Topic: Arizona honnor killing | |
---|---| couldn't be any more wrong. You're either misinformed or being disengenious. There is NOTHING in Islam about 72 virgins...i would love for you to point to me where Islamic dogma states this. After all you seem to be the expert even though i've been muslim all my life. Now to address the previous posters, He may have used the Quran...and it's Spelled Quran not a scapegoat for his actions but again this isn't acceptable in Islam. Yes there is a whole surah devoted to women, on how they should conduct themselves and how they should be treated and that's with the utmost respect. To what you're referring to as them being kept in the house till death, This applies to adultry. In this time period, per jewish law and Islam is Judism perfected, adulters were subjected to stoning. This revelation that if the husband didn't want to divorce his wife, keeping her inside the house was both her punishment and protection from mobs that wanted to see her stoned. In judism both adulterers were executed. Neither Islam nor the Quran supports these "honor Killings" but unfortunately pashtoon and pakistani cultures did before Islam and integrated it. This man in sharia courts would be executed. Murder is murder. Nowhere in Islam is it acceptable to take another human life except in time of war and oppression or self defense. Like I said bud just save your breath.Try fluffing up someone who just got off the Micheal moore express because I am not going to waste a single second wasting time debunking your phony Islam claims.I have read your other posts and I know where you stand on this issue and it's obvious you will say anything fact or fiction to twist a newstory concerning radical Islam.I will not respond to your posts. |
OP, is there a news article that you pulled this information from? Could you please post a link? Thank you. I believe this might be the source Thanks! |
Edited by
Sat 11/07/09 05:18 AM
Any Muslim who follows the Quran is a sleeper.
You may think you know the person but, when it is time to act in the name of Allah, they will act. Many other Muslim eyes are on them and to not do the commandements set forth by Mohammed means expulsion from their heaven. They do double speak, AKA Lies. The same kind Obummer is doing to us right now. 7 Things the Islamic experts won't tell you! About Islam's worldview - The Muslims of Islamic states, and many within the USA, have the tradition of a worldview that divides humanity into two opposing halves. Dar al-Islam, House of Islam, is the zone where Islam rules. The other side is the war zone that is called, Dar el Harb, House of War. This worldview dictates that war will continue between these two sections of humanity until the supremacy of Islam is fully established throughout the earth. About deceptive revisions of the Koran - There has been a great effort among Muslim translators to enhance Islam's appeal and reputation among people of other faiths. To accomplish this they have adopted a slanted, freestyle method of translating certain sections of the Koran. This is done to veil the truth about their religion's primitive barbarism and contempt for Christians and Jews that is revealed in the original Arabic texts. Here is an example from the new French translation of the Koran in regard to the Jews. It reads, "The people of Israel will be twice destroyed as an innocent victim, and God will reward them by elevating them to great heights." The original translation reads just the opposite. "The people of Israel, after sowing corruption twice on earth for the purpose of dominating other people, will push themselves up into a position of extreme power before being punished by God." About the Koran's violent verses - The Koran was written in two major stages. These have been integrated and arranged by chapter length as opposed to the chronological order in which they were initially written. The first part was penned in the early years of the Islamic movement while Mohammed was living in Mecca, Arabia. The experts boast the verses from these chapters as proof that Islam is a bastion of peace, love, and tolerance. They avoid references to verses from the second and largest portion of the Koran. It was written after the movement relocated its headquarters to Medina, Arabia, and increased in strength. These verses often reflect religious intolerance and encourage cruel hostility towards non-Muslims. Here are two examples that were aimed at Jews, Christians, and Arabs that clung to traditional tribal polytheistic beliefs. - So when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters, wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush…. (Koran 9:5) The only punishment of those that wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is that they should be murdered, or crucified, or their hands and their feet should be cut-off on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned…. (Koran 5:33) About the stage of weakness/the stage of strength strategy - The stark differences in the tone of the verses that were written in Mecca and those written in Medina exposes a tactic that has been characteristic of Islam throughout its history. Traditionally, Muslims determine the strength of the religion in various settings as being