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hells_angel07's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:36 PM
I really liek this guy, but he is married and has a kid, but we have
alreadly done something behind his wifes' back.. i don't know how to
explain what i felt when we were doing it... or how he felt.. i just
know that it felt so right, but after it felt so wrong, bec' he was
married, and has a kid.. we still talk every day when he gets the
chance.. we try to see each other to just kiss... i don't know what to
do.. or how to explain.. what do i do?

princessveronica's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:39 PM
i think she could move on with ur life

hells_angel07's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:42 PM
i could move on with my life or her?

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:44 PM
Hey hells_angel07,

I've been there, done that, and trust me, it never ever works out the
way you want it to. It may hurt now, but a clean break with no further
contact is best so you can move on with your life and find a guy who's
worthy of your love and devotion.

There is a site online called TOW (The Other Woman), I used to go there
a lot and read the stories the ladies have shared, some of them are
really heartbreaking. Check it out, it's definitely worth a read.

Hugs from SheNerd and the monkey :)

thedoctor's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:45 PM
question: what if you were the wife? next question: will he do the same
to you?

hells_angel07's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:45 PM
i can't not keep contact with him... he is my sisters bestfriends
husband.. and he lives a block away from em

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:46 PM
In that case I would try to minimize your time alone with him. Don't
spend time around him unless others are around.

hells_angel07's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:47 PM
i don't know what i would do if i was the wife.. bec' if he realyl
wanted another chick thier is something wrong in the realtionship that
is their.. or he is not getting what he wants...and i don't know... if
would do the same.. i've been hurt so much.. what alittle more pain
gonna do? kill me? hm that might be fun

thedoctor's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:50 PM
dyin' is not fun, trust me!

hells_angel07's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:53 PM
i know.. but heart has been beat up, torn apart.. torn to
pieces.. what more can i take???

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:54 PM

Generally, when you are single, being with a married man is a NO NO! The
9th commandment in the 10 Commandments explains.

You are very young, you have a lot of opportunities, the right guy will
come your way. Try to put your shoes in your man's wife's and you will
feel how it feels like. You need to learn more in life, and experience
teaches you whats good and whats not. Move on, gurl!

hells_angel07's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:56 PM
but before they ever got together he liked me.. but never amitted it
till now.. i don't know.. i don't want to move on.. i odn't want to do
anything.. i just want to sit and cry...

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:02 PM
You can only be responsible for yourself. You screwed up. Deal with it
and learn from it. Life isn't over and you will be just fine. Shenerd
had an excellent idea. Don't be with him alone. Regardless of his issues
at home he is dragging you into it. :heart: Here's a hug for you.
Nobody's perfect and life is a learning experience from cradle to grave
so look at this as just one chapter of your book. At my age my book is
thicker than War and Peace. sad

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:03 PM
And mine's a strong second.

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:03 PM
Then sit and cry. It's better than the option.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:05 PM
i think you should perhaps see someone to talk
with about your pain and the difficulty of your

it is not something anyone should have to go through
alone. get some help - really...and take your time!

SheNerd's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:06 PM
Slow, you are as wise as you are demented. Bubbles applauds and tosses
a banana at Slow.

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:06 PM
how about you realize he's a married man with children, and that you
will probably end up getting your heart broken, or you're breaking a
nother woman's heart.. don't be a home wrecker realize that you need and
deserve someone that you can be open with and everyone in the world can
realize it when you guys do fall in love ( sappy i know but whatever)
just realize he's married and no matter what that's the bottom line,
maybe you guys can have a relationship after he's divorced but i just
think it is to sketch to actually get with a married man

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:08 PM
Humm you say you have had your share of being hurt but then you put
yourself in a postion that is a no win situation. I have been the wife
and had it happen it is not so sweet from there view either. Sorry your
walking on glass just asking to be hurt and sad thing about it you will
not be the only one hurt. Put yourself in there place how would you feel
if another woman was sleeping with your man. Believe me what ever he is
telling you how he feels or what ever just remember he goes home to his
wife and says the exact same thing. And if and when she finds out about
you his words to her will be it don't mean a thing she does not matter I
love you. You should get out now for later it will hurt even worse for

hells_angel07's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:10 PM
okay.. you guys win.. i give will tell him that he needs
to ethier get on with his life and leave me alone or he needs to divorce
her... and be with someone else...

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