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Topic: Obama version of health reform expected Monday
JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 02/22/10 09:40 PM

I think he's going to bit slap the republicains . I read he was pounding the table when he was talking to the demos . he's really fighting for the program .

Yeah. He probably was. Because he KNOWS that this is his LAST chance to get it passed.

Notice that there is no public " option " in this version?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 02/22/10 09:42 PM

OBama, as is a presidents role, began this with a general guideline of things (four or five, I think) that he wanted reform to accomplish and then he handed it off to senate and congress as he was supposed to. At this point, I think it is wise for him to be a part of what is going on because there is such a split about the bill.

Clinton actually brought out a PLAN. It may have been seriously flawed....but at least he didn't just tell Congress..." Go do this because I say so. "

I am getting really tired of seeing all the Obama apologists make excuses for him.

And guess what...so are a whole lot of other people.

Winx's photo
Mon 02/22/10 09:56 PM

I think he's going to bit slap the republicains . I read he was pounding the table when he was talking to the demos . he's really fighting for the program .

Yeah. He probably was. Because he KNOWS that this is his LAST chance to get it passed.

Notice that there is no public " option " in this version?

Yes, I noticed that there was no public option.grumble

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/22/10 10:44 PM

we were losing 800,000 jobs a month when OBAMA came in, last month we lost 20,000. That is fairly significant progress in my eyes. It wont be totally fixed in a year,,we were DEEP in the hole and there is only so much that time allows when there are SO MANY things to work on.

losing jobs is losing jobs.. job loss is revenue loss for big government. The economy is not going to rebound while we are losing jobs. This idea of a jobless recovery is absurd and based on the usual artificial manipulation of the markets and currency..The same crap that got us into this financial mess in the first place.

He is wasting time on this healthcare nonsense. expand medicaid, payoff the states, and quit golfing with his big banking buddies..

get to work on REAL job creation..

Is that too much to ask for?

the issue is not just job creation....we cant go from losing 800000 jobs in a month to gaining jobs,,,it will take time

people with and without jobs get ill and need medical attention, my dad once told me that without our health we have nothing, all the material things in the world wont make up for it

so we have to prioritize, I think the presidents priorities are in the right place,,,, he is working to do something about the recession AND about long overdue healthcare,,,

what is he doing about the recession? they have been focused on healthcare since the summer. healthcare healthcare healthcare..

Do you realize that the changes proposed in his healthcare plan don't go fully in effect until 2014? Did you know that?

What the hell is that going to do for people that are unemployed now?

Not a damn thing..

All I can say is noone has a magic wand to fix the economic mess overnight. We should expect it to take time to be FULLY in effect. He has done several things to boost jobs and help the economy, but you would have to look those up for yourself.

You didn't answer my questions.. What is this healthcare bill going to do for people that are unemployed RIGHT NOW?

no bill will do anything for voters instantaneously,,not one. So the answer is, this bill, like any other, wont take affect RIGHT NOW but will take time to be completely implemented merely because of how many people and companies and laws it will involve.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 02/22/10 11:29 PM

we were losing 800,000 jobs a month when OBAMA came in, last month we lost 20,000. That is fairly significant progress in my eyes. It wont be totally fixed in a year,,we were DEEP in the hole and there is only so much that time allows when there are SO MANY things to work on.

losing jobs is losing jobs.. job loss is revenue loss for big government. The economy is not going to rebound while we are losing jobs. This idea of a jobless recovery is absurd and based on the usual artificial manipulation of the markets and currency..The same crap that got us into this financial mess in the first place.

He is wasting time on this healthcare nonsense. expand medicaid, payoff the states, and quit golfing with his big banking buddies..

get to work on REAL job creation..

Is that too much to ask for?

the issue is not just job creation....we cant go from losing 800000 jobs in a month to gaining jobs,,,it will take time

people with and without jobs get ill and need medical attention, my dad once told me that without our health we have nothing, all the material things in the world wont make up for it

so we have to prioritize, I think the presidents priorities are in the right place,,,, he is working to do something about the recession AND about long overdue healthcare,,,

what is he doing about the recession? they have been focused on healthcare since the summer. healthcare healthcare healthcare..

Do you realize that the changes proposed in his healthcare plan don't go fully in effect until 2014? Did you know that?

What the hell is that going to do for people that are unemployed now?

Not a damn thing..

All I can say is noone has a magic wand to fix the economic mess overnight. We should expect it to take time to be FULLY in effect. He has done several things to boost jobs and help the economy, but you would have to look those up for yourself.

