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Topic: Tel me something /Anything about you-- - part 7
Beachfarmer's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:07 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Thu 08/05/10 01:09 AM
I am connsciously hyper aware of coincidenceslaugh

EDIT: and screw the edit...I'm poor at spelling which is a wicked irony for someone who loves words so much

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:07 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 08/05/10 01:07 AM
we've been having thunderstorms here too
(but i sleep pretty soundly for the most part)

ujGearhead's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:11 AM
Thinks Eat n Park should have more than two colors of crayons. How the hell am I supposed to let my creative juices flow like that? You ever see a red and green puppy? That's one messed up dog!

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:13 AM
they have a secret stash of a basket of all different colors
in the back. ask your waitress. she will let you use them if
she finds you attractive!

Beachfarmer's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:16 AM
laugh ...and what was our vessel to go to hell?

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:18 AM
The Handbasket?

Beachfarmer's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:20 AM
rofl if she finds us attractive

ujGearhead's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:24 AM
I asked a few times with no good results, so I started secretly bringing my own and they were like "What the %^&*"!!!!!! Eventually, I stopped going all together after they stopped asking if I wanted "Soup or salad?". Of course I had to respond with "Of course I want super salad!" and proceeded to hold my arms straight out like I was flying. Rumor is that they still don't word it that way. It's ok though. Denny's has better color crayons!

irisheyes79's photo
Thu 08/05/10 03:30 PM
i once kept venmous snakes among a few inland taipan and king cobra

ValentinaSS's photo
Thu 08/05/10 05:20 PM
something about me: i won`t eat a big stick popsicle in public

venusenvy's photo
Thu 08/05/10 05:27 PM
I hate Tofu...its too squigey ill

irisheyes79's photo
Thu 08/05/10 05:28 PM
i hate liars cheaters and con artists

ladyliz1417's photo
Thu 08/05/10 05:31 PM
I hate fakes, flakes and everything Johnny said, lol

irisheyes79's photo
Thu 08/05/10 05:33 PM

I hate fakes, flakes and everything Johnny said, lol
yea liz lets tell em lol

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Fri 08/06/10 12:17 AM

I hate fakes, flakes and everything Johnny said, lol
^^ I second that^^

907daydreamer's photo
Fri 08/06/10 12:29 AM
i once had a female iguana named King

you_dont_know_me's photo
Fri 08/06/10 09:39 AM
ive always loved shooting pics at the track

no photo
Fri 08/06/10 11:11 AM
My cursive writing resembles the scribblings of a three year old.

no photo
Fri 08/06/10 02:28 PM
I got a new job and I'm psyched

venusenvy's photo
Fri 08/06/10 02:29 PM

I got a new job and I'm psyched

Congratulations :thumbsup:

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