Topic: Congressional Staffers Complain About Double Standard in Hea
JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 03/26/10 12:54 AM

Does Obama have to buy from the pools as well???

noone HAS to buy from the pools, anyone with pre existing insurance can keep it anyone uninsured can choose PRIVATE or from the exchange...

I just love how convinced you are of

Are you also convinced that this bill is going to " bring down the deficit "???

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/26/10 12:58 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 03/26/10 12:59 AM

Does Obama have to buy from the pools as well???

noone HAS to buy from the pools, anyone with pre existing insurance can keep it anyone uninsured can choose PRIVATE or from the exchange...

I just love how convinced you are of

Are you also convinced that this bill is going to " bring down the deficit "???

no, but I am convinced that noone has come up with the SPECIFIC part of the bill that EXEMPTS congress or OBama from anything OR that anyone MUST participate in the exchange because it isnt there.........from

There's nothing in the health care bills that exempts Congress from the same requirements as regular citizens. However, some Republicans have attempted to pass amendments that would require members of Congress to drop their current coverage and force them to enroll in the public option. Republicans have said it would prove to the American people that the public option is a good thing. But Democrats have largely voted against these amendments, as we've reported previously .

But the chain e-mail doesn't address this. Instead, it says members of Congress have somehow exempted themselves from reform, which is not correct. Under the bill, the lawmakers would continue to receive the same insurance they get now, just as most Americans would.

Members of Congress are treated like any other citizens under the terms of the bill. We rate the chain e-mail's statement False.

the bill does not, or noone has shown, that it says anywhere that anyone must DROP their current coverage and choose the exchange instead....the exchange was created for those having trouble AFFORDING healthcare which wouldnt apply to a large majority of AMERICANS including politicians

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:06 AM

Does Obama have to buy from the pools as well???

noone HAS to buy from the pools, anyone with pre existing insurance can keep it anyone uninsured can choose PRIVATE or from the exchange...

I just love how convinced you are of

Are you also convinced that this bill is going to " bring down the deficit "???

no, but I am convinced that noone has come up with the SPECIFIC part of the bill that EXEMPTS congress or OBama from anything OR that anyone MUST participate in the exchange because it isnt there.........from

Oi vey.

What part of " buy insurance or pay fines to the IRS or possibly face jail time if those fines are not paid " makes it sound like they are leaving people a choice?? It doesn't matter whether it be from the pools or wherever it comes from.

What part of the bill SPECIFICALLY states that the IRS, if the person chooses not to buy insurance but also chooses not to pay the fines, will not prosecute that person for tax evasion?

Fantastic " choice " they are giving us isn't it??

Gee...I can't WAIT to see what their next idea for giving us " choices " is going to be.

Oh wait....Amnesty is next on the agenda. As soon as Obama gets done traveling around letting everyone know what a great bill it is that he just made into law. I wonder if they'll allow the American people to " choose " whether or not 20 million illegals are going to be given a free pass.

Funny how he needs to go around selling it AFTER he signed it. Might not actually be all that great, eh?

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:10 AM

Does Obama have to buy from the pools as well???

noone HAS to buy from the pools, anyone with pre existing insurance can keep it anyone uninsured can choose PRIVATE or from the exchange...

I just love how convinced you are of

Are you also convinced that this bill is going to " bring down the deficit "???

no, but I am convinced that noone has come up with the SPECIFIC part of the bill that EXEMPTS congress or OBama from anything OR that anyone MUST participate in the exchange because it isnt there.........from

Oi vey.

What part of " buy insurance or pay fines to the IRS or possibly face jail time if those fines are not paid " makes it sound like they are leaving people a choice?? It doesn't matter whether it be from the pools or wherever it comes from.

What part of the bill SPECIFICALLY states that the IRS, if the person chooses not to buy insurance but also chooses not to pay the fines, will not prosecute that person for tax evasion?

Fantastic " choice " they are giving us isn't it??

