Topic: (52%) now disapprove
willing2's photo
Sat 11/21/09 05:39 PM

Not sure why it has taken so long for the majority of the people to realize just what a "waste of space" he is!

I had him at "0" zero percent favorable from the beginning!

I tried to tell everyone...who voted for it(BHO), that they'd be S O R R Y !!!



I'm holding my "told ya so's" until it gets much worse. Still deep in my mind, somehow they are still going to blame the conservatives for this morons downfall. Ignoring the fact that's he's a worthless piece of poo poo.

laugh "poo poo" is putting it mildly! laugh

Have a great weekend... flowers


I see someone's been viewing my Giddyup Poll.

Obummers almost to da point of gettin' tarred, feathered and put on a slow boat back to Kenya.drinker

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 11/21/09 06:44 PM

Not sure why it has taken so long for the majority of the people to realize just what a "waste of space" he is!

I had him at "0" zero percent favorable from the beginning!

I tried to tell everyone...who voted for it(BHO), that they'd be S O R R Y !!!



I'm holding my "told ya so's" until it gets much worse. Still deep in my mind, somehow they are still going to blame the conservatives for this morons downfall. Ignoring the fact that's he's a worthless piece of poo poo.

laugh "poo poo" is putting it mildly! laugh

Have a great weekend... flowers


I see someone's been viewing my Giddyup Poll.

Obummers almost to da point of gettin' tarred, feathered and put on a slow boat back to Kenya.drinker

Careful! The Political Correctness brigade may come after you for that comment! scared rofl

willing2's photo
Sat 11/21/09 06:59 PM

Not sure why it has taken so long for the majority of the people to realize just what a "waste of space" he is!

I had him at "0" zero percent favorable from the beginning!

I tried to tell everyone...who voted for it(BHO), that they'd be S O R R Y !!!



I'm holding my "told ya so's" until it gets much worse. Still deep in my mind, somehow they are still going to blame the conservatives for this morons downfall. Ignoring the fact that's he's a worthless piece of poo poo.

laugh "poo poo" is putting it mildly! laugh

Have a great weekend... flowers


I see someone's been viewing my Giddyup Poll.

Obummers almost to da point of gettin' tarred, feathered and put on a slow boat back to Kenya.drinker

Careful! The Political Correctness brigade may come after you for that comment! scared rofl

I've been on Hussein's Obamanator shiite list for quite a while.shades

Dragoness's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:12 PM
I never said Obama was the end all anyway.

Obama was the best offered to us to vote for and a damn sight better than what we had in office so we are doing better than what we were doing in that catagory.

He is doing okay considering what he is up against.

Considering that the racists are in an uproar and trying to spread all kinda lies about him, he is still holding his own. That says something about the people in this country who are too smart to buy into the racist rhetoric.

Now the ultra conservatives have had an issue with this government for a really long time before Obama because our government will never met their standards of fiscal conservativism so that is a given complaint we will always have.

Obama is actually not the ultimate in liberals either so there are complaints in that department.

I have issues with his bringing his Christianity to office and always saying god bless us and all that. He needs to keep his religion out of the government.

No person on this planet is perfect and we have to account for that with people in office too.

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:25 PM

yanno in the last couple of months I have seen about 8 doctors

and ALL of em are vehemently opposed to this healthcare plan

I havent met one yet that supports it

Thats interesting, I know at least a half dozen who do. Guess like with everything else,, only time will truly tell.

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:31 PM

No big suprise here the non stop negative anti Obama propaganda by the business elites have half the country brainwashed. Look how low Bush was even with all the Rah-rah by the media. The free passes given for the lies on the Iraq war and the over all wreck he made of the country hardly made frontline news. It seems to me Obama gets nothing but negative press on every issue even though he is the guy trying to clean up the mess of 8 years of republican neglect. I suppose if americans are so stupid they no longer deserve to be the leaders of the free world. Its no small wonder we are declineing in every catagory that is measurable.

This makes no sense-why would the business elites be anti-Obama when they wanted his handouts? FYI, Obama isn't exactly doing much to stop the phony wars and Republican corruption-quite the contrary. As far as "free-passes" for Bush, only the neocon media did that. The MSM slammed him regularly (and rightly so).

In summary, you're mostly seeing what you want to see-as Americans like to do. noway

Arent you american? hmmmm I got no issue with people having differing views on politics its the people who seem to have all this inside knowledge and KNOW IT ALL attitude about what OBama may or may not be trying to do. I didnt realize any of us were privvy to a blow by blow of all of his conversations, actions, and thoughts. Its only the personal insults of the mans worth that I find sad and disturbing, just like I dont feel it is right to call Bush evil or worthless. Whether or not you feel someone is good at their job gives you little right to attack character or worth.(not you personally , heaven, just minglers in general).

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:37 PM

No big suprise here the non stop negative anti Obama propaganda by the business elites have half the country brainwashed. Look how low Bush was even with all the Rah-rah by the media. The free passes given for the lies on the Iraq war and the over all wreck he made of the country hardly made frontline news. It seems to me Obama gets nothing but negative press on every issue even though he is the guy trying to clean up the mess of 8 years of republican neglect. I suppose if americans are so stupid they no longer deserve to be the leaders of the free world. Its no small wonder we are declineing in every catagory that is measurable.

This makes no sense-why would the business elites be anti-Obama when they wanted his handouts? FYI, Obama isn't exactly doing much to stop the phony wars and Republican corruption-quite the contrary. As far as "free-passes" for Bush, only the neocon media did that. The MSM slammed him regularly (and rightly so).

In summary, you're mostly seeing what you want to see-as Americans like to do. noway

Arent you american? hmmmm I got no issue with people having differing views on politics its the people who seem to have all this inside knowledge and KNOW IT ALL attitude about what OBama may or may not be trying to do. I didnt realize any of us were privvy to a blow by blow of all of his conversations, actions, and thoughts. Its only the personal insults of the mans worth that I find sad and disturbing, just like I dont feel it is right to call Bush evil or worthless. Whether or not you feel someone is good at their job gives you little right to attack character or worth.(not you personally , heaven, just minglers in general).

If another person's job directly affects my life (as the President's does) I have the right and responsibility to comment on them. If you read the founders' writings, they considered citizens to be responsible for keeping tabs on elected leaders so as to prevent tyranny ("tyranny" is used multiple times to describe the tendencies of men in power in the founders' essays).

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:47 PM

No big suprise here the non stop negative anti Obama propaganda by the business elites have half the country brainwashed. Look how low Bush was even with all the Rah-rah by the media. The free passes given for the lies on the Iraq war and the over all wreck he made of the country hardly made frontline news. It seems to me Obama gets nothing but negative press on every issue even though he is the guy trying to clean up the mess of 8 years of republican neglect. I suppose if americans are so stupid they no longer deserve to be the leaders of the free world. Its no small wonder we are declineing in every catagory that is measurable.

This makes no sense-why would the business elites be anti-Obama when they wanted his handouts? FYI, Obama isn't exactly doing much to stop the phony wars and Republican corruption-quite the contrary. As far as "free-passes" for Bush, only the neocon media did that. The MSM slammed him regularly (and rightly so).

In summary, you're mostly seeing what you want to see-as Americans like to do. noway

Arent you american? hmmmm I got no issue with people having differing views on politics its the people who seem to have all this inside knowledge and KNOW IT ALL attitude about what OBama may or may not be trying to do. I didnt realize any of us were privvy to a blow by blow of all of his conversations, actions, and thoughts. Its only the personal insults of the mans worth that I find sad and disturbing, just like I dont feel it is right to call Bush evil or worthless. Whether or not you feel someone is good at their job gives you little right to attack character or worth.(not you personally , heaven, just minglers in general).

If another person's job directly affects my life (as the President's does) I have the right and responsibility to comment on them. If you read the founders' writings, they considered citizens to be responsible for keeping tabs on elected leaders so as to prevent tyranny ("tyranny" is used multiple times to describe the tendencies of men in power in the founders' essays).

Commenting on ones JOB and commenting on their human worth or their character are different things. We should absolutely be knowledgable about what those in power are doing with the power but if we have no proof that they are acting out of less than noble motives rather than just differing politics, we are out of bounds to call them worthless as a person or attack them personally. Stick to their job skills, we dont know anyone well enough to be the judge of their human worth.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:57 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sat 11/21/09 07:57 PM

No big suprise here the non stop negative anti Obama propaganda by the business elites have half the country brainwashed. Look how low Bush was even with all the Rah-rah by the media. The free passes given for the lies on the Iraq war and the over all wreck he made of the country hardly made frontline news. It seems to me Obama gets nothing but negative press on every issue even though he is the guy trying to clean up the mess of 8 years of republican neglect. I suppose if americans are so stupid they no longer deserve to be the leaders of the free world. Its no small wonder we are declineing in every catagory that is measurable.

This makes no sense-why would the business elites be anti-Obama when they wanted his handouts? FYI, Obama isn't exactly doing much to stop the phony wars and Republican corruption-quite the contrary. As far as "free-passes" for Bush, only the neocon media did that. The MSM slammed him regularly (and rightly so).

In summary, you're mostly seeing what you want to see-as Americans like to do. noway

Arent you american? hmmmm I got no issue with people having differing views on politics its the people who seem to have all this inside knowledge and KNOW IT ALL attitude about what OBama may or may not be trying to do. I didnt realize any of us were privvy to a blow by blow of all of his conversations, actions, and thoughts. Its only the personal insults of the mans worth that I find sad and disturbing, just like I dont feel it is right to call Bush evil or worthless. Whether or not you feel someone is good at their job gives you little right to attack character or worth.(not you personally , heaven, just minglers in general).

If another person's job directly affects my life (as the President's does) I have the right and responsibility to comment on them. If you read the founders' writings, they considered citizens to be responsible for keeping tabs on elected leaders so as to prevent tyranny ("tyranny" is used multiple times to describe the tendencies of men in power in the founders' essays).

Commenting on ones JOB and commenting on their human worth or their character are different things. We should absolutely be knowledgable about what those in power are doing with the power but if we have no proof that they are acting out of less than noble motives rather than just differing politics, we are out of bounds to call them worthless as a person or attack them personally. Stick to their job skills, we dont know anyone well enough to be the judge of their human worth.

I and many other libertarians/independents do exactly what you hope, and members of both parties usually call me a "whacko" or some other ad hominems for it. noway :tongue: (I've gotten a number of them hurled at me myself laugh )

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:13 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 11/21/09 08:15 PM

No big suprise here the non stop negative anti Obama propaganda by the business elites have half the country brainwashed. Look how low Bush was even with all the Rah-rah by the media. The free passes given for the lies on the Iraq war and the over all wreck he made of the country hardly made frontline news. It seems to me Obama gets nothing but negative press on every issue even though he is the guy trying to clean up the mess of 8 years of republican neglect. I suppose if americans are so stupid they no longer deserve to be the leaders of the free world. Its no small wonder we are declineing in every catagory that is measurable.

This makes no sense-why would the business elites be anti-Obama when they wanted his handouts? FYI, Obama isn't exactly doing much to stop the phony wars and Republican corruption-quite the contrary. As far as "free-passes" for Bush, only the neocon media did that. The MSM slammed him regularly (and rightly so).

In summary, you're mostly seeing what you want to see-as Americans like to do. noway

Arent you american? hmmmm I got no issue with people having differing views on politics its the people who seem to have all this inside knowledge and KNOW IT ALL attitude about what OBama may or may not be trying to do. I didnt realize any of us were privvy to a blow by blow of all of his conversations, actions, and thoughts. Its only the personal insults of the mans worth that I find sad and disturbing, just like I dont feel it is right to call Bush evil or worthless. Whether or not you feel someone is good at their job gives you little right to attack character or worth.(not you personally , heaven, just minglers in general).

