Topic: Is Jesus God? | |
The God of the old testament was Elohim made of God the Father and the Logos. The Logos was the God walking and talking to the sons of God. This Logos later laid down his immortal life and became flesh being Christ. The Logos was God and with God in the Elohim. what fairytale book does this come from? Markum! For once I agree with you 100%. I would swear this was from the Book of Mormon, the one brand of Christianity that is the BIGGEST lie short of Scientology! The God of Jews is Jehova, The God of Christians is Yahweh, Supposedly the real God has no name. All Gods is is "I am." WTF? Why is the Bible written in Stereo? |
The God of the old testament was Elohim made of God the Father and the Logos. The Logos was the God walking and talking to the sons of God. This Logos later laid down his immortal life and became flesh being Christ. The Logos was God and with God in the Elohim. what fairytale book does this come from? This sounds to me like it's coming from the Qabalah, or Kabbalah, or Cabbalah. If so this is actually an ancient scheme of a mystical world created by Egyptian magicians (also attributed to having roots in ancient Babalonian). If so, it's actually a quite interesting picture of reality, but was grossly distorted when adopted by the Hewbrews and converted into a representation of they Yahweh (which originated as simply YHWH which actually origionally stood for Earth, Air, Fire and Water. It wasn't even the name of a God. In any case, Christians adopted this picture of life and even place Jesus at the center of it in the form of Tipereth. They were the ones who renamed it "Cabalah" (using a "C" for Christ) However, by the 1600's (the same time the King James Version of the Bible was constructed), the Christians finally rejected the Cabalah and banned it as a false notion that actually reflects a scheme of pagan magick based on Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In other words, even they recognized its true genesis. Of course, this may not be what CYCLOPS had in mind, but it sure sounds like concepts those ideas came from that same mythology to me. The Qabalah, Kabbalah, or Cabalah, are all based on this picture of the three great pillars of existence: Logos, Pathos, Ethos Elohim actually means, all, or everything, in a divine sense. It's actually a pantheistic view of spirit. The "Christians" who accepted Jesus as an incarnation of "god" or "Elohim" in this sense saw Jesus as the "Logos" incarnation of God. In other words, the spirit of the unvierse become manifest as a man. Of course, Jesus taught that we are all childern of the great spirit in this sense and hence "Ye are gods", in the very same way that he claimed to be "god". Jesus was most likely a pantheist highly educated in the teachings of the Buddha since he taught the very same message. |
It is from the KJ. Use your Strong's Concordance with dictionaries. I say this kindly, If you did not know that much, you are not fit to teach against or for a subjuct you do not begin to understand. I repeat, I say this with kindness and not being rude.
Peace! |
The God of the old testament was Elohim made of God the Father and the Logos. The Logos was the God walking and talking to the sons of God. This Logos later laid down his immortal life and became flesh being Christ. The Logos was God and with God in the Elohim. what fairytale book does this come from? Markum! For once I agree with you 100%. I would swear this was from the Book of Mormon, the one brand of Christianity that is the BIGGEST lie short of Scientology! The God of Jews is Jehova, The God of Christians is Yahweh, Supposedly the real God has no name. All Gods is is "I am." WTF? Why is the Bible written in Stereo? I am sorry but you error greatly! YHWH is Hebrew. It has no vowels written because the name was too Holy to speak. The same YHWH has been guessed at as both by both. Jesus had a Hebrew name and a Greek name. If you will look at his Greek name it is very close to the name of the Old Testament name of YHWH. So! The Jehovah is a close Englished version of the Hebrew for YHWH. Yahweh is far from being close. Look in your Strong's for proper pronuciation. |
Since the spirit here is as it is. I withdraw from discussion.