Gee...I can't WAIT to see what their next idea for giving us " choices " is going to be.

Oh wait....Amnesty is next on the agenda. As soon as Obama gets done traveling around letting everyone know what a great bill it is that he just made into law. I wonder if they'll allow the American people to " choose " whether or not 20 million illegals are going to be given a free pass.

Funny how he needs to go around selling it AFTER he signed it. Might not actually be all that great, eh?

Or, it could just be pretty historical and it may be necessary to now correct all the MISINFORMATION that has been spread concerning what is in the bill...

pay your tax or pay a fine or jail, is not a new or unique choice

as for amnesty,,, I certainly dont agree with it, but I expect noone , including a president to agree with everything I do

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:15 AM

Does Obama have to buy from the pools as well???

noone HAS to buy from the pools, anyone with pre existing insurance can keep it anyone uninsured can choose PRIVATE or from the exchange...

I just love how convinced you are of

Are you also convinced that this bill is going to " bring down the deficit "???

no, but I am convinced that noone has come up with the SPECIFIC part of the bill that EXEMPTS congress or OBama from anything OR that anyone MUST participate in the exchange because it isnt there.........from

Oi vey.

What part of " buy insurance or pay fines to the IRS or possibly face jail time if those fines are not paid " makes it sound like they are leaving people a choice?? It doesn't matter whether it be from the pools or wherever it comes from.

What part of the bill SPECIFICALLY states that the IRS, if the person chooses not to buy insurance but also chooses not to pay the fines, will not prosecute that person for tax evasion?

Fantastic " choice " they are giving us isn't it??

Gee...I can't WAIT to see what their next idea for giving us " choices " is going to be.

Oh wait....Amnesty is next on the agenda. As soon as Obama gets done traveling around letting everyone know what a great bill it is that he just made into law. I wonder if they'll allow the American people to " choose " whether or not 20 million illegals are going to be given a free pass.

Funny how he needs to go around selling it AFTER he signed it. Might not actually be all that great, eh?

Or, it could just be pretty historical and it may be necessary to now correct all the MISINFORMATION that has been spread concerning what is in the bill...

pay your tax or pay a fine or jail, is not a new or unique choice

as for amnesty,,, I certainly dont agree with it, but I expect noone , including a president to agree with everything I do

Nor do I.

BUT....I'm pretty sure amnesty will be passed ( if they hurry up and push it through like they did the health care debacle....I mean bill ) AGAINST the will of the majority of the American population.

They will just use the same slippery tactics as they did for this bill.

What they did with the health care bill set a TERRIBLE precedent. Especially for a group of Libs as arrogant as the ones currently in charge in the HoR.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:16 AM
pay your tax or pay a fine or jail, is not a new or unique choice

It's not a " new " choice.

But never before has that choice been attached to a MANDATORY purchase.

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 04/03/10 10:20 AM

Everyone relax, the courts will handle this.

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 04/03/10 10:29 AM

Here you can view what congress does and track Senators and Representatives.

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/03/10 11:46 AM
yes, everyone relax,, some will fight for their right NOT to be insured and have others cover the bill if they become ill or have an emergency,, and the court will decide how 'just' that would be or how just it would be to throw out ALL of a bill over the mandate ,,,a bill now giving access to healthcare to millions who didnt have it before

in the meantime,, its no big deal,, those who WROTE the law are the ones who wrote in a mandate to USE the law themself.....noone forced their hand on that one so I dont quite get why they now complain about it,,,shrugs

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 04/05/10 06:45 PM

yes, everyone relax,, some will fight for their right NOT to be insured and have others cover the bill if they become ill or have an emergency,, and the court will decide how 'just' that would be or how just it would be to throw out ALL of a bill over the mandate ,,,a bill now giving access to healthcare to millions who didnt have it before

in the meantime,, its no big deal,, those who WROTE the law are the ones who wrote in a mandate to USE the law themself.....noone forced their hand on that one so I dont quite get why they now complain about it,,,shrugs

Did you not read the article?

