HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Wed 10/21/09 11:40 PM

And follow Him.
He says to
-Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
-Love your enemies.
-Forgive those who do you wrong.
-Have mercy on people.
-Don't fight evil with evil (violence with violence).
-Honour your wife by not sleeping with her before you mary her! (Same goes for the girls!)

Are you saying that you haven't always done these things? spock

Shame on you!

I can't very well "follow" someone who tells me to do the things I already do. I guess Jesus only came for the sinners. In fact, didn't the men who wrote the gospels claim that he said this very thing?

Oh yes, here it is,...

"They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

So there you have it. Jesus is only for sinners. He didn't come for the righteous, according to the very words that the writers of the gospels have attributed to him.

Therefore be glad that you have been 'saved' but recognize that not everyone needs to be saved, for the Bible tells us so. :wink:

So running around telling everyone that they need to be saved is actually going against what the Bible actually claims that Jesus said.

Shame on you twice! First for sinning, and now for misrepresenting the gospels! That's as bad as lying, but I suppose we could just attribute it to poor reading comprehension or something.

Anyway, now that you know, try not to misrepresnt the Bible again.

Jesus did not come for everyone. Only for the sinners. :wink:

Thanks. drinker

I think I should worship you now abra since you've never sinned. :wink: I think everyone is in need of a spiritual physician.

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 12:58 AM

And follow Him.
He says to
-Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
-Love your enemies.
-Forgive those who do you wrong.
-Have mercy on people.
-Don't fight evil with evil (violence with violence).
-Honour your wife by not sleeping with her before you mary her! (Same goes for the girls!)

Man.. eff my neighbor; his dog barks at all hours.
Always sayin I'm doin shiz to his lawn.

Now why the hell..Would I love my enemies??
I hate my ex. She's an enemy.
I'll never love her again.

Oh yeah.. and ima never forgive her for leavin me for that a$$hole who beat her into the hospital. Haha! Got what she deserved. grumble

Mercy is weakness. That's how you get shanked on my block.

I am the impurity of evil. devil

And wow..
I got 2 kids n never been married..

I'm eff'd, eh?

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:00 AM

And follow Him.
He says to
-Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
-Love your enemies.
-Forgive those who do you wrong.
-Have mercy on people.
-Don't fight evil with evil (violence with violence).
-Honour your wife by not sleeping with her before you mary her! (Same goes for the girls!)

Man.. eff my neighbor; his dog barks at all hours.
Always sayin I'm doin shiz to his lawn.

Now why the hell..Would I love my enemies??
I hate my ex. She's an enemy.
I'll never love her again.

Oh yeah.. and ima never forgive her for leavin me for that a$$hole who beat her into the hospital. Haha! Got what she deserved. grumble

Mercy is weakness. That's how you get shanked on my block.

I am the impurity of evil. devil

And wow..
I got 2 kids n never been married..

I'm eff'd, eh?

Join the club, we're all effed, whether we want to admit it or not.:wink:

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:02 AM
Yay! We're effed together. =]

Robbidude's photo
Thu 10/22/09 06:54 AM

hmmm, General Religion Chat isn't the place to praise God and Jesus?
He is doing exactly what a Christian is supposed to do, spread the word...
I for one have respect for anyone who spreads the word.
Try and disprove God, how can anyone disprove something they claim doesn't exist?

Peter...this got moved to General Religion chat, it didn't start here and no he was spamming when I saw the posts. At least 5-6 in a row. There is a difference spreading the word and force feeding. Oh, and I can't prove Santa Clause doesn't exist either, think about it.

Santa doesn't really exist? tears tears tears tears

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 10/22/09 07:56 AM

hmmm, General Religion Chat isn't the place to praise God and Jesus?
He is doing exactly what a Christian is supposed to do, spread the word...
I for one have respect for anyone who spreads the word.
Try and disprove God, how can anyone disprove something they claim doesn't exist?

Peter...this got moved to General Religion chat, it didn't start here and no he was spamming when I saw the posts. At least 5-6 in a row. There is a difference spreading the word and force feeding.

It actually ended up in about 12 forums before they got removed...

twenty-one, to be exact :)

Good Lord! And I thought preachers were annoying...

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 08:17 AM

And follow Him.
He says to
-Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
-Love your enemies.
-Forgive those who do you wrong.
-Have mercy on people.
-Don't fight evil with evil (violence with violence).
-Honour your wife by not sleeping with her before you mary her! (Same goes for the girls!)

Are you saying that you haven't always done these things? spock

Shame on you!

I can't very well "follow" someone who tells me to do the things I already do. I guess Jesus only came for the sinners. In fact, didn't the men who wrote the gospels claim that he said this very thing?

Oh yes, here it is,...

