Topic: Obama's Approval Rating Slips to 53% | |
I dont think it means much at this same point in his first term Bush was at something like 80% approval and look what happened to him Those ratings were due to 9-11 and his tough talk. Little did we know at the time that he would ignore the right war and begin one based on his personal motives. After we finally figured that out his approval rating showed a more justifiable 30 some percent. |
There's definitely a problem when every bill that comes up to vote is rejected by every Republican in Congress! I have never in my life seen either psrty vote as one so many times. Roadmap to a new breed of fascism. Under the masks of (false) fight for freedom and ethno-centric nationalism, the Republican party is fast loosing its credible and democratic privileges. It would appear that the GOP has been naively tempted, and has let the 'GENIE'... of the diabolical and dogmatic 'religious right' kind, ... OUT of the LAMP', and have no idea how to get the 'devil-back-in'. Left-right balance is fundamental to any democratic society. As the 2 party reality that it is, the USA is threatened, IMO by something far more debilitating than any black or white president. When everything MUST BE ONE COLOR, ONE IDEOLOGY, ONE BELIEF AND CREED, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS 'EVIL', there is NO FREEDOM LEFT, AND NO POSSIBLE DEMOCRACY!!! Bush son said something to that effect recently, and I paraphrase: '... the GOP must claim back its control of the party from the out of control fanatic religious right ideology ...'. Very interesting.. Fascism as defined by Webster's dictionary: : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. When you examine that definition closely it more adequately corresponds to the current administration. "change" is the movement. Instead of nation or race we can substitute radical ideology. There is no debating the centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial messiah like figure pushing an economic and social regimentation. I think the blatant attacks on opposition is another obvious given that requires little debate. |
Obama should come out with his well thought out decision on Afghanistan this week. A well thought out decision. I'll bet his numbers will reflect a change then. Of course when every Republican left in America votes against everything he does it will always be hard to reflect a real high approval rating. The Republican Party seems to be more anti-Obama these days than Pro-America. being anti-Obama IS Pro-American !!!!!...his agenda needs to be stopped ! for Aghanistan...his heart is just not in it...hence: dithering... ![]() Being pro american, is voting your conscious and your priorities, whomever you support. The idea that pro american requires strict support or refusal to support any one person is pretty silly. |
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Tue 11/24/09 01:18 PM
: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. Bush- You are either with or against us. followed by the Valarie Plame incident, feeding lines to the news services about the Iraq war, the blackballing of The Dixie Chicks etc., portions of the patriot act, suggesting making illegal the protesting of the war. I could go on and on with examples including McCain's selling and appointment of press seats on his campaign plane. Dictator?- I am the decider, even when the populace is against me. Need I remind you.- The past Admin ignored and hid the current economic slump for over a year and when it finally began to be obvious, tried to convince us that it was just our imagination. As McCain's political advisor, Phil Gramm put it, a mental recession. Not to mention every single Republican voting the same, (against), everything done to try and return the country to it's former glory? Or that many of those who resist Obama policies do so out of racist bigotry and nothing more. |
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Tue 11/24/09 01:20 PM
And don't tell me they don't.
I'm white and privy to hearing the racist talk and comments made off the record and in private. |
I too believe we need a balanced two-party political system in the US.
However, I do not believe the Republican Party should be one of these and, for the good reasons I've stated, am bent on their downfall. |
I think its easy for both sides to point fingers at each other and it is inevitable for EVERY president to have those who agree and disagree with his policies,,its inevitable. I didnt agree with most of what Bush said or did and thought he was a fairly average man(for one born into money and spoiled into not really having an idea of what a work ethic is), but he was probably a decent guy. As for Obama, I think he started on a difficult road, but because of the respect I have for him as an outstanding man(based on his personal background and the way he carries himself and leads his family)I believe he can overcome what ever he needs to to make positive change in America.
I happen to believe that both parties have good and bad ideals and it just matters which one has MORE of the good ideals that we have when we decide which party we support. I dont think we need to be opposing the other side to do so though. It would be like being pro woman and requiring others who are pro woman to OPPOSE or wish failure against males. THere is room enough for diverse opinions and political beliefs, that is one thing that is pretty cool about America,, even if it isnt perfect. |
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Tue 11/24/09 01:50 PM
Once again, I am of neither party and both.
I am in my State, Unaffiliated. In my state of mind, an Independent American. I vote for the man. Not the party. Most of my life I have always voted Republican. Now, I see they are out of control. Unless you mean control of big business, Insurance Companies, and the AMA. Their business has become propaganda. Misleading the uninformed and naive. I will never vote for another Republican candidate and am bent on their downfall as a major second party in America's political process. |
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Tue 11/24/09 02:22 PM
I don't really see any difference between the parties
they are just bought by different special interests what we need is a law barring ANY money from lobbyists to parties, charities, or pet projects and all campaigning done on the public dime shared equally amongst all candidates. we've got to get rid of this professional politician ruling class and return the government to the people |
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Tue 11/24/09 02:29 PM
I don't really see any difference between the parties they are just bought by different special interests what we need is a law barring ANY money from lobbyists to parties, charities, or pet projects and all campaigning done on the public dime shared equally amongst all candidates. we've got to get rid of this professional politician ruling class and return the government to the people ![]() |
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Tue 11/24/09 02:32 PM
of course that would mean that the 90% of Americans who are dain bramaged idjits would be ruling the country the way they pick American Idol
I don't really see any difference between the parties they are just bought by different special interests what we need is a law barring ANY money from lobbyists to parties, charities, or pet projects and all campaigning done on the public dime shared equally amongst all candidates. we've got to get rid of this professional politician ruling class and return the government to the people First of all, if the Democratic Party were as corrupt as the Republicans, then they would have no problem in passing a bill. As was said earlier they do have enough members to do so. All they would have to do is be resigned to give up free thought and give into party dictation. If the Democrats were as sold out to special interests,(big business, Insurance, and the AMA lobbyist) there would be, could be no argument in Washington now. I doubt the Health-care bill would even have been brought up. Either way, the second step to returning the country to a government of the people is the elimination of the Republican Party as it exists today. As I see it Obama is the closest to such a thing as a government of the people in America as has existed in my lifetime. Mind you I also think we have a ways to go, but we have made that first step by putting Obama in office. Now let's take the second step and wrench the Republican Party from a position in which to undo that first step. If I don't like the Democrat candidate in any race I will not settle for a Republican. I will vote instead for a Libertarian or Independent. It is in this way I propose the downfall of the Republican Party. |
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Wed 11/25/09 07:03 PM
I don't really see any difference between the parties they are just bought by different special interests what we need is a law barring ANY money from lobbyists to parties, charities, or pet projects and all campaigning done on the public dime shared equally amongst all candidates. we've got to get rid of this professional politician ruling class and return the government to the people ![]() I'll second that. Along with all that, send La Raza and all the Illegals back to where they came from. According to my personal Giddyup Poll, we find Hussein and his whole crew are in a rating putting them lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. |
I too believe we need a balanced two-party political system in the US. However, I do not believe the Republican Party should be one of these and, for the good reasons I've stated, am bent on their downfall. Fanta....both the Republicans and the Democrats are no good for America . They are too close on major issues that you would think they are tied together with Crazy glue .... ![]() |
Obama should come out with his well thought out decision on Afghanistan this week. A well thought out decision. I'll bet his numbers will reflect a change then. Of course when every Republican left in America votes against everything he does it will always be hard to reflect a real high approval rating. The Republican Party seems to be more anti-Obama these days than Pro-America. ![]() |
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Thu 11/26/09 06:00 AM
