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Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:50 PM

it's wonderful seeing you so called Christians getting fumed over the government trying to help the less fortunate.

almost as much as the so-called Muslims?

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/01/09 02:10 AM

I believe Americans should be outraged about alot of things

Coverage on health care for every American. The last time I checked 40 million Americans have no health care.

The wars that costs Americans alot of money. I think we are over 12 trillion dollars in external debt right now. No country has it that high like the US.

The infrastructure of the country is crumbling. Bridges, highways, clean drinking water, the use of energy, etc. etc. is below average and low maintenance.

The education system is being cut often in various states. See what Arnold Schwarznegger did in California for example outraging teachers.

I don't know about you, but I have noticed that food is more expensive. I get less but pay more lately. I wonder if this is just the case in Miami, but it seems like food and drinks cost more then they use to.

Our prison system are overwhelmed and full beyond control at the moment. Look up this on the internet for more details.

Jobs being sent overseas should outrage Americans.

Illegal Immigration, which is a sensitive topic that shows much disagreements and anger across the country.

So this is just a small list, but come on! The Americans should be upset and they should really try to figure out how to fix some of the problems on the table, because the government is doing a very slow job in many cases and at times stalling on purpose.

Excellent post and great topics,,, smiles..

jrbogie's photo
Sun 11/01/09 10:53 AM

"so the immigration laws are fine with you"


"but laws against murder and assault should be ignored?"

NOPE But really hard to enforce them when the criminals just keep running back home, across the border, hiding out there til they want to come back and take another shot.

"you do realize that the bill of rights apply to everyone on US soil don't you? you don't think that only citizens are guaranteed due process do you? do you really think that?"

What I know is a lot of it is OPEN TO INTERPRETATION. Wanna go through the whole thing? LOL

"why don't you shoot one? see if you don't do some slam time?"

What about CRIMINAL are you missing? If I were to go shooting them, I would be as bad as they are now wouldn't I? What kind of reasoning/argument/logic was that supposed to be? LOL None of the above? LOL

just answering your reasoning with your reasoning. you suggested they should be shot on sight, not i. you suggested that the crime of assault and or murder was the solution to the crime of illegal immmigration not i. it's your "kind of reasoning/argument/logic" that it supposedly is not mine. all your words, none mine. and sure, i'd love to go into the interpretation of the constitution. of coure the only interpretation that holds any legal water is how the courts interpret it but yeah, let's go through as much as you want.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/01/09 10:57 AM

I believe Americans should be outraged about alot of things

Coverage on health care for every American. The last time I checked 40 million Americans have no health care.

The wars that costs Americans alot of money. I think we are over 12 trillion dollars in external debt right now. No country has it that high like the US.

The infrastructure of the country is crumbling. Bridges, highways, clean drinking water, the use of energy, etc. etc. is below average and low maintenance.

The education system is being cut often in various states. See what Arnold Schwarznegger did in California for example outraging teachers.

I don't know about you, but I have noticed that food is more expensive. I get less but pay more lately. I wonder if this is just the case in Miami, but it seems like food and drinks cost more then they use to.

Our prison system are overwhelmed and full beyond control at the moment. Look up this on the internet for more details.

Jobs being sent overseas should outrage Americans.

Illegal Immigration, which is a sensitive topic that shows much disagreements and anger across the country.

So this is just a small list, but come on! The Americans should be upset and they should really try to figure out how to fix some of the problems on the table, because the government is doing a very slow job in many cases and at times stalling on purpose.

Excellent post and great topics,,, smiles..

the one that really gets to me is how(with the exception of this past year) the cost of living can rise so exponentially while wages remain pretty much the same. That means, basically, goods and services are costing us more and more but the people producing them dont see anything like a similar rise in what their employers think they are worth. Makes me kind of upset when most of these industries whine and complain about minimum wage seeing how much more and more profit they make each year. Where does that extra profit go if it isnt going to employees? Why are people too greedy to share with the people who help earn them profits in the first place.....?

jrbogie's photo
Sun 11/01/09 02:53 PM

the one that really gets to me is how(with the exception of this past year) the cost of living can rise so exponentially while wages remain pretty much the same. That means, basically, goods and services are costing us more and more but the people producing them dont see anything like a similar rise in what their employers think they are worth. Makes me kind of upset when most of these industries whine and complain about minimum wage seeing how much more and more profit they make each year. Where does that extra profit go if it isnt going to employees? Why are people too greedy to share with the people who help earn them profits in the first place.....?

hmmmm. so the situation we've found ourselves in for the past year that you excepted as different than years before, is preferable to you than when corporate profits were high, jobs were being created thereby keeping unemployment at sub five percent, individual wealth was increasing yearly and wages were out pacing inflation? the recession of the past year with corporate profits tanking and layoffs and jobless claims at an all time high you find more appealing than corporate profits that allow corporations to hire more people? large corporations or small mom and pop business do not venture the risk of loss for the employees. businesses large and small are in business for one reason and one reason only; to maximize a return on their investment, read the maximum profit attainable. companies are not just places for nice folks to work. the more profitable ones need nice people to work there. why? because profit depends on those nice people producing a product that can be sold at a profit. less profit, less nice people working. simple really. love the past year all you want. i love corporations making money and hiring people. cannot have one without the other.

bedlum1's photo
Sun 11/01/09 03:03 PM
first i got nothing against obama..i think he's doing a much better job than the other presidents we have had..
second i dont really care if illegals contribute to anything...the fact is they are illegals hence shouldnt be entitled to any of the services you and i can get....there's plenty that come here legaly and do the it the right way...maybe if we quit handing the illegals everything on a plate it wouldnt be so enticing to sneak in and cheat everyone that lives here or come here properly

kojack's photo
Mon 11/09/09 09:24 AM

I believe Americans should be outraged about alot of things

Coverage on health care for every American. The last time I checked 40 million Americans have no health care.

The wars that costs Americans alot of money. I think we are over 12 trillion dollars in external debt right now. No country has it that high like the US.

The infrastructure of the country is crumbling. Bridges, highways, clean drinking water, the use of energy, etc. etc. is below average and low maintenance.

The education system is being cut often in various states. See what Arnold Schwarznegger did in California for example outraging teachers.

I don't know about you, but I have noticed that food is more expensive. I get less but pay more lately. I wonder if this is just the case in Miami, but it seems like food and drinks cost more then they use to.

Our prison system are overwhelmed and full beyond control at the moment. Look up this on the internet for more details.

Jobs being sent overseas should outrage Americans.

Illegal Immigration, which is a sensitive topic that shows much disagreements and anger across the country.

So this is just a small list, but come on! The Americans should be upset and they should really try to figure out how to fix some of the problems on the table, because the government is doing a very slow job in many cases and at times stalling on purpose.

Excellent post and great topics,,, smiles..

Thank you

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