"They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

So there you have it. Jesus is only for sinners. He didn't come for the righteous, according to the very words that the writers of the gospels have attributed to him.

Therefore be glad that you have been 'saved' but recognize that not everyone needs to be saved, for the Bible tells us so. :wink:

So running around telling everyone that they need to be saved is actually going against what the Bible actually claims that Jesus said.

Shame on you twice! First for sinning, and now for misrepresenting the gospels! That's as bad as lying, but I suppose we could just attribute it to poor reading comprehension or something.

Anyway, now that you know, try not to misrepresnt the Bible again.

Jesus did not come for everyone. Only for the sinners. :wink:

Thanks. drinker

Hmmmmm....What does the Bible say?spock

Psalm 143

1 O LORD, hear my prayer,
listen to my cry for mercy;
in your faithfulness and righteousness
come to my relief.

2 Do not bring your servant into judgment,
for no one living is righteous before you.

Romans 3:9-11 (New International Version)

9What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin.

10As it is written:

"There is no one righteous, not even one;
11there is no one who understands,
no one who seeks God.

Romans 3:21-25 (New International Version)

21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.

22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,

23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood.

We are not saved by our good works, but by the decision to accept that Jesus is the Son of God, died on the cross for our sins and arose from the grave on the third day for the forgiveness of our sins. Then we invite Him to come into our heart and live and He does when we truly believe and repent. It has nothing to do with our OWN righteousness. As we allow Jesus to come into our lives, He begins to clean the junk out and heal us from the inside out as we yield ourselves to Him. It is a process and takes time…we didn’t get messed up in a day and it is a life-long progression to work out our salvation.

Romans 3:20

Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.

Ephesians 2:8-9 (New International Version)

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast.:heart:

And God did come for everyone for He is not willing that any should perish and declares that there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than 99 righteous!

2 Peter 3:9 (New International Version)

9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.


:heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:20 AM

Yay! We're effed together. =]

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/22/09 09:31 AM
Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong.

Jesus loves me! This I know,
As He loved so long ago,
Taking children on His knee,
Saying, “Let them come to Me.”

Jesus loves me when I'm good,
When I do the things I should,
Jesus loves me when I'm bad,
Though it makes Him very sad.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:20 AM
HawaiiMusikMan wrote:

I think I should worship you now abra since you've never sinned. :wink: I think everyone is in need of a spiritual physician.

Why would you worship me? Just because I've never sinned?

That would be a stupid reason to worship someone don't you think?

Also why should you think that everyone is in need of a spriitual physician when the Bible itself claims that Jesus said otherwise? spock

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:23 AM
Because.. simply put..
"God does not lie.. He knows only truth."
"Only man is capable of lies and falseness."

The Bible was not written by God..
It was written by man.


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:27 AM
Laura wrote:

Hmmmmm....What does the Bible say?spock

Who cares what the Bible says?

I was referring to the gospels that attempt to claim what 'Jesus' actually said himself. Even that is hearsay.

Still, all of the passages that you've quoted were taking from other books of the bible that never even claimed to be the direct quotes of Jesus.

So all you've done is vividly show that much of what's written in the Bible actually spits in the face of what Jesus himself supposedly said.

I already knew that the Bible over-all is a huge collection of contradicting authors. So I'm not surprised that you were able to contradict the teachings of Jesus using other parts of the biblical cannon.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:38 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 10/22/09 11:41 AM

Because.. simply put..
"God does not lie.. He knows only truth."
"Only man is capable of lies and falseness."

The Bible was not written by God..
It was written by man.



Moreover, if people are going to worship Jesus as God, and their doctrine states that Jesus said, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Then they must take Jesus at his WORD.

To go rooting through other disconnected stories that were added to this cannon that contradict the words that had been attributed to Jesus is to truly do nothing more than call Jesus a liar. ohwell

Either we can take Jesus for his WORD, or we can't.

Clearly the words attributed directly to Jesus would need to override any and all other conflicting claims within the cannon. Thefore those other versus that deny the teachings of Jesus should be rejected and cast out of the doctrine. ]

Attempting to use them to defy the WORDS that have been specifically attributed to Jesus is ludicious. All that's saying is that we can't trust the words that have been attributed to Jesus.

Of course, I'm totally open to that anyway. :wink:

It's all hearsay!

In the end, we have no clue what Jesus might have said, or if any such person even existed at all, for that matter.

But if we're going to accept the hearsay that had been attribtued to the man then we need to accept it and reject all the other parts of the biblical cannon that conflict with it (which would be almost all of it, including the entire Old Testament and about 75% of the New Testament that was mainly written by Paul.

