Topic: El Presidente to Protest Arizona Law
InvictusV's photo
Thu 05/13/10 08:35 PM
Imagine if my neighbor didn't feed his dog for a week and the dog dug under my fence and attacked my trashcan. I then called the police to investigate the neighbor abusing his dog and being complicit in the dogs destroying my property.. The cop shows up and the neighbor tells the cop that even though he starved the dog and it dug under my fence, it wasn't acceptable for me to complain because once the dog was on my property it could do as it pleases..

And instead of animals rights advocates demanding the dogs owner be put in jail for starving the dog, they call me a racist and say I had no right to deny that hungry dog the food in the trashcan.

INTERVIEW-Mexico's Calderon to protest Arizona law to Obama

5/13/2010 4:46:00 PM PT

* Mexico to protest Arizona law in meeting with Obama

* Law is a "serious reversal," Calderon says

By Catherine Bremer and Adriana Barrera

MEXICO CITY, May 13 (Reuters) - Mexican President Felipe Calderon will protest to U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington next week about Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants, Calderon told Reuters on Thursday.

Calderon said a law that will come into force in Arizona in July, requiring police to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect is in the United States illegally, was already affecting relations between the two neighbors.

"It contains elements that are frankly discriminatory, terribly backward," Calderon told Reuters in an interview.

He said he would bring Mexico's protest over the law to a meeting with Obama and in front of the U.S. Congress during an official visit to Washington next week.

"The fact the law has introduced, regardless of all the nuances being used, the possibility of detaining, arresting somebody on the grounds of their physical appearance implies one of the most serious reversals that I remember," he said.

The move by Arizona, which borders Mexico, has sparked outraged protests, pushed some U.S. states to seek economic boycotts of Arizona and pushed the immigration debate in the United States into the political foreground.

There are an estimated 10.8 million illegal immigrants, mostly from Latin America, in the United States.

Mexico, which sends 80 percent of its exports to the United States and has millions of citizens working there legally or illegally, has condemned the legislation, issued a warning for Mexicans living or traveling there, and asked its consulates in Arizona to offer Mexicans legal protection.

Asked if the law could affect bilateral relations, Calderon said: "It is affecting it, sadly, it is affecting it."

Obama has denounced the law as misguided, and the storm over it has boosted a drive by the president and Senate Democrats to overhaul federal immigration laws, something Mexico has been pushing for years, to better immigrant rights.

"It's a very sensitive issue on both sides of the border but I know President Obama's will (to do something) and we are both doing, and will do, more to avoid this really affecting relations," Calderon said.

no photo
Thu 05/13/10 08:37 PM
HA! Haha! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! HA! Ha. ...

no photo
Thu 05/13/10 08:47 PM
This is so absurd, and our darling government was complicit and responsible for this mess all along.

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 05/13/10 09:20 PM
I think we should just say we are going to have the same immigration laws as Mexico.That should shut them up.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 05/13/10 09:54 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Thu 05/13/10 09:54 PM

I think we should just say we are going to have the same immigration laws as Mexico.That should shut them up.

We need SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon members on the border with shoot to killl orders for ANYONE crossing illegally. That would deter the majority of them.

john_sickandtired's photo
Thu 05/13/10 09:59 PM
Oh man, where to begin.

First off it's kinda funny that a president from a foreign country is dictating the laws in this country.

Don't mind the fact of the illegal trespassing, throwing garbage on the ground, breaking into homes, and last but least the harming of Americans.

I'd also like to know how a president can raise an argument when he has people in his own country shooting at border agents along the border and all we can do is just look.

After doing some research on Mexico and immigration laws I was surprised that they deal more harshly with illegals in their country then the U.S. does here. I have to say that I agree with Thomas3474 in that if the U.S. adopted the same kind of laws for immigrates that Mexico has, a LOT of the B.S. happening in this country concerning immigration would be resolved, but a few things would have to be done. 1. Keep the lobbyist out of the loop and 2. groups like the ACLU should stay out as well.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 05/13/10 10:02 PM

Oh man, where to begin.

First off it's kinda funny that a president from a foreign country is dictating the laws in this country.

Don't mind the fact of the illegal trespassing, throwing garbage on the ground, breaking into homes, and last but least the harming of Americans.

