Topic: michael jackson and elvis presley
msharmony's photo
Tue 01/12/10 11:29 PM
I agree that MJ could have gone much further without the allegations waged against him, I do think it disrupted his health quite a bit.

As to whether he didnt have 'morals' , that is not something that has been proven to me based upon documented and PROVEN actions he has taken to help others all around the world and the demeanor and manners in which his children seem to have been brought up in.

The debate about morals of the two men would be another topic, but based upon TALENT, It is just my opinion that MJ had more of a range of talents and had them better 'perfected'.

Jtevans's photo
Tue 01/12/10 11:49 PM

They were BOTH over rated.

Even more so now after their deaths.


CatsLoveMe's photo
Tue 01/12/10 11:50 PM
Let me put this in perspective, let's just say some singer or entertainer you love who is still alive today, dies tomorrow. Will they have as much notoriety as Elvis or MJ? Probably not. I was sad when James Brown died, but as good as the Godfather was, he was no Elvis or MJ.

no photo
Tue 01/12/10 11:55 PM
Ray Charles

Had to say it...

Between the two, I would say Michael possessed more skill... regardless of whether or not you liked the music he was incredibly talented at what he did.

And I grew up on Elvis... but I have to say Michael possessed more talent.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 01/13/10 12:01 AM

Ray Charles

Had to say it...

Between the two, I would say Michael possessed more skill... regardless of whether or not you liked the music he was incredibly talented at what he did.

And I grew up on Elvis... but I have to say Michael possessed more talent.

Using a sports analogy, who has more talent Kobe Bryant or Lebron James? At this point, it's a real controversy. Sure, Kobe has more rings, but King James is just so damned fun to watch and the future is ahead of him as far as what he's capable of. Both are good ballers in different ways, just as Elvis and MJ were as singers and entertainers.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/13/10 12:16 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/13/10 12:17 AM

Let me put this in perspective, let's just say some singer or entertainer you love who is still alive today, dies tomorrow. Will they have as much notoriety as Elvis or MJ? Probably not. I was sad when James Brown died, but as good as the Godfather was, he was no Elvis or MJ.

I think its generational. MJs career spanned over several decades of his own life and was ever changing and evolving. I think Elvis got pinholed into the gyrating soulful white guy who sang the music the white kids of the time werent allowed to buy off black artists. He was something very new and he was gifted just as the beatles(although I never thought they were the talent that many other bands were). Sometimes the novelty of someones presentation gains them success and noteriety but if that presentation doesnt change with the times they become ,,,replaced. I dont think Elvis or MJ will ever be replaced but I think the test of time will see MJ as having influenced many more musical genres and interests than Elvis.

I like both artists though.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Wed 01/13/10 12:24 AM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Wed 01/13/10 12:25 AM
Not to mention MJ's music is more timeless and universal that Elvis' in my humble opinion.

My 80-something year old grand mother, my 60 year old mother, my 30-something year old sister, me at 20, and my little cousin at 7, ALL love MJ's music.

Black, white, asian and latino people love MJ's music.

American, European, Japanese, African, Caribbean, Australian people love MJ's music

Can you say the same about Elvis's music?

(also, I hear MJ holds the record for the man with the most world records... but I'm not able to confirm this, so take that with a grain of salt)

JasmineInglewood's photo
Wed 01/13/10 12:38 AM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Wed 01/13/10 12:40 AM

...'nuff said

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 01/13/10 01:00 AM

Let me put this in perspective, let's just say some singer or entertainer you love who is still alive today, dies tomorrow. Will they have as much notoriety as Elvis or MJ? Probably not. I was sad when James Brown died, but as good as the Godfather was, he was no Elvis or MJ.

I think its generational. MJs career spanned over several decades of his own life and was ever changing and evolving. I think Elvis got pinholed into the gyrating soulful white guy who sang the music the white kids of the time werent allowed to buy off black artists. He was something very new and he was gifted just as the beatles(although I never thought they were the talent that many other bands were). Sometimes the novelty of someones presentation gains them success and noteriety but if that presentation doesnt change with the times they become ,,,replaced. I dont think Elvis or MJ will ever be replaced but I think the test of time will see MJ as having influenced many more musical genres and interests than Elvis.