Peace! |
I am sorry but you error greatly! YHWH is Hebrew. It has no vowels written because the name was too Holy to speak. The same YHWH has been guessed at as both by both. Jesus had a Hebrew name and a Greek name. If you will look at his Greek name it is very close to the name of the Old Testament name of YHWH. So! The Jehovah is a close Englished version of the Hebrew for YHWH. Yahweh is far from being close. Look in your Strong's for proper pronuciation. I am sorry but you error greatly. YHWH has no vowels in it because it was originally just four symbols that represented Earth, Air, Fire, and Water from the previous magical traditions of earily magicians. Jesus is totally unimportant in this context as we're speaking about a time that occurred many thousands of years prior to when Jesus would have even lived. This was a time when written documentation was difficult to come by as only hand-written records exist from this period. There is no sense in putting blinders on to only view the King James version of the Bible. The King James Version wasn't even compiled until the 1600's. That is over a 1000 years after Jesus supposedly liv ed and died. The Cristian Cabalah had even been rejected by that time. So the King James Version of the Bible can't be trusted to genuinely reflect the true history of these mythologies since it was designed to purposefully omit, ignore, and refute anything that King James personally did not care to acknowledge. Therefore any referrence to the King James Bible as the authoritive word on anything is already in great error. This just displays a total ignorance and refusal to accept genuine history of other cultures and how it ultimately came to be twisted by the Hewbrews to become the foundation for something as biased as the King James Bible to emerge. No disrepsect intended. I'm only sharing this with the intent of kindness and enlightment of truth and there is no intent to be rude. ![]() |
The God of the old testament was Elohim made of God the Father and the Logos. The Logos was the God walking and talking to the sons of God. This Logos later laid down his immortal life and became flesh being Christ. The Logos was God and with God in the Elohim. what fairytale book does this come from? Markum! For once I agree with you 100%. I would swear this was from the Book of Mormon, the one brand of Christianity that is the BIGGEST lie short of Scientology! The God of Jews is Jehova, The God of Christians is Yahweh, Supposedly the real God has no name. All Gods is is "I am." WTF? Why is the Bible written in Stereo? I am sorry but you error greatly! YHWH is Hebrew. It has no vowels written because the name was too Holy to speak. The same YHWH has been guessed at as both by both. Jesus had a Hebrew name and a Greek name. If you will look at his Greek name it is very close to the name of the Old Testament name of YHWH. So! The Jehovah is a close Englished version of the Hebrew for YHWH. Yahweh is far from being close. Look in your Strong's for proper pronuciation. That is a very tall high horse you are riding my friend! First and foremost debate leads to understanding. Those that are partially familiar with any subject are allowed to make their mistakes and learn from them. It is all part of learning and growing. I was raised on the bible in a Lutheran Grade school. Please do not come off like some kind of scholar looking down your nose at the rest of us. You have no idea how educated I am or am not. The names cited are written that way in every bible I have ever seen. I do not read or speak Hebrew so I am sorry if my spelling is 'incorrect.' There is a chance I was having philosophical arguments about the hypocrisies in Christian doctrine vs. the scriptures LONG before you even had any grasp of what religion even is or knew about Strong's. As a 12 year old child I was asking questions that freaked out Catholic priests. In high school I actively got into it with Master Theologians in the Catholic church. As child I punished philosophers. Then I got to take Critical Reasoning in college and had a BRUTAL teacher. I missed an A- by 4 lousy points in his class. I earned the B+ in his class and he assured me I worked for it. it made me more dangerous to philosophers because I can find holes in almost any argument. That does not make me right or perfect. It is one thing to be right but to be arrogantly right is just snobbery! Heck, even I have my moments but will admit to them when caught. Just because you have facts in a debate does not mean you are right or will win. Proper debates end in some form of consensus. Again debate is part of a learning process. The deepest fact of all is that all religion is an illusion and a lie. Show me a man who is so perfect they can walk on water. Now I was clear in an earlier post on this thread I was not sure but it sounded like something particular to me. In that I am qualifying I am not exactly sure and if someone has the proper information then I am groovy with being corrected. Here is a question I would love to see your answer to Cyclopse... If God, Allah, Jehova, Yahweh... (Whatever!) is so damn powerful why is it I need to hear what God has to say though a prophet? PLEASE! What is so wrong with my hearing that God can't tell me for him, her, itself what to do in life? The fact is God is nothing like any of us will or ever will understand. Everyone has the right answer but all the right answers conflict one another. I love how the Mormon's claim their faith was based on Golden Plates the Nefi too back. To me the Bible is one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated. It was written by the Catholic Church based on Paraphrased scriptures so that the book fitted their ideals and not the fundamental ideals of Jesus Christ And Christ in Greek means KING. Bet you didn't think I knew that, did ya? If someone is going to shove the 'word of God' down my throat they had better have a phone line to God or else they are blowing smoke up all our azzes. I also love how people try to use that tired argument that we can't hear god. Only special people can. That alone is proof enough for me to deny the God we all are supposed to love. Again if God is so all powerful God can speak clearly for God's self. I have no idea what is really right but I know this, I am out to find out for myself and if God does appear on me God will know I intend to punch him her it in the nose. A false God will get hit and be surprised I did it. I could give a rat's azz less if that entity is really powerful enough to do bad things to me. I will NOT bow or kneel to ANY God including the supposedly "all powerful" God. If I am a child of God I intend to grow to be like God. And to think both Christians and Islamics would take my words as Heresy. So what! This is MY life and MY soul and NOT theirs! IN that alone I walk alone seeking the real truth outside of all the "belief" systems we have in front of us. There is too much for any one person to know. If you are a master Theologian groovy! I had one for a Philosophy teacher and I dropped his class. His mind was more narrow than a piece of string! And your final words are you are withdrawing from this discussion? My friend, you came to a gunfight with a knife. Abracadabra is one of the most literate people here when it comes to religion. Crossing paths with him is DANGEROUS making any assumptions around him. He is one of the greater minds here and I openly acknowledge that! We have crossed paths before on the boards. At least he can openly debate things in a formal manner bereft of "correcting" everyone for everything. Abracadabra! ![]() Don't think I am sucking up either, if I catch you making a slip I will call you on it as well. I just promise to so so in a manner fitting the debater. Just the same, ROCK ON! |
Edited by
Fri 05/21/10 03:52 PM
mathew 1:23 Jesus is called immanual, which meens God with us. 1 tim. 3:16 Paul said Jesus was God "manifested in the flesh Titus 2:13 Paul called Jesus "the great God" Phil. 2:5,6 Paul said Jesus didn't feel it was wrong to be considered "equal with God." John 10:30 Jesus said, "I and the father are one" this is in parable form. Because also keep in mind Jesus would pray to God. Jesus said "father forgive them for they know not what they do" So Jesus and God being one, but yet Jesus still prayed to God and talked to God as God was a different being shows that all of us are a part of God. However in verse 5 in all Christian bibles Paul exhorts the christians in Philipi(sp?) to have the same mind set as Jesus So the question is 'was Paul really telling the congregation there to believe themselves equal to God?' probably not |
Edited by
Fri 05/21/10 03:59 PM
![]() ![]() "Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God? Jesus Christ is most definitely God. He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, in his image. He is the Creator of the universe. The Bible says, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made” (John 1:3). This includes all the stars, all the original animals and plants, and even the angels (Colossians 1:15-17). It is important not be confused. God did not create Jesus. Jesus is God, and he has always existed..." OR "Meeting with the Twelve at Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked, “Whom say ye that I am?” Simon Peter, the chief Apostle answered, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:15–16). Peter later testified that Jesus “was foreordained before the foundation of the world” (1 Peter 1:20). He was “in the beginning with the Father, and [is] the Firstborn” (D&C 93:21)." But it begs to then question: If ya can't even decide who these people are then why are you pushing your faith down our throats? When you get bible study into the public schools which are you going to, I mean preach? Pffft. Not to uphold or belittle anyone elses interpretation,, but the beginning of John clearly talks about GOD. 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. I have never read in John that Jesus created the world or anything else. your number 1 is quoted that way in a lot of Bibles however the original Greek Koine says that 'in the begining was THE Logos, and THE Logos was toward THE Theos, and THE Logos was theos'(not THE Theos) |
All thoughts as to my additudes are purely of your own creation and not my nature. Due to your nature and others, I retire from discussion and comments.
