no photo
Mon 04/12/10 10:08 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Mon 04/12/10 10:09 PM
Well, I know, most of people cannot even influence their family members (with the power of their mind) -- aside of never even having heard of such a preposterous idea (except of the Bible, of course) And that is the root of the problem:
the choice of wrong books (as Good as those Books can be!!!)

no photo
Mon 04/12/10 10:15 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Mon 04/12/10 10:16 PM
" ... I guess you don't meditate... "

How would you know? I'll bet you do, tho' ... want some breadcrumbs?

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 04/12/10 10:21 PM

" ... I guess you don't meditate... "

How would you know? I'll bet you do, tho' ... want some breadcrumbs?

"No matter how many people 'concentrate' on a single thought (yeah, like THAT's a possibility when y' consider how long just TWO people can hold the same thought), "

Yes, I do meditate, so I know it's possible to concentrate on a single thought.
no, thank you ... I don't eat bread.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 04/12/10 10:21 PM

just because positive visualization works don't mean that you can conjure up a tsunami...


no photo
Mon 04/12/10 10:29 PM
Oh, please, don't be absurd by assuming the rest of the people are!
Certainly, a single person isn't capable of much. But a great multitude of people -- united with the common goal (or desperation) -- might sooner or later "move a montain"!!!

donthatoneguy's photo
Tue 04/13/10 07:44 AM
Yes, they can ... if they have dump trucks, cranes and other required tools to do so. Otherwise, I challenge any number of people to stand around Mount Everest and give it a nudge. Have fun, I'll be doing something meaningful ... like laughing. happy

no photo
Tue 04/13/10 08:44 AM

" ... I guess you don't meditate... "

How would you know? I'll bet you do, tho' ... want some breadcrumbs?

"No matter how many people 'concentrate' on a single thought (yeah, like THAT's a possibility when y' consider how long just TWO people can hold the same thought), "

Yes, I do meditate, so I know it's possible to concentrate on a single thought.
no, thank you ... I don't eat bread.

Aww ... but it's gluten-free bread, too ... See? I KNEW you meditated ... you just have that 'je ne sais quoi' thing about you ... lemme know when you and your buds are gonna try movin' that mountain with (ahem) ... 'concentration' ... I'll wait ...

no photo
Tue 04/13/10 01:22 PM
In ordinary curcumstances, human beings are quite weak and fragile. But put in an extra-ordinary life-or-death situation, summons all of the physical and mental reserves, when people perform fits that are beyond of their usual capabilities. (I'm sure you must've heard of such cases..)

Now, imagine a great multitude of desperate people -- imagine how much more they could accomplish than a single desperate person???

donthatoneguy's photo
Tue 04/13/10 01:32 PM

In ordinary curcumstances, human beings are quite weak and fragile. But put in an extra-ordinary life-or-death situation, summons all of the physical and mental reserves, when people perform fits that are beyond of their usual capabilities. (I'm sure you must've heard of such cases..)

Now, imagine a great multitude of desperate people -- imagine how much more they could accomplish than a single desperate person???

I'm sure you mean "feats" and yes, I have heard of them and these feats are made possible by a chemical called adrenaline. Its kind of like a natural speed which just basically gives you this super boost of energy ... but only physically ... and you suffer for this. If you lift something far beyond your ability in a moment of desperation, you can and will tear muscle, break cartilage, splinter bone ... it all depends on what you're doing and how much your body can withstand. In that, this is by no means "magical" in any sense of the word.

no photo
Tue 04/13/10 02:28 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Tue 04/13/10 02:32 PM
In ordinary curcumstances, human beings are quite weak and fragile. But put in an extra-ordinary life-or-death situation, summons all of the physical and mental reserves, when people perform fits that are beyond of their usual capabilities. (I'm sure you must've heard of such cases..)

Now, imagine a great multitude of desperate people -- imagine how much more they could accomplish than a single desperate person???

Very few people are capable of lifting the car off the ground. Why? Because they believe they can't!

I personally have lifted a weight of 168 lbs above my head * * * because the hypnotist convinced me the bar was only 10 lbs!!! (I could lift the weight of 168 lbs because I believed I could lift 10 lbs). ***MIND OVER MATTER***
Our minds and Bodies work at the reduced capacity. Hell, we use only 10% of our brain's capacity -- a fact proven by scientists.
But, due to the comforts of social life, we got lazy and dislike straining ourselves. Unfortunately, such a lazy tendency tends to spread, and when the extream situation arrises, our minds automatically repeat: "you know you CAN'T do that.."!!!
Thankfully, the circimstances haven't forced my employing my full capacity. But I feel secure knowing I'm capable of much more than I usually realize I am!!!

We're the prisoners of our own preconcieved notions of what's possible. Seems like the ancient people have been clueless in that regard and, therefore, could exercise a greater freedom of capabilities. After all, that's what the Greate Pyramids Of Gizza (and other wonders of the Ancient world) are standing for -- THE POWER OF COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS!!!

redonkulous's photo
Tue 04/13/10 04:59 PM
Thank you, Ladylid2012, Jess642, and heavenlyboy34!!!

Unfortunately, the rest of you, guys, are too backward to comprehend!


no photo
Tue 04/13/10 05:09 PM
I beg your pardon, "Agrree with you" on what? ? ?

donthatoneguy's photo
Wed 04/14/10 08:46 AM
Ha! Well translated, Redonkulous.

djinn127iamme's photo
Wed 04/14/10 04:10 PM
to think that we have all reached the top of evolution is absurb. When you can look around and see things that our ancestors produced such as the pyramids and other wonders of enginering that we cannot duplicate today, how can you not help but feel that we have taken steps in a backwards advance. We have lost our powers of collectiveness, been conditioned to move away from one another. Our power is in our ability to connect, and when we can relearn what we have lost I believe we will be able to accomplish anything we can imagine from moving massive objects with a thought to changing the fabics of time. As long as we deny others we deny ourselves and we will never get past the limitations this way of being sets on us as a whole.

metalwing's photo
Wed 04/14/10 05:55 PM

This reminds me of the 'cellular memory' meme-family. The problem is, the label "collective consciousness" is not used with precision nor consistency.

Sometimes it is used in reference to real phenomena, and sometimes it is used in reference to complete BS, and many people don't discriminate between the separate uses of the umbrella term.

Its pretty clear to me that a sports team might perform better when they believe they will win, than when they believe they will lose. This has nothing to do with magic or the supernatural.

Bingo! Thank you for a moment of clarity in this otherwise turgid set of responses. 'Feel-good' is NOT science, but some people will eat whatever breadcrumbs of 'knowledge' the Man Behind The Curtain puts in their begging bowl.

No matter how many people 'concentrate' on a single thought (yeah, like THAT's a possibility when y' consider how long just TWO people can hold the same thought), it will NOT magically cause hurricanes, earthquakes, a plague of locusts, lightning from the sky, or the first-born of a particular belief system to die in their cribs. There's reality, and there's 'coincidence'. They're separate - and one is NOT causal of the other.

I guess you don't meditate....

Or stare at goats.

no photo
Wed 04/14/10 07:12 PM

Ha! Well translated, Redonkulous.

That was how I read it, too.

no photo
Wed 04/14/10 09:08 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Wed 04/14/10 09:14 PM
1. I was kinda appauled with the sinicizm of certain members. But for the sake of avoiding the useless exchange of insults, I used the plural form:
Unfortunately, the rest of you, guys, are too backward to comprehend!
-- without quoting specific members, or calling them "dumb"

2. However, I explicitely acknowledged those who gave the positive feedback.

3. As for the rest of you -- shy people, who waite to see the reaction of others before expressing (not to mantion just forming) their own opinion -- I apologise for including you in a bunch!

4. At the same time, I also recognize those who accepted the idea as natural (if not even obvious) and, therefore, expressed their agreement with silence! (that's the reason, I couldn't explicitely thank them, like those I mentioned) for the lack of disk space and limitations of memory. But, intuitively, they know who I'm referring to!!!

no photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:01 PM
Thanx, djinn127iamme, that's really BEAUTIFUL:
when we can relearn what we have lost I believe we will be able to accomplish anything we can imagine from moving massive objects with a thought to changing the fabics of time.

However, its a "bitter pill" to accept the idea of our civilization taking the wrong route -- as you put it:
When you look around and see things that our ancestors produced such as the pyramids and other wonders of enginering that we cannot duplicate today, how can you not help but feel that we have taken steps in a backwards advance?

