Topic: A Mere Pittance
HuckleberryFinn's photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:33 AM
A Mere Pittance

a fragile flower
exposed bud
windblown petals
call bumbling stud

trust to pollination
polluted by lust
tainted offspring
weeds in the dust

wilting remembrance
of a tragic hour
such a mere pittance
to be a flower.....

this poem is a metaphor and dedicated to those who have suffered at the hands of a rapist or molestor

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 05:36 AM

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:24 AM
what to write..
this comes to mind..
killing me softly
with your words
this morning.

Sharris's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:26 AM
From A Seed

Trampled and pulled.
Thrown to the ground.
By someone who knew no better.
People watched
As the bed was destroyed,
Her flowers, uprooted, uncovered.
No longer sacred,
This hallowed place.
All that was known,
Would be more disgrace.
Little girl sad,
Her hopes thrown away.
What she would bloom,
A lifetime of days.
So simple it was,
Grown from a seed.
Treasure destroyed
By a senseless cruel deed.

Raine Les 11/18/2009