Peace! |
The God of the old testament was Elohim made of God the Father and the Logos. The Logos was the God walking and talking to the sons of God. This Logos later laid down his immortal life and became flesh being Christ. The Logos was God and with God in the Elohim. what fairytale book does this come from? Markum! For once I agree with you 100%. I would swear this was from the Book of Mormon, the one brand of Christianity that is the BIGGEST lie short of Scientology! The God of Jews is Jehova, The God of Christians is Yahweh, Supposedly the real God has no name. All Gods is is "I am." WTF? Why is the Bible written in Stereo? I am sorry but you error greatly! YHWH is Hebrew. It has no vowels written because the name was too Holy to speak. The same YHWH has been guessed at as both by both. Jesus had a Hebrew name and a Greek name. If you will look at his Greek name it is very close to the name of the Old Testament name of YHWH. So! The Jehovah is a close Englished version of the Hebrew for YHWH. Yahweh is far from being close. Look in your Strong's for proper pronuciation. That is a very tall high horse you are riding my friend! First and foremost debate leads to understanding. Those that are partially familiar with any subject are allowed to make their mistakes and learn from them. It is all part of learning and growing. I was raised on the bible in a Lutheran Grade school. Please do not come off like some kind of scholar looking down your nose at the rest of us. You have no idea how educated I am or am not. The names cited are written that way in every bible I have ever seen. I do not read or speak Hebrew so I am sorry if my spelling is 'incorrect.' There is a chance I was having philosophical arguments about the hypocrisies in Christian doctrine vs. the scriptures LONG before you even had any grasp of what religion even is or knew about Strong's. As a 12 year old child I was asking questions that freaked out Catholic priests. In high school I actively got into it with Master Theologians in the Catholic church. As child I punished philosophers. Then I got to take Critical Reasoning in college and had a BRUTAL teacher. I missed an A- by 4 lousy points in his class. I earned the B+ in his class and he assured me I worked for it. it made me more dangerous to philosophers because I can find holes in almost any argument. That does not make me right or perfect. It is one thing to be right but to be arrogantly right is just snobbery! Heck, even I have my moments but will admit to them when caught. Just because you have facts in a debate does not mean you are right or will win. Proper debates end in some form of consensus. Again debate is part of a learning process. The deepest fact of all is that all religion is an illusion and a lie. Show me a man who is so perfect they can walk on water. Now I was clear in an earlier post on this thread I was not sure but it sounded like something particular to me. In that I am qualifying I am not exactly sure and if someone has the proper information then I am groovy with being corrected. Here is a question I would love to see your answer to Cyclopse... If God, Allah, Jehova, Yahweh... (Whatever!) is so damn powerful why is it I need to hear what God has to say though a prophet? PLEASE! What is so wrong with my hearing that God can't tell me for him, her, itself what to do in life? The fact is God is nothing like any of us will or ever will understand. Everyone has the right answer but all the right answers conflict one another. I love how the Mormon's claim their faith was based on Golden Plates the Nefi too back. To me the Bible is one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated. It was written by the Catholic Church based on Paraphrased scriptures so that the book fitted their ideals and not the fundamental ideals of Jesus Christ And Christ in Greek means KING. Bet you didn't think I knew that, did ya? If someone is going to shove the 'word of God' down my throat they had better have a phone line to God or else they are blowing smoke up all our azzes. I also love how people try to use that tired argument that we can't hear god. Only special people can. That alone is proof enough for me to deny the God we all are supposed to love. Again if God is so all powerful God can speak clearly for God's self. I have no idea what is really right but I know this, I am out to find out for myself and if God does appear on me God will know I intend to punch him her it in the nose. A false God will get hit and be surprised I did it. I could give a rat's azz less if that entity is really powerful enough to do bad things to me. I will NOT bow or kneel to ANY God including the supposedly "all powerful" God. If I am a child of God I intend to grow to be like God. And to think both Christians and Islamics would take my words as Heresy. So what! This is MY life and MY soul and NOT theirs! IN that alone I walk alone seeking the real truth outside of all the "belief" systems we have in front of us. There is too much for any one person to know. If you are a master Theologian groovy! I had one for a Philosophy teacher and I dropped his class. His mind was more narrow than a piece of string! And your final words are you are withdrawing from this discussion? My friend, you came to a gunfight with a knife. Abracadabra is one of the most literate people here when it comes to religion. Crossing paths with him is DANGEROUS making any assumptions around him. He is one of the greater minds here and I openly acknowledge that! We have crossed paths before on the boards. At least he can openly debate things in a formal manner bereft of "correcting" everyone for everything. Abracadabra! ![]() Don't think I am sucking up either, if I catch you making a slip I will call you on it as well. I just promise to so so in a manner fitting the debater. Just the same, ROCK ON! |