I wouldn't call it "backwards". After all, all of the advances the modern humanity's accomplished on its own (i.e. without an "outside help", like our ancestors that must've been bestowed with the ability). Its just that they have been more powerful in the realm of "selective spirituality" -- a gift passed on from generation to generation only among the few "selected" (i.e. "gifted"} families of Masters, while the rest of the population has been subservant to those Masters (and their "close associates").
In time, (due to the lack of practice, or other "system failures") the Masters have lost the power, but mantained their status only by title -- the fact which servants have been quick to notice, giving birth to such ideas as Equality of Rights,.. Democracy! These advances afforded any sevant of becomming a Master (and vice-versa)...

*** However, the secret of Enchanced Mental Capacity has been lost forever!!! *** (probably concealed by Masters long ago -- for the sake of not falling into the hands of the "servants" -- that prevented the ability from being passed on..) And now, we'd have to rely on our own devices for rediscovering the secret!

You might be right regarding the essence of the secret might lie in the fact of our separatedness -- as you put it:
We have lost our powers of collectiveness, been conditioned to move away from one another


no photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:38 PM
Edited by misterwiggly on Fri 04/16/10 06:44 PM


am so glad my collective consciousness aint remotely anywhere near the man with the hundred monkeys on his coast to coast radio....perhaps the whole crankypants rambly ranty reality is to do with being related to a pigglywiggly???

**scratches head and raises eyebrow**spock

This is the Science and Philosophy forum ain't it but yet no-one here has ever read or apparently heard of "The Hundredth Monkey: And Other Paradigms of the Paranormal", published by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). Among the contributors are Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Paul Kurtz, Martin Gardner, and Philip J. Klass.

The book is divided into ten sections covering such topics as alien abduction and hypnosis, past life and hypnotic regression, miracles, firewalking, spontaneous human combustion, graphology, chiropractic, astrology, cold fusion, and crashed saucer claims.

Essays on the human need to believe, ways to encourage critical thinking, and how to evaluate anomalous experiences are especially helpful in arguing the case for a skeptical approach to life.

"The Hundredth Monkey" takes its title from philosopher Ron Amundson's expose of the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon", a claim about "collective consciousness" which appears to be the primary topic here.

YMMV, but I was referring to the OP as one whom appears to be listening to too much C to C radio.....

In time, (due to the lack of practice, or other "system failures") the Masters have lost the power, but mantained their status only by title -- the fact which servants have been quick to notice, giving birth to such ideas as Equality of Rights,.. Democracy! These advances afforded any sevant of becomming a Master (and vice-versa)...

Not certain exactly what country she is from, but thankfully here in the USA we don't live in a "democracy" it's a REPUBLIC....... ya know like,

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

and all this master, servant horse manure, sounds like someone's chesse has slid off their cracker to me.

Excuse me for saying so...


no photo
Sat 04/17/10 01:43 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sat 04/17/10 01:50 AM
I'm well aware of the fact that "working class" people hate the expression "Master/Servant". However, it's taken out of the intended context. I urge you go back and verify:
". After all, all of the advances the modern humanity's accomplished on its own (i.e. without an "outside help", like our ancestors that must've been bestowed with the ability). Its just that they have been more powerful in the realm of "selective spirituality" -- a gift passed on from generation to generation only among the "selected" few" (i.e. "gifted"} families of "Masters", while the rest of the population has been subservant to those "Masters" (and their "close associates").

As you can see, "Master" has nothing to do with the distribution of the material wealth (i.e. poor/rich), but with possession of the intellectual capacity!!! explode frustrated frustrated frustrated

My referrence to the "collective consciousness" is a pure coincidence, for I have't heard of the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon"! I used the term to describe a strictly Mental Power Phenomenon !!! slaphead
Apparently, you seem to be suffering from TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE LOL!!! Thus, you automatically assumed my plagiarizm, since I used the terms familiar to you.
Well, to my shame, I have to admite, I've never even heard of philosopher Ron Amundson's expose of the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon", (a claim about "collective consciousness"). Tharefore, you've erroneously assumed my post is about that "topic".

Thanx for the compliment, though!!!