Topic: I need you all right now, please!
DTHRomeo's photo
Sun 01/24/10 12:42 PM
Thoughts and prayers sent flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Sun 01/24/10 12:45 PM

Surgery is in 3 days....getting a little more scared as this day comes fast. slaphead


That is a very normal feeling. People get nervous before a surgery.

All of us are praying for you.flowerforyou

willing2's photo
Sun 01/24/10 12:58 PM
There's a plan for ya', Baby Girl. Go the way you are drawn to.

It's ok to cry those little eyes out and be scared. It's natural.

I'm certain your parents would rather have a live daughter.

no photo
Sun 01/24/10 12:59 PM

no photo
Sun 01/24/10 01:00 PM
You're in my thoughts & prayers....flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 01/24/10 01:14 PM
Sending prayers your way!It will be ok.
(Just Beleive)
flowers :angel: flowers :angel:

no photo
Sun 01/24/10 03:16 PM
Thoughts and prayers, try to stay positive.

Duffy's photo
Sun 01/24/10 03:22 PM
I am agreeing with Shasta.
From my experience with those that have had Melanoma, and this might not apply 2 U, they have a total body scan, MRI, looking for cancer hiding in different places besides removing the spot that shows up which should be removed.....

Sometimes cancer can be somewhere else in the body, and show up someplace else. It travels.

flowerforyou I am not the expert here, but read up on the subject, and you can always contact the American Cancer Society for information.
Maybe even a second opinion is required here.

Meg8771's photo
Sun 01/24/10 06:00 PM
You are in my thoughts and prayers, and if you need anything, let me know. I have faith that all will be well. Just keep your chin up and have faith. flowerforyou If you are running low, I have enough for both of us.

redhead44613's photo
Sun 01/24/10 11:04 PM

Also in my thoughts and prayers. But you should check on the diagnosis. According to the Wikipedia, a Spitz nevus is a benign tumor!

Wishing you only the best in your recovery!


Note that the rare recurrences may mimic metastatic malignant melanoma.

The Spitz nevus (also known as "spindle cell nevus") is a benign, acquired mole derived from melanocytes (pigment cells). In the past, this condition was a cause for concern because it often was confused with melanoma. Today, Spitz nevi are believed to be benign and are managed more conservatively. This type of nevus generally occurs in children and adolescents, most often on the face and head.

They're probably leaning on the side of caution. flowerforyou

This is true. My doctor told me it is very uncommon in adults (I am an adult according to him) in adults its melanoma till proven other wise. That is why he wants to do the surgery.

kc0003's photo
Mon 01/25/10 12:31 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

che_'s photo
Mon 01/25/10 12:44 AM
Edited by che_ on Mon 01/25/10 12:47 AM

As some of you know I have had a cancer scare, it is cancer.He called it Spitz Nevus or "Juvenile Melanoma" which means adults usually do not get this. In adults its Melanoma till proven other wise. So they are going to do a Lymphoscintigraphy which is a huge medical term for a picture lymph nodes, I will have to be injected with some dye to see which lymph they will need to remove. Then I will go to surgery to remove all of the Nevus, because its on my shoulder the skin is really tight so they will have to cut skin for a graph to cover the hole I will have so he can close it. Then with a small cut into my armpit to remove the lymph. The lymph then will cut into slices to be looked at. In about a week after that I will know if it spread or not. So the doctors office called an looks like this all will be done next weds the 27th. So please please keep me in your thoughts an prays, I can use all the extra help I can get at this time. Thank to everyone who has prayed, keep them coming. I love you all!!

Stay strong!
I do know someone that has cancer in her lymph glands and she has done so much better than she thought. I do know that there is a B vitamin that she gets from the internet, and this seems to help after her chemo.... but more than that I don't know.

flowerforyou God Bless Red. you are in my prayers...

redhead44613's photo
Wed 01/27/10 03:24 AM
Well today is the day. Please please keep me in your thoughts, its going to be a long, long day. I will get on here after surgery an when I get well enough to type lol.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/27/10 03:35 AM
May your doctors and nurses be guided with caring and skill
and your recovery be swift and complete!!


grammy09's photo
Wed 01/27/10 07:09 AM

As some of you know I have had a cancer scare, it is cancer.He called it Spitz Nevus or "Juvenile Melanoma" which means adults usually do not get this. In adults its Melanoma till proven other wise. So they are going to do a Lymphoscintigraphy which is a huge medical term for a picture lymph nodes, I will have to be injected with some dye to see which lymph they will need to remove. Then I will go to surgery to remove all of the Nevus, because its on my shoulder the skin is really tight so they will have to cut skin for a graph to cover the hole I will have so he can close it. Then with a small cut into my armpit to remove the lymph. The lymph then will cut into slices to be looked at. In about a week after that I will know if it spread or not. So the doctors office called an looks like this all will be done next weds the 27th. So please please keep me in your thoughts an prays, I can use all the extra help I can get at this time. Thank to everyone who has prayed, keep them coming. I love you all!!

my prayers have you in them im sending you a hug :smile: :heart:

god bless you

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 01/27/10 09:33 AM
I saw your post on Facebook and I'm sending all the positive thoughts I can today. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 01/27/10 09:43 AM
Positive and healing thoughts and energy to you.flowerforyou :heart:

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 01/27/10 11:35 AM
Stay positive sis, we have called in the prayer army, we are all with you.

no photo
Wed 01/27/10 05:56 PM

Stay positive sis, we have called in the prayer army, we are all with you.

Yes we are!drinks flowers flowers :angel:

redhead44613's photo
Thu 01/28/10 04:20 AM
Thank you everyone! Surgery went very well, they took the lymph node from my neck instead of my armpit. My neck don't hurt at all its my shoulder. But I got good painkillers lol. Its hard to move my right arm but I am trying to get more movement in it. When I take the painkillers I am not to stiff. My mom has to help me in the bathroom, I can't get my pants down lol. But all the RN's where very very nice and my doctor was very good, I have to go see him next week. He told us I had to see him not a nurse, they usually make you see a nurse but he wants to see me. He is the best doctor I have ever been to! I should be back up an moving better by tomorrow. Its going to be hard to do my hair lol. But I think if I keep moving my arm the muscles will loosen up more. They had to cut into my muscle so things and stiff. Once again thank you everyone for your support. Its just amazing to see how many people care about me, means a lot. Love you all so much! Thank you for being my friends! smooched :heart: