...


and discrimination needed, her collective party of male caucasian politicians elected her...

Seakolony's photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:07 PM

We have a female Prime Minister....all shiny and new...


and discrimination needed, her collective party of male caucasian politicians elected her...

That's just because Australia is awesome and will always be awesome.....

Jess642's photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:23 PM

We have a female Prime Minister....all shiny and new...


and discrimination needed, her collective party of male caucasian politicians elected her...

That's just because Australia is awesome and will always be awesome.....

oh we have our flaws, Sea....politically, and historically we are far from awesome...there is still a vast amount of social and ecological shortcomings within this australian society...

however, the land, the country, the indigenous peoples, and critters are definitely AWESOME!!!bigsmile :heart:

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/01/10 02:47 PM

Begin to change, I read it in another thread these three words. Did you know staistically speaking that more causcasian women over men attend college nowadays. Something like a 50 percent higher ratio. Women are now becoming financial leaders in the family households. This in part responsibility lays in the propeling of scholarships for minorities list, age, gender, race, etc. It seems now more than ever the caucasian male a remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male?

the way i see it, the white guy has been the most discriminated against since about the 80's...

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/01/10 02:49 PM

Begin to change, I read it in another thread these three words. Did you know staistically speaking that more causcasian women over men attend college nowadays. Something like a 50 percent higher ratio. Women are now becoming financial leaders in the family households. This in part responsibility lays in the propeling of scholarships for minorities list, age, gender, race, etc. It seems now more than ever the caucasian male is the only remaining discrimination in the United States, and in no doubt partly historically speaking in holding back the other factions. But, in the fight to propel the other factions, has it become discrimination against the caucasian male?

Discrimination against white males is fine. I'm all for it. I am a white male, and for the longest time I had a hard time trying to get any job for which I was more qualified than my competition. I couldn't understand why the job openings kept stating "Affirmative Action" yet were bypassing highly qualified individuals for low-level applicants. Then, I found that affirmative action was reverse discrimination. "White males need not apply." Well, what do you know?

So, instead of being able to get these government jobs, such as teaching and counseling (for which I had studied and trained and invested every nickle and dime I could scrape from every menial job I could get), I found that the know-nothing (barely able to string two words together) basketball jock I'd graduated with had gotten the position of English teacher. Wow. Affirmative Action in action.

As a result, in order not to starve, I entered another world for which I was not prepared. It was dog eat dog. And I adapted, and I rose in the business community by fighting every step of the way, sometimes licking my wounds, more often gorging on the carcass of a competitor. And then one day, while driving in my Mercedes to work, I spotted that basketball English teacher emptying trash cans outside a restaurant.

You see, he didn't have to fight for what he got; and so, he didn't value what was given to him. And he lost everything. If I can generalize for a moment, white males are being forced to fight harder and harder, which makes us stronger. Nobody gives us anything; and we don't ask for anything. If we can't dramatically improve the bottom line for some corporation, they can us and take the government tax credit for hiring a woman or a minority in our place. So, we work harder, and we succeed.

Who is forcing us to fight harder, even in the face of blatant injustice? Why, the white male establishment, of course, the old guys in Congress and the Supreme Court, all those old KKK types who realized this was the only way to toughen the race. After all, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Pass out the government cheese, boys. Let our welfare state force feed the lazy until they're all fat and complacent.

And, that's why I'm for Affirmative Action. It worked for me.

Yeah, nothing like the feeling of disenfranchisement becasue we are the wrong color. But unlike all these BOO HOO minority and Liberal sympathizers to every "sufferance" cause, people like us get out there and work for our prosperity without trying to suckle at the government teat and expecting hand outs! I'm white too and imagine how I felt when I lost my job and not only was turned down for Unemployment I was turned down for maintenance jobs I was more than qualified for.

Yeah, discrimination to fight discrimination!

Anyone want to pull my finger?

Do you think its affecting the caucasian males decision to attend college? Do they feel they cannot afford it, find it over whelming?

i just started a month ago... so did goofball... theres 2 white guys in school

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