Topic: Pa. student suspended ....
yellowrose10's photo
Mon 12/28/09 08:46 PM
WALLINGFORD, Pa. – A suburban Philadelphia teenager was suspended for a day for wearing a Santa Claus suit to school.
Michael Hance says he told his principal that he planned to wear the suit to Strath Haven High School in Wallingford and hand out candy canes. The 18-year-old senior says the principal told him that wasn't a good idea because it would be a distraction. But he wore the suit anyway, with regular clothes underneath.
Hance got nabbed a few minutes after he walked into his first class on Tuesday. The school district says in a statement that Hance was suspended for the day for "defiance of authority."
Hance says the school could have just given him a detention.
noway noway noway noway noway

tanyaann's photo
Mon 12/28/09 08:50 PM
drinker Drunk Posting! drinker

Karma_09's photo
Mon 12/28/09 08:51 PM
WOW!!!! I can think of a lot better reasons to suspend a kid....this is not one of them. Jeez, where's the holiday spirit. Sounds like it was harmless.

Foliel's photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:09 PM
The school was most likely afraid of a lawsuit.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:12 PM

The school was most likely afraid of a lawsuit.

Yep. The ACLU would have been all OVER that one.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:50 PM

drinker Drunk Posting! drinker

Quit it! The threads have been slow lately, it's nice to see creative people post some new ideas on here.

tanyaann's photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:51 PM

drinker Drunk Posting! drinker

Quit it! The threads have been slow lately, it's nice to see creative people post some new ideas on here.

Oh get over it! I posted that a while ago.. and I was in reference to me drunk posting! tongue2

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/28/09 10:52 PM

WALLINGFORD, Pa. – A suburban Philadelphia teenager was suspended for a day for wearing a Santa Claus suit to school.
Michael Hance says he told his principal that he planned to wear the suit to Strath Haven High School in Wallingford and hand out candy canes. The 18-year-old senior says the principal told him that wasn't a good idea because it would be a distraction. But he wore the suit anyway, with regular clothes underneath.
Hance got nabbed a few minutes after he walked into his first class on Tuesday. The school district says in a statement that Hance was suspended for the day for "defiance of authority."
Hance says the school could have just given him a detention.
noway noway noway noway noway

18 years old is old enough to know better. He was given a warning from the Principal,, the discipline was fair, in my opinion.

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 12/28/09 11:02 PM
I dont guess I have a problem with it

he was told not to do it and did it anyway

natural consequences