Topic: Man made global warming falling apart
Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:33 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It actually MIGHT have, in the relatively near future, BECOME optional if Obama hadn't decided to completely kill NASA's manned space flight program.

Gotta have more money for the banks....and Government Motors still isn't profitable. Don't forget all the handouts to the pathetic masses who NEED our Government to give them stuff they haven't worked to earn.

Some need to lay off the whitewash koolaid, for real!!!!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:33 PM

Man is just using it as an excuse to box us in even more and make money doin' it.

Not " man ". Liberals.

Plain and simple.

Not true.

There you go again.

No point in you actually saying anything with any substance since that argument seems to work so well for that little box you live in...lmao

Al Gore....Liberal.

Nancy Pelosi...Liberal.

How many Conservatives do you see screaming about how we're all gonna die if we don't allow government to control our lives???

Well since it isn't just liberal who say this, I had to state the truth.

There are conservatives who know we are poisoning ourselves to death and are probably profiting off it somehow. Don't play me for a fool, I am not conservative.

I don't have to play you for a fool. You do well enough on your own.

Granted, there may be conservatives out there who say we are poisoning the planet....but THEY aren't the ones that think taxing businesses and the population in general is a good idea.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:35 PM
did you know our bodies are made up of 18% carbon and basically H2O and that most of our oxygen comes from the ocean not trees or plants like most believe,anyway how did we evolve from sand like the bible states?

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:35 PM

Man is just using it as an excuse to box us in even more and make money doin' it.

Not " man ". Liberals.

Plain and simple.

Not true.

There you go again.

No point in you actually saying anything with any substance since that argument seems to work so well for that little box you live in...lmao

Al Gore....Liberal.

Nancy Pelosi...Liberal.

How many Conservatives do you see screaming about how we're all gonna die if we don't allow government to control our lives???

Well since it isn't just liberal who say this, I had to state the truth.

There are conservatives who know we are poisoning ourselves to death and are probably profiting off it somehow. Don't play me for a fool, I am not conservative.

I don't have to play you for a fool. You do well enough on your own.

Granted, there may be conservatives out there who say we are poisoning the planet....but THEY aren't the ones that think taxing businesses and the population in general is a good idea.

Not true.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:39 PM
also how come we can accept that in the past others have suffered from changes in the earths atmosphere but now we can't and have to blame us...hmmmm interesting

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:39 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Considering that every living thing expels waste and we are the worst of all living things in that department there is no way in hell that we are no affecting our environment for the worst.

How long it will take to do ourselves in is anyones guess but it will happen. Why not try to stop it from happening as fast if we know that we are wasteful poisoning creatures like we know we are.

So... basically all human beings are bad and harmful no matter what? I won't degrade myself by joining the insult line... but your view doesn't have a scientific basis behind it. Everything living in the world creates a waste product, yes. However, for every waste product that one living thing creates, another thrives on it. In that way things are restored to their original form, minus some extracted energy. And the sun is like a big energy pump, putting more energy in.

Therefore do I refute your argument of us doing the planet/ourselves in. I'm not saying that conservation is bad... waste not want not after all. However, I would rather debate a scientific view of this, rather than name calling each other and/or the human species and/or everything that is alive. So why don't we all drop the liberal/conservative biased comments and actually bring facts to the table?

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:43 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Considering that every living thing expels waste and we are the worst of all living things in that department there is no way in hell that we are no affecting our environment for the worst.

How long it will take to do ourselves in is anyones guess but it will happen. Why not try to stop it from happening as fast if we know that we are wasteful poisoning creatures like we know we are.

So... basically all human beings are bad and harmful no matter what? I won't degrade myself by joining the insult line... but your view doesn't have a scientific basis behind it. Everything living in the world creates a waste product, yes. However, for every waste product that one living thing creates, another thrives on it. In that way things are restored to their original form, minus some extracted energy. And the sun is like a big energy pump, putting more energy in.

Therefore do I refute your argument of us doing the planet/ourselves in. I'm not saying that conservation is bad... waste not want not after all. However, I would rather debate a scientific view of this, rather than name calling each other and/or the human species and/or everything that is alive. So why don't we all drop the liberal/conservative biased comments and actually bring facts to the table?

