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Topic: Starting Over~~~
Redsoxfan1's photo
Mon 01/18/10 10:29 AM
It seems so hard for me to do that!!tongue2 I was married for 6 years, which I found to be a mistake!!slaphead After that, I had a wonderful relationship with a man who treated me like a woman should be treated!!smitten Unfortunately, he was taken from me after only 4 years!!tears I just don't know how I can start over!!what It has been 4 years since I had a 'serious' relationship!!surprised Anyone have any ideas??what

Redsoxfan1's photo
Mon 01/18/10 11:54 AM

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 01/18/10 11:57 AM
take your time. be happy with yourself. No need to rush into things flowerforyou

Redsoxfan1's photo
Mon 01/18/10 12:19 PM

take your time. be happy with yourself. No need to rush into things flowerforyou
I guess that's true, but I get lonely sometimes!!laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 01/18/10 12:20 PM
and that is natural IMO. It happens. maybe find friends and do something together when you get lonely?

Redsoxfan1's photo
Mon 01/18/10 12:25 PM

and that is natural IMO. It happens. maybe find friends and do something together when you get lonely?
I do that sometimes, just not always!!:heart:

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 07:41 PM
I'm kinda in the same boat. Just take it slow

Redsoxfan1's photo
Mon 01/18/10 07:43 PM

I'm kinda in the same boat. Just take it slow
Ok, Thanx!! I will!!:heart:

Rob_T's photo
Mon 01/18/10 07:52 PM
I hear what your sayin. Most of the time I'm happy just doing my own thing, but there are loney times when I really wish there was a woman I could be spending some time with.

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 08:14 PM
Edited by Rainfrogs68 on Mon 01/18/10 08:18 PM

It seems so hard for me to do that!!tongue2 I was married for 6 years, which I found to be a mistake!!slaphead After that, I had a wonderful relationship with a man who treated me like a woman should be treated!!smitten Unfortunately, he was taken from me after only 4 years!!tears I just don't know how I can start over!!what It has been 4 years since I had a 'serious' relationship!!surprised Anyone have any ideas??what

I think you're already doing it! You ARE on a dating website after all. lol It is hard I know I'm right there with you. I lost my first husband to Congestive Heart Failure after 16 yrs. of marriage and then the 2nd to uh, well, stupidity frustrated he went back to his exwife after 3 1/2 yrs of marriagenoway So, just trying to figure out what to do with myself now!

Redsoxfan1's photo
Mon 01/18/10 08:26 PM

It seems so hard for me to do that!!tongue2 I was married for 6 years, which I found to be a mistake!!slaphead After that, I had a wonderful relationship with a man who treated me like a woman should be treated!!smitten Unfortunately, he was taken from me after only 4 years!!tears I just don't know how I can start over!!what It has been 4 years since I had a 'serious' relationship!!surprised Anyone have any ideas??what

I think you're already doing it! You ARE on a dating website after all. lol It is hard I know I'm right there with you. I lost my first husband to Congestive Heart Failure after 16 yrs. of marriage and then the 2nd to uh, well, stupidity frustrated he went back to his exwife after 3 1/2 yrs of marriagenoway So, just trying to figure out what to do with myself now!

Good luck to you!!:heart:

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 09:40 PM

It seems so hard for me to do that!!tongue2 I was married for 6 years, which I found to be a mistake!!slaphead After that, I had a wonderful relationship with a man who treated me like a woman should be treated!!smitten Unfortunately, he was taken from me after only 4 years!!tears I just don't know how I can start over!!what It has been 4 years since I had a 'serious' relationship!!surprised Anyone have any ideas??what

I think you're already doing it! You ARE on a dating website after all. lol It is hard I know I'm right there with you. I lost my first husband to Congestive Heart Failure after 16 yrs. of marriage and then the 2nd to uh, well, stupidity frustrated he went back to his exwife after 3 1/2 yrs of marriagenoway So, just trying to figure out what to do with myself now!

Good luck to you!!:heart:

And also to you! :wink: Keep me posted if anyone comes up with any good ideas! lol I'm ALL ears!

CHutch's photo
Tue 01/19/10 04:09 AM
Different circumstances, but I share the sentiment its hard to start over. For me, 10 years of a marriage to someone I had little attraction to emotionally, mentally, or physically. So I was glad when it finally came to an end.

My problem is however..since I could not give my ex-wife what she needed, I'm worried I will be that way with whoever I might be with in the future, as I seem to feel very unable willing to share myself.

janeh's photo
Tue 01/19/10 04:28 AM
We can only be who we are, and not what someone else wants us to be. Offer what you have and if they can not accept that, then that is their issue, not yours. You will find that one that accepts you for you.

no photo
Wed 01/20/10 01:37 PM

take your time. be happy with yourself. No need to rush into things flowerforyou
I guess that's true, but I get lonely sometimes!!laugh

Get stalked by a sociopath sometime. That'll cure your fears of loneliness. Yea, I'd rather be lonely.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 01/20/10 06:45 PM
It's one thing when we were in the swing of things and dating all the time, it didn't seem that hard to get a date. Then we meet "the one" and fall in love and we either marry them or move-in together for 3 years or 5 or 20, then one day, it's gone, and you don't know or don't remember how to get a date and build a new relationship with a new person. I've been there before, and I'm back there again. We'll get through this, it may be tough, but we'll find them, they're waiting for us right

1. Mingle

2. Rinse

3. Repeat as necessary.laugh

Redsoxfan1's photo
Wed 01/20/10 07:00 PM

It's one thing when we were in the swing of things and dating all the time, it didn't seem that hard to get a date. Then we meet "the one" and fall in love and we either marry them or move-in together for 3 years or 5 or 20, then one day, it's gone, and you don't know or don't remember how to get a date and build a new relationship with a new person. I've been there before, and I'm back there again. We'll get through this, it may be tough, but we'll find them, they're waiting for us right

1. Mingle

2. Rinse

3. Repeat as necessary.laugh
laugh laugh I've been trying that!! Not working!!laugh laugh

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 01/20/10 07:22 PM

It's one thing when we were in the swing of things and dating all the time, it didn't seem that hard to get a date. Then we meet "the one" and fall in love and we either marry them or move-in together for 3 years or 5 or 20, then one day, it's gone, and you don't know or don't remember how to get a date and build a new relationship with a new person. I've been there before, and I'm back there again. We'll get through this, it may be tough, but we'll find them, they're waiting for us right

1. Mingle

2. Rinse

3. Repeat as necessary.laugh
laugh laugh I've been trying that!! Not working!!laugh laugh

I've heard from a few people I know, "Forget the bars, find them in the supermarket or at church."

I've tried that, repeatedly. I go to the store and it's a bunch of married moms, or silver foxes, or the occasional 19-22 year old buying soda and candy with their friends. No one my age who's single and looking ever shops at the supermarket I guess, they're never there. Maybe they get in and out so fast, I don't have time to see them there or perhaps they order out or drive-thru and never spend any time mingling in the supermarket. Church, well, same problem. Old people most of the time, and the ones that aren't are already married, or they just want to worship and they're not there to socialize. We need answers, people, answers!

Redsoxfan1's photo
Wed 01/20/10 08:00 PM

It's one thing when we were in the swing of things and dating all the time, it didn't seem that hard to get a date. Then we meet "the one" and fall in love and we either marry them or move-in together for 3 years or 5 or 20, then one day, it's gone, and you don't know or don't remember how to get a date and build a new relationship with a new person. I've been there before, and I'm back there again. We'll get through this, it may be tough, but we'll find them, they're waiting for us right

1. Mingle

2. Rinse

3. Repeat as necessary.laugh
laugh laugh I've been trying that!! Not working!!laugh laugh

I've heard from a few people I know, "Forget the bars, find them in the supermarket or at church."

I've tried that, repeatedly. I go to the store and it's a bunch of married moms, or silver foxes, or the occasional 19-22 year old buying soda and candy with their friends. No one my age who's single and looking ever shops at the supermarket I guess, they're never there. Maybe they get in and out so fast, I don't have time to see them there or perhaps they order out or drive-thru and never spend any time mingling in the supermarket. Church, well, same problem. Old people most of the time, and the ones that aren't are already married, or they just want to worship and they're not there to socialize. We need answers, people, answers!
Yea, that would be nice!!laugh

mssilverfox's photo
Wed 01/20/10 08:19 PM

It's one thing when we were in the swing of things and dating all the time, it didn't seem that hard to get a date. Then we meet "the one" and fall in love and we either marry them or move-in together for 3 years or 5 or 20, then one day, it's gone, and you don't know or don't remember how to get a date and build a new relationship with a new person. I've been there before, and I'm back there again. We'll get through this, it may be tough, but we'll find them, they're waiting for us right

1. Mingle

2. Rinse

3. Repeat as necessary.laugh
laugh laugh I've been trying that!! Not working!!laugh laugh

I've heard from a few people I know, "Forget the bars, find them in the supermarket or at church."

I've tried that, repeatedly. I go to the store and it's a bunch of married moms, or silver foxes, or the occasional 19-22 year old buying soda and candy with their friends. No one my age who's single and looking ever shops at the supermarket I guess, they're never there. Maybe they get in and out so fast, I don't have time to see them there or perhaps they order out or drive-thru and never spend any time mingling in the supermarket. Church, well, same problem. Old people most of the time, and the ones that aren't are already married, or they just want to worship and they're not there to socialize. We need answers, people, answers!

Watch how you talk about the "silver foxes". oops Some of us are out there looking too...biggrin

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