Topic: Hypocrisy? | |
Does this show the hypocrisy of Christianity or not?
But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most? ~Mark Twain |
I pray for him everyday. In my opinion, he was the good guy the whole time.
I've always liked that quote!
Well, I think it would be for the same reason they don't pray for those in Hell. There is no helping them now. It's too late. It's like trying to revive a person who's been dead for a week. Just wasted effort.
Where does it say in the Christian faith there are lost causes? Sinners beyond saving?
I have no idea where it says it...I'm just repeating what I've been told from Christians. Once you're in Hell, there's no chance of redemption. You're not getting out. Your salvation is lost. If it wasn't, they wouldn't be so worried about dying without it.
Edited by
Mon 02/08/10 01:51 PM
We are talking about Satan and those already in Hell....dead humans, right? There is no such thing as a lost soul as long as they are still alive.
Edit: Although technically, Satan is not a dead human, but he has been cast into Hell. |
But why wouldn't a Christian try to save the most lost of souls? Satan is the most lost of all.
They could stop the whole evil thing and solve all the problems of humanity if they could save the devil. |
where did this thing called satan come from???
in the place it was lifted from, satan only refers to the ignorance of mind, or a human mind that does not know as much as what it need to know.... is man still so ignorant that it believes satan be nothing mroe than ignorance unadmitted, and divine nothing more than admitted ignorance, for in the same place divine was lifted from, god be called nothing more than most truth, which of course, anything that admit it's own ignorance, would become less ignorant, so then more as divine, and it certainly does not go without notice, that mit be only ignorance that knows less, that finds it hard to love, which this crazy little thing called god was said to be, lol.... no wonder human thinking can be convinced of many things less than beneficial, since the two descriptive terms made up by humans with less knowing than now, in previous days, used such terms defining less knowing and more knowing, and the fact that such has not yet been duly recognnized as simply the two alternating funtions of the human brain itself, shows just how primitive what think of itself as modern really be.... |
where did this thing called satan come from??? in the place it was lifted from, satan only refers to the ignorance of mind, or a human mind that does not know as much as what it need to know.... is man still so ignorant that it believes satan be nothing mroe than ignorance unadmitted, and divine nothing more than admitted ignorance, for in the same place divine was lifted from, god be called nothing more than most truth, which of course, anything that admit it's own ignorance, would become less ignorant, so then more as divine, and it certainly does not go without notice, that mit be only ignorance that knows less, that finds it hard to love, which this crazy little thing called god was said to be, lol.... no wonder human thinking can be convinced of many things less than beneficial, since the two descriptive terms made up by humans with less knowing than now, in previous days, used such terms defining less knowing and more knowing, and the fact that such has not yet been duly recognnized as simply the two alternating funtions of the human brain itself, shows just how primitive what think of itself as modern really be.... David, I agree, good to see you. |
But why wouldn't a Christian try to save the most lost of souls? Satan is the most lost of all. They could stop the whole evil thing and solve all the problems of humanity if they could save the devil. If there was always a way to get back to a state of grace then there would be no need for salvation. One has a choice up until the point of death. Then the judgement is made and the decision in final. Would you do CPR on someone who has been dead a week? No, because its final. Souls damned to hell have no hope. That's part of the torture of Hell. Its for eternity. |
But why wouldn't a Christian try to save the most lost of souls? Satan is the most lost of all. They could stop the whole evil thing and solve all the problems of humanity if they could save the devil. If there was always a way to get back to a state of grace then there would be no need for salvation. One has a choice up until the point of death. Then the judgement is made and the decision in final. Would you do CPR on someone who has been dead a week? No, because its final. Souls damned to hell have no hope. That's part of the torture of Hell. Its for eternity. LOL, okay but the devil is not a dead person. He is an angel so he lives forever so he is salvagable, right? |
But why wouldn't a Christian try to save the most lost of souls? Satan is the most lost of all. They could stop the whole evil thing and solve all the problems of humanity if they could save the devil. If there was always a way to get back to a state of grace then there would be no need for salvation. One has a choice up until the point of death. Then the judgement is made and the decision in final. Would you do CPR on someone who has been dead a week? No, because its final. Souls damned to hell have no hope. That's part of the torture of Hell. Its for eternity. LOL, okay but the devil is not a dead person. He is an angel so he lives forever so he is salvagable, right? Apparently he is not salvageable as he made his choice long ago. That is my understanding anyway. I don't believe in the Christian Satan so I never worried about praying for him. |
But why wouldn't a Christian try to save the most lost of souls? Satan is the most lost of all. They could stop the whole evil thing and solve all the problems of humanity if they could save the devil. If there was always a way to get back to a state of grace then there would be no need for salvation. One has a choice up until the point of death. Then the judgement is made and the decision in final. Would you do CPR on someone who has been dead a week? No, because its final. Souls damned to hell have no hope. That's part of the torture of Hell. Its for eternity. LOL, okay but the devil is not a dead person. He is an angel so he lives forever so he is salvagable, right? No Satan is not Salgable. Satan believes in God and all, he's from heaven, has spoke to God face to face. Satan was the most beautiful, most powerful angel. That is how he got where he is. Satan thinks he is more powerful and all the way around greater then God. Satan still believes this, other wise he would not tempt people to do evil things, he would start to do good things. So in a sence Satan would be savable if he was to turn his heart over to God. But that will not happen, for it has already been said Satan and everyone that followed after him will burn in the lake of fire. |
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Mon 02/08/10 03:23 PM
Does this show the hypocrisy of Christianity or not? But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most? ~Mark Twain how is this hypocrisy? We should pray for those that are lost in crime and in evil. Praying for the devil would be moreso useless though, as it says Devil, his minions, and those who followed after Satan will burn in the lake of fire. So praying for his salvation would be pretty much in vein. But nevertheless it is a great thing to pray for the lost one's eyes to be opened and to seak after God before time is up. |
Does this show the hypocrisy of Christianity or not? But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most? ~Mark Twain how is this hypocrisy? We should pray for those that are lost in crime and in evil. Praying for the devil would be moreso useless though, as it says Devil, his minions, and those who followed after Satan will burn in the lake of fire. So praying for his salvation would be pretty much in vein. But nevertheless it is a great thing to pray for the lost one's eyes to be opened and to seak after God before time is up. Sounds like Satan needs it more than anyone else. It would seem that would fix more problems too. Hypocrisy is obvious here. |
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Mon 02/08/10 03:37 PM
But why wouldn't a Christian try to save the most lost of souls? Satan is the most lost of all. They could stop the whole evil thing and solve all the problems of humanity if they could save the devil. Because God is pissed off at the traitors? (Just kidding.) ![]() Here is why: In order for a government to remain in power there must be an evil to overcome, or an evil to protect the innocent from. Satan plays that roll. He actually works for God in that respect. (Just like Osman Bin Laden was actually trained by the CIA and worked for them ~~ until the CIA double crossed him and murdered a bunch of his men. He didn't like that, so he did not go along with that and he did some things against his 'bosses.' (The ones in charge, the Bilderburg group.) So why do you suppose God has not found Satan and crushed him? Same reason we have not found Osama Bin Laden, and crushed him. He works for THEM. ![]() |
The fact of the matter is, satan is necessary to personify evil. Since God is the figurehead for "Good" than "Evil" needs a "Face" so to speak as well. Because without evil there is no good, and without good there is no evil. The universe is all about balance, it's how it works. If Lucifer had never turned on his creator, had he not fallen. There would be no good or evil, there would simply be "The way it is" it wouldn't have a name, an emotional response. It would just be. I don't know if that confuses anyone but It made sense to me. In order for good to exist so must evil. Satan/Lucifer are simply the portrait in which we paint the deeds. The same with God/YHVH/Jesus(Yeshua) whatever your beliefs. In order to justify morality and what we as humans define as good, there must be an evil to compare it to.
hell was only EVER called a place seperated from "god", and god was only called MOST TRUTH, so, if little johnny stand on the side of the road, and throws rocks at cars, and no one can convince little johnny how such would be least benefical to himself, and to other's, then little johnny has not yet been saved, from his own ignorance, or less knowing, so not able to admit his own error, or "less than best" way of doing things....
