Topic: My Walk
Sharris's photo
Wed 11/11/09 11:24 AM
My Walk

On my walk, I noticed.
T'was thought, had seen it's day,
Just a hint of some flower,
In the air, a faint spray.

I could not identify
Which one was shared.
The trees were naked.
No leaves, just bared.

Surely, no more,
For winter comes soon.
The gray overhead
Was beginning to loom.

Still, I could tell.
T'was fragrant and sweet.
Blending with the leaves
Drying and heaped.

Such a puzzling
question, in my mind.
a reason, perhaps,
understood this time.

Often, we walk through
seasons complacent.
Tis wonder, surprises
that gift us fulfillment.

Yes, just a hint.
Sweetness filling.
Flowers that bloom.
Embraces, so willing.

Raine Les 11/11/2009

LAMom's photo
Wed 11/11/09 12:01 PM
you know beautiful you,, its on these walks where I take in all of you,, and gain the strength to move forward in this journey,,

:heart: :heart:

Sharris's photo
Wed 11/11/09 12:16 PM

you know beautiful you,, its on these walks where I take in all of you,, and gain the strength to move forward in this journey,,

:heart: :heart:

it's only a hug..

MzEm's photo
Wed 11/11/09 12:40 PM
That sounds like a wonderful walk...

pkh's photo
Wed 11/11/09 12:50 PM
great write Sadie

Sharris's photo
Wed 11/11/09 01:21 PM

That sounds like a wonderful walk...

I think you have been on this same walk...perhaps?

Sharris's photo
Thu 11/12/09 09:32 AM

great write Sadie

How are you?