The God of the old testament was Elohim made of God the Father and the Logos. The Logos was the God walking and talking to the sons of God. This Logos later laid down his immortal life and became flesh being Christ. The Logos was God and with God in the Elohim. what fairytale book does this come from? Markum! For once I agree with you 100%. I would swear this was from the Book of Mormon, the one brand of Christianity that is the BIGGEST lie short of Scientology! The God of Jews is Jehova, The God of Christians is Yahweh, Supposedly the real God has no name. All Gods is is "I am." WTF? Why is the Bible written in Stereo? I am sorry but you error greatly! YHWH is Hebrew. It has no vowels written because the name was too Holy to speak. The same YHWH has been guessed at as both by both. Jesus had a Hebrew name and a Greek name. If you will look at his Greek name it is very close to the name of the Old Testament name of YHWH. So! The Jehovah is a close Englished version of the Hebrew for YHWH. Yahweh is far from being close. Look in your Strong's for proper pronuciation. That is a very tall high horse you are riding my friend! First and foremost debate leads to understanding. Those that are partially familiar with any subject are allowed to make their mistakes and learn from them. It is all part of learning and growing. I was raised on the bible in a Lutheran Grade school. Please do not come off like some kind of scholar looking down your nose at the rest of us. You have no idea how educated I am or am not. The names cited are written that way in every bible I have ever seen. I do not read or speak Hebrew so I am sorry if my spelling is 'incorrect.' There is a chance I was having philosophical arguments about the hypocrisies in Christian doctrine vs. the scriptures LONG before you even had any grasp of what religion even is or knew about Strong's. As a 12 year old child I was asking questions that freaked out Catholic priests. In high school I actively got into it with Master Theologians in the Catholic church. As child I punished philosophers. Then I got to take Critical Reasoning in college and had a BRUTAL teacher. I missed an A- by 4 lousy points in his class. I earned the B+ in his class and he assured me I worked for it. it made me more dangerous to philosophers because I can find holes in almost any argument. That does not make me right or perfect. It is one thing to be right but to be arrogantly right is just snobbery! Heck, even I have my moments but will admit to them when caught. Just because you have facts in a debate does not mean you are right or will win. Proper debates end in some form of consensus. Again debate is part of a learning process. The deepest fact of all is that all religion is an illusion and a lie. Show me a man who is so perfect they can walk on water. Now I was clear in an earlier post on this thread I was not sure but it sounded like something particular to me. In that I am qualifying I am not exactly sure and if someone has the proper information then I am groovy with being corrected. Here is a question I would love to see your answer to Cyclopse... If God, Allah, Jehova, Yahweh... (Whatever!) is so damn powerful why is it I need to hear what God has to say though a prophet? PLEASE! What is so wrong with my hearing that God can't tell me for him, her, itself what to do in life? The fact is God is nothing like any of us will or ever will understand. Everyone has the right answer but all the right answers conflict one another. I love how the Mormon's claim their faith was based on Golden Plates the Nefi too back. To me the Bible is one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated. It was written by the Catholic Church based on Paraphrased scriptures so that the book fitted their ideals and not the fundamental ideals of Jesus Christ And Christ in Greek means KING. Bet you didn't think I knew that, did ya? If someone is going to shove the 'word of God' down my throat they had better have a phone line to God or else they are blowing smoke up all our azzes. I also love how people try to use that tired argument that we can't hear god. Only special people can. That alone is proof enough for me to deny the God we all are supposed to love. Again if God is so all powerful God can speak clearly for God's self. I have no idea what is really right but I know this, I am out to find out for myself and if God does appear on me God will know I intend to punch him her it in the nose. A false God will get hit and be surprised I did it. I could give a rat's azz less if that entity is really powerful enough to do bad things to me. I will NOT bow or kneel to ANY God including the supposedly "all powerful" God. If I am a child of God I intend to grow to be like God. And to think both Christians and Islamics would take my words as Heresy. So what! This is MY life and MY soul and NOT theirs! IN that alone I walk alone seeking the real truth outside of all the "belief" systems we have in front of us. There is too much for any one person to know. If you are a master Theologian groovy! I had one for a Philosophy teacher and I dropped his class. His mind was more narrow than a piece of string! And your final words are you are withdrawing from this discussion? My friend, you came to a gunfight with a knife. Abracadabra is one of the most literate people here when it comes to religion. Crossing paths with him is DANGEROUS making any assumptions around him. He is one of the greater minds here and I openly acknowledge that! We have crossed paths before on the boards. At least he can openly debate things in a formal manner bereft of "correcting" everyone for everything. Abracadabra! ![]() Don't think I am sucking up either, if I catch you making a slip I will call you on it as well. I just promise to so so in a manner fitting the debater. Just the same, ROCK ON! I withdraw in obedience to scripture. Peace! |
Is Jesus God? Son of God only? Both / a part of God? Other? Christians list scriptures & beliefs Non-Christians reference your opinion own beliefs / religion scriptures. All - be respectful with any comments. (no personal attacks) Mods - please don't lock the thread, but monitor. Who is God? If you can't prove there is a God you certainly can't prove he had a son. So, I doubt it. |
All thoughts as to my additudes are purely of your own creation and not my nature. Due to your nature and others, I retire from discussion and comments. Peace! peace,,what a wonderful concept,,, peace |
As to I coming to a gunfight with a knife. Your assuming! I assure you I come with much more and enough to obey as commanded of God. Feel free to be of your father and I am to be of my Father with obedience.
