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Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 05/15/10 02:11 AM
What I meant is more a general break down in humanity itself. Because we are all connected in the hoop, circle of life..all will be affected. But then I also believe that the shift, changes that are coming will back many in a corner to re evaluate our belief systems in general.

no photo
Sat 05/15/10 08:20 PM
I'm trying very hard to resist speculating about "the shift, changes that are coming"... because nobody knows What & When will happen!!! (Though bracing yourself in advance prolly won't help) Especially since whatever is comming might not necessarily be "bad", but on the contrary, quite good!
Yet, that's exactly what I mean:
If enough peope would expect something BAD, even the positive outcome might turn into the Negative!!! (or, at least, not as good as could have been)

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 05/15/10 08:31 PM
I speculate about it..I also don't let myself get caught up. I've worked with Shaman from Peru, healers.. and follow this "shift" from many different angles. While I'm quite certain ..something will happen, I'm just as certain..I don't know what.

I've seen enough of your posts Jane to know you are a deep thinker and appreciate a scientific approach to things.
Perhaps you'd be interested in this film..a more scientific angle
My dear friend and teacher Alberto Villoldo is in it...
at least worth peeking at.


Absolutely agree WE can bring on the negative if we put enough thought into it. That's part of why I look at the changes (whatever they are) as positive...

Jeremysg's photo
Sat 05/15/10 09:10 PM

Ever wonder Why most (if not all) of Natural Disasters tend to happen more frequently at the poorest areas of the world???

Apparently, those areas, where most of the population is suffering from various social and economic misfortunes, are affected the most by the society's general outcry (and damnations)!!! That, in turn, creates various geodesic turbulences, or accidents. {as though Earth reacts to those damnations)!

For that reason, the popular "scare stories" -- as, for instance, that of "2012" -- are very dangerous:
_____ if enough people believe it, that might (and probably will) invoke some tragic events!!! (as if justifying those rumours)

We, humans, are affecting reality much more than we realize!!!

absoulute truth, been this way forever, this is the explantation of prayer.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 05/15/10 09:59 PM
Fred Alan Wolf Ph.D on Social Consciousness and "Poppin the Quiff"

A clip from "What The Bleep..Down the Rabbit Hole"

A must see movie for anyone with doubts that we control our reality.


no photo
Sat 05/15/10 10:45 PM
RE: http://www.2012dvd.com/

Thank you very much, dear!
Yet, the mystery remains the mystery...

However, there's a real danger lurking in space:
NASA is watching for Apophis asteroid -- the rock is about three footbal fields in size -- that might collide with our planet in 2029, or in 2036 -- depending upon whether it will pass through a certain 600 meter-wide "gravitational keyhole" that may alter it's orbit. The first close approach is expected in late 2012! * * *
Russia's space agency has called for a massive planetary effort to deflect a massive asteroid away from the Earth! (and invited NASA, the European and the Chinese space agencies to join in.
According to scientists, it won't likely be a doomsday rock -- probably not the end of life as we know it. But a very bad day! (only hundreds of thousands of people are expected to parish!)

Here's the video:

Ref: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/10/091007171926.html

P.S. Its not too late for becomming religious!!! biggrin

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 05/15/10 11:30 PM

P.S. Its not too late for becomming religious!!! biggrin

oh..but yes it is for me, way to late whoa

no photo
Sat 05/15/10 11:50 PM

P.S. Its not too late for becomming religious!!! biggrin

oh..but yes it is for me, way to late whoa

Lori, I'm not sure about your reasons for considering yourself being past the point of turning religious, but clearly my exclaimation was purely rhetorical!!! biggrin

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/16/10 12:36 AM

P.S. Its not too late for becomming religious!!! biggrin

oh..but yes it is for me, way to late whoa

Lori, I'm not sure about your reasons for considering yourself being past the point of turning religious, but clearly my exclaimation was purely rhetorical!!! biggrin

I know Jane....the "whoa" was all I could think of for a response...
I grew up in a very strict, religious home. I rebelled at a very young age, never resonated with me. It took a long time for me to lose the salvation theory and move into spirituality, so too late indeed and the very last thing I have any interest in.

