Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 10:49 AM

Yes, this healthcare plan is the Congress plan, Obama had three stipulations he wanted to make sure of and left the rest to the Congress and as usual, bipartisanship has caused them to keep stalling and regrouping. I think it will get passed, whatever party the Mass senator is he has to know the system needs a change. It will take them longer now to decide the details of the change, butI still believe it will happen.

As to OBama being one term, I do not know, he inherited alot and many people had high hopes but little patience(its like the obese woman who takes ten years to put on the weight and wants to see drastic results in one,,,). I am proud of him and even if he serves only one term, I hope he sets a precedent for future presidents to actually get in office and WORK, and work hard.

there's an old saying..." Never confuse activity with results "...all he ever does is " read " speeches...

Really, Id suggest a visit to to review all the things he has initiated and succeeded in accomplishing in his one year. Most of US work 23 days a month, or approximately 280 days a year.If you thought seriously about the average day of a president and HOW LONG congressional sesssions are, you would see that he has actually been VERY busy doing alot more than making speeches.

everything he's supposedly doing is governing against the will of the people...his policies are being rejected by the majority of Americans...his back room deals are typical Chicago...I should know...I live more thing...Obamas Senate seat will be won by a Republican...Mark Kirk...a moderate...but definitely somenone that can win state wide...Illinois is alot like took one year for Obama to ruin the Democratic Party...they're jumping ship like from this day forward they will be known as " democRATS "...

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 11:32 AM

Yes, this healthcare plan is the Congress plan, Obama had three stipulations he wanted to make sure of and left the rest to the Congress and as usual, bipartisanship has caused them to keep stalling and regrouping. I think it will get passed, whatever party the Mass senator is he has to know the system needs a change. It will take them longer now to decide the details of the change, butI still believe it will happen.

As to OBama being one term, I do not know, he inherited alot and many people had high hopes but little patience(its like the obese woman who takes ten years to put on the weight and wants to see drastic results in one,,,). I am proud of him and even if he serves only one term, I hope he sets a precedent for future presidents to actually get in office and WORK, and work hard.

there's an old saying..." Never confuse activity with results "...all he ever does is " read " speeches...

Really, Id suggest a visit to to review all the things he has initiated and succeeded in accomplishing in his one year. Most of US work 23 days a month, or approximately 280 days a year.If you thought seriously about the average day of a president and HOW LONG congressional sesssions are, you would see that he has actually been VERY busy doing alot more than making speeches.

everything he's supposedly doing is governing against the will of the people...his policies are being rejected by the majority of Americans...his back room deals are typical Chicago...I should know...I live more thing...Obamas Senate seat will be won by a Republican...Mark Kirk...a moderate...but definitely somenone that can win state wide...Illinois is alot like took one year for Obama to ruin the Democratic Party...they're jumping ship like from this day forward they will be known as " democRATS "...

alot of generalizations, none of them provable. Democrats largely still support OBama and the hard work he is doing in office. The way I learned in school a President is not a dictator(in spite of the image Bush gave) and has to work with congress and senate. All three have to push this country forward and when there are failures the responsibility falls upon all three, whatever political affiliation they hold.

Winx's photo
Sat 01/23/10 11:56 AM
Edited by Winx on Sat 01/23/10 11:57 AM
I heard Brown say that he was against the health care bill and was going to fight it. The next day he says this:

He's for health care for all now.


msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:05 PM
ITs really a large dysfunctional family,,,if you think about it.

We have democrats and republicans,, lets say, the mom and pop of our american family. Mom needs to always have the better idea than pop and pop needs to always have the better idea than mom. When things go right, both want to cite their part in it, and when things go wrong, both are quick to record the others part.

It would be nice if both parties would stop competing with each other long enough to look after the interests of everyone else.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:28 PM

ITs really a large dysfunctional family,,,if you think about it.

We have democrats and republicans,, lets say, the mom and pop of our american family. Mom needs to always have the better idea than pop and pop needs to always have the better idea than mom. When things go right, both want to cite their part in it, and when things go wrong, both are quick to record the others part.