"But select congressional leadership staffers -- some of whom wrote the health insurance act -- won't. And neither will White House staffers and Cabinet members -- nor the president himself. They will be allowed to keep their current plans, which are offered to all other federal employees."

These bastards are as crooked as ever. People need to get over this mulato in the white house because he is not a great president by any means. congress acts just like SGT. Major or whatever his name is from Animal Farm!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 04/05/10 06:47 PM

Do as I say, not as I do! ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Not true at all but Bush did say that.

Provide the quote, source and link. Video of this alleged statement would be even better.

as would video of OBamas statement,, in context

Don't need the video, this bill is walking proof of it.

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/05/10 08:40 PM

Do as I say, not as I do! ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Not true at all but Bush did say that.

Provide the quote, source and link. Video of this alleged statement would be even better.

as would video of OBamas statement,, in context

Don't need the video, this bill is walking proof of it.

uhhuh,, because OBama wrote the whole bill and passed it alone,,,,interesting

interesting double standard that is

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 04/05/10 08:42 PM

Do as I say, not as I do! ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Not true at all but Bush did say that.

Provide the quote, source and link. Video of this alleged statement would be even better.

as would video of OBamas statement,, in context

Don't need the video, this bill is walking proof of it.

uhhuh,, because OBama wrote the whole bill and passed it alone,,,,interesting

interesting double standard that is

Last I checked....this was going to be a " great victory " for Obama.

I pointed out, SEVERAL times, that he had nothing to do with writing the bill...and you let me know that it was HIS idea and guidance that got it written.

Make up your mind, please.

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/05/10 08:44 PM

Does Obama have to buy from the pools as well???

according to the latest bill, the mandate to use the exchange is only imposed on congressional staff,, never applied to executive or judicial branches,,,so no

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/05/10 08:49 PM

Do as I say, not as I do! ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Not true at all but Bush did say that.

Provide the quote, source and link. Video of this alleged statement would be even better.

as would video of OBamas statement,, in context

Don't need the video, this bill is walking proof of it.

uhhuh,, because OBama wrote the whole bill and passed it alone,,,,interesting

interesting double standard that is

Last I checked....this was going to be a " great victory " for Obama.

I pointed out, SEVERAL times, that he had nothing to do with writing the bill...and you let me know that it was HIS idea and guidance that got it written.

Make up your mind, please.

he has a part in initiating the bill, yes,, that is part of his duties as president,, but he is not a dictator and therefore not in charge of writing the details of the bill. He had a select couple of provisions,,that insurance couldnt cut the ill or refuse the ill coverage, the rest of the details were up to congress and senate, So this bill would be a success for ANYONE that was supporting it obviously, or even supporting a good portion of it, that would include OBama. But since he did not say 'do as I say and not as I do' and he did not write the part of the bill or have anything to do with the things that lead to his 'exemption' it is a false accusation to state that he supported some type of double standard for himself. He didnt exclude himself from anything personally and he never said 'do as I do and not as I say'.

that was the original point.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 04/05/10 09:03 PM

Do as I say, not as I do! ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Not true at all but Bush did say that.

Provide the quote, source and link. Video of this alleged statement would be even better.

as would video of OBamas statement,, in context

Don't need the video, this bill is walking proof of it.

uhhuh,, because OBama wrote the whole bill and passed it alone,,,,interesting

interesting double standard that is

Last I checked....this was going to be a " great victory " for Obama.

I pointed out, SEVERAL times, that he had nothing to do with writing the bill...and you let me know that it was HIS idea and guidance that got it written.