If another person's job directly affects my life (as the President's does) I have the right and responsibility to comment on them. If you read the founders' writings, they considered citizens to be responsible for keeping tabs on elected leaders so as to prevent tyranny ("tyranny" is used multiple times to describe the tendencies of men in power in the founders' essays).

Commenting on ones JOB and commenting on their human worth or their character are different things. We should absolutely be knowledgable about what those in power are doing with the power but if we have no proof that they are acting out of less than noble motives rather than just differing politics, we are out of bounds to call them worthless as a person or attack them personally. Stick to their job skills, we dont know anyone well enough to be the judge of their human worth.

I and many other libertarians/independents do exactly what you hope, and members of both parties usually call me a "whacko" or some other ad hominems for it. noway :tongue: (I've gotten a number of them hurled at me myself laugh )

And I do appreciate it. I dont agree with EVERYTHING my own mom does or says and she is my mom. I certainly dont expect to agree with everything any president does,,but ad hominem attacks are ridiculous and do little to actually enlighten or further discussion. Whatever he has or has not yet done in office, this president has carried himself with the utmost integrity and respect and his record reflects that he is a man of high regard and concern for others as well as strong family values for himself. The claim that he is worthless as a person was very out of place in this thread, to me anyhow. But,, on with the debate and thanx for giving me a minute to vent....

markumX's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:52 PM
Rasmussen also predicted Mccain to win, predicted Bush 1 to win his re election. Polls also had Mondell and Dole winning. Bottom line, Polls mean nothing.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 09:17 PM

Not sure why it has taken so long for the majority of the people to realize just what a "waste of space" he is!

I had him at "0" zero percent favorable from the beginning!

I tried to tell everyone...who voted for it(BHO), that they'd be S O R R Y !!!



I'm holding my "told ya so's" until it gets much worse. Still deep in my mind, somehow they are still going to blame the conservatives for this morons downfall. Ignoring the fact that's he's a worthless piece of poo poo.

laugh "poo poo" is putting it mildly! laugh

Have a great weekend... flowers


I see someone's been viewing my Giddyup Poll.

Obummers almost to da point of gettin' tarred, feathered and put on a slow boat back to Kenya.drinker

Careful! The Political Correctness brigade may come after you for that comment! scared rofl

I've been on Hussein's Obamanator shiite list for quite a while.shades

Yes "poo poo" is putting it mildly. I'm being politically correct for once in my life laugh I have a few other choice words for the inexperienced moron.

Haha China wouldn't want him so off to Kenya he goes.

Ooooooooooh the political correctness police?scared I've been on all the liberals shiite list bigsmile

willing2's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:33 AM

Not sure why it has taken so long for the majority of the people to realize just what a "waste of space" he is!

I had him at "0" zero percent favorable from the beginning!

I tried to tell everyone...who voted for it(BHO), that they'd be S O R R Y !!!



I'm holding my "told ya so's" until it gets much worse. Still deep in my mind, somehow they are still going to blame the conservatives for this morons downfall. Ignoring the fact that's he's a worthless piece of poo poo.

laugh "poo poo" is putting it mildly! laugh

Have a great weekend... flowers


I see someone's been viewing my Giddyup Poll.

Obummers almost to da point of gettin' tarred, feathered and put on a slow boat back to Kenya.drinker

Careful! The Political Correctness brigade may come after you for that comment! scared rofl

I've been on Hussein's Obamanator shiite list for quite a while.shades

Yes "poo poo" is putting it mildly. I'm being politically correct for once in my life laugh I have a few other choice words for the inexperienced moron.

Haha China wouldn't want him so off to Kenya he goes.