in one of two states; the stage of weakness and the stage of strength. When Muslims are in the minority and perceive that they are vulnerable, it is their custom to agree to most anything and to be conciliatory towards other religious groups. The moment that they sense superiority in numbers and influence, a form of ruthlessness sets in. They begin to oppress minority religious groups and to demonstrate a blatant disregard for the agreements that they made during the stage of weakness. About sanctioned lying - Unlike Christianity and Judaism, Islam does not simply make a provision for forgiveness if one tells a lie; it actually encourages lying in certain situations. This is evident in both the Koran and the Hadith. The latter is a collection of Mohammed's sayings and deeds according to his wives, relatives, and companions. Next to the Koran, it is the most important part of Islamic law. In the Hadith, Mohammed was quoted as saying, "The sons of Adam are accountable for all lies with the exception of those spoken to reconcile two men that are quarreling, for a man to appease his wife, and in war, because war necessitates deception." This is what often makes life such a nightmare for non-Muslim women that marry Muslim men. Without the pangs of conscience, men are licensed to appease their wives with promises which they have no intention of keeping. In addition, within Islam there is the principle of "Al Takeyya." The term means, "prevention". This principle permits Muslims to lie at their discretion whenever they interpret that it is expedient for the influence of Islam or their personal protection and well-being. They justify lying by using the following verse as a springboard for expanded applications of Al Takeyya. "Let not the believers take the disbelievers for friends rather than believers. And whoever does this has no connection with Allah unless it is done to guard (Takeyya) yourselves against them, guarding carefully. And Allah cautions you against His retribution. And to Allah is the eventual coming." (Koran 3:27) The principle of Al Takeyya is precisely what makes negotiations with Islamic statesmen such a frustrating endeavor for the naïve diplomats of Christianized nations. It is imperative that diplomatic envoys learn that when dealing with Muslims, what Muslim statesmen say is not the issue. The real issue is, what do they mean and actually intend to do in their hearts. |
what a bunch of B S and thomas you're a coward. I will debate you anywhere on any chat program. Quit spreading your lies.
nice try but Iraqis don't believe in "honor killings". Most likely there's an element the media's not reporting with all cases. Maybe you can clear this up for me. Isn't there a section in the quran dedicated to women? I recall seeing a passage that read something like If your women are guilty of lewdness keep them in the house until dead. I could be wrong, but for some reason I recall reading that. There is a scripture in your bible that says if a child is disobedient he should be taken to his father's house and killed.... Also there that it is an abomination to eat shell fish... I don't think this man should be quizzed and about his scriptures when your own are open to interpretation. |
Edited by
Sat 11/07/09 05:32 PM
Conditions to lie set by Muhammad
Islam is the only world-religion that implies in its scriptures that it is ever permissible (or even encouraged) to lie. In his Sira, Muhammad authorized lying to improve the chances of successful assassinations, for example in the case of Shaaban Ibn Khalid al-Hazly and Bin Kaab. Muhammad said: "Lying is wrong, except in three things: the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him; a lie to an enemy, for war is deception; or a lie to settle trouble between people" [Ahmad, 6.459. H] Quran verses Q2:225: A Muslim does not have to maintain his oath (faith) as long as what's in his heart is true: Treaties: A Muslim can break a treaty with a non-believer or even a "not so good" Muslim. Now, how can you authorize breaking a treaty without also authorizing lying? Q3:28: Muslims are told that non-believers are not friends. Logically it follows, that If you explicitly designate a group in your immediate social circle, as a non-friend, then you implicitly designate them as enemies, since enmity is the only relation that can be allowed to develop. As we see Muhammad allows lying to enemies, so now you have permission to lie to your non-believer non-friends (the West, the non-believing minorities, the "not-so-good" Muslims, etc..). Q16:106 If a Muslim is compelled to disbelief, do it. And Muhammad even took the pain to explain what he considered "compelling": (please see "Compelled to Lie" for more details). This verse does not mention when being "under fear of death" or "if a knife is put to your neck". This verse opens the door to lying, since you can deny faith, you can deny less important things. Q77:38 & Q9:5: Allows the Muslim to use any stratagem. A common Muslim defense is that this applies 'only in war' However as has been demonstrated, Muslims are always at war. Considering that non-believers can not be friends with Muslims. Therefore any relations can only be governed by enmity or truce. Also, Considering the Muslims are allowed to break a truce whenever they choose without prior warning (very dishonourable conduct) as per Treaties, I would have to argue that Muslims are constantly at war. [edit] Compelled to lie vs allowed to lie: Q16:106 states "if a Muslim is compelled to lie". It seems that 'compelling' and 'allowing' are synonymous as they both can occur following conditions set by Muhammad: To keep the peace in his house, To protect himself To bring peace among people. Why else would someone lie if it were not for those 3 conditions listed above? Read the list again and ask yourself if there is any other condition worth lying for. Questions: What did Islam add to humanity as far as lying is concerned? What is it that Muslims are not allowed to do today, that pagans were allowed to do before the founding of Islam in regards to honesty? Other Hadiths related to lying The following seems to say that a person can knowingly get two of his friends to lie about the consent given by a woman and the marriage will be upheld. So if she turns him down, all he needs to do is get two friends to lie and she will be his wife legally: Narrated Abu Haraira: Allah's Apostle said, "A lady slave should not be given in marriage until she is consulted, and a virgin should not be given in marriage until her permission is granted." The people said, "How will she express her permission?" The Prophet said, "By keeping silent (when asked her consent)." Some people said, "If a man, by playing a trick, presents two false witnesses before the judge to testify that he has married a matron with her consent and the judge confirms his marriage, and the husband is sure that he has never married her (before), then such a marriage will be considered as a legal one and he may live with her as husband." Sahih Bukhari 9:86:100, See also: Sahih Bukhari 9:86:98 & Sahih Bukhari 9:86:101 References Preventing the West from Understanding Jihad, Jihad Watch, 17 July 2007 The more Muslims who occupy territory, the bolder they get. I imagine, one day, Sharia Law will be as common in the U.S. as Apple Pie used to be. |
what a bunch of B S and thomas you're a coward. I will debate you anywhere on any chat program. Quit spreading your lies. Do not be surprised there is a real war against Islam and Muslims in the West . This war is started by the Administrations and supported by the media propaganda and lies . The people believe their TV lies and their politicians deception . Why do you blame a robot who support the killing of INNOCENT people in Iraq and Afghanista and who keeps on criticizing Islam and Muslim . Remember that at one time all Muslim countries were under colonialism but the Muslims died for their freedoms and today most of them are free and enjoying life like everyone else . May peace and common sense be up on this nation and all nations !!!. |
FLEMING ISLAND, Fla. -- A Clay County woman called 911 early Tuesday morning to report finding her husband and two children dead in what investigators believe was a double slaying and suicide.
Clay County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Dan Mahla said it appears that 49-year-old Jerry Whitelaw shot his 16-year-old son, Kevin, and 11-year-old daughter, Katie, inside their home on Grande Oaks Way in the Margaret's Walk subdivision just after 6 a.m. before turning the gun on himself. Mahla said they believe the two children were killed in their sleep, then Whitelaw shot himself while his wife was in the shower. "It has the appearance of being a murder-suicide," Mahla said. "Anytime it's involving children, it's devastating." People kill all around the world every day for various reasons. I am not one who belives in being fearful of or hating muslims. It saddens me to hear that sentiment repeated so often in todays society but we will all hold a mirror to ourselves someday,,, |
FLEMING ISLAND, Fla. -- A Clay County woman called 911 early Tuesday morning to report finding her husband and two children dead in what investigators believe was a double slaying and suicide. Clay County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Dan Mahla said it appears that 49-year-old Jerry Whitelaw shot his 16-year-old son, Kevin, and 11-year-old daughter, Katie, inside their home on Grande Oaks Way in the Margaret's Walk subdivision just after 6 a.m. before turning the gun on himself. Mahla said they believe the two children were killed in their sleep, then Whitelaw shot himself while his wife was in the shower. "It has the appearance of being a murder-suicide," Mahla said. "Anytime it's involving children, it's devastating." People kill all around the world every day for various reasons. I am not one who belives in being fearful of or hating muslims. It saddens me to hear that sentiment repeated so often in todays society but we will all hold a mirror to ourselves someday,,, Well said.. we are not at war with Islam. I feel like this man is being attacked and feeling the need to defend himself..I thought this wasn't allowed.... |
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Sat 11/07/09 05:48 PM
This topic is being locked at this time.
We realize that this is a sensitive topic right now, and we ask that each of you be respectful toward the beliefs of our fellow members. Be well, Lori Lead Moderator for Mingle2 |