Make up your mind, please.

he has a part in initiating the bill, yes,, that is part of his duties as president,, but he is not a dictator and therefore not in charge of writing the details of the bill. He had a select couple of provisions,,that insurance couldnt cut the ill or refuse the ill coverage, the rest of the details were up to congress and senate, So this bill would be a success for ANYONE that was supporting it obviously, or even supporting a good portion of it, that would include OBama. But since he did not say 'do as I say and not as I do' and he did not write the part of the bill or have anything to do with the things that lead to his 'exemption' it is a false accusation to state that he supported some type of double standard for himself. He didnt exclude himself from anything personally and he never said 'do as I do and not as I say'.

that was the original point.

Obama's not a dictator? laugh Anyways.

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/05/10 09:30 PM

Do as I say, not as I do! ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Not true at all but Bush did say that.

Provide the quote, source and link. Video of this alleged statement would be even better.

as would video of OBamas statement,, in context

Don't need the video, this bill is walking proof of it.

uhhuh,, because OBama wrote the whole bill and passed it alone,,,,interesting

interesting double standard that is

Last I checked....this was going to be a " great victory " for Obama.

I pointed out, SEVERAL times, that he had nothing to do with writing the bill...and you let me know that it was HIS idea and guidance that got it written.

Make up your mind, please.

he has a part in initiating the bill, yes,, that is part of his duties as president,, but he is not a dictator and therefore not in charge of writing the details of the bill. He had a select couple of provisions,,that insurance couldnt cut the ill or refuse the ill coverage, the rest of the details were up to congress and senate, So this bill would be a success for ANYONE that was supporting it obviously, or even supporting a good portion of it, that would include OBama. But since he did not say 'do as I say and not as I do' and he did not write the part of the bill or have anything to do with the things that lead to his 'exemption' it is a false accusation to state that he supported some type of double standard for himself. He didnt exclude himself from anything personally and he never said 'do as I do and not as I say'.

that was the original point.

Obama's not a dictator? laugh Anyways.

no more than Bush or any other president,,,he has a role that he fulfills,,,otherwise, EVERYTHING he tried would be successful because a true dicatator would not listen to anything else,,,

but the definitions in these threads of socialism and dictator are rarely based in actual logical definitions and usually just in extremist propogandaism

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/05/10 09:30 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 04/05/10 09:31 PM
double post

Lpdon's photo
Tue 04/06/10 11:08 AM

Do as I say, not as I do! ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Not true at all but Bush did say that.

Provide the quote, source and link. Video of this alleged statement would be even better.

as would video of OBamas statement,, in context

Don't need the video, this bill is walking proof of it.

uhhuh,, because OBama wrote the whole bill and passed it alone,,,,interesting

interesting double standard that is

Last I checked....this was going to be a " great victory " for Obama.

I pointed out, SEVERAL times, that he had nothing to do with writing the bill...and you let me know that it was HIS idea and guidance that got it written.

Make up your mind, please.

he has a part in initiating the bill, yes,, that is part of his duties as president,, but he is not a dictator and therefore not in charge of writing the details of the bill. He had a select couple of provisions,,that insurance couldnt cut the ill or refuse the ill coverage, the rest of the details were up to congress and senate, So this bill would be a success for ANYONE that was supporting it obviously, or even supporting a good portion of it, that would include OBama. But since he did not say 'do as I say and not as I do' and he did not write the part of the bill or have anything to do with the things that lead to his 'exemption' it is a false accusation to state that he supported some type of double standard for himself. He didnt exclude himself from anything personally and he never said 'do as I do and not as I say'.

that was the original point.

Obama's not a dictator? laugh Anyways.

no more than Bush or any other president,,,he has a role that he fulfills,,,otherwise, EVERYTHING he tried would be successful because a true dicatator would not listen to anything else,,,

but the definitions in these threads of socialism and dictator are rarely based in actual logical definitions and usually just in extremist propogandaism

Obama doesn't listen to everyone else, he does whatever the hell he wants no matter what the results.

Winx's photo
Tue 04/06/10 11:26 AM

Obama doesn't listen to everyone else, he does whatever the hell he wants no matter what the results.
That sounds like Bush, IMO.