Topic: The gift of giving? | |
What are some charities you like to donate to? What do you donate to these charities?
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Sat 10/31/09 10:14 PM
I have donated to the Susan Koman foundation for breast cancer and to the St. Jude Hospital for children with cancer.
Donations always done with cash.... normally even for funeral instead of flowers I do a donation instead and have the card sent to the family... ![]() |
What are some charities you like to donate to? What do you donate to these charities? Feed The Children, usually what I can spare for the month which is typically about 40 or so dollars. |
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Sat 10/31/09 10:16 PM
Paralyzed Veterans and the ALS association
I've donated from $25-50 |
Humane Society and the ASPCA. I give as much as I can.
Humane Society, ASPCA, one of the Wildlife ones, Multiple Sclerosis Society, and a couple of state animal charities, YSDR, and Atlasta Home Sanctuary
I like to donate to the Save the Earthy fund.
Things like toilet paperrr.... Fooooddd... Clotheesssss.... I donate my time to help people with their addictions, thats all I can do right now. |
What are some charities you like to donate to? What do you donate to these charities? I donate to my family members. We help each other. Seriously! I try to do acts of kindness to whoever that I see. Today my son & I were driving along toward home and saw a man struggling with a BIG sign and I looked at my son & he said, "turn around mom; I can help him" so we did and the guy looked at us like we were crazy. But my son jumped out and helped him and then we went on our way. |
Local food banks are a big hit with me...
Most of my donations go to my church, which then uses funds for missions within the community.
This year I did trick-or-treat for UNICEF which was great! Kido and I treat-or-treated about 3 streets and received around $15 for UNICEF. And I have also given to PBS, Detroit Institute of Art and other various places. |
My local churches and the Veteran's hospital near my home
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My local food bank
And I volunteer there too! Children going hungry is my big thing! ![]() |
Heifer International, PBS, American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Hospice, among others....time, money, support...Lots of good causes!
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special olympics
I help out at homeless and abuse shelters. Whether it's serving food, cleaning, just talking to people.
I have done clothing and food drives for them as well. I helped with the Special Olympics when I was younger. |
My favorite one is St Judes Children's hospital- I volunteer & raise pledges every year...
I have volunteered time and gently used items to local battered womens shelters and I have worked at several childrens homes as a counselor... I am very active in the American cancer society when I can be and - It is also my pleasure to serve in our church soup kitchen... I always tell my kids- Gifts dont always have to come in wrapping paper with pretty ribbons.. |
So many I don't remember all the names. Muscular dystrify is one and the animal shelters is also one. I used to do them each time I got a lump of money. Income tax or winnings of some kind. I always tried to do a different one. Lately though I just give change in those containers in the store. Or the people asking for money outside.
The United Way and The Salvation Army...then they distribute to where they see fit...
Local church were I attend both money and time.
Salvation Army-almost every time I see the kettle I throw something in. Goodwill-Household items I no longer need I contributed to 'Race for The Cure' this yr. But most of the money goes to research instead of helping patients pay for treatment. VFW-"You gotta wear the Poppy sport" |
Amvets, Humane Society, Pet Pantry (help elderly care for and feed their pets), Goodwill, local school music programs, Red Cross, American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, Big Brothers/Sisters.