Peace! Feel free to insult...I will take it gladly! (My finale post!) |
The God of the old testament was Elohim made of God the Father and the Logos. The Logos was the God walking and talking to the sons of God. This Logos later laid down his immortal life and became flesh being Christ. The Logos was God and with God in the Elohim. what fairytale book does this come from? Markum! For once I agree with you 100%. I would swear this was from the Book of Mormon, the one brand of Christianity that is the BIGGEST lie short of Scientology! The God of Jews is Jehova, The God of Christians is Yahweh, Supposedly the real God has no name. All Gods is is "I am." WTF? Why is the Bible written in Stereo? I am sorry but you error greatly! YHWH is Hebrew. It has no vowels written because the name was too Holy to speak. The same YHWH has been guessed at as both by both. Jesus had a Hebrew name and a Greek name. If you will look at his Greek name it is very close to the name of the Old Testament name of YHWH. So! The Jehovah is a close Englished version of the Hebrew for YHWH. Yahweh is far from being close. Look in your Strong's for proper pronuciation. That is a very tall high horse you are riding my friend! First and foremost debate leads to understanding. Those that are partially familiar with any subject are allowed to make their mistakes and learn from them. It is all part of learning and growing. I was raised on the bible in a Lutheran Grade school. Please do not come off like some kind of scholar looking down your nose at the rest of us. You have no idea how educated I am or am not. The names cited are written that way in every bible I have ever seen. I do not read or speak Hebrew so I am sorry if my spelling is 'incorrect.' There is a chance I was having philosophical arguments about the hypocrisies in Christian doctrine vs. the scriptures LONG before you even had any grasp of what religion even is or knew about Strong's. As a 12 year old child I was asking questions that freaked out Catholic priests. In high school I actively got into it with Master Theologians in the Catholic church. As child I punished philosophers. Then I got to take Critical Reasoning in college and had a BRUTAL teacher. I missed an A- by 4 lousy points in his class. I earned the B+ in his class and he assured me I worked for it. it made me more dangerous to philosophers because I can find holes in almost any argument. That does not make me right or perfect. It is one thing to be right but to be arrogantly right is just snobbery! Heck, even I have my moments but will admit to them when caught. Just because you have facts in a debate does not mean you are right or will win. Proper debates end in some form of consensus. Again debate is part of a learning process. The deepest fact of all is that all religion is an illusion and a lie. Show me a man who is so perfect they can walk on water. Now I was clear in an earlier post on this thread I was not sure but it sounded like something particular to me. In that I am qualifying I am not exactly sure and if someone has the proper information then I am groovy with being corrected. Here is a question I would love to see your answer to Cyclopse... If God, Allah, Jehova, Yahweh... (Whatever!) is so damn powerful why is it I need to hear what God has to say though a prophet? PLEASE! What is so wrong with my hearing that God can't tell me for him, her, itself what to do in life? The fact is God is nothing like any of us will or ever will understand. Everyone has the right answer but all the right answers conflict one another. I love how the Mormon's claim their faith was based on Golden Plates the Nefi too back. To me the Bible is one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated. It was written by the Catholic Church based on Paraphrased scriptures so that the book fitted their ideals and not the fundamental ideals of Jesus Christ And Christ in Greek means KING. Bet you didn't think I knew that, did ya? If someone is going to shove the 'word of God' down my throat they had better have a phone line to God or else they are blowing smoke up all our azzes. I also love how people try to use that tired argument that we can't hear god. Only special people can. That alone is proof enough for me to deny the God we all are supposed to love. Again if God is so all powerful God can speak clearly for God's self. I have no idea what is really right but I know this, I am out to find out for myself and if God does appear on me God will know I intend to punch him her it in the nose. A false God will get hit and be surprised I did it. I could give a rat's azz less if that entity is really powerful enough to do bad things to me. I will NOT bow or kneel to ANY God including the supposedly "all powerful" God. If I am a child of God I intend to grow to be like God. And to think both Christians and Islamics would take my words as Heresy. So what! This is MY life and MY soul and NOT theirs! IN that alone I walk alone seeking the real truth outside of all the "belief" systems we have in front of us. There is too much for any one person to know. If you are a master Theologian groovy! I had one for a Philosophy teacher and I dropped his class. His mind was more narrow than a piece of string! And your final words are you are withdrawing from this discussion? My friend, you came to a gunfight with a knife. Abracadabra is one of the most literate people here when it comes to religion. Crossing paths with him is DANGEROUS making any assumptions around him. He is one of the greater minds here and I openly acknowledge that! We have crossed paths before on the boards. At least he can openly debate things in a formal manner bereft of "correcting" everyone for everything. Abracadabra! ![]() Don't think I am sucking up either, if I catch you making a slip I will call you on it as well. I just promise to so so in a manner fitting the debater. Just the same, ROCK ON! I withdraw in obedience to scripture. Peace! What the Fuque????? That is worst than a cowards way of backing out. Now I can understand defending faith and beliefs but I was taught to question EVERYTHING! You get challenged and suddenly you are "obedient to scriptures?" Like, Oh My god! ![]() So is God all that or is he not? How is it when I ask a simple question people fold like a deck of cards! You came into this putting your feet in our mouths and now all you can do is back peddle on "obeying the scripture?" Dude, the least you can do is offer some explanation for your beliefs other than to correct us all and then suddenly "no speaky English." Again if god is so all powerful why is it he can't address me himself? |
