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Topic: Drinking.
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Mon 12/07/09 12:03 PM

Eh drinking seven or eight beers can be equal to someone who doesn't drink having two. Its all relative to tolerence. I could look like an alcoholic to you by drinking six beers and you might be more affected than I. It's wonderful.

To be an alcoholic is basically not being able to stop ... needing it ... as in a dependance.

Drinkers are not oblivious to the people around them. Alcoholics looking for a fix are oblivious. Drinkers are quite aware of the people around them. Or at least I am.

yeah... drinkers get bunched in with alcoholics! Closed minded people are that way! They make a personal choice not to drink and then feel they have the right to dictate to others what is right and wrong....lol The problem today is there are more and more people that have no morals which create more problems in regards to alcohol. Social drinking I enjoy and i like to have my two to three beers every night. Just a personal choice for me....

DMW57's photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:15 PM

Eh drinking seven or eight beers can be equal to someone who doesn't drink having two. Its all relative to tolerence. I could look like an alcoholic to you by drinking six beers and you might be more affected than I. It's wonderful.

To be an alcoholic is basically not being able to stop ... needing it ... as in a dependance.

Drinkers are not oblivious to the people around them. Alcoholics looking for a fix are oblivious. Drinkers are quite aware of the people around them. Or at least I am.

yeah... drinkers get bunched in with alcoholics! Closed minded people are that way! They make a personal choice not to drink and then feel they have the right to dictate to others what is right and wrong....lol The problem today is there are more and more people that have no morals which create more problems in regards to alcohol. Social drinking I enjoy and i like to have my two to three beers every night. Just a personal choice for me....

I agree. It's some ********. If you don't want to drink don't ... and keep it to yourself. Meanwhile ... I'll keep it to myself every night with a beer or two. And we'll let the real drunks make fools of themselves.

morgannicole's photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:16 PM
Why is it a bad hobby?
Not everyone who drinks gets drunk.
You can't judge someone because of a choice they make to drink just because you choose not to.

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Mon 12/07/09 12:20 PM

Eh drinking seven or eight beers can be equal to someone who doesn't drink having two. Its all relative to tolerence. I could look like an alcoholic to you by drinking six beers and you might be more affected than I. It's wonderful.

To be an alcoholic is basically not being able to stop ... needing it ... as in a dependance.

Drinkers are not oblivious to the people around them. Alcoholics looking for a fix are oblivious. Drinkers are quite aware of the people around them. Or at least I am.

While you have your own thoughts of about drinkers...you are still so young to know what alcohol does to people in the long run. Yes, people can have a drink and leave...but the ones that can't are the ones we are refering to, and there are far more of them the the other.
I don'rt quite understand your reference between 'drinkers' and and 'alcoholics'.
No one intenionally becomes a addict, to anything. No one says "I think I'll start drinking and ruin my life". All who imbibe seriously, daily or whatever- yes their thinking is the first to go...wheather they beleive it or not. And most don't...they think they are in control at all times, and think that their behavior is/was appropriate at all times while imbibing. Many opportunities are lost, relationships ruined by someone saying things that they think are funny and they're not. Try a experiemnt. Go to a party or a bar and sit there, don't drink anything alcoholic and watch the fun. Stay for at least 3 hours and converse with the drinkers.
You may gain some insight to what the rest of us are talking about by age, knowledge and experience. And the louder one protests, I really do wonder why are you defending so vehemently? Something is really striking a nerve with you also. Just saying 'I've been drinking everyday' and 'I've not had a problem'...hmm. yet. If you're thinking that you're fine and getting behind the wheel, theres a problem- a big one.

yes, well thought out and somewhat accurate. He is quite young to have an opinion on long term drinking, but i am not. Having a strong opinion comes from all the bashing you receive from self rightous people who are quite frankly obviously dealing with their own sins...lol. The other thing that gets quite irritating is non-drinkers always use the "if you wont admit your an alcoholic you must be an alcoholic", therefore the entire world are alcoholics so lets drop it. Lol.... It always amazes me the order of things, its okay in public opinion to slaughter unborn kids by the millions but the real danger are drinkers...lol! I just don't get the moral equations people make???? It is not immoral to drink and thats that. live and let live DAMN!

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:33 PM
If one does not get buzzed/drunk, why does s/he waste the product and the money? I love buzzed people; they are so amiable as well as support our wine economy.

no photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:47 PM
I'm confused

Mixing alcohol and abortions is never a good idea IMO
My post was not meant as an Intervention? More of a heads up...

The truth is....

1) I couldn't give a flying leap if Mr Ronald was in a ditch puking bile on a daily basis.

2) I can manage the anger of drinkers being labeled alcoholics(been there)

3) I love beer!

PS I have more respect for someone who admits to drinking to much and not being able to stop than someone who has absolutely no clue commonly known as Wetbrain

Good luck!

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