Topic: Faith in humankind..POLITICAL APOLOGIES?
msharmony's photo
Sun 01/10/10 10:36 AM
This is a refreshing story I read today about an apology from a politician. It is so rare to hear ANYONE apologize these days let alone anyone in position of power,,,,makes me want to exhale..sigh

Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama accepted Senator Harry Reid’s apology for calling him “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” in private conversations during the 2008 campaign.

Obama, in a statement, said he received a phone call from the Senate majority leader, and that while Reid’s comments were “unfortunate,” he accepted the apology “without question.”

“I’ve seen the passionate leadership he’s shown on issues of social justice and I know what’s in his heart,” Obama said yesterday. “As far as I am concerned, the book is closed.”

Reid, 70, also issued a statement calling the remarks “improper” and a “poor choice of words,” apologizing “for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans.”

“I was a proud and enthusiastic supporter of Barack Obama during the campaign and have worked as hard as I can to advance President Obama’s legislative agenda,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said yesterday. “Throughout my career, from efforts to integrate the Las Vegas strip and the gaming industry to opposing radical judges and promoting diversity in the Senate, I have worked hard to advance issues important to the African American community.”

Reid’s remarks are included in excerpts of a new book called “Game Change” that were posted on The Atlantic’s website. The book, scheduled for publication Jan. 11, is by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. The excerpt says Reid’s support for Obama was “unequivocal” and that he “was wowed by Obama’s oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/10/10 12:58 PM
So....we are all wiling to sweep a racist comment ( for which Reid would have NEVER apologized had it not come out in a book ) and treat it like it's absolutely nothing.

Oh wait. I know why.

Reid is a Democrat.

Now had a Republican said something like that....

Double standard anyone?

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:05 PM

So....we are all wiling to sweep a racist comment ( for which Reid would have NEVER apologized had it not come out in a book ) and treat it like it's absolutely nothing.

Oh wait. I know why.

Reid is a Democrat.

Now had a Republican said something like that....

Double standard anyone?

Harry Reid is also a Mormon..he can't help it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/10/10 01:28 PM

So....we are all wiling to sweep a racist comment ( for which Reid would have NEVER apologized had it not come out in a book ) and treat it like it's absolutely nothing.

Oh wait. I know why.

Reid is a Democrat.

Now had a Republican said something like that....

Double standard anyone?

Well, once he has apologized to the party in question it is up to that party to sweep it under said rug. As to why I dont find it a big deal, OBama seems to be able to get past it because of the 'works' this particular politician has done. If his actions back up his apologies,,I can understand the apology being accepted.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/10/10 02:16 PM

So....we are all wiling to sweep a racist comment ( for which Reid would have NEVER apologized had it not come out in a book ) and treat it like it's absolutely nothing.

Oh wait. I know why.

Reid is a Democrat.

Now had a Republican said something like that....

Double standard anyone?

Well, once he has apologized to the party in question it is up to that party to sweep it under said rug. As to why I dont find it a big deal, OBama seems to be able to get past it because of the 'works' this particular politician has done. If his actions back up his apologies,,I can understand the apology being accepted.

Like I said....because Reid is a Democrat.

If a Republican had said something like that, and only fessed up and apologized AFTER it was put in print...

I think the Dems would have been more than happy to see the return of a public lynching.

Had a Republican spoken those words, no matter WHAT the President said about it being a " closed book ", the Dems would have been screaming from the rafters and gnawing the issue like a dog with a bone.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/10/10 02:43 PM

So....we are all wiling to sweep a racist comment ( for which Reid would have NEVER apologized had it not come out in a book ) and treat it like it's absolutely nothing.

Oh wait. I know why.

Reid is a Democrat.

Now had a Republican said something like that....

Double standard anyone?

Well, once he has apologized to the party in question it is up to that party to sweep it under said rug. As to why I dont find it a big deal, OBama seems to be able to get past it because of the 'works' this particular politician has done. If his actions back up his apologies,,I can understand the apology being accepted.

Like I said....because Reid is a Democrat.

If a Republican had said something like that, and only fessed up and apologized AFTER it was put in print...

I think the Dems would have been more than happy to see the return of a public lynching.

Had a Republican spoken those words, no matter WHAT the President said about it being a " closed book ", the Dems would have been screaming from the rafters and gnawing the issue like a dog with a bone.

I actually was not aware of his political affiliation , just that he was a politician. Politicians dont often make the news for an apology,, I think its a nice gesture, and nice to hear about.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/10/10 02:48 PM

So....we are all wiling to sweep a racist comment ( for which Reid would have NEVER apologized had it not come out in a book ) and treat it like it's absolutely nothing.

Oh wait. I know why.

Reid is a Democrat.

Now had a Republican said something like that....

Double standard anyone?

Well, once he has apologized to the party in question it is up to that party to sweep it under said rug. As to why I dont find it a big deal, OBama seems to be able to get past it because of the 'works' this particular politician has done. If his actions back up his apologies,,I can understand the apology being accepted.

Like I said....because Reid is a Democrat.

If a Republican had said something like that, and only fessed up and apologized AFTER it was put in print...