I like both artists though.

msharmony, you are right on the money as always. Thumbs up! :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:30 AM

well michael could sing, dance, write, produce, but I think the only instrument he played was his voice

Elvis could sing and write and he played the guitar

I think MJ had MORE talents and a longer career in which to hone them,as well as more of a love for what he did. Who knows what Elvis might have been if he had started younger and had a harder work ethic(instead of the drugs and booze).
they were both drug addicts but only one was a pedifile..

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:35 AM
They were both incredibly talented and tortured souls...:heart:

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/13/10 06:31 AM

well michael could sing, dance, write, produce, but I think the only instrument he played was his voice

Elvis could sing and write and he played the guitar

I think MJ had MORE talents and a longer career in which to hone them,as well as more of a love for what he did. Who knows what Elvis might have been if he had started younger and had a harder work ethic(instead of the drugs and booze).
they were both drug addicts but only one was a pedifile..

alleged ,,,and I was talking about non prescription drugs, but they both had addictions although MJs was medically initiated and not emotionally.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/13/10 06:31 AM

They were both incredibly talented and tortured souls...:heart:


TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/13/10 08:56 AM
Honestly I don't think it is fair to compare the two. They grew up in two different worlds. Elvis within his time did all the right things that others looked for in his earlier years as the down right wholesome boy...Sure in later years the drugs took over his life to keep him going trying to keep up with life as age started to settle in. Elvis talent was singing a bit of dancer in those days those moves made headline and paved the way for those like Michael to show their moves. He also was and actor as well as played guitar.

Michael started much younger he not only felt the music but he lived it for it was within his soul. And yet once again drugs played a role whether it was to keep him going or for what ever reason. Michael's downfall was when he was accused of molesting kids which we can all speculate on but will never know the real truth. Michael as far talent his was dancing and singing & song writing.

But to actually compare the two to me is just beyond the relm they were both great within their day....... And as one said both were tortured souls neither were truly happy where they were in the end........

This would be like throwing Dolly Parton in with the three the only thing she does not do is dance. But the women has the talent as far as acting, singing , writing & playing many instruments and she enjoys where she is in life worked hard for where she is and has given back to the people as well. So how fair would it be to add her. And how many would actually pick her since her life is not plastered all over the headlines?

Melvin20020's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:03 PM

Elvis was not world icon as MJ and Elvis did nothing for the world. When MJ died the world mourn him and the white house is going to make MJ day very soon.

RicanMamisita's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:14 PM
samething happened when Elvis died.

Was all over the news, magazines, t.v etc.

Not to mention graceland!

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/13/10 06:57 PM

Elvis was not world icon as MJ and Elvis did nothing for the world. When MJ died the world mourn him and the white house is going to make MJ day very soon.

Elvis was way before your time you were not even born before his death. Elvis was and still is and icon through out.

Graceland & his memory still lives on 33 years later.....

Both were legends of their own time to take away from another or to compare the two is ludicrous.

Ohh by the way Elvis already has his day matter of fact in Memphis he has his whole week streets ect...

That still does not make one better then the other or less.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Thu 01/14/10 02:00 PM

well michael could sing, dance, write, produce, but I think the only instrument he played was his voice

Elvis could sing and write and he played the guitar

I think MJ had MORE talents and a longer career in which to hone them,as well as more of a love for what he did. Who knows what Elvis might have been if he had started younger and had a harder work ethic(instead of the drugs and booze).
they were both drug addicts but only one was a pedifile..

I assume you meant Elvis, as he fell in love with a 14 year old girl.

MJ was acquitted by a jury of American citizens despite a very hostile media climate against him, and was proven to be a victim of false allegations for profit.

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 01/14/10 02:04 PM
offtopic I love David Bowie! offtopic

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/14/10 02:10 PM

well michael could sing, dance, write, produce, but I think the only instrument he played was his voice

Elvis could sing and write and he played the guitar

I think MJ had MORE talents and a longer career in which to hone them,as well as more of a love for what he did. Who knows what Elvis might have been if he had started younger and had a harder work ethic(instead of the drugs and booze).
they were both drug addicts but only one was a pedifile..

I assume you meant Elvis, as he fell in love with a 14 year old girl.

MJ was acquitted by a jury of American citizens despite a very hostile media climate against him, and was proven to be a victim of false allegations for profit.

I jumped for joy that day,, but I still think just the ACCUSATION tends to ruin peoples lives, celebrity or not. I think those who make the false accusation should be scorned and prosecuted to the full extent of the law and civil suits should be brought to recover the livelihood of those who were acccused,,,