As to I coming to a gunfight with a knife. Your assuming! I assure you I come with much more and enough to obey as commanded of God. Feel free to be of your father and I am to be of my Father with obedience. Peace! Feel free to insult...I will take it gladly! (My finale post!) OBEDIENCE? Man you were whipped into a corner well, weren't you? As Jesus said, do not speak of the mote in my eye when there is a log in yours. Your Catholic or Jehova's Witness are my two guesses! If you are the latter tread VERY carefully. There are Christians here with a low opinion of that faith. No problem with me. I turned my back on Christianity a long time ago. I don't look down on a person for needing to have faith. I just look down on ignorance and blind faith. Some people find their truths easy to find comfort in. I don't get comfort in blind faith. Approach is everything in a world of Apples and oranges. I have sat at tea with Hard Core Islamics and managed to compare and not only educate them but I was likewise educated by them. To simply fall back on obedience when an ideal is challenged is backwards and to me at least (again I am qualifying this as opinion right or wrong) and ignorant more than anything else. Is that all you got? There is more to life than Obedience. Man does not live on bread alone. Want to go over that ideal or is it too scary? |
Seriously though, if anyone thinks I am going overboard PLEASE tell me but if this is not the most passive aggressive thing I have seen on a forum yet I will stand on my head till my ears are turning red!
I seriously am trying hard to be civil yet damn! Cyclopes, please do not tell me you are Born Again! There are two flavors. One is not so bad. They are the ones who are looking back to the scriptures to find the answers they could not find otherwise. They can be questioned and argued with but in the end they are still just people like anyone else. I can get along with this flavor. My boss is BAC and we get along even with our philosophical differences. Then there are the ones like my father. Talking in tongues, blaming everything on Demon possession. Weekly exorcisms! I mean they make Jehova's Witnesses come off as normal. God don't be one of those! They are the WORST know it alls on the planet! Compared to them I am a effing saint! And that is saying a LOT! Seriously everyone, am I really being a bastard here or am I actually expressing myself passionately? I am not out to insult but I can sure see one tendered under a civil guise. That Ghandi crap will not phase me. All it will do is make me look deeper into you and believe me, I am the last person on this planet you want in your head. If you have a skeleton I will eventually find it. Do not mistake passion for insult. That is a bad mistake! One that can discredit anyone including me if i were to openly show such disdain for social intercourse. We already have a member who devolves to racism every time someone argues her belief system in politics. What you keep doing is just a soft version of the same tactic. I play intellectual "chew toy" with people like that. If I really wanted to insult you I could and do it in a way that would get right into the core of your soul. I don't want that because I am bigger than that. You don't want that because it is a shame to make an adult cry. The mods do not want that because then we degenerate into a scum site. The others here don't want that because it brings us all down and ruins a good thing. So please, if you choose to insinuate and toss innuendo around in brief one liners be ready for me to really dig into you. I hate that behavior and have my own ways of dealing with it. I have been learning to behave myself thanks to the mods here (Yeah I test the fence a lot but I still respect all of you a lot, your job is not easy and I know it!) and also thanks to the civility and intelligence shown by others I have seem more to this world than I have before. I would hope this can be a learning experience for you as well and that you can grow more as a person but by your remarks your growth has come to a halt! How can you even hope remotely to be involved a in a serious relationship if you act like you do here? If you are so unyielding here no real woman of substance will want to do anything with you. the best you can hope for is some messed up basket case for a relationship. If God didn't want us to ask questions why did he make us so smart and also give us Free Will? There is no perfect answer. That is the only real truth to God I can express. Seriously, I am not out to insult ANYONE! That is not respect, that is not civil, and that especially is not adult. Like I said, I am very passionate! I want to live life for living, not live my life for God! This is MY life and not God's. Let God live God's life. You know the one thing I would really love to do is learn how to walk in grace in such a effed up world! That is the highest pursuit of any religion! How about you???? |
Original Question, "Is Jesus God?"
