Topic: Love and astrology?
Morena350's photo
Wed 10/04/06 02:52 PM
Some people believe in love or friendship, by the horoscope signes do
anyone think is true, that someone can get along, only because their
signes are compartible?

chismah's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:10 PM
NOPE...don't believe in that stuff...cause if you find one day out of
many to be accurate when you read it...then oh must be lord people..

Just live your lives to your own destiny..NOT what signs or psychics or
what people tell you to believe. life is an experience that can only be
achieved through your own eyes & experience.


chica42ny's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:21 PM
You are funny! Chismah

SalvationJane's photo
Wed 10/04/06 04:24 PM
Chis, I miss your "bubbly" face in your avitar when I read your posts!!

I feel there is some truth and validity to astrology, but it's a very in
depth science - and there are way to many crackpots out there calling
themselves experts!


Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 10/04/06 04:39 PM
I asked a question one time. I said:

Now that Pluto is no longer considered a planet, at what effect does
that have on astrology?

well of course I got the answers of the fact that it has no effect at
all cause the moon isn't a planet either. well, thats right but the moon
was never down graided either. So I wonder if Pluto might decide to
cause havoc on the other planets or it's own orbit in protest.LOL

SalvationJane's photo
Wed 10/04/06 04:49 PM

that leads one to the question, "where does this leave Uranus?"


Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 10/04/06 04:53 PM
Leave uranus alone.LOL

SalvationJane's photo
Wed 10/04/06 04:56 PM
LOL!!! Myanus?


Morena350's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:29 PM
I believe that I can make my own destiny,
thank you chismah, that was funny, but I will take your advice and will
go out and have some fun.
tell you all about it sunday..........

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/06/06 08:23 PM
I got 2 words for astrology, bull and shit..I got more faith in weather
forcasting...I mean c'mon..have you ever looked to the heavens at the
constellations?..who the hell saw these images and where can I buy what
they were on?..ok I can see how they called them big and little dipper
but they ain't part of astrology.

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:41 AM
i don't think that they have an impact. any horoscope that i have read
is almost completely off base with my personality to start with.
occassionally it will be similar but not very often. i don't care what
the horoscope says about our compatibility, just that we get along and i
lover her spirit and her heart

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:51 AM
well my problem with astrology is that its based on the concept the
universe revolves around the earth wich we all know is not the case now
i can see humans facing differen conditions based on when they are born
and were they are born
but thats more of a conditioning science and to acuratly make a
hipothosis you would need to know all variables and conditions to have a
controlled test for use in science wich is impossible i do read
my horoscope but its more for the laugh i get out of reading it ..

Morena350's photo
Wed 03/28/07 09:01 PM

no photo
Thu 03/29/07 12:30 AM
I wouldn't read the dailies, but the same signs keep popping again and
again in my life. I find you end up finding common traits and
characteristics. After three tries with the same sign and the same
problems arise, I'd say it's time to stay away from that sign.

no photo
Thu 03/29/07 04:59 PM
I have met many Scorpio ladies and we always get along I love dating the
same sign.