Topic: confused-Bible-homosexuality
no photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:32 AM
Hi bored. flowerforyou i don't know anymore LOLlaugh laugh

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:34 AM
"The Greek word for 'fornication' (porneia) could include any sexual sin
committed after the betrothal contract. ...In Biblical usage,
'fornication' can mean any sexual congress outside monogamous marriage.
It thus includes not only premarital sex, but also adultery, homosexual
acts, incest, remarriage after un-Biblical divorce, and sexual acts with
animals, all of which are explicitly forbidden in the law as given
through Moses (Leviticus 20:10-21). Christ expanded the prohibition
against adultery to include even sexual lusting (Matthew 5:28)." (Dr.
Henry M. Morris)


pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:35 AM
I really appreciate all the opinion's,it's bothered me for some time
now,and your thoughts have helped.I'm just going to give it back to the
Lord and continue to love him & be there for him. Thanks

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:38 AM
laugh laugh rproman you lost me buddy flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:38 AM
very good, there are furthers studies that show it to be even more than
any sexual activity. I do totally gree with you that sexual activity of
any kind outside of marriage is not approved of by our Lord.

Peace be with you

pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:41 AM
Focus on the family, is that James Dobsen

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:41 AM
bring forth these other studies plz

sounds interesting

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:45 AM
Yes James Dobson

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:59 AM

"Immorality" in Greek is porneia. It can basically be translated
"fornication." This term is rather broad and covers any kind of sexual
intercourse outside of the one-flesh union of a man and a woman united
in a biblically approved marriage. It includes the following types of
sexual sin: adultery, premarital sex, prostitution, incest,
masturbation, sex with children, animals,and various forms of unnatural
sex, including homosexual activity. They are all here.

Study finds brain difference between gay, straight men
By Randolph E. Schmid The Associated Press
Article Launched: 05/10/2005 04:07:02 AM

Washington - Gay men's brains respond differently from those of
heterosexual males when exposed to a sexual stimulus, researchers have

The homosexual men's brains responded more like those of women when the
men sniffed a chemical from the male hormone testosterone.

"It is one more piece of evidence ... that is showing that sexual
orientation is not all learned," said Sandra Witelson, an expert on
brain anatomy and sexual orientation at the Mi chael DeGroote School of
Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

Witelson, who was not part of the research team, said the findings
clearly show a biological involvement in sexual orientation.

The study, published in today's issue of Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, was done by researchers at the Karolinska Institute
in Stockholm, Sweden.

They exposed heterosexual men and women and homosexual men to chemicals
derived from male and female sex hormones. These chemicals are thought
to be pheromones - molecules known to trigger responses such as defense
and sex in many animals.

When they sniffed smells like cedar or lavender, the subjects' brains
reacted only in the olfactory region that handles smells.

When confronted by a chemical from testosterone, the male hormone,
portions of the brains active in sexual activity were activated in
straight women and in gay men but not in straight men, the researchers

The response in gay men and straight women was concentrated in the
hypothalamus, particularly in the area that is active in hormonal and
sensory responses necessary for sexual behavior, the researchers said.

- The interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus 3 (the portion of
the brain which controls sexual impulse) in gay men is similar in size
to the INAH3 of women and not straight men.

- Lesbians have cochlea amplifiers in their inner ears which more
closely resemble those of men than straight women. Likewise, the
“spontaneous otoacoustic emissions”, faint sounds emitted by the inner
ear, are similar between lesbians and straight men.

- Many gay men have a higher number of ridges on their fingerprints.

- Gay men produce sweat with unique odors not found in straight men and
women or lesbians, and other gay men are better at detecting those

- Lesbians and straight men react more strongly to the odor of female
pheromones than the pheromones of men.

- Prepulse inhibition, or involuntary eye-blink response, is similar
between lesbians and straight men and between gay men and straight
women. Such responses are controlled by the same part of the brain which
controls sexual activity.

- Exposure to certain hormones while in the womb increases the
likelihood of males being homosexual (and left-handed).

- On average, gay men have larger penises.

- Lesbians are three times as likely to have a sister who is a lesbian,
and identical male twins have a higher rate of homosexuality for both
twins than non-identical twins.

Many of these studies are controversial, and proponents on both sides of
the nurture / nature debate have chimed in with criticisms and praise.
Regardless of whether all the studies, of which only a few are cited
above, are accurate, one can easily conclude that there are marked
biological differences between gay men and women and their heterosexual
counterparts. The fact that many of these differences are formed in the
womb, such as fingerprints and brain formation, would indicate that
homosexuality is determined before birth.

If homosexuality is predetermined, how can homosexuals be condemned for
it? Our society has progressed to the point where most acknowledge
biological differences and refuse to denounce those who are different on
that basis. A person’s race, physical disabilities, and ethnic
characteristics are largely off-limits for criticism. Should it be
proven irrefutably that homosexuality is a genetic trait and not caused
by circumstance, environment, or choice, then homosexuality would have
to be added to the list of physical traits that are out-of-bounds for
attack. How can you condemn a person to eternal damnation when he / she
has no choice in the life that he / she desires?

Of course, homosexuals could deny their true nature. We do have free
choice. But research has shown that such denial can cause significant
psychological damage, as evidenced by the high suicide rates among gay
teens struggling with their sexual orientation in hostile societies. And
in modern society, as we know, we would never presume to ask others to
deny their biological composition . . .

There is a downside to the idea that homosexuality is genetic, and it is
straight out of science fiction: if it is genetic, then it can be cured
(or at least, altered). Assuming there is some biological factor that
leads one to be gay, then one can assume that science will eventually
find a way to “fix” that factor. Some evangelicals have actually
embraced the idea that homosexuality is genetic for this reason, so that
scientists can begin to work on a way to correct the wayward genes. It’s
simple . . . with surgery we’ll just tweak that part of the brain that
malfunctions, there, with drugs we’ll alter the DNA strand before this
kid is born, and with a bit of hoo doo magic we’ll alter the genetic
composition of the person to make him or her look and act just the way
we’d like. Now, isn’t that natural?

