Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 07:37 PM
I like the South. Welcome Southerngirl

Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 07:14 PM
If you are sincerely asking the question then I would recommend a book
on the four views of the millenium by Clouse. You can find it at amazon
or anywhere else. It is a good place to start. It shows the
Hermanuetics of how the four major interpretations of scripture are
arrived at. Hermaneutics takes into account the use of symbolic,
narrative, and other forms of communication when interpretting the
scripture. You seem to be quite taken by prophetic material. I am not
real concerned with how the world will end. I am more concerned about
knowing that everyone must die and give an account for every deed,
thought, and word spoken while they lived here on this earth. The Lord
is coming for everyone in an individual sense. I do believe the
scriptures. And I don't have a totally blind faith in them.

Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 06:48 PM
I'm from Indy. I was wondering the same thing. How many are there from
Indy. I live really really close to the track.

Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 05:17 PM
All children get 10's

Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 05:11 PM
I don't mind. I am a great admirer of the Puritans. I adhere to a lot
of their beliefs in the Bible. They come from the period of Church
History known as the Reformation. It is a period when Martin Luther and
others saw a need to rectify some of the churches abuses and they sought
to bring the Church back under the authority of the Scriptures. They
also were the people that put the Bible into the common everyday
language of the people.

The Covenanters were a group of Scots that were persecuted but very
brave during the same period. They were also Puritans but of the
Presbyterian sect.

They get a lot of criticism and are usually put in a bad light for stuff
like the witch hunts in New England. But that is actually a few hundred
years after the reformation. They were not stick in the muds like some
people think. Most of them drank and made beer. And Martin Luther was
used by God to restore the dignity of women and bring romance and
respect back into marriage.

Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 04:42 PM
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Puritancovenanter's photo
Tue 06/26/07 04:15 PM
Just trying something new out here. I am aquainted with discussion
forums but have not ever tried to do something like this before. It
ought to be interesting. So Here Is My First Howdy. Howdy..