Topic: Danger At Work!!! | |
Earlier today, in my line of duty at work I was assulted by a child who was (along with her friend) knocking lumps out of another child. I heard the commotion and went to investigate, I found nearly the entire school baying like pack animals around the three fighting girls.
As a trained specialist (in restraint of children) I stepped in to break up the mob.The ringleader of the fight took offence to me touching her and struck me about four times while calling me some of THE most vile words I have ever heard from a teenager. If that was not enough, several members of staff just strolled on by and 'left me to it' another member (male) stood by and watched, I called to him to take one of the girls away, he shook his head. Now, I know for certain, he has the same training in restraint as I do, I am quite puzzled as to why he did not respond. Several of the older boys intervenevd (they were more gentleman than this male teacher) they also came forward and wrote statements of the event.As it was near the end of the day I will have to wait until Monay to know the results of the investigation and what actions (if any) will be taken by management. There is also film footage of the incident that is why the girls involved were easy to identify.I was advised to contact the police and report the matter, yet, there are others who are saying it is not wise to do so. Should a child be allowed to wrestle with a member of staff and get away with it? What would you do? |
![]() ![]() ![]() I have no words for this. I am unable to conceive of the fact that the adults left you to deal with this assault on your own. ![]() Why are they saying you should not report it to the police? |
I am nonconfrontational Bonnie... but I would definatly call the parents of this child and see if they are aware of the behavior of their child. Now these are teenagers you say... so in my oppinion, she if far old enough to be punnished yet I doubt that the parent will hear the full correct version of this event. Probably only their child's telling. I don't know Bonnie, If I had the balls, I WOULD call the authorities. You have an injured leg, and without the help from your fellow teachers, you were left to handle this my yourself. That not only wasn't good for you or right... it was disguisting in my oppinion and you must have been afraid...? I would have been, trained or not, ther were three of them against you! If nothing else, please file a complaint against the other three individuals who did nothing but shake their heads and walk away especially the man with no balls! File an official complaint and perhaps that might nake them be more cautious next time, more conciencious to at least step in and help their fellow teacher! Who said YOU had to be the one...? Or, did you just do as reflex and training has taought you? Most likely. If YOU hadn't jumped in, it is obvious the these other thre wouldn't have! How right is that? I don't blame you a single bit for being upset.. I am flabberghasted, myself and very sorry that you had zero support from your fellow workers. It is very sad to me....
![]() ![]() ![]() I have no words for this. I am unable to conceive of the fact that the adults left you to deal with this assault on your own. ![]() Why are they saying you should not report it to the police? I have no idea as to their reasons for me not reporting the matter to the police apart from they do not want the school's name to be dragged even further into the mud ( at my expense) This is not the first time I have been assulted either. The last time the head called the police in to escort the child involved off the premises, so what is the difference this time? The other child was a special needs child and has no concept of right from wrong, he has no cognitive or social skills and is locked in a world of his own. |
no, the girls in question should not be allowed to get physical with a member of the staff, no more than it would be suitable if the rolls were reversed.
i don't know the laws that govern this type of behavior in your country but, it seems to me that children everywhere are more likely to get away with this than an adult would.(rightfully so, in some cases) however, i feel as though these kinds of acts should be dealt with on a level that the child (student) can understand. at some point we all have to be taught that there are consequences to our actions. as a teen this individual (imo) is old enough to know better than to put a hand on anyone, much less an authority figure. i would say yes, involve the police...if nothing else, to protect your self. |
Geez Bonnie, lmao... I thought I was writing to YOU, not on the Forums! Gosh, I may have said a few thngs I may not have had I realized... I hope I have not offended anyone...
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report the child and the staff members
the child press charges for assault - give her something to think about next time she may want to raise her hand to another the staff member - for not performing his/her duties (assisting in breaking up the fight!!!) |
I will be taking the matter further. I will be take the matter to the head.Apparently a deputy head took another girl away from the scene, I did not see him nither did he come back!!
![]() ![]() I was not phased for one moment, just peed off that I was calling on my two way radio and no one responded. I was told later that my line manager was responding........... Strange, I did not hear her and she was right outside the GLASS doors leading into the corridor where it all took place./color] |
![]() ![]() ![]() I have no words for this. I am unable to conceive of the fact that the adults left you to deal with this assault on your own. ![]() Why are they saying you should not report it to the police? I have no idea as to their reasons for me not reporting the matter to the police apart from they do not want the school's name to be dragged even further into the mud ( at my expense) This is not the first time I have been assulted either. The last time the head called the police in to escort the child involved off the premises, so what is the difference this time? The other child was a special needs child and has no concept of right from wrong, he has no cognitive or social skills and is locked in a world of his own. In my opinion you need to report the girl who assaulted you to the police. I'm so sorry this happened to you. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 01/29/10 02:02 PM
Double post
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Fri 01/29/10 02:01 PM
It was a scene from 'Lord Of The Flies' Wow. Unreal. ![]() |
It was a scene from 'Lord Of The FliesK Wow. Unreal. ![]() It certainly was. Something needs to be done and soon before someone gets hurt very badly or killed. The last school I worked at had its own police post........... ![]() ![]() |
I did not realize until now that we both work in the same profession/environment however I'm getting the impression that you work in a school setting whereas I'm working in a private home w/ troubled youths.I am shocked & appalled by the fact that your co-workers failed to come to your aid & assist especially the male who is trained in restraint.Wow!Bonnie;( I'm sorry this happened to you.My initial thought is to press charges against the establishment & the child who assaulted you.However bear in mind that this action although justified & correct may carry consequences for example a black mark upon your record to be used against you in the future.U may want to consider sending resumes to other schools in the meantime if you choose to remain in this field.Despite the fact that I'm currently dealing w/ hour & benefits reduction I will say that myself & my co-workers have each others back when restraint is concerned or breaking up altercations.I have been assaulted twice so far & the second incident cost me 2 months of physical grief & loss of in-line skating.;( I'm afraid you'll have to weigh the checks & balances & make your final decision within a timely manner.Which ever you decide though I wish you the best Bonnie.Much Luv & Godspeed!Cy
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It certainly was. Something needs to be done and soon before someone gets hurt very badly or killed. The last school I worked at had its own police post........... ![]() ![]() This is one of the reasons I wish I could still be homeschooling my kids. |
Make a police report for assualt.
File a written report with your school. Talk to an attorney about a suit, for not keeping you safer. Esp. if the film shows staff. walking by & not assisting you. School is liable for your saftey. Any bruises should be photographed & you might want to be ck'd by a doc. all for your records. |
I will be taking the matter further. I will be take the matter to the head.Apparently a deputy head took another girl away from the scene, I did not see him nither did he come back!! ![]() ![]() I was not phased for one moment, just peed off that I was calling on my two way radio and no one responded. I was told later that my line manager was responding........... Strange, I did not hear her and she was right outside the GLASS doors leading into the corridor where it all took place./color] Sorry this happend.Are you ok??Report every one involved.To make sure that this does not happen again! Tuff shi## if they don't like it.You didn't like the way you were left either. Good Luck.. ![]() ![]() |
no, the girls in question should not be allowed to get physical with a member of the staff, no more than it would be suitable if the rolls were reversed. i don't know the laws that govern this type of behavior in your country but, it seems to me that children everywhere are more likely to get away with this than an adult would.(rightfully so, in some cases) however, i feel as though these kinds of acts should be dealt with on a level that the child (student) can understand. at some point we all have to be taught that there are consequences to our actions. as a teen this individual (imo) is old enough to know better than to put a hand on anyone, much less an authority figure. i would say yes, involve the police...if nothing else, to protect your self. I got the impression that this young woman felt it was wrong of me to stop the fight, where did she think she was, a ranch? Bearing in mind that the bell had rung signalling the end of the lunch break, they were intent on doing what they thought they had to do (a law unto themselves) So far this month ( and we have only been back at school for a little over four weeks) the children have broken the toilets ( so where are they going to go when the need arises?) destroyed every last one of the water fountains, taken the fire exit doors off, broken several double glazed windows......... The list is endless!! I will await the verdict on Monday, I have already informed my union. |