No, God is Jesus. Try not to get the two confused. |
Seriously though, if anyone thinks I am going overboard PLEASE tell me but if this is not the most passive aggressive thing I have seen on a forum yet I will stand on my head till my ears are turning red! I seriously am trying hard to be civil yet damn! Cyclopes, please do not tell me you are Born Again! There are two flavors. One is not so bad. They are the ones who are looking back to the scriptures to find the answers they could not find otherwise. They can be questioned and argued with but in the end they are still just people like anyone else. I can get along with this flavor. My boss is BAC and we get along even with our philosophical differences. Then there are the ones like my father. Talking in tongues, blaming everything on Demon possession. Weekly exorcisms! I mean they make Jehova's Witnesses come off as normal. God don't be one of those! They are the WORST know it alls on the planet! Compared to them I am a effing saint! And that is saying a LOT! Seriously everyone, am I really being a bastard here or am I actually expressing myself passionately? I am not out to insult but I can sure see one tendered under a civil guise. That Ghandi crap will not phase me. All it will do is make me look deeper into you and believe me, I am the last person on this planet you want in your head. If you have a skeleton I will eventually find it. Do not mistake passion for insult. That is a bad mistake! One that can discredit anyone including me if i were to openly show such disdain for social intercourse. We already have a member who devolves to racism every time someone argues her belief system in politics. What you keep doing is just a soft version of the same tactic. I play intellectual "chew toy" with people like that. If I really wanted to insult you I could and do it in a way that would get right into the core of your soul. I don't want that because I am bigger than that. You don't want that because it is a shame to make an adult cry. The mods do not want that because then we degenerate into a scum site. The others here don't want that because it brings us all down and ruins a good thing. So please, if you choose to insinuate and toss innuendo around in brief one liners be ready for me to really dig into you. I hate that behavior and have my own ways of dealing with it. I have been learning to behave myself thanks to the mods here (Yeah I test the fence a lot but I still respect all of you a lot, your job is not easy and I know it!) and also thanks to the civility and intelligence shown by others I have seem more to this world than I have before. I would hope this can be a learning experience for you as well and that you can grow more as a person but by your remarks your growth has come to a halt! How can you even hope remotely to be involved a in a serious relationship if you act like you do here? If you are so unyielding here no real woman of substance will want to do anything with you. the best you can hope for is some messed up basket case for a relationship. If God didn't want us to ask questions why did he make us so smart and also give us Free Will? There is no perfect answer. That is the only real truth to God I can express. Seriously, I am not out to insult ANYONE! That is not respect, that is not civil, and that especially is not adult. Like I said, I am very passionate! I want to live life for living, not live my life for God! This is MY life and not God's. Let God live God's life. You know the one thing I would really love to do is learn how to walk in grace in such a effed up world! That is the highest pursuit of any religion! How about you???? For your sake, for an understanding of me. I am not Catholic or Jehovah Witness. I am not of any of the nominal churches. They have taken the Gospel of Truth and made it lies. These are those whom you speak of and may have hurt you. I am no part of them. I seek truth and knowledge with a pure intent for my better and only wish to help others in all ways. I am not "Born Again", that is a perverted teaching of the nominal who are teaching anitchrist, thinking they do God's work. Forgive them they are under the spirit of the great deceiver. Persons are not born into spirit until the coming return of Christ and the first resurrection. Only Christ was born as of yet, being the first born of many breathern. I am sorry for your opinion of me without knowing me. I can only assure you I am not that way. I seek to walk in peace with all, in truth and in the Kingdom to come. I will not continue here for it is not in the best interest of any. Now let me leave in peace and friendship, one man to all others with best wishes of life as they find it. Peace! Cyclops |