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Topic: religious extreemist members
Eljay's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:08 PM

I understand the question. why are people acting double sided, feeding both sides. I dont even know how people do it. I am on the side of doubt, I find it hard to believe that A supreme being creates faulty products (humans) and then blames them for being the way they are. truth be told, if you are a creator of anything, and there are flaws in your creation. the flaws in the creation REFLECT flaws in the creator. if there are flaws in the creator then the creator cannot be all powerful. so therefore, the idea of god is a flaw because It was made with the human Mind. God therefore didnt make humans, humans made God

You are quite correct. Good logical thinking. I hope you post often.

Actually - this is a prototype example of fallious logic, and makes no sense at all. The assumed premise here is that man is analigous to any and everything he creates - thus attempting to equate God to man. However, there isn't anything on this planet created by man that comes even CLOSE to the creation of man himself - therefore to attempt to equate God's creation of man, and man's creation of anything as somehow being analogious or equal - is at best laughable, and in the absolute - delusional.

You might want to reconsider the standard by which you qualify logic.

But you're ASSUMING (and we all know what that does- makes an A$$ out of Adam) that the person in question has started out thinking and/or believing that there is a supreme being. If they do not, then their conclusion is logical. Your logic is excellent an example of fallacious (yeah that's called spell check!) logic because you surmise that one MUST start out believing what YOU do. If there were a supreme being that did create humanity in it's image then it created us to be analogous to it- or as close as it could get us to be.
Take birth for example. "God" does not do this. We do- this supreme being is very scientific for it supposedly created the first humans. It may have created the souls of every human but it did not have any part in making any human after the first two. This is because of sex, all the components wherein conception is envolved and then birth. Heck, "God" created us to have sex- to make more of us- therefore becoming like it (as close as "God" could get without making more supreme beings like itself).

Actually - my spelling is flawless - it's my typing that sucks.

I didn't assume anything. I just took the reference to God to mean - well, a reference to God. It was the poster within the quote who made the determiniation that God was the supreme being creator.

And you are correct. Man does not create ANYTHING. There isn't a single thing on this entire planet that man has "created" - in the truest sense of the word. But is this a discussion about semantics - or logic?

I still contest that the statement "good logical thinking" has no truthful/acceptable premise to support it. and your post has not changed that conclusion.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:28 PM
ok....maybe I'm still missing something. I haven't read why someone religious (even extremists) shouldn't be on this site. It's not like this is a porn "adult" site. It's a way to get to know others....so where is the problem?

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:37 PM

ok....maybe I'm still missing something. I haven't read why someone religious (even extremists) shouldn't be on this site. It's not like this is a porn "adult" site. It's a way to get to know others....so where is the problem?

there are no religious extremists on here

now, on your knees and pray with me for forgiveness for using a cartoon avatar. Don't you know that is idolatry?

pray with me sister!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:39 PM

ok....maybe I'm still missing something. I haven't read why someone religious (even extremists) shouldn't be on this site. It's not like this is a porn "adult" site. It's a way to get to know others....so where is the problem?

there are no religious extremists on here

now, on your knees and pray with me for forgiveness for using a cartoon avatar. Don't you know that is idolatry?

pray with me sister!

shaddup Robin laugh

ok but let's say there are extremists...so what? how is coming on here a terrible thing?

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:43 PM
on these threads

extremist translates to "anyone who has a different belief system than me"

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:54 PM

on these threads

extremist translates to "anyone who has a different belief system than me"

so in other words....no one should be here huh?laugh

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