Topic: Welcoming for a War Criminal in Canada
Winx's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:43 PM

papersmile's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:49 PM
Edited by papersmile on Thu 10/22/09 01:53 PM
I know Canadians are not the smartest people in the world

.If they want to protest the war they should be protesting a man called Barrak obama who is the countries new president

snort. at least THIS canadian can spell YOUR president's name and use apostrophies and plurals where appropriate.

look who is calling the kettle black.

papersmile's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:50 PM
True, many Canadians aren't the smartest people in the world...

what the f@ck? another one????

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:55 PM

I know Canadians are not the smartest people in the world

.If they want to protest the war they should be protesting a man called Barrak obama who is the countries new president

snort. at least THIS canadian can spell YOUR president's name and use apostrophies and plurals where appropriate.

look who is calling the kettle black.

rofl rofl rofl rofl

TJN's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:56 PM

I know Canadians are not the smartest people in the world

.If they want to protest the war they should be protesting a man called Barrak obama who is the countries new president

snort. at least THIS canadian can spell YOUR president's name and use apostrophies and plurals where appropriate.

look who is calling the kettle black.

I liked your post before you edited it.

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:56 PM

I know Canadians are not the smartest people in the world so maybe someone should tell them that Bush is no longer in power and no longer runs the war.If they want to protest the war they should be protesting a man called Barrak obama who is the countries new president.Then again I guess you could keep doing what liberals do best...cry,complain,and blame someone else for your problems.

Yikes, what a statement.

Something tells me that many people don't think most Americans are very smart for electing Bush for two terms.

cottonelle's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:56 PM
dont listen to papersmile, shