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Topic: I give up!!!
damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:34 PM
Oh and what I hate most about being the odd man out, is if I like a
woman, but they dun like me. Its like "wtf" and makes me sad:cry:

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:37 PM
Damn, maybe you are just picking the wrong women. The problem isn't you.
It's THEM!!!

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:39 PM
I agree, only with me it's being the odd lady out. :( Maybe we all need
to meet up and have a big pity party. We could invite a polka band for
laughs and get drunk on German lager and do the chicken dance.

I actually did the chicken dance once at an Oktoberfest, with the
ceremonial chicken head on no less, just to get my ex to laugh, but he
was too busy chatting up some half dressed woman at another table to
notice. Everyone says they like funny people, but IMHO that's just
political correctness, nothing more.

Best wishes from SheNerd :)

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:41 PM
No, SheNerd. I really do like a sense of humor. If I can't laugh with a
person, then chances are that I won't get along with that person. My
problem is finding a guy who is smart enough to get my jokes.

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:43 PM
100% of women surveyed all say I need to change somthing, and its always
looks! Its like "hey sorry for being born as I was, but I can't fix
that". I swear I'm going to be a monk and forget the outside world.

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:44 PM
Hi needagodlaugh,

Tell me about it! I was referring to guys, most don't seem to care for
funny ladies. Most gals on the other hand (myself included) like a guy
who can make them laugh.

Best wishes from SheNerd :)

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:45 PM
Damnitscloudy, there again, WRONG WOMEN!!! By the way, the convent I am
planning on joining, if the commune doesn't work out, has a monestary
next door!

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:46 PM
Hey damnitscloudy, I'll bet if you brushed up on your jokes you'd have
em all over you. One of my exes was a stand up comedian and he was very
short and fat (I'm not appearance oriented like most people are, heck, I
can't afford to be) and he had women chasing him all the time. That's
why I dumped him, I don't like competition. :)

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:46 PM
Most guys have a warped sense of humor, SheNerd. If it isn't about farts
or penises, well...

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:47 PM
Hi needagoodlaugh,

A female monastery, now that's right up my alley. Can I join? I
promise to bring my own beer and sit in a corner and not bother anyone
except for the occasional belch... :)

SheNerd :)

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:48 PM
SheNerd, you planning on sharing the beer?

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:50 PM
hell just give me the monastery and I'll live alone with some cats. At
least some THING will have love for me

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:54 PM
Okay, Damnitscloudy, if that is the way you want it but I can be a lot
of fun. My name is Marie, by the way. Pleased to meet you.

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:54 PM
Needagoodlaugh, sure, I'll share the beer, I'm a nice person, well, most
of the time that is... :)

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:55 PM
Marie is a pretty name. :)

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:55 PM
Cool. I'll provide snacks. That's what chunky chicks do best! LOL.

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:56 PM
Oh and what you said about the sex jokes, that is spot on. My ex got
the most laughs when he did those so of course his routine was just
short of Howard Stern disgusting. Not a big thrill for someone like me.

needagoodlaugh's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:56 PM
Thank you. I was named after my grandmother and she was a pretty lady.

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:57 PM
Hey, I'm chunky, too. I'll bring the chocolates, they are my favorite
addiction, chocolates and jelly filed doughnuts. :)

SheNerd's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:57 PM
That's neat. I wish I had a pretty name, but Sue is just so dead common
it's not funny.

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