And what a slippery slope that would be. A far more rational course of
action would be to accept that the Supreme Maker, God, the Spirit,
Nature, the Cosmos, Mother Earth—whatever force one believes governs
life—intended for there to be homosexuality. And if it was intended to
be, there is no reason to eliminate it. After all, should scientists one
day eradicate all signs of homosexuality in humans, they still have
1,500 species of animals flaunting “deviance” to remind them that
homosexuality is natural.

Not to mention the "x" "y" chromsone.


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:01 AM
As for "focus on the family", there are many downsides to that group.

resserts's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:03 AM
Following are my views on the subject, for what it's worth.

First, homosexual tendencies are not chosen. Aside from the medical
evidence that there are chemical differences and distinct brain patterns
between homosexuals and heterosexuals, if you are heterosexual consider
whether you could actually _choose_ to be gay. And by "choose to be
gay" I don't mean merely to force yourself to have sex with someone of
your own gender; could you actually enjoy and desire it? If your answer
is "yes," you may have just learned something about your true nature.
For anyone who's genuinely heterosexual, there is no choice in enjoying
the physical pleasures of the opposite gender. Why should that be any
different than for someone who's homosexual? A lot of gay men and women
don't feel comfortable in their sexuality because family, friends,
society, etc. have told them over and over that homosexual behavior is
unacceptable. Many supress their sexual desires for years and undergo
great emotional stress as they fight to keep such desires buried. Think
back to when you were in school; were there not a few people (guys who
got along just a little too well with the girls and had a bit too much
exhuberance, or girls who were called "tomboys" and liked to roughhouse
with the boys) who you realize now to have been gay? Certainly they
weren't actively choosing a homosexual lifestyle between the ages of 8
and 12.

Second, whose right is it to shun someone else, to belittle others and
make disparaging remarks about them? The people who tend to be most
vehemently opposed to homosexual behavior are fundamentalist Christians.
Jesus himself never said homosexuals weren't going to Heaven, and he
preferred the company of "sinners" over that of the so-called righteous.
Further, fundamentalists believe that by faith alone are people saved
and that actions play no role — that through grace alone are people who
believe saved. The homosexual who cannot endure the loneliness of life
without a companion with whom s/he can be fully intimate could as easily
be Christian as anyone else. It's strange how people will tell you that
good works can't "earn" anyone a place in Heaven because "all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God" and that "Jesus is the way,
the truth, and the life and nobody can go to the Father but through him"
— but those same people often claim that certain sins will earn you a
place in eternal Hell. If everyone falls short due to sin, it seems
that the grace of God can touch everyone equally. And did not Jesus
tell the people "he who is without sin, cast the first stone?"
According to the Bible, none but God is without sin — so casting the
stone (judgement) is God's right and God's alone.

It bothers me especially when churches / religions, which have the power
to do so much good in feeding the hungry and clothing the poor, and to
help guide people into deeper spiritual growth, often shun those they
consider to be sinners. First, it's outright hypocrisy (since everyone
is a sinner), and second, it goes against what most faiths claim to be
central — loving God and loving one's neighbor. Does anyone really
believe that God will look more favorably upon someone who disowns a gay
son, or who rejects a lesbian from a particular church, or who makes a
point to tell everyone of a particular group that they are going to
Hell? People who espouse such notions are people with whom I do not
wish to associate. Find people who are warm and welcoming, even if they
disagree with some personal lifestyles — those are the people who are
most Christ-like and the ones who are truly living their faith.

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:07 AM


I applaud youflowerforyou flowerforyou

pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:15 AM
Thank-you both,Ialways believed it was something he was born with and
not his choice.I'm also very happy he is out about it at such a young
age,instead of bury it inside him for yrs.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:21 AM
Over the last two years, they have studied the rates of homosexuality in
identical and non-identical twin brothers of gay men, as well as
adoptive brothers of gay men. Fifty-two percent of the identical twin
brothers were gay, as against 22 percent of non-identical twins and 11
percent of the adoptive, genetically unrelated brothers.

There was recently on a television network, an interview with a family
of six brothers. Four of whom were gay. They neither one of them knew
about the other until late in adulthood. They were afraid to tell each
other. Four out of six boys in the same family.

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:30 AM

48% of indentical twins have a different sexual orientation from their
brother, which supports what I already stated: there is a genetic
propensity to homosexuality with the deciding factor being environment
and experiances.

Manwich's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:38 AM
Homosexual conduct is not consistent with christian conduct, nor is
killing, robbing, and lots of other stuff.

I think its good that you,ve not turned your back on him, but I also
don,t think you should turn your back on the church either.

pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:40 AM
I did see that television show with the 6 brothers. That's why I'm happy
he didn't keep it inside for yrs to come.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/08/07 10:43 AM
As far as the ones that claim to change sexual orientation; it is not an
accurate truth. It has been shown that of the ones that claimed to
change really did not. They only did what they thought their families
wanted for them, to be accepted. So, they continued to hide it. Many
have since come back out wit much fear. It has even been televised as to
the actual results of these so called change you back places. The
percentages are very low. One would have to ask, are the ones that still
claim to be practicing heterosexuality really happy?

If one can change their own sexual identity to another so easily, then
what does that say about us as heterosexuals. Does that mean we can
become gay just because we want too? I know I can't.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 06/08/07 11:57 AM
Resserts - As always, well stated and much appreciated.

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 12:59 PM