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Topic: Off Target
Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 05/24/10 07:10 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Mon 05/24/10 07:25 PM

I think your right. Dating sites are a waste of time.......smokin

It's working for me....I found a misfit like me, now we fit together.

misfits unite drinker

skydancingA's photo
Mon 05/24/10 07:57 PM

I think your right. Dating sites are
a waste of time.......smokin

It's working for me....I found a misfit
like me, now we fit together.
misfits unite drinker


Atlantis75's photo
Mon 05/24/10 08:18 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Mon 05/24/10 08:19 PM
Lex is probably pissed having his topic derailed.

ontariogirl1960's photo
Mon 05/24/10 08:26 PM
It's like every thing else It is what you make it. I hope to find a friend and I dont care where he comes from or why. If all I ever do is find friends well I can hang with them and they may have single friends or information about the single community in the area. If I get lucky and I find a compatible person then we are both fortunate. I also dont understand joining a site and then saying it needs to be a person living close to me....This is the internet ummm I thought that was the idea. If I never meet a single person I spent one lass lonely nite using the forums and exchanging ideas and info and opinions.
Just saying my two cents...I am glad I joined and you all as well.happy

imsingle951's photo
Tue 05/25/10 02:36 AM

I think your right. Dating sites are a waste of time.......smokin

Well, they work for some people.

I think that, once you've been tarred by eHarmony with the "Unmatchable" epithet, you're pretty much screwed though. Those guys are NEVER wrong.

laugh laugh Odd that you mentioned that. They told me 2 days ago that I was unmatchablefrustrated After sitting there all that time answering all those ?sfrustrated

Seakolony's photo
Tue 05/25/10 04:01 AM
Eharmont originally told me there was no one else like me. I took it that I am unque and basked in my uniqueness. I will probably find a relationship, because life goes on, whether it is from a dating site or not is yet to be seen. I will say that proximity helps. I will dare to say, I have not found what I was looking for in public or online. Never know maybe someone I have met maybe who I am looking for, never know what life brings. I do know a positive aspect remains better than a negative aspect about it.

Phuque2's photo
Tue 05/25/10 04:54 AM
I have found that it is not as complicated as I first thought it would be.....I would read a profile and so much of them have the list of things they, want in a person, need that person to be. But I have found that a lot of what is written is not always true to the person. So take a chance on a person of interest, because a ton of written stuff is not always who that person really is....

no photo
Tue 05/25/10 10:09 AM

Lex is probably pissed having his topic derailed.

Nah, it's kind of fun to toss something out there and see where it goes....!


TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 05/25/10 11:18 AM

I think it really comes down to the fact that dating sites are aimed towards the general everyday-public.

The irony in the whole thing is, that those people who are singles are most likely aren't like the general everyday public, save those who were divorced and broke up, but eventually those people will quickly get into another relationship and usually not from the internet dating site. So they are usually short-timed temporary people, meaning, they might signed up in desperation or trying to expand the possibilities, but they usually don't hang around long as singles.
Those people are usually very compatible with anyone or have a threshold big enough to accept virtually anyone.

What you will end up sticking around for longer (forever?) on dating sites, are the people, who are essentially a minority but they got a much tighter and a much more defined requirements and most of the time it's not something they set up or trying to aim high, but coming from their personality. Indeed they have something unique or very different from the rest, since they just can't fit in for one reason or another, they rather stay single than get entangled in a relationship with someone, whom they didn't like from the start.

Once I did a survey on one of those sites just to see what's the fuzz about, it turns out, that I represent about the 3% of the population, meaning, out of the 100, there are only 3, who would be compatible with me.

I believe they are called misfits................smokin

That's a hate word.indifferent I am not a misfit. explode


The hell your not. Like I am one to talk. You know I'm kidding bro.....smokin

drinker Hail the misfits of the world!

Join the boat!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh helllllllllll ya better get on your life jackets that boat is going to sink real soon hehehehehrofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 05/25/10 01:55 PM

I think it really comes down to the fact that dating sites are aimed towards the general everyday-public.

