Topic: It Keeps Me Young
bamtino's photo
Fri 01/01/10 12:51 PM
It Keeps Me Young

I think back to the days I laughed
They really are not that long ago
Over and over my face smiled
The years passing taught you to grow

All the time in the world
The Friends you made along the way
Things you did things you said
The games the places you used to play

I tried this and did all that
Felt my strength met my match
Became myself had those dreams
Left the nest broke the latch

Felt the sun shine on my face
Hurried when I should of waited
Became one with someone else
Saw my plans are now outdated

Set my sights on new desires
Now my steps became very slow
Taking them one at a time
Not sure why or where they'll go

I cried enough wished for more
Always feeling I missed out
Then I take a short look back
Felling humble thinking stout

I see my reflection in my eyes
I hope to always see that smile
For if it should go away
My heart will be sad all the while

So I look back through the years
Climbed that ladder every rung
Those are the days I think about
It makes me smile it keeps me young

MAD 01/01/2010

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 01/01/10 02:22 PM
The memories of the past is what makes us keep going making more memories to look back upon.bigsmile

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Fri 01/01/10 03:56 PM