I do however have an interest in looking at the links you posted.
I am familiar with Apophis, and find it interesting that the sun spots and solar flares will increase the same time this asteroid is expected to approach...

The mystery goes on..I think I'll just stay positive just in case my thoughts actually have any power.happy

no photo
Sun 05/16/10 06:44 PM
I'll just stay positive just in case my thoughts actually have any power.

I only hope there'll be enough people sharing your phillosophy -- to contre-act the beliefs of those who don't. Otherwise, God help us!!! :angel:

no photo
Mon 05/17/10 08:30 AM

I'll just stay positive just in case my thoughts actually have any power.

I only hope there'll be enough people sharing your phillosophy -- to contre-act the beliefs of those who don't. Otherwise, God help us!!! :angel:

Nice insurance policy.

(Is that like accepting Jesus as your personal savior just in case he is really the son of God?)

Don't laugh, I know a lot of people who did that "just in case.." laugh

Jeremysg's photo
Mon 05/17/10 09:22 PM
for the most part i agrea, but just to play the devils advocate for a moment isnt it possible that third world countries suffer more from natural events due to their lack of infrastructure, case and point a 7 point earthquake is going to have more of an impact on a place like Haiti than it is on California.

however i do beleive that ones thoughts are very powerful...its the explantation for the power of prayer. To Yawe, Jesus, Alla, Jehova, or to paraphrase the Communist China Pick your Poison Lol.

no photo
Mon 05/17/10 09:38 PM
The only power there is in the preyer is Focussing your supplications -- a feat achievable by many other means!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 06/05/10 02:45 PM
We're off to see the Wizard,the beautiful Wizard of Oz.......!

Who is that Man behind the Curtain!:smile:

JoelThomas39's photo
Sun 06/06/10 07:44 AM

Ever wonder Why most (if not all) of Natural Disasters tend to happen more frequently at the poorest areas of the world???

Apparently, those areas, where most of the population is suffering from various social and economic misfortunes, are affected the most by the society's general outcry (and damnations)!!! That, in turn, creates various geodesic turbulences, or accidents. {as though Earth reacts to those damnations)!

Jeremysg was on the right track.

Natural disasters occur all around the world, to both poor and wealthy areas. The only difference that exists is their preparedness for such an event, both in looking to prevent damage and in their ability to deal with the damage that ensues.

As we all know, on 12 January 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit the island nation of Haiti, killing approximately 230,000 people. That was a truly devastating event. However, since that event, five separate earthquakes have hit this planet that have had a higher magnitude. Those five, collectively, have resulted in 490 deaths. The earthquake that hit Chile on 27 February was of magnitude 8.8, making it approximately 500 times stronger than the 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti, whereas only 486 individuals perished in the Chilean earthquake. That being said, potentially disastrous natural events happen worldwide, regardless of the regions well-being. The difference comes in their preparedness, and the poorer areas themselves, being unprepared to deal with such natural events, make the result disastrous.

May be your referring to Natural disasters?
Well, you should be familiar with statistics in your line of work, no? In that case, comparing the frequency of US disasters -- most of which are "man-made" anyway -- with the Natural disasters around the world IS like comparing a "male reproductive organ" with the finger!!!

Here are some statistics for you:
The United States is one of 195 countries in this world.
The United States occupies 1.9% of the surface area on this planet.
The United States occupies 6.6% of all the landmass on this planet.

So tell me why the United States should experience more than a drop in the bucket of the world's natural disasters.

no photo
Sun 06/06/10 07:54 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 06/06/10 07:56 AM
Wow. I'm gonna have to be more careful about what I think about different places around the world from now on ...

I mean, who knew ... ?

A mind IS a terrible thing ...

Psychobabble still rules.

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