The irony in the whole thing is, that those people who are singles are most likely aren't like the general everyday public, save those who were divorced and broke up, but eventually those people will quickly get into another relationship and usually not from the internet dating site. So they are usually short-timed temporary people, meaning, they might signed up in desperation or trying to expand the possibilities, but they usually don't hang around long as singles.
Those people are usually very compatible with anyone or have a threshold big enough to accept virtually anyone.

What you will end up sticking around for longer (forever?) on dating sites, are the people, who are essentially a minority but they got a much tighter and a much more defined requirements and most of the time it's not something they set up or trying to aim high, but coming from their personality. Indeed they have something unique or very different from the rest, since they just can't fit in for one reason or another, they rather stay single than get entangled in a relationship with someone, whom they didn't like from the start.

Once I did a survey on one of those sites just to see what's the fuzz about, it turns out, that I represent about the 3% of the population, meaning, out of the 100, there are only 3, who would be compatible with me.

I believe they are called misfits................smokin

That's a hate word.indifferent I am not a misfit. explode


The hell your not. Like I am one to talk. You know I'm kidding bro.....smokin

drinker Hail the misfits of the world!

Join the boat!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh helllllllllll ya better get on your life jackets that boat is going to sink real soon hehehehehrofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Why? I've never manned a boat before, gotta start somewhere!

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 05/26/10 11:06 AM

I think it really comes down to the fact that dating sites are aimed towards the general everyday-public.

The irony in the whole thing is, that those people who are singles are most likely aren't like the general everyday public, save those who were divorced and broke up, but eventually those people will quickly get into another relationship and usually not from the internet dating site. So they are usually short-timed temporary people, meaning, they might signed up in desperation or trying to expand the possibilities, but they usually don't hang around long as singles.
Those people are usually very compatible with anyone or have a threshold big enough to accept virtually anyone.

What you will end up sticking around for longer (forever?) on dating sites, are the people, who are essentially a minority but they got a much tighter and a much more defined requirements and most of the time it's not something they set up or trying to aim high, but coming from their personality. Indeed they have something unique or very different from the rest, since they just can't fit in for one reason or another, they rather stay single than get entangled in a relationship with someone, whom they didn't like from the start.

Once I did a survey on one of those sites just to see what's the fuzz about, it turns out, that I represent about the 3% of the population, meaning, out of the 100, there are only 3, who would be compatible with me.

I believe they are called misfits................smokin

That's a hate word.indifferent I am not a misfit. explode


The hell your not. Like I am one to talk. You know I'm kidding bro.....smokin

drinker Hail the misfits of the world!

Join the boat!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh helllllllllll ya better get on your life jackets that boat is going to sink real soon hehehehehrofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Why? I've never manned a boat before, gotta start somewhere!

Watch out for the boom! That f*cker hurts when it swings around and hits you in the head! Uncle had a sailboat, it was cool! Except for the head thunking part, anyways...

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 05/26/10 11:07 AM
Long live stealth! I can look and no one knows... Heheheh! :banana: :banana:

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 05/27/10 06:21 AM
From what I've observed, the single BIGGEST reason someone opens and looks at your profile, is that the thumbnail photos are too small to see. I keep that in mind, to begin with.
Second, and even more important, someone has to OPEN your profile and look at it, to find out whether you would find THEM acceptable or not. So the fact that they opened and looked at your profile in no way indicates that they actually have any serious interest in you, or that they BELIEVE you might be interested in them.
Then, remember that there are plenty of people unattractive to you who nevertheless are looking for someone, just as YOU are unattractive to most of the women who's profiles YOU open.
Bottom line, until some dating site actually tells you HOW LONG someone looked at your profile, the fact that they did is as meaningless as can be. Even then, they might be opening it to confirm that they were right, they thought from your thumbnail that you were a complete dork dufus jerkwad (relative to them), and after careful investigation, they have proven themselves correct. Ever stopped to look at messy road kill, to figure out what it used to be? Same dealy.

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