It would be nice if both parties would stop competing with each other long enough to look after the interests of everyone else.'s really only a democRAT family if you think about it...the Republicans don't have enough votes to stop all honesty...NOTHING positive has been accomplished in the last year...

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:29 PM

ITs really a large dysfunctional family,,,if you think about it.

We have democrats and republicans,, lets say, the mom and pop of our american family. Mom needs to always have the better idea than pop and pop needs to always have the better idea than mom. When things go right, both want to cite their part in it, and when things go wrong, both are quick to record the others part.

It would be nice if both parties would stop competing with each other long enough to look after the interests of everyone else.'s really only a democRAT family if you think about it...the Republicans don't have enough votes to stop all honesty...NOTHING positive has been accomplished in the last year...

yeah, poor republicans, they have NOTHING to do with anything happening,,,,

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:33 PM

ITs really a large dysfunctional family,,,if you think about it.

We have democrats and republicans,, lets say, the mom and pop of our american family. Mom needs to always have the better idea than pop and pop needs to always have the better idea than mom. When things go right, both want to cite their part in it, and when things go wrong, both are quick to record the others part.

It would be nice if both parties would stop competing with each other long enough to look after the interests of everyone else.'s really only a democRAT family if you think about it...the Republicans don't have enough votes to stop all honesty...NOTHING positive has been accomplished in the last year...

yeah, poor republicans, they have NOTHING to do with anything happening,,,,

I agree...they don't have the votes to stop anything...but...that's all gonna change this November...

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:38 PM
lol,.,,,more fighting to be on top and leaving everyone else waiting for progress in the interm,,,smh

funny the double standard about power,, last I checked the President couldnt STOP anything either until it reached the end of the process,, a process held up by a repub/dem senate and congress...yet he sure gets plenty of the blame.

Be nice when they all become AMERICRATS and stop trying to point fingers at each other.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:53 PM

lol,.,,,more fighting to be on top and leaving everyone else waiting for progress in the interm,,,smh

funny the double standard about power,, last I checked the President couldnt STOP anything either until it reached the end of the process,, a process held up by a repub/dem senate and congress...yet he sure gets plenty of the blame.

Be nice when they all become AMERICRATS and stop trying to point fingers at each other.

his party runs both houses...they're connected at the least for another...283 days...that is...

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:08 PM

lol,.,,,more fighting to be on top and leaving everyone else waiting for progress in the interm,,,smh

funny the double standard about power,, last I checked the President couldnt STOP anything either until it reached the end of the process,, a process held up by a repub/dem senate and congress...yet he sure gets plenty of the blame.

Be nice when they all become AMERICRATS and stop trying to point fingers at each other.

his party runs both houses...they're connected at the least for another...283 days...that is...

thats odd, so if they are dictating everything, why arent ALL their ideas and propositions being pushed right on through?

Nope its a group effort, they have to work together , majority AND minority to accomplish anything and if they are too stuck on political ideology to just be HUMAN and work for the citizens,, it will not ever change regardless of who holds the presidential title.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:19 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/23/10 01:33 PM

lol,.,,,more fighting to be on top and leaving everyone else waiting for progress in the interm,,,smh

funny the double standard about power,, last I checked the President couldnt STOP anything either until it reached the end of the process,, a process held up by a repub/dem senate and congress...yet he sure gets plenty of the blame.

Be nice when they all become AMERICRATS and stop trying to point fingers at each other.

his party runs both houses...they're connected at the least for another...283 days...that is...

thats odd, so if they are dictating everything, why arent ALL their ideas and propositions being pushed right on through?

Nope its a group effort, they have to work together , majority AND minority to accomplish anything and if they are too stuck on political ideology to just be HUMAN and work for the citizens,, it will not ever change regardless of who holds the presidential title.

they can't get anything through because his policies are so unpopular...and...there's enough dems in congress to see that...thank God there not ALL Liberals like he for working together...Republicans will NOT give up their core beliefs nor should shows you how unpopular his ideas are...he can't get any Rep. a matter of fact...a majority of Americans agree with the Republicans...his healthcare plan is 35% for...60% against...

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:22 PM

lol,.,,,more fighting to be on top and leaving everyone else waiting for progress in the interm,,,smh

funny the double standard about power,, last I checked the President couldnt STOP anything either until it reached the end of the process,, a process held up by a repub/dem senate and congress...yet he sure gets plenty of the blame.

Be nice when they all become AMERICRATS and stop trying to point fingers at each other.

his party runs both houses...they're connected at the least for another...283 days...that is...

thats odd, so if they are dictating everything, why arent ALL their ideas and propositions being pushed right on through?

Nope its a group effort, they have to work together , majority AND minority to accomplish anything and if they are too stuck on political ideology to just be HUMAN and work for the citizens,, it will not ever change regardless of who holds the presidential title.

they can't get anything through because his policies are so unpopular...and...there's enough dems in congress to see that...thank God there not ALL Liberals like he for working together...Republicans will NOT give up their core beliefs nor should shows you have unpopular his ideas are...he can't get any Rep. a matter of fact...a majority of Americans agree with the Republicans...his healthcare plan is 35% for...60% against...

And so you know EVERY single policy or belief that the President has, and you know for a fact that the American people disagree with all the policies he puts forth? Well thats interesting, but I still feel he is the best candidate we had and I am still proud of him for pushing forward on SO MANY Issues (more than two hundred at last count) in the midst of so much dissention and division , in the congress , the senate, AND the country. I find him an amazing man and he is representative of amazing men regardless of political affiliation(not because of it).

Winx's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:26 PM

I heard Brown say that he was against the health care bill and was going to fight it. The next day he says this:

He's for health care for all now.


I'll repeat. lol

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:30 PM

I heard Brown say that he was against the health care bill and was going to fight it. The next day he says this:

He's for health care for all now.


I'll repeat. lol

IN the end, they are all people Winx. Some of us(urself included) realize this. Their personal intelligence, interests, or initiatives have about as much to do with their political label as it does with whether they have a penis.......but if they keep us divided with political labels, they will continue to hold their own power and plush lives.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:32 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 01/23/10 01:33 PM
the thing is that the Democrat taking over congress and the election of Obama was a rejection of the Republicans

the Democrats took it to be a mandate for their philosophy so thet started ramming all the pet Democrat projects down the throats of America

well, they didnt want that either so now they are rejecting the Democrats and electing Republicans

and the Republicans are doing the same thing. taking it as a mandate. so they are gonna screw it up too

none of em seem to understand that a rejection of one extremist view doen't equal support of another equally extremist view

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:38 PM

the thing is that the Democrat taking over congress and the election of Obama was a rejection of the Republicans

the Democrats took it to be a mandate for their philosophy so thet started ramming all the pet Democrat projects down the throats of America

well, they didnt want that either so now they are rejecting the Democrats and electing Republicans

and the Republicans are doing the same thing. taking it as a mandate. so they are gonna screw it up too

none of em seem to understand that a rejection of one extremist view doen't equal support of another equally extremist view

Well said,, what party was Gingrich who was so eager to SHUT DOWN things when he had a quibble with Clinton?

Seems both party have a fair share of egotistical my way or the highway brats....but hey, we elect them dont we?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/23/10 03:43 PM
That's why a third party scares the crap out of BOTH sides.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 04:32 PM

That's why a third party scares the crap out of BOTH sides.

Scares me too, just one more group to try and prove their way is THEE way and everyone elses sucks.

I would much rather eliminate the political labels altogether and just have sane rational INDIVIDUALS working together for the progress of this country.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 01/23/10 08:25 PM
one of playgirl's finest minds... laugh

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/23/10 09:04 PM
Playgirl,,,,lol,,,ok sure