Angel, you're right, it does go both ways. It's just too bad that the
players don't stick to their own kind, that would make it a lot easier on the rest of us. :) |
its perfectly fine angel man
Maybe I'll start asking about politics. I had a woman I was dating
start screaming at me because she thought I supported some political writer. She was mistaken. |
I tell people I'm a liberal, that usually covers the political topics.
always find out what medications are being taken..
I say I don't believe in either major party so I can get yelled at from
zealots on both sides. |
I'm not a zealot, just a humanist. :)
We aren't going to really 'know' a person by Q and A, and as Gypsy
pointed out, even after we meet a person there will still be a lot to learn. So as I see it the best thing we can all do is be very clear with each other about our hopes and expectations, and what will happen if it does work out, and what will happen if it doesn't. We have to acknowledge realistically that that may well happen, though we don't want it to. Oceans |
Amen to that! :)
I'd say.....are you willing to work towards a better life with each
other?....There are some things that come naturally to some but not to others!.....Definately has to have effort from both sides!...probably goes back to the old adage...there are givers and takers....this requires both to be givers!!!!!! Muahhhhhhhhh!LOL |
Are you housebroken? :)
I was reading the posts through this thread, and there were a lot of
good questions to ask others. But here is my question for you all. . what would be inapropriate or uncomfortable questions to get asked in your opinion? |
good Q I will ask anything so .... maybe I should not answer!! |
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I read this whole thread...
CAUTION...Dont' turn the conversation into a "job" interview! How about just talk?...let the conversation flow ...see where it can have a life of it's own... what comes out naturally will most likely tell you lots about the other person... If the other person can't hold a conversation, is inappropriate, or makes you unconfortable...follow your instincts...BALE!!! Start to talk...take the first step...prepare for the worst...and hope for the BEST! |
I that what u did pete!!!!!!!!???? |