You didn't answer my questions.. What is this healthcare bill going to do for people that are unemployed RIGHT NOW?

no bill will do anything for voters instantaneously,,not one. So the answer is, this bill, like any other, wont take affect RIGHT NOW but will take time to be completely implemented merely because of how many people and companies and laws it will involve.

Right. Saddle us with the taxes NOW....then have the benefit take effect AFTER he's long gone from office.

Excellent strategy.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 02/22/10 11:30 PM

I think he's going to bit slap the republicains . I read he was pounding the table when he was talking to the demos . he's really fighting for the program .

Yeah. He probably was. Because he KNOWS that this is his LAST chance to get it passed.

Notice that there is no public " option " in this version?

Yes, I noticed that there was no public option.grumble

yep. And it's a damn good thing too.

The LAST thing this country needs is more government control.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/22/10 11:48 PM
There are tax credits being created as well, so it balances out. We are losing fewer jobs, but complete recovery is not going to happen in a year. As I post daily, there is SO much work to be done in this country regarding education, healthcare, crime, the economy, homeland security,etc,,etc,,etc,,, there is NO way anyone would accomplish the whole list in one year.

It comes down to prioritizing and those who dont feel their priorities are being met will be expectably disappointed. I feel he is handling what he can and making progress in the areas that are important to me.I am glad he is tackling issues like healthcare, education, the economy, home foreclosures, credit lending, and the environment,,,,all things that I am affected by DIRECTLY everday.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 02/22/10 11:59 PM

There are tax credits being created as well, so it balances out. We are losing fewer jobs, but complete recovery is not going to happen in a year. As I post daily, there is SO much work to be done in this country regarding education, healthcare, crime, the economy, homeland security,etc,,etc,,etc,,, there is NO way anyone would accomplish the whole list in one year.

It comes down to prioritizing and those who dont feel their priorities are being met will be expectably disappointed. I feel he is handling what he can and making progress in the areas that are important to me.I am glad he is tackling issues like healthcare, education, the economy, home foreclosures, credit lending, and the environment,,,,all things that I am affected by DIRECTLY everday.

Yeah well..I think he has his " priorities " completely messed up.


Once people have JOBS....they can better AFFORD to buy health care.

Like someone said before. What, exactly, is this going to do for the millions who are out of work?

Right now, I SO want the whole health care debate to stop. I want the idea to crash and burn.

maybe THEN, they would start paying attention to the REAL problems in this country.

Of course, if they did that, then people might realize that having money, and having the government want to take more and more of it away from you isn't such a good idea and would stop voting for the liberals.

Can't have that now can we?

Gotta make sure they have some kind of handout from the government so that, even if they never work again, they can just let the government take care of them.

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/23/10 12:04 AM
there needs to be a stronger economic foundation to build jobs ON or else it will just collapse again.

As far as having more money taken from me,, personally, it hasnt been happening to me. I am not paying the government anymore today than I was before OBama.

As far as handouts,, I dont believe in them, however, I do believe that the money TAXPAYERS put in should be available as a resource for them when they hit rough patches.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 02/23/10 08:49 PM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Tue 02/23/10 08:52 PM

there needs to be a stronger economic foundation to build jobs ON or else it will just collapse again.

As far as having more money taken from me,, personally, it hasnt been happening to me. I am not paying the government anymore today than I was before OBama.

As far as handouts,, I dont believe in them, however, I do believe that the money TAXPAYERS put in should be available as a resource for them when they hit rough patches.

Then he needs to work on the foundation.

A Health Care takeover is NOT part of that foundation. Higher taxes to pay for the handouts are NOT part of the foundation.

Get the hell out of the way of small businesses. THAT is the foundation. Small businesses ( which make up that majority of employers in this country ) aren't hiring because they don't KNOW how much higher their taxes are going to be next year. They don't KNOW what kind of position they are going to be in. They don't KNOW whether or not they are going to be forced to provide health care that could very well drive them into bankruptcy if forced to do so.

THAT is why the foundation is weak. If small business owners actually KNEW what was coming, if they KNEW that they weren't going to have more of a burden placed on them, chances are they would start hiring people.

Your idea on the handouts for " taxpayers " when they hit a rough spot is all very nicely pie in the sky.

You know as well as I do ( even though the Liberals will NEVER admit it ) that the handouts go to those who have put the least into the system. The handouts will continue, for as long as the Liberals are allowed to do it, to go to those who have contributed the least in taxes and to society.

The fact is that it's beginning to look like Obama and the rest of the current administration doesn't really WANT to do anything to get people back to work. It's beginning to seem like they WANT people out of work so that they are forced to rely on the government.

I am certainly not seeing anything from the administration that would appear to give people any kind of incentive to succeed.

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