Ooooooooooh the political correctness police?scared I've been on all the liberals shiite list bigsmile


"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

no photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:41 AM
laugh It's sad and true. I love your take on OBAMA. It is one big a$$ mistake. :wink:

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:51 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 11/22/09 06:52 AM
..because,, Mccain would have done what at this point in his term if he were president? Ignored the economy, stop illegal immigration, ignore the millions of under or non insured citizens...kept americans distracted with fear and war?

Nah,, I will stick with my decision. Let the war hero continue to have his accolades and respect for his military accomplishments. Let the beauty queen earn her money being pretty and writing books.

I want someone intelligent and diplomatic in office, a uniter and someone who has some knowledge about what it is to be a struggling average american.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:59 AM

Rasmussen also predicted Mccain to win, predicted Bush 1 to win his re election. Polls also had Mondell and Dole winning. Bottom line, Polls mean nothing.

I don't know what Rasmussen poll you were following...but...he had it exactly right...Obama by 6 a matter af fact...he hangs his hat on that whenever he appears on any talk show...

no photo
Sun 11/22/09 07:05 AM
Edited by peladac on Sun 11/22/09 07:05 AM
Americans didn't have much of a choice this past election. It was a disgrace and the outcome was just as bad. Hind sight is 20/20. 2012 cannot come fast enough for me.

Kept americans in fear? Do you not think there are some things that are so serious that we need to keep our eyes on? Hmmm does Ft. Hood ring a bell? That was a terrorist right in our own military, attacked our own military. Tell me that's not real.
slaphead grumble

Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/22/09 07:08 AM

Americans didn't have much of a choice this past election. It was a disgrace and the outcome was just as bad. Hind sight is 20/20. 2012 cannot come fast enough for me.

Kept americans in fear? Do you not think there are some things that are so serious that we need to keep our eyes on? Hmmm does Ft. Hood ring a bell? That was a terrorist right in our own military, attacked our own military. Tell me that's not real.
slaphead grumble

not to mention...that Bill Clinton in one the worse decisions in this countries history...making ALL military bases " gun free "...zones...

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/22/09 07:13 AM

Americans didn't have much of a choice this past election. It was a disgrace and the outcome was just as bad. Hind sight is 20/20. 2012 cannot come fast enough for me.

Kept americans in fear? Do you not think there are some things that are so serious that we need to keep our eyes on? Hmmm does Ft. Hood ring a bell? That was a terrorist right in our own military, attacked our own military. Tell me that's not real.
slaphead grumble

It is VERY real the way the mentally ill (whether christian or muslim) is overlooked and dismissed UNTIL a tragedy happens. There are many things serious enough to keep our eye on, but the threat of potential terrorism is not so serious as to ignore all the other ACTUAL issues IN PROGRESS right now. WE all have our opinions. Mine was to elect the nominee who addressed the things I was concerned with. Sorry, but mostly what I heard from the Mccain Palin ticket was his military record(which is a great asset, concerning our safety,, I agree). I didnt hear much significant discussion or concern about issues like education or healthcare or the economy which in my day to day life concern me much more urgently than the possibility (that has and always will be there) of some lunatics acting out against America.

I voted on the issues that were important to me and I stil stand by them because I have NO REASON to believe McCain/Palin would do any better.

no photo
Sun 11/22/09 07:16 AM
Edited by peladac on Sun 11/22/09 07:16 AM

Americans didn't have much of a choice this past election. It was a disgrace and the outcome was just as bad. Hind sight is 20/20. 2012 cannot come fast enough for me.

Kept americans in fear? Do you not think there are some things that are so serious that we need to keep our eyes on? Hmmm does Ft. Hood ring a bell? That was a terrorist right in our own military, attacked our own military. Tell me that's not real.
slaphead grumble

not to mention...that Bill Clinton in one the worse decisions in this countries history...making ALL military bases " gun free "...zones...

liberalism at it's best. It's a damn military base, it takes a complete moron to make a decision like that. It leaves them sitting ducks. Pretty sad that our own military wasn't equipped enough to take down this terrorist, it took 2 civilian police officers. Had they been able to have firearms there would have been less deaths and one death would have included that terrorist.