I think the Dems would have been more than happy to see the return of a public lynching.

Had a Republican spoken those words, no matter WHAT the President said about it being a " closed book ", the Dems would have been screaming from the rafters and gnawing the issue like a dog with a bone.

I actually was not aware of his political affiliation , just that he was a politician. Politicians dont often make the news for an apology,, I think its a nice gesture, and nice to hear about.

Oh come on. You are missing the entire point.

Do you think that he would have made the apology had he never gotten called out on it??

It's not a " nice gesture ". It's " covering his *** ". Nothing more than that.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/10/10 02:57 PM

So....we are all wiling to sweep a racist comment ( for which Reid would have NEVER apologized had it not come out in a book ) and treat it like it's absolutely nothing.

Oh wait. I know why.

Reid is a Democrat.

Now had a Republican said something like that....

Double standard anyone?

Well, once he has apologized to the party in question it is up to that party to sweep it under said rug. As to why I dont find it a big deal, OBama seems to be able to get past it because of the 'works' this particular politician has done. If his actions back up his apologies,,I can understand the apology being accepted.

Like I said....because Reid is a Democrat.

If a Republican had said something like that, and only fessed up and apologized AFTER it was put in print...

I think the Dems would have been more than happy to see the return of a public lynching.

Had a Republican spoken those words, no matter WHAT the President said about it being a " closed book ", the Dems would have been screaming from the rafters and gnawing the issue like a dog with a bone.

I actually was not aware of his political affiliation , just that he was a politician. Politicians dont often make the news for an apology,, I think its a nice gesture, and nice to hear about.

Oh come on. You are missing the entire point.

Do you think that he would have made the apology had he never gotten called out on it??

It's not a " nice gesture ". It's " covering his *** ". Nothing more than that.

No, I dont think he would have even thought about the choice of words had he not had it pointed out. Light skinned is a term often used, even amongst people of color, these terms are very hard to keep up with and not necessarily hateful, but the negro dialect reference was offensive.

I still consider it nice to aknowledge the error with an apology.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/10/10 03:21 PM
" Nice " had nothing to do with it.

His " advisers " probably went in to cardiac arrest when they saw that quote and immediately decided that he needed to " apologize ".

Again, he's just saving his political skin.

cashu's photo
Sun 01/10/10 08:01 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 01/10/10 08:06 PM

This is a refreshing story I read today about an apology from a politician. It is so rare to hear ANYONE apologize these days let alone anyone in position of power,,,,makes me want to exhale..sigh

Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama accepted Senator Harry Reid’s apology for calling him “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” in private conversations during the 2008 campaign.

Obama, in a statement, said he received a phone call from the Senate majority leader, and that while Reid’s comments were “unfortunate,” he accepted the apology “without question.”

“I’ve seen the passionate leadership he’s shown on issues of social justice and I know what’s in his heart,” Obama said yesterday. “As far as I am concerned, the book is closed.”

Reid, 70, also issued a statement calling the remarks “improper” and a “poor choice of words,” apologizing “for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans.”

“I was a proud and enthusiastic supporter of Barack Obama during the campaign and have worked as hard as I can to advance President Obama’s legislative agenda,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said yesterday. “Throughout my career, from efforts to integrate the Las Vegas strip and the gaming industry to opposing radical judges and promoting diversity in the Senate, I have worked hard to advance issues important to the African American community.”

Reid’s remarks are included in excerpts of a new book called “Game Change” that were posted on The Atlantic’s website. The book, scheduled for publication Jan. 11, is by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. The excerpt says Reid’s support for Obama was “unequivocal” and that he “was wowed by Obama’s oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate

THATS VERY KIND OF YOU BUT WHAT ABOUT TRENT LOTT ? AND JIMMY THE GREAK . HOW ABOUT THAT RADIO ANNOUNCER DO YOU FORGIVE HIM ? they all apologised for not speaking in the new politically correct language . I haven't learn politically correct either . when a person says a thing that is true and not offensive is it wrong to say it ???????????????????????????????????? Sorry I did forget what that dumb *** radio announcer said that was very offensive .

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/10/10 10:26 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 01/10/10 10:29 PM

This is a refreshing story I read today about an apology from a politician. It is so rare to hear ANYONE apologize these days let alone anyone in position of power,,,,makes me want to exhale..sigh

Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama accepted Senator Harry Reid’s apology for calling him “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” in private conversations during the 2008 campaign.

Obama, in a statement, said he received a phone call from the Senate majority leader, and that while Reid’s comments were “unfortunate,” he accepted the apology “without question.”

“I’ve seen the passionate leadership he’s shown on issues of social justice and I know what’s in his heart,” Obama said yesterday. “As far as I am concerned, the book is closed.”

Reid, 70, also issued a statement calling the remarks “improper” and a “poor choice of words,” apologizing “for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans.”

“I was a proud and enthusiastic supporter of Barack Obama during the campaign and have worked as hard as I can to advance President Obama’s legislative agenda,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said yesterday. “Throughout my career, from efforts to integrate the Las Vegas strip and the gaming industry to opposing radical judges and promoting diversity in the Senate, I have worked hard to advance issues important to the African American community.”