In fact, even the four gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John conflict with each other so we're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place there. laugh

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 12:23 PM
it's a tad bit odd that people believe that a person that they never meet and that been dead for over two thousand years loves them not because the person told them that they love them but because they read it in a book

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:11 PM

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:48 PM

Moreover, if people are going to worship Jesus as God, and their doctrine states that Jesus said, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

How does this quote say that Jesus only came for the sinners???
It simply states that He called the sinners to repentance.

Anyway, now that you know, try not to misrepresnt the Bible again.

If you feel you were called to join in "General Religion Chat", please do. If not, please refrain from trying to disprove other's beliefs...

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:54 PM
Peter Pan wrote:

If you feel you were called to join in "General Religion Chat", please do. If not, please refrain from trying to disprove other's beliefs...

Well, if the beliefs of another include passing judgments on me in the NAME of Jesus, then I feel I have every right to defend against those accusations.

The OP posted:

YourWordisTruth Wrote:

He (Jesus) even forgives you for your current spitting in His face!

(If your not a Christian that is)

So does "YourWordisTruth" speak for Jesus?

Does it say anywhere in the Bible that to not believe in Jesus is to "spit in his face"?

I don't think it does.

Why are Christains so anxious to make Jesus out to be a monster?

Why are Christians so anxious to accuse and judge all non-Christians as being against Jesus? spock

This even flies in the face of what the gospels claim that Jesus had supposedly said:

John 12:47 "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."

John is claiming that Jesus actually said this, which utterly flies in the face of anyone "spitting" in his face for not being a believer.

In other words, the supposed "Born Again Christian" who is claiming to Speak For Jesus is actually Grossly Misrepresenting even what the gospels had claimed that Jesus himself said.

If anyone is going to claim to Speak for Jesus they better damn well know what they are talking about! Especially if they are going to be passing judgments on others concerning their relationship with Jesus (i.e. to claim that they spitting in his face).

As far as I can see, it's the Christians who are spitting in the face of Jesus with every claim they make.

Also, did Jesus tell anyone at all to accuse people of spitting in his face if they don't believe in him?

Again, let us turn to the scriptures and see what the Gospels claim that Jesus said,...

John 12:47 "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."

I don't see anything at all there where Jesus considered anyone to be hostile toward him for not believing in him.

So where do these utterly insane notions even come from? spock

I personally don't believe that Jesus even claimed to be the Son of Yahweh. He claimed two things:

To be the son of God. And that all men are the son of God.

John 10:34 "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"

So where was Jesus claiming to be 'god' anymore than he recognized that everyone is 'god'?

I think Jesus was a Buddhist to be perfectly honest about. He taught the very same things that Buddha taught. In fact, he was even missing from the time he was 12 until he was 30. That gave him over 15 years to travel to India and learn all about Buddhism and then return home to teach the new philosophy. It makes perfect sense to me.

So I actually do believe in Jesus. I believe that he was a mortal man who denounced the ways of Yahweh. And everything that it written in gospels actually agrees with this.

So no, I'm not trying to "disprove" the beliefs of another.

I'm just defending against the charges that if a person isn't a Christian they are "spitting in the face of Jesus".

I don't see where the Gospels even remotely suggest that Jesus said any such thing.

I personally feel that it's the Christians who twist the words of the bible and spit in the face of Jesus all the time.

But that's just my own personal opinion of course.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Fri 10/23/09 01:20 AM

HawaiiMusikMan wrote:

I think I should worship you now abra since you've never sinned. :wink: I think everyone is in need of a spiritual physician.

Why would you worship me? Just because I've never sinned?

That would be a stupid reason to worship someone don't you think?

Also why should you think that everyone is in need of a spriitual physician when the Bible itself claims that Jesus said otherwise? spock

While it's true the Bible states that Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; who's to say who's a sinner and who's righteous but God himself? There's also a passage in the Bible that states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and I don't believe the two contradict.

Claiming that you're not a sinner and aren't in need of a spiritual physician or guidance reeks of self righteousness to me.

The whole truth will be known one day and I'm sure we'll all find out that we're all wrong in many ways. I've studied many philosophies and find the Bible rings most true to me. Also, the occasional brush with the Holy Spirit, which brings peace that passes all understanding, helps me to know when I'm on the right track. Maybe you've experienced this in the past, and if not, I hope you do someday

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 10/23/09 07:18 AM

While it's true the Bible states that Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; who's to say who's a sinner and who's righteous but God himself?

Exactly! Who's to say?

That's my whole point! Where to Christians get off claiming that if someone doesn't believe in Jesus or isn't a Christian they are in any way doing anything wrong!

Like I've already pointed out, this sentiment most certainly did not come from Jesus according to the gospels

According to the gospels Jesus supposedly said:

John 12:47 "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."

So where do the Christians get off attempting to claim otherwise? spock

Do they accept the WORD of Jesus from their own doctrine or not? spock

Why are Christians so hell bent on turning Jesus into a judgemental monster when this sentiment isn't even in alignment with the words that have been attributed to him by the gospels?