I'd also like to know how a president can raise an argument when he has people in his own country shooting at border agents along the border and all we can do is just look.

After doing some research on Mexico and immigration laws I was surprised that they deal more harshly with illegals in their country then the U.S. does here. I have to say that I agree with Thomas3474 in that if the U.S. adopted the same kind of laws for immigrates that Mexico has, a LOT of the B.S. happening in this country concerning immigration would be resolved, but a few things would have to be done. 1. Keep the lobbyist out of the loop and 2. groups like the ACLU should stay out as well.

Well said.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 05/13/10 10:19 PM

I think we should just say we are going to have the same immigration laws as Mexico.That should shut them up.

We need SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon members on the border with shoot to killl orders for ANYONE crossing illegally. That would deter the majority of them.

This is unconstitutional and illegal. See the Posse Commitatus Act. The proper solution is to privatize the land near the border and allow landowners to defend their land.

no photo
Thu 05/13/10 10:36 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Thu 05/13/10 10:37 PM

I think we should just say we are going to have the same immigration laws as Mexico.That should shut them up.

We need SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon members on the border with shoot to killl orders for ANYONE crossing illegally. That would deter the majority of them.

This is unconstitutional and illegal. See the Posse Commitatus Act. The proper solution is to privatize the land near the border and allow landowners to defend their land.

Not necessarily ...

Under the Posse Comitatus Act, the armed services are generally prohibited from engaging in law enforcement activities inside the United States, such as investigating, arresting, or incarcerating individuals, except as authorized by federal law. The National Guard, however, enjoys a unique legal status. Guard troops are frequently referred to as citizen soldiers, part of the military's substantial reserve components. Reserve forces are called to active service only for limited periods, such as for annual training or overseas deployments. When not on active duty, National Guard units remain on call to support the governors of their respective states. The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to National Guard forces unless they are mobilized as federal troops. As a result, the Guard plays the primary role in augmenting state and local law enforcement under state control, while the Defense Department plays a supporting role, providing resources and logistical support.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/13/10 10:49 PM
Leaders of other countries can comment on what happens here just as our leader comments on happenings in other countries.

So what?

willing2's photo
Fri 05/14/10 05:36 AM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 05/14/10 05:38 AM

I think we should just say we are going to have the same immigration laws as Mexico.That should shut them up.

We need SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon members on the border with shoot to killl orders for ANYONE crossing illegally. That would deter the majority of them.

This is unconstitutional and illegal. See the Posse Commitatus Act. The proper solution is to privatize the land near the border and allow landowners to defend their land.

Not much can be done with no-mans land.

Property owners have been sued for detaining trespassers. ACLU and La Raza lawyers defend them pro-bono.

Many land owners fear retaliation, (being murdered), from cartels, and coyotes.

Even Border patrol can and have wound up in jail for enforcing Federal Law.

willing2's photo
Fri 05/14/10 07:09 AM
I'm a little slow, I'll admit.

However, I just caught something.

The article states 10.8 million.

How curious.

A couple years ago, numbers USA put the estimate at around 20 million. I have watched Illegal entries rise while, deportations and workplace raids have dropped to nearly 0.

I ain't that good at math but, it would seem to me, instead of the number of Illegals here would be rising instead of dropping. Beings, reports have them heading this way, on a daily basis, by the train loads.


InvictusV's photo
Fri 05/14/10 11:28 AM

I'm a little slow, I'll admit.

However, I just caught something.

The article states 10.8 million.

How curious.

A couple years ago, numbers USA put the estimate at around 20 million. I have watched Illegal entries rise while, deportations and workplace raids have dropped to nearly 0.

I ain't that good at math but, it would seem to me, instead of the number of Illegals here would be rising instead of dropping. Beings, reports have them heading this way, on a daily basis, by the train loads.


their estimates always go down when they want to push a new amnesty bill.. it will turn out the number is more like 25 to 30 million..

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/14/10 11:38 AM

I'm a little slow, I'll admit.

However, I just caught something.

The article states 10.8 million.

How curious.

A couple years ago, numbers USA put the estimate at around 20 million. I have watched Illegal entries rise while, deportations and workplace raids have dropped to nearly 0.