Facts are that for living organisms we put out more waste than our environmnent can recycle.

There is no way around it.

So me saying that we are wasteful creatures is considered an insult by you, that is your issue. It is the truth regardless.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:45 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Considering that every living thing expels waste and we are the worst of all living things in that department there is no way in hell that we are no affecting our environment for the worst.

How long it will take to do ourselves in is anyones guess but it will happen. Why not try to stop it from happening as fast if we know that we are wasteful poisoning creatures like we know we are.

So... basically all human beings are bad and harmful no matter what? I won't degrade myself by joining the insult line... but your view doesn't have a scientific basis behind it. Everything living in the world creates a waste product, yes. However, for every waste product that one living thing creates, another thrives on it. In that way things are restored to their original form, minus some extracted energy. And the sun is like a big energy pump, putting more energy in.

Therefore do I refute your argument of us doing the planet/ourselves in. I'm not saying that conservation is bad... waste not want not after all. However, I would rather debate a scientific view of this, rather than name calling each other and/or the human species and/or everything that is alive. So why don't we all drop the liberal/conservative biased comments and actually bring facts to the table?
i would believe that the turds of a dinosaur and piss would create more waste than a 100,000 humans i mean hell think about it i'm talking size of a red oak turd

InvictusV's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:47 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

haha... you condone lying and scheming to accomplish it?


Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:50 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Considering that every living thing expels waste and we are the worst of all living things in that department there is no way in hell that we are no affecting our environment for the worst.

How long it will take to do ourselves in is anyones guess but it will happen. Why not try to stop it from happening as fast if we know that we are wasteful poisoning creatures like we know we are.

So... basically all human beings are bad and harmful no matter what? I won't degrade myself by joining the insult line... but your view doesn't have a scientific basis behind it. Everything living in the world creates a waste product, yes. However, for every waste product that one living thing creates, another thrives on it. In that way things are restored to their original form, minus some extracted energy. And the sun is like a big energy pump, putting more energy in.

Therefore do I refute your argument of us doing the planet/ourselves in. I'm not saying that conservation is bad... waste not want not after all. However, I would rather debate a scientific view of this, rather than name calling each other and/or the human species and/or everything that is alive. So why don't we all drop the liberal/conservative biased comments and actually bring facts to the table?

Facts are that for living organisms we put out more waste than our environmnent can recycle.

There is no way around it.

So me saying that we are wasteful creatures is considered an insult by you, that is your issue. It is the truth regardless.

No evidence presented, taken as opinion only. After all, I did not contend that it was insulting, but that other living creatures recycle the waste products made by living creatures. Please do not define emotions I do not feel for me. I asked the question at the start last time in an effort to see if that was your stance.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 02:53 PM
another thing i really don't see anything wrong with being enviromentally safe but don't use scare tatics,really if our ozone layer goes and we fry well then so be it,this planet will look like mars or become venus it shouldn't shock us just look at the other 7 planets

Robm248's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:03 PM

another thing i really don't see anything wrong with being enviromentally safe but don't use scare tatics,really if our ozone layer goes and we fry well then so be it,this planet will look like mars or become venus it shouldn't shock us just look at the other 7 planets

Eh, the ozone layer is, according to the latest research, as it was tens of thousands of years ago. The other planets are as they are due more to their relative position to the sun (and likely basic composition as a result) than anything else.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:14 PM

another thing i really don't see anything wrong with being enviromentally safe but don't use scare tatics,really if our ozone layer goes and we fry well then so be it,this planet will look like mars or become venus it shouldn't shock us just look at the other 7 planets

Eh, the ozone layer is, according to the latest research, as it was tens of thousands of years ago. The other planets are as they are due more to their relative position to the sun (and likely basic composition as a result) than anything else.
yeah but who is to say that the earth isn't next to be a planet that can't have life i mean hell eventually it won't be so either it holds life for a billion more years or it could not hold life in the next 30 minutes this planet could become like one of the other 7, thats my point

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:19 PM
oh nevermind just before the earth ends liberals will blame the republicans and the republicans will say its the work of God

willing2's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:22 PM

oh nevermind just before the earth ends liberals will blame the republicans and the republicans will say its the work of God

What kind of odds you want the libs blame Bush for the Apocalypse?

willing2's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:26 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 02/14/10 03:27 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Considering that every living thing expels waste and we are the worst of all living things in that department there is no way in hell that we are not affecting our environment for the worst.