There's also a passage in the Bible that states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and I don't believe the two contradict.

You're free to believe whatever you want. But from my point of view those particular passages aren't even attributed directly to "Jesus" they are the opinions of other authors that were added to the cannon call "The Bible", and IMHO they do conflict directly with the actual words that were attributed to Jesus.

Claiming that you're not a sinner and aren't in need of a spiritual physician or guidance reeks of self righteousness to me.

I'm supposed to care what you personally think about the righteousness of someone you don't even know? spock

And after you, yourself, just got done saying, "who's to say who's a sinner and who's righteous but God himself?"

Why not just stick to your guns and let God himself be the judge?

Looking down your nose at other people telling them that you think they reek of self righteousness is a judgment in itself. This is what makes Christians appear to be so ugly to other people. They think that just because they are a Christian they have the right to decide who is worthy in God's eyes.

This is one of the things that makes the religion so dispicable.

The whole truth will be known one day and I'm sure we'll all find out that we're all wrong in many ways.

Exactly, and this is why it's always between each individual and their creator. It's not up to other people to imply who Jesus might like or not like. Especially based on what they believe because once again, what do the scripture actually attribute to Jesus himself"

John 12:47 "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."

Well, if Jesus himself has said that he does not judge those who do not believe then shouldn't we take HIS WORD for it? spock

Assuming that those words even truly came from his mouth, or that his mouth even ever existed?

Why should I believe that he even existed at all? To not believe is absolutely not the same as 'rejection'.

In truth, I actually do believe that a man named Jesus existed and was crucified for blaspheme after having denounced the ways of the Old Testament. It appears to me that he was quite mortal and even a non-believer of Yahweh himself!

I've studied many philosophies and find the Bible rings most true to me. Also, the occasional brush with the Holy Spirit, which brings peace that passes all understanding, helps me to know when I'm on the right track. Maybe you've experienced this in the past, and if not, I hope you do someday

Well, good for you. I'm not even attempting to try to change your beliefs.

I too have studied many philosophes and religions and, for me, the Bible is the most utterly absurd of them all.

The idea that an all-powerful creator is at war with a fallen angel is utterly asburd to me.

The idea that mankind can be held responsible for bringing imperfection and death into the world also appears to me to be utterly false based on what we now know about the history of this planet. Clearly imperfections and death existed long before mankind ever came onto the scene. Dinosaurs killed and ate each other all the time. So as far as I'm concerned the very premise that the Bible starts out on has been proven to be false.

It's not like having proven the Greek Mythology is false because there are no gods on Mt. Olympus. Well, the Bible claims that mankind is repsonsible for bringing imperfection and death into the world, and we now know that this is a false claim.

Also, why would I even want to have faith that I fell from grace from my creator and that he had to have his son nailed to a pole to pay for my 'sins'. To me that's the most absurd notion of all.

Not only do I feel that such a "solution" to problems is insane and far from divine, but I also don't see how it even makes sense.

Was God "forced" to do this to "win" a war against Satan?

If so, then God truly sees Satan as a serious threat and feels threatened by him.

If not, then why would God do such an absurd thing? To appease himself? That's even sicker, IMHO.

So, I have my own reasons for rejecting this mythology as being utterly absurd.

The bottom line that I was objecting to in this thread was the OP's accusation that "Non-Christians" are "Spitting in the face of Jesus".

That's where Christianity becomes overly arrogant and flies in the very face of what Jesus even supposedly said himself.

John 12:47 "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."

So, as far as I can see, the religion called "Christianity" actually rejects the words that have been attributed to Jesus himself, in their own doctrine.

It appears to me to be a religion that rejects Jesus in favor of using him as an excuse to judge anyone who refuses to climb onto the Christian bigotry wagon.

That's just how I see it. It's appears to be a finger-pointing accusatory religion that uses Jesus as a rubber doll to whack other people over the head with.

Shame, shame.

And I'm not suggesting that you do this!

Once again, I was reacting to the OP's statement that non-Christians are "spitting in the face of Jesus" which goes directly against the very words that the gospels themselves have attribted to Jesus.

So that's where I'm coming from. bigsmile

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 10/23/09 08:14 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Fri 10/23/09 08:21 AM
How dare Jesus love me! surprised

Man.. and they say Christians are uptight.

Ive been preached at more by non-religious people, and non-christians more than anyone in these threads.

If you dont believe the same way other people do about their religion..

Why spend so much time trying to convince to disprove?

It seems alot of people felt force fed religion, and are bitter, unsettled, and angry about it. lotta resentments happenin here.

Thats surely not going to take me to the other side.

I dont know people.. *shakes head* sounds like a recipe for some JEESSSUSSSSS.. laugh