Topic: OK People I need your advice, so Rate Me
no photo
Sat 01/16/10 11:05 PM
A few pointers would be nice, so please don't be too harsh. The pic sucks but I'm working on that.rofl I'm sorry ya'll this little guy rocks!

Goofball73's photo
Sat 01/16/10 11:10 PM
Hello and welcome from a fellow Floridian. waving

Ok...go back and look at what you wrote, cause their were a few mispelled words in your profile. I also think maybe you can add more about who you are, and what kind of dude you wanna meet. Just avoid the old "cliches" that so many people put in profiles. You said you were working on the pics, and I always suggest having quite a few. Even some pics that aren't you, but are funny or are just pics that you like work, cause they can help someone who wants to email you (meaning they can ask you about a pic you have).

Anyways, welcome, check out the forums, and best of luck to ya.

Mayhem_J's photo
Sat 01/16/10 11:28 PM
Heres some good advice....

Cast off your taint...and become taintless!!

Jtevans's photo
Sun 01/17/10 12:39 AM
looks good to me flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 01/17/10 10:56 AM

waving waving waving waving waving waving



yellowrose10's photo
Sun 01/17/10 11:22 AM
I would add more about you and what you enjoy doing, as well as what you are looking for in someone. Also, more pictures.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 01/17/10 04:40 PM
"There has been man in my life for a while now (my choice), now I'm ready to test the waters."

Did you leave out a word there, hun?
Lovely picture.
Pleasant profile.

no photo
Sun 01/17/10 06:10 PM
ohh dear god... noway and think, you are the only one to notice or, have you been the only one to have the gull to say something. thank you

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/17/10 09:33 PM
Looks pretty good to me.

Like the others said..try adding a bit more about yourself.

If you are looking to " test the waters " the last thing you wanna do is have to throw a bunch of carp back into the water.

Updawg's photo
Sun 01/17/10 09:36 PM
photo is blurry, throws up a red flag

DaronLe's photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:05 AM
Work on the picture to bring your beauty out a little more..Other than that you seem real sweet..Good luck.