Topic: Where do you want to be?
AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/20/07 07:58 PM
I see a lot of communication about the prophesied end of times.


What do you think 'end times' means.

The complete and utter destruction of all we know?
Or simply a drastic change in the way we handle our dominion on this
planet (and possibly beyond)?
Or do you think it means something else(please share that I may grow)

Do you want to be of the 'meek' that shall inherit the new earth.
Or with the 'chosen' that go to the new heaven.
Or do you have a different view on this also. (again help me grow)

Fanta46's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:13 PM
I want to be a fireman!!! laugh laugh
Oh wrong thread, sorry!!laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 09:01 PM
I think the end times can be changed, it is the fall of mankind at
mankinds own hands, we are destroying the earth, the natural resources
and not doing much to replenish them.I think it will be a great change
of all we know, but there will be some who can and will bring about a
greater change, sort of going back to the way things were, more in tune
with the earth and humanity.Not sure about the beyond part AB haven't
really thought about it yet.

Will I be one of the meek or in the great heavens..this too I am unsure
of, I think in my meager understandings of things, that some will be
chosen for lack of a better word to stay here and bring about the
changes that are needed.As far as the heaven thing well you know how I
feel about that and what my thinking of it is.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 06/20/07 09:49 PM
I don’t believe in prophecy. As far as I’m concerned it’s
nothing more than mythology.

As a species we are extremely young. Barely toddlers.

It took 4.5 billion years for us to evolve.

As a species we are only about 125,000 years old. Barely a quarter of a
millions years old.

We have only become technological about 200 years ago, and the
technology that we are so used to using today hasn’t even been around
that long. The transistor was invented the year I was born! That was
only 1949. So all modern technology that we use today isn't any older
than me!

End times? What a JOKE!

We’re just starting out folks. Fasten your seat beats! We’re about
to outgrow mythology and superstition! Just give us a couple more
thousands years. That’s not even the blink of an eye geologically

We’re basically still living in the dark ages and just don’t realize
it. But we'll grow out of it eventually.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 06/22/07 08:13 PM
Whatever is going to be, is going to be.
It will be God's will

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 06/22/07 08:18 PM
Hey TLW how ya doing today.

Perhaps God might give us a choice when the time is come.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 06/22/07 08:25 PM
It is actually end of this age. End times has a bad smell to it you
might say. The earth will still be here forever. Even after the 1000
year regien.Most of the worlds population will have died and the ones
left are to rebuild the waste places. Sin will still be here but not
like it is now. As many priests will be on the earth to carry out
Yahweh's Rightous law. It is possible to change the prophesy but i do
not believe the earths evil nature will allow it. Blessings .. Miles

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 06/22/07 08:41 PM
The earths evil nature?

Miles nothing happens without the approval of the creator.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 06/22/07 09:50 PM
Yahweh allows us to either follow satan or him. Satan is the mighty one
of this world who even now works evil. Evil is not donee by Yahweh. Look
at Job did Yahweh cause Jobs children to be killed or Jobs boils? Miles

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/23/07 07:20 PM
No YHWH did not cause Jobs misfortunes. He did however ALLOW the evil
to occur.

That which men have labled satan can do nothing without the approval of

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 06/23/07 07:25 PM
I want to be in my backhome
tonight i missing it so much

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/23/07 07:33 PM
I would like to see your home some day. Been many places but never been

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 06/23/07 07:34 PM
it's a lovely place
by this time of the year the weather is so perfect
i remember staying til late on my terrace watching the stars and the
full moon, and i have a river just in front of my house

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/23/07 08:02 PM
Aye and a place like that stays with you no matter where you go.

no photo
Sat 06/23/07 08:31 PM
Knows where she wants to nevermind I'm babbeling outloud
again..I hate it when that happens

no photo
Mon 06/25/07 01:34 PM
wherever you go.......

you are!!bigsmile

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 06/25/07 02:52 PM
bigsmile You're in my head again dear!:tongue:

Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 07:14 PM
If you are sincerely asking the question then I would recommend a book
on the four views of the millenium by Clouse. You can find it at amazon
or anywhere else. It is a good place to start. It shows the
Hermanuetics of how the four major interpretations of scripture are
arrived at. Hermaneutics takes into account the use of symbolic,
narrative, and other forms of communication when interpretting the
scripture. You seem to be quite taken by prophetic material. I am not
real concerned with how the world will end. I am more concerned about
knowing that everyone must die and give an account for every deed,
thought, and word spoken while they lived here on this earth. The Lord
is coming for everyone in an individual sense. I do believe the
scriptures. And I don't have a totally blind faith in them.

no photo
Thu 06/28/07 07:19 PM
Hey Puritan, looks like you have my dog there.

I always think it is interesting when people presume to know the name of God.

Oh yeah, what is this thread about, the end of time.

I gotta say that could be a long time away. Mankind could spread blissfully through the universe and learn to get along with one another and stop fighting over the dreams and ramblings of old men from centuries back in history.