Obama should come out with his well thought out decision on Afghanistan this week. A well thought out decision. I'll bet his numbers will reflect a change then. Of course when every Republican left in America votes against everything he does it will always be hard to reflect a real high approval rating. The Republican Party seems to be more anti-Obama these days than Pro-America. ![]() The more Anti-Hussein ya' are, the more Pro-America you'll be. The news is stating the same. The question isn't about how many, it's about what they will tax to pay for the extra troops. The estimated cost is about 1 million a year for each troop. Why not just tax the middle class Americans and richer a flat 65% of their gross income and any investments they have, investment properties, retirement funds, Christmas savings accts, etc. A lot of Dems are going Pro-America now they see some of the real demon, Hussein. His popularity dives, every time a job is lost, someone looses their home, every time they hear how Illegals are put as a higher priority than they, for every business closed, every soda tax paid, every time a devoted Muslim is appointed a position in our Government. There are 2 new ones advising how to keep America safe. How ironic. Muslims want to see the death of America and they are put into prime positions to see it get done. They are advisers working at Homeland Security. ![]() ![]() I say, send Obummer back to Kenya and put a real American in the Whitehouse. The only Repub. I trust is Ron Paul. If he's not an option, let's look for someone outside the Repub/Dem marriage. Both of them have been shafting us for years. While we're at it, let's flush the shiite out of Congress as well. It's been stanky for a long time. ![]() |
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Thu 11/26/09 10:54 AM
Obama should come out with his well thought out decision on Afghanistan this week. A well thought out decision. I'll bet his numbers will reflect a change then. Of course when every Republican left in America votes against everything he does it will always be hard to reflect a real high approval rating. The Republican Party seems to be more anti-Obama these days than Pro-America. ![]() The more Anti-Hussein ya' are, the more Pro-America you'll be. The news is stating the same. The question isn't about how many, it's about what they will tax to pay for the extra troops. The estimated cost is about 1 million a year for each troop. Why not just tax the middle class Americans and richer a flat 65% of their gross income and any investments they have, investment properties, retirement funds, Christmas savings accts, etc. A lot of Dems are going Pro-America now they see some of the real demon, Hussein. His popularity dives, every time a job is lost, someone looses their home, every time they hear how Illegals are put as a higher priority than they, for every business closed, every soda tax paid, every time a devoted Muslim is appointed a position in our Government. There are 2 new ones advising how to keep America safe. How ironic. Muslims want to see the death of America and they are put into prime positions to see it get done. They are advisers working at Homeland Security. ![]() ![]() I say, send Obummer back to Kenya and put a real American in the Whitehouse. The only Repub. I trust is Ron Paul. If he's not an option, let's look for someone outside the Repub/Dem marriage. Both of them have been shafting us for years. While we're at it, let's flush the shiite out of Congress as well. It's been stanky for a long time. ![]() 'Willing2', you're writing skills are such, that the subtlety and nuances of your incredibly valuable message might get lost on people. For the benefit of those whom might have a hard time deciphering your wisdom, and timely teachings, I figured I would summarize the key (secret code) of your semantics, such that no one would left in the 'dark'. Here it is: 1) 'HUSSEIN', usually accompanied by the famously subtle prefix 'ANTI', also qualified as 'THE DEMON HUSSEIN' and subliminally opposed to 'PRO-AMERICA-AMERICANS' 2) 'DEVOTED MUSLIM APPOINTED TO GOVERNMENT' hardly needs translation 3) 'MUSLIMS (ALL) WANT TO SEE THE DEATH OF AMERICA', as in all christians are good, all muslims are bad. The enemy is here, and it is US!!! 4) 'OBUMMER(synonym of 'HUSSEIN' in 'willing2's fantasy style), as in ...send (him) BACK TO KENYA'. Masterfully dancing between a religious hyperbole based on a fable, to an anatomical play on word revealing 'willing2's control of the prosaic form. 5) 'FLUSH THE SHIITE OUT OF CONGRESS' again, willing2 amazingly transforms one of his favorite anatomical pastime into a powerful hyperbolic, metaphoric allegory, pointing again to the serious dangers invading and taking over, not only willing2's mind, but AMERICA'S VERY CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATION!!! While I truly get a kick out of willing2's wonderfully creative, caricatural, and incredibly fablelistic and allegorical style, ... I wanted to make sure that the essence of his message wasn't lost on style!!! |
shows that people are waking up to the fact that they made a HUGE Mistake in putting this socialist in office-we need a leader in this country,not a touchy-feely twerp
shows that people are waking up to the fact that they made a HUGE Mistake in putting this socialist in office-we need a leader in this country,not a touchy-feely twerp ![]() ![]() Right on! And welcome to th' Zoo! ![]() |
why do you use the buzz phrase"religous right"? Is every conservative(a person who uses mind to decide as opposed to emotion) a bible thumper?