if little johnny hear "good enough" words, about how such could or would harm himself, and many other's, then what hath spoken to him was as god, or something that helped him do better, or the least likened unto satan, devil and satan being most simply that which encourage things that can or would or could harm self and many others.... if little johnny see how such is true, and duly admit such as better knowing, then little johnny was saved, by it's fellow friend and one that cared, from possible grif now and much grief in life.... so, in this way, all are saviour's, and voices of god, and many have been, or were, or continue to be, voices of satan, or devil, or less than best knowing.... if little johnny could not find within himself, to recognize how such action was not the most good, as indeed his own brain forewarned him in advance of the potential's of his deeds, then in this way, little johnny is not yet saved, or willing to admit his own lacking??? such things are happening at all times within the human spieces, god and satan as being breathed in and out as the breath come in and then out, just as ignorance and more knowing is constantly being created??? if the voice of most accurate reasoning of a individual brain, is not loud enough, or just known to listen to, as in saying, perhaps little johnny has not yet experienced such things as rock throwing at cars yet, then who is to blame, little johnny alone??? if the total blame is placed on little johnny alone, and not half of it on the voices of reasoning supposed to guide little johnny to better, then their is a holier than thou mentaility, and a denial of the power to persuade with good logic and reasoning unto something better, by the voices most imfluencing little johnny.... so in this way, all are each other's keeper's, as in helping each other, to see what be better, and most profitbale, not just for one, or some, but for all.... indeed, if we live in a place, where more than two exist, and such things are not practiced, then a breeakdown of civil and good for all would have to occur, and indeed, all can redily admit, many things are lacking to create nhappiness for ALL.... in these ways, satan and god are simply alternating actions daily, at all times, doing something or anything, then seeing how one could do it better next time, therefore changing it's mind, or using the old primitive word, repenting, just being seeing better and admmitting it within oneself, and to what else was involved in any given situation??? do not all brains, constantly tell "after" one do what it do, how it could be done better next time??? so, then what be god more than the human brain itself??? it is indeed a marvelous creation, no human having mastered the ability to create such itself??? the nefarious illusions created by better than thou thinker's, whom have interpreted the book called holy bible, are truly most what the book itself deemed as satan voices, as these voices speak with self pride, aimed at proving oneself more worthy, and more special, and as having some better relationship with a purported god than another.... what brain hath the most relationship with god??? simply the one that can easily and constantly admit what be better, for each word or deed itself commit.... how is such so complex, that great self proclaimed experts of definition of words be needed, to control or rule over self, to ensure self of what??? for what that speak, that cannot inspire self confidence, which be most understanding of self, which be most brain and body function, hath the best interest of another in it's own heart??? all things within the book are simply encoded primitive descriptions of basic human scientific motor functions, of the huamn brain and body.... such as these, have turned many simple things into complexities, most to convince itself be wise, so naturally, such will turn many things into defintions that prove to itself it has no ignorance??? or that itself has passed beyond any ignorance, but indeed, it is obvious such cannot be true, or this in itself declare one has ceased learning, and to cease learning, or seeing what is better each day, minute, and second, show most no new learning at all, most showing self ignorance is loved, so protected, for the fear of being shown to not know, and so deemed even as an asset.... such is most the total sum of perpetuated ignorance, for sheer lack of self pride, that cannot stand to admit how oneself could be in error, and such indeed is a heavy constant burden to bear, and create all inner ambition to make oneself hide it's own error's, which block the brain from seeing logically, that each step one takes is in fact supposed to show what can be better, veiling the fact that the only error that truly exist, or satan, or devil, is not willing to accept one's own less better way as not best.... |
But why wouldn't a Christian try to save the most lost of souls? Satan is the most lost of all. They could stop the whole evil thing and solve all the problems of humanity if they could save the devil. Because God is pissed off at the traitors? (Just kidding.) ![]() Here is why: In order for a government to remain in power there must be an evil to overcome, or an evil to protect the innocent from. Satan plays that roll. He actually works for God in that respect. (Just like Osman Bin Laden was actually trained by the CIA and worked for them ~~ until the CIA double crossed him and murdered a bunch of his men. He didn't like that, so he did not go along with that and he did some things against his 'bosses.' (The ones in charge, the Bilderburg group.) So why do you suppose God has not found Satan and crushed him? Same reason we have not found Osama Bin Laden, and crushed him. He works for THEM. ![]() Aw, it turns into a conspiracy. Love |