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Shasta1's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:06 PM
the turtle, startled that birds could talk (not that he could) said, yeild. Where dosth the young king live?

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:07 PM

after the bird and the turtle eyed each other, for neither had seen the likes of the other in all their life, the bird asked:

hey hot stuff..what's your sign?

The bird..turtle..Janet, Chrissy, Jack, Larry, and Mr. Furley went to the Regal Beagle to discuss these matters.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:09 PM
Then everyone broke out in the "Cheers" theme...

Sometimes it's nice to be where everybody knows your name...

but Chrissy ...

Dict8's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:11 PM

Then everyone broke out in the "Cheers" theme...

Sometimes it's nice to be where everybody knows your name...

but Chrissy ...

(Chrissy...oblivious to everything fumbles with her Thigh Master...):tongue:

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:15 PM
and hits the wrong notes so Janet kicked her out of the gang..she pouted off tossing her golden locks but then Mr Furley said

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:18 PM
Well I'm gonna have to talk to my old friend Andy

Dict8's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:18 PM

and hits the wrong notes so Janet kicked her out of the gang..she pouted off tossing her golden locks but then Mr Furley said
"Nip IT in the bud!" Oh wait....that's Barney Fife....slaphead

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:30 PM
And he is going fishing but no one told him the swimming hole dried up....

Queene123's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:47 PM

in a far away land where snow leopards, wizards and demons

and a psychic that tends to find true love upon all these crazy charsctors listed abovelaugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:54 PM
....and crazy characters continue to wander in and out of our lives, like sands through the hourglass, like splinters in the windmills of our minds like...

Queene123's photo
Sun 05/02/10 08:03 PM

....and crazy characters continue to wander in and out of our lives, like sands through the hourglass, like splinters in the windmills of our minds like...

so we tend to watch the crystalball to see who will enter or re-enter one life (if it was only that simple) LOL!!

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 05/02/10 09:30 PM

the turtle, startled that birds could talk (not that he could) said, yeild. Where dosth the young king live?

As he peed... like a frigging hose gushing out.

(LOL! Mom got peed on by a turtle she rescued off the road Sat. night. I laughed soooo hard!)

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 05/03/10 05:48 AM

....and crazy characters continue to wander in and out of our lives, like sands through the hourglass

so are the days of our lives. drinker

Seakolony's photo
Mon 05/03/10 06:32 AM
a young girl deep in despair held captive in the circular traingulation of her divorced parents web of deciet, lies, and pessimistic attitudes decided to be unyeilding and deliver herself from the pessimistic web of lies, deceit, abusive, negative atmosphere through survival and changing the view through her own children eyes and attitudes without prejudice, hatred, or negativity.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 05/03/10 10:07 AM
because she learned to understand that life is life and that all things happen for a reason, that there is an opportunity for growth in all adversity, love prevails and in the end she will be just want she wants to be...

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 05/03/10 08:32 PM
and she wants to be a warrior and spear fish in the river, and meditate on a mountain top and become a hermit..

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