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Topic: How bright your light...
scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:13 PM
Something happened in my life today. It gave me thought to ask this

If your lifes aura; shines dimly or brightly according to the way you
live, lived your life. If you died today: how bright would your light
shine? l'd love to be able to say that the final rays of light would be
the brightest, but I don't think so.

I lost a sister today. I find myself worrying that her light was not as
bright as it should have been. Her name is Susie, 56 years old. Can I
give her my light? My heart to yours Susie. Take my light with you.
Sisters forever.:heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart:

Jess642's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:15 PM
Oh Kat, I am sorry for your loss, and my light, my heart, goes to you
and yours at this time...ohwell :heart: flowerforyou

NomadicAngel's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:20 PM
i am sorry to hear of your loss it is a very sad day when one has passed
let alone a loved one --- <tips his wings> as for my light -- what
little i have i give to you and her

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:23 PM
As much of a surprise as it was; it wasn't. She had been overweight,
really overweight, a short lady, with diabetes. She had a leg amputated
last year. We will have to wait to see what the autopsy says. She is a
sweet lady. She had been alone for many years. It makes me scared for
myself. I really do not want to die alone. I'm feeling weepy right now.
Kinda sorry for myself as well as others.
Thank you lovely Lee.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:25 PM
Thank you angel.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:26 PM
I still would like to hear what you guys think of your auras.

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:26 PM
oh Kat I am sorry :cry:

I am wordless at the moment ... but I love you :heart: flowerforyou

NomadicAngel's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:29 PM
its hard to say what i think of mine --- if it were up to me i would say
dark but then it is the way i perceive things anyway --- as for others
some say that it is a bright one --- <shrugs> i guess it depends on who
you ask --- i kind of picture myself as dorian gray --- no matter the
good i have done or do -- it will never be enough to clear my painting

thedoctor's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:35 PM
My condolences, Kat. My aura would be bright, I believe. I am always
hopeful....though sometimes I don't SEEM that way! And your sister's friend, it is shining brightly!

Jess642's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:45 PM

I don't see my own light, my own aura...I see other's light, other's

I try to keep a lighness of heart, a lightness of spirit..and share it,
and to share my light, is to share my love, share the deep love I feel.

I feel for you...I feel so deeply for you, as I know how this would be
affecting, you, and your Mum, and your family.

I don't know what to say, Kat, other than, anytime, I am here for you,
girlfriend.:heart: :cry:

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:45 PM
As for your question lovely Kat, I struggle with how to answer that ...

Does the sun know of its light or is it just being that which it is ...
with us the lucky recipients and observers?

Each day I try to grow into a grander version of myself. More tolerant,
more compassionate, more loving. A better daughter. A better sister.
A better friend. A better woman. A better human being.

I try live from my heart a life based in love and gratitude.

Do I shine light at all? I don't know. Perhaps that is one of those
questions that can only tryly be answered by others.

I think of it too like a piece of art hanging on the wall. Does the art
exist without someone to create it and someone to observe it? It
requires both to be what it is.

Perhaps it is the same with our light. We create it by the life we
live...but it takes on meaning by being observed and shared.

Oh dear, I fear I am making no sense today ...but I did try

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:50 PM
What light I do have you can have Kat give it to your passed one or keep
it for yourself as you wish.

I have never seen my own light.

Being inside it is like standing under a street light in a dark night.
Once can only see what it illuminates not the light itself for we are
within it.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:50 PM
After thinking on it a bit, I agree that her light must be bright.

She never harmed anyone, except me and another sister when we were
younger. But, isn't that what we do as kids?
Beat each other up. Until we learned we could whip her. It's funny; she
was sooo much bigger than me and Lydia, but now we are soo much bigger
than her. We are taller than her.:cry:
Ohhhhh, just got teary thinking about our childhood.
I'll be on and off tonight.

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:55 PM
Without the physical to contain can it not light the heavens?

thedoctor's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:56 PM strong, Kat...sendin' prayers your way.

SheNerd's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:56 PM
I am sorry to hear of your loss, prayers and good thoughts are coming
your way.

klugman's photo
Thu 06/07/07 03:57 PM
Sorry to Here about your friend.

I believe my light is very, very bright.

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 06/07/07 04:06 PM
I'm sorry for your loss Katflowerforyou My deepset condolences.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/07/07 04:13 PM
I have found solice in that she had a very hard time within the last
year. She lost her leg, then her house burned down. A brand new house
was on he way. The house just got finished and the new furniture was
delivered. The house was made handicapped accessible for her. She got to
live in the brand new home for about a month. She was very happy and
comfortable for that time. Thank goodness for that.


scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/07/07 04:17 PM
Lee, Artgirl, I feel warm when I read you the two of you. Your own light
is surely bright, brighter than bright. Love ya ladies.
Kat:heart: :heart:

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