no, the girls in question should not be allowed to get physical with a member of the staff, no more than it would be suitable if the rolls were reversed. i don't know the laws that govern this type of behavior in your country but, it seems to me that children everywhere are more likely to get away with this than an adult would.(rightfully so, in some cases) however, i feel as though these kinds of acts should be dealt with on a level that the child (student) can understand. at some point we all have to be taught that there are consequences to our actions. as a teen this individual (imo) is old enough to know better than to put a hand on anyone, much less an authority figure. i would say yes, involve the police...if nothing else, to protect your self. I got the impression that this young woman felt it was wrong of me to stop the fight, where did she think she was, a ranch? Bearing in mind that the bell had rung signalling the end of the lunch break, they were intent on doing what they thought they had to do (a law unto themselves) So far this month ( and we have only been back at school for a little over four weeks) the children have broken the toilets ( so where are they going to go when the need arises?) destroyed every last one of the water fountains, taken the fire exit doors off, broken several double glazed windows......... The list is endless!! I will await the verdict on Monday, I have already informed my union. ahhhh to be young again... ![]() I'll tell you one thing, if i had acted this way in school my parents would have been made sure it only happened once. the faculty and the authorities would have been the least of my worries. |
I did not realize until now that we both work in the same profession/environment however I'm getting the impression that you work in a school setting whereas I'm working in a private home w/ troubled youths.I am shocked & appalled by the fact that your co-workers failed to come to your aid & assist especially the male who is trained in restraint.Wow!Bonnie;( I'm sorry this happened to you.My initial thought is to press charges against the establishment & the child who assaulted you.However bear in mind that this action although justified & correct may carry consequences for example a black mark upon your record to be used against you in the future.U may want to consider sending resumes to other schools in the meantime if you choose to remain in this field.Despite the fact that I'm currently dealing w/ hour & benefits reduction I will say that myself & my co-workers have each others back when restraint is concerned or breaking up altercations.I have been assaulted twice so far & the second incident cost me 2 months of physical grief & loss of in-line skating.;( I'm afraid you'll have to weigh the checks & balances & make your final decision within a timely manner.Which ever you decide though I wish you the best Bonnie.Much Luv & Godspeed!Cy ![]() ![]() Thank you Cy. ![]() One of my collegues told me that I have to make a stand for the future of all of us, to let it go would mean we have handed even MORE power over to the children ( they already have control of the school) we are a school in 'special measures' meaning we are not performing up to the standards set out by the government. We are being taken over by a private company September. The current head will lose her job, there is already a new head in place and most of the senior staff will not be employed when the new academy opens. Morale is low and adults are tired. We are tired of being sworn at, spat at and kicked, but all we can do is give detentions, and the children will tell you they will not be staying for detention because their parents would come to the school and 'knock you out' The children raise the bar every day, smoking cigarettes is now a minor crime, they have graduated to smoking hash and marijuana in full view of staff. |
Bonny, I have to ask: since you got kicked, did you file an injury/incident report? Also, did you make copies of the footage? (Are you even allowed to?) Is this a reform school, or an inner city school, or some other institute? I think it is appalling that other staff wouldn't help, especially the restraint-trained man with whom you work. I think I would look at the (employee) handbook to see what is acceptable and what your employer considers to be appropriate channels for complaints, and file complaints against the teens, the restraint-trained man, and the other staff members who walked by without assisting, within those guide-lines. Also, see if there are any kind of commendations or official appreciations that can be issued to the kids that did help.
It's a shame that they only teach the "Character Counts" program in the second grade, and then only in some schools. I think it should be mandatory from kindergarten through 12th grade. Maybe then some of these kids would have known that even just cheering at the fight is wrong. |