I ain't that good at math but, it would seem to me, instead of the number of Illegals here would be rising instead of dropping. Beings, reports have them heading this way, on a daily basis, by the train loads.


theres no accounting for how much we dont know that we dont know in a world where reality is confined to only those things we have heard or read,,,,

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 05/15/10 05:15 PM

I think we should just say we are going to have the same immigration laws as Mexico.That should shut them up.

We need SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon members on the border with shoot to killl orders for ANYONE crossing illegally. That would deter the majority of them.

This is unconstitutional and illegal. See the Posse Commitatus Act. The proper solution is to privatize the land near the border and allow landowners to defend their land.

Not necessarily ...

Under the Posse Comitatus Act, the armed services are generally prohibited from engaging in law enforcement activities inside the United States, such as investigating, arresting, or incarcerating individuals, except as authorized by federal law. The National Guard, however, enjoys a unique legal status. Guard troops are frequently referred to as citizen soldiers, part of the military's substantial reserve components. Reserve forces are called to active service only for limited periods, such as for annual training or overseas deployments. When not on active duty, National Guard units remain on call to support the governors of their respective states. The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to National Guard forces unless they are mobilized as federal troops. As a result, the Guard plays the primary role in augmenting state and local law enforcement under state control, while the Defense Department plays a supporting role, providing resources and logistical support.

The previous poster mentioned "SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon", not the National Guard. This use of the NG would be constitutional.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 05/15/10 05:45 PM
I don't remember a Mexico purchase, or remember Mexico being a part of the US. Besides, Obama can only sanction AZ through funds for programs, and even then he really has no leg to stand on because there is no US law in affect to sanction on. Then you have seperation of state and feseral government says that AZ has the right to implement any state law and not take federal funds or not implement a law th federal government wishes and not accept funds.What can he do, nada dang thing. Go AZ!!

no photo
Sat 05/15/10 05:53 PM

I think we should just say we are going to have the same immigration laws as Mexico.That should shut them up.

We need SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon members on the border with shoot to killl orders for ANYONE crossing illegally. That would deter the majority of them.

This is unconstitutional and illegal. See the Posse Commitatus Act. The proper solution is to privatize the land near the border and allow landowners to defend their land.

Not necessarily ...

Under the Posse Comitatus Act, the armed services are generally prohibited from engaging in law enforcement activities inside the United States, such as investigating, arresting, or incarcerating individuals, except as authorized by federal law. The National Guard, however, enjoys a unique legal status. Guard troops are frequently referred to as citizen soldiers, part of the military's substantial reserve components. Reserve forces are called to active service only for limited periods, such as for annual training or overseas deployments. When not on active duty, National Guard units remain on call to support the governors of their respective states. The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to National Guard forces unless they are mobilized as federal troops. As a result, the Guard plays the primary role in augmenting state and local law enforcement under state control, while the Defense Department plays a supporting role, providing resources and logistical support.

The previous poster mentioned "SEALS, Rangers and Forcce Recon", not the National Guard. This use of the NG would be constitutional.

Right. Point being, that the GUARD is the ONLY force structure Constitutionally authorized or authorizable under Posse Comitatus ... Rangers, SEALs, LRRP, Force Recce, etc are all unauthorized.

willing2's photo
Sat 05/15/10 07:57 PM
Why is Patriotism being banned in America?

If a kid wears a dragon or some other kind of serpent/creature on his/her shirt ..great
If the kid wears a shirt with Buddha on it ...wonderful
If they wear a shirt with CHE on it...excellente'
If they wear a shirt that bashes Bush...Super
If they wear something backing any liberal cause......they get 3 hoorays

wearing a cross....forbidden
wearing something bashing BHO....forbidden
wearing something that has an American flag.......forbidden
want to say the pledge to our Country.....big no no
putting your hand over your heart during the national anthem.....not BHO uh uh. Only racists do that sort of thing
want to talk bad about or spit on our
want to ruin a military funeral service........ COOL...
want to say something negative about Scientology, Islam, communism, socialism, black nationalism, the Koran etc etc etc........forbidden and get labeled a hate monger and racist bigot
want to wear a sticker honoring our solders....(in school) forbidden
want to wear something support the Palestinian cause (in school) ...great