Topic: New
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Thu 11/19/09 11:51 PM
I am new here and i am hoping to have fun and meet new people and try/ might even to find my prince charming

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Fri 11/20/09 12:14 AM

I am new here and i am hoping to have fun and meet new people and try/ might even to find my prince charming

Ah my little grasshopper, you must walk the lake of a thousand frogs just to stand free, the prince you seek might not be me, go to a place of sight and mind, go there quickly as to find.
Mingle with some and mingle with none, yet mingle to your tune.
Many lakes smell fresh, yet yield to so few.
For you are so young, life still yet so true....


And may you meet many, take only one, and live,laugh, and play,,your time away...:banana: :wink: :smile:

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 11/20/09 12:38 AM

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Fri 11/20/09 03:17 AM
I am new here and i am hoping to have fun and meet new people and try/ might even to find my prince charming
Ah my little grasshopper, you must walk the lake of a thousand frogs just to stand free, the prince you seek might not be me, go to a place of sight and mind, go there quickly as to find. Mingle with some and mingle with none, yet mingle to your tune. Many lakes smell fresh, yet yield to so few. For you are so young, life still yet so true.... LOL<WELCOME TO THE HOUSE THAT LOVE BUILT!!!!! And may you meet many, take only one, and live,laugh, and play,,your time away...:banana: :wink: :smile:

Ya i know i am young at i know what i want from life and i am going to try my hardest to get what i want

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Fri 11/20/09 03:19 AM
And thank you yellowrose10

aladytoo's photo
Fri 11/20/09 03:32 AM
welcome...good luck in your search

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Fri 11/20/09 03:38 AM
Thank you

BABCHI's photo
Fri 11/20/09 04:26 AM
Welcome and Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Fri 11/20/09 04:47 AM
Hi and Welcome!

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 11/20/09 06:50 AM