How long it will take to do ourselves in is anyones guess but it will happen. Why not try to stop it from happening as fast if we know that we are wasteful poisoning creatures like we know we are.

I have a suggestion if you wish to do your part to save the planet.

Take in a deep breath and do not exhale. You will not only not expel waste, CO2, you will make good compost for other living things.flowerforyou

Just a suggestion.smokin

Please, don't do it. I get such guffaws when I read you posts. I'd miss that.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:26 PM

oh nevermind just before the earth ends liberals will blame the republicans and the republicans will say its the work of God

What kind of odds you want the libs blame Bush for the Apocalypse?
to be honest as an atheist i think both are a joke

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:46 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It actually MIGHT have, in the relatively near future, BECOME optional if Obama hadn't decided to completely kill NASA's manned space flight program.

Gotta have more money for the banks....and Government Motors still isn't profitable. Don't forget all the handouts to the pathetic masses who NEED our Government to give them stuff they haven't worked to earn.

Some need to lay off the whitewash koolaid, for real!!!!

Are you denying that he cut funding for the manned space program to the point where it is no longer viable for NASA to proceed with it??

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 02/14/10 03:47 PM

oh nevermind just before the earth ends liberals will blame the republicans and the republicans will say its the work of God

What kind of odds you want the libs blame Bush for the Apocalypse?

Gimme two to one and I'll take that bet....lmao

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/14/10 04:04 PM

What is wrong with trying to keep the planet we need to survive clean and healthy?

I just cannot figure that out.

It is not even optional that we HAVE TO HAVE THIS PLANET TO SURVIVE so what is the problem with doing what we can to keep it healthy?

It just seems so stupid to fight against keeping the planet healthy!!!!

It's not that I don't want the planet to be healthy. It's that I'm against starving plants for no reason. Plants use CO2 to grow. Global warming people use bad science to make people think CO2 is bad. Basically, if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that it hurt the planet, I'd give it some consideration. However, as it is every argument made for global warming has no evidence that is not outweighed by evidence with better scientific backing! I don't know, maybe it's me... but I just don't feel like rewarding lies.

Considering that every living thing expels waste and we are the worst of all living things in that department there is no way in hell that we are no affecting our environment for the worst.

How long it will take to do ourselves in is anyones guess but it will happen. Why not try to stop it from happening as fast if we know that we are wasteful poisoning creatures like we know we are.

So... basically all human beings are bad and harmful no matter what? I won't degrade myself by joining the insult line... but your view doesn't have a scientific basis behind it. Everything living in the world creates a waste product, yes. However, for every waste product that one living thing creates, another thrives on it. In that way things are restored to their original form, minus some extracted energy. And the sun is like a big energy pump, putting more energy in.

Therefore do I refute your argument of us doing the planet/ourselves in. I'm not saying that conservation is bad... waste not want not after all. However, I would rather debate a scientific view of this, rather than name calling each other and/or the human species and/or everything that is alive. So why don't we all drop the liberal/conservative biased comments and actually bring facts to the table?

Facts are that for living organisms we put out more waste than our environmnent can recycle.

There is no way around it.

So me saying that we are wasteful creatures is considered an insult by you, that is your issue. It is the truth regardless.

No evidence presented, taken as opinion only. After all, I did not contend that it was insulting, but that other living creatures recycle the waste products made by living creatures. Please do not define emotions I do not feel for me. I asked the question at the start last time in an effort to see if that was your stance.

I don't need to prove it, it is already proven.

Emotions weren't part of it from me anyways so I don't know what the hell you are talking about.