Reid’s remarks are included in excerpts of a new book called “Game Change” that were posted on The Atlantic’s website. The book, scheduled for publication Jan. 11, is by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. The excerpt says Reid’s support for Obama was “unequivocal” and that he “was wowed by Obama’s oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate

THATS VERY KIND OF YOU BUT WHAT ABOUT TRENT LOTT ? AND JIMMY THE GREAK . HOW ABOUT THAT RADIO ANNOUNCER DO YOU FORGIVE HIM ? they all apologised for not speaking in the new politically correct language . I haven't learn politically correct either . when a person says a thing that is true and not offensive is it wrong to say it ???????????????????????????????????? Sorry I did forget what that dumb *** radio announcer said that was very offensive .

I am hoping you are not referring to the announcer who called the basketball players 'nappy headed hoes'. I dont think that has anything to do with mere political incorrectness. I think the term light skinned has to be used in a seriously insulting context to be insulting and the negro dialect thing is no more or less politically correct than the 'ebonics' that was trying to be passed off as such years back in our own public school systems. There are varying degrees of bigot and it often has alot to do with the context of the conversation coupled with the ACTIONS of the speaker.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 01/11/10 01:48 AM
Honestly Ms. doesn't matter how cool of a thing you post in here..when it comes to politics you'll always find somebody nashing their teeth over nothing. In my opinion, Reid had nothing to apologize for. He only did it because of the same crazy hot potato handlers you will find in these threads. Why I don't find it offensive? It was purely an observation. If he had been Irish, Reid might have noted his lack of an Irish accent, so what? Everyone laughs about California's senator, because honestly we can barely understand his Austrian accent. As for skin tone quality, it was a private personal thing, probably to reassure him that all the "dark" haters might not be so frightened by his appearance. Ms. Harmony, thanks for this neat post. And don't bother arguing with people who cannot comprehend your true purpose here.

Winx's photo
Mon 01/11/10 07:12 AM

Honestly Ms. doesn't matter how cool of a thing you post in here..when it comes to politics you'll always find somebody nashing their teeth over nothing. In my opinion, Reid had nothing to apologize for. He only did it because of the same crazy hot potato handlers you will find in these threads. Why I don't find it offensive? It was purely an observation. If he had been Irish, Reid might have noted his lack of an Irish accent, so what? Everyone laughs about California's senator, because honestly we can barely understand his Austrian accent. As for skin tone quality, it was a private personal thing, probably to reassure him that all the "dark" haters might not be so frightened by his appearance. Ms. Harmony, thanks for this neat post. And don't bother arguing with people who cannot comprehend your true purpose here.

Nice post.

cashu's photo
Mon 01/11/10 12:28 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 01/11/10 12:31 PM

This is a refreshing story I read today about an apology from a politician. It is so rare to hear ANYONE apologize these days let alone anyone in position of power,,,,makes me want to exhale..sigh

Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama accepted Senator Harry Reid’s apology for calling him “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” in private conversations during the 2008 campaign.

Obama, in a statement, said he received a phone call from the Senate majority leader, and that while Reid’s comments were “unfortunate,” he accepted the apology “without question.”

“I’ve seen the passionate leadership he’s shown on issues of social justice and I know what’s in his heart,” Obama said yesterday. “As far as I am concerned, the book is closed.”

Reid, 70, also issued a statement calling the remarks “improper” and a “poor choice of words,” apologizing “for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans.”

“I was a proud and enthusiastic supporter of Barack Obama during the campaign and have worked as hard as I can to advance President Obama’s legislative agenda,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said yesterday. “Throughout my career, from efforts to integrate the Las Vegas strip and the gaming industry to opposing radical judges and promoting diversity in the Senate, I have worked hard to advance issues important to the African American community.”

Reid’s remarks are included in excerpts of a new book called “Game Change” that were posted on The Atlantic’s website. The book, scheduled for publication Jan. 11, is by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. The excerpt says Reid’s support for Obama was “unequivocal” and that he “was wowed by Obama’s oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate

THATS VERY KIND OF YOU BUT WHAT ABOUT TRENT LOTT ? AND JIMMY THE GREAK . HOW ABOUT THAT RADIO ANNOUNCER DO YOU FORGIVE HIM ? they all apologised for not speaking in the new politically correct language . I haven't learn politically correct either . when a person says a thing that is true and not offensive is it wrong to say it ???????????????????????????????????? Sorry I did forget what that dumb *** radio announcer said that was very offensive .

I am hoping you are not referring to the announcer who called the basketball players 'nappy headed hoes'. I dont think that has anything to do with mere political incorrectness. I think the term light skinned has to be used in a seriously insulting context to be insulting and the negro dialect thing is no more or less politically correct than the 'ebonics' that was trying to be passed off as such years back in our own public school systems. There are varying degrees of bigot and it often has alot to do with the context of the conversation coupled with the ACTIONS of the speaker.
I believe you need to slow down and read the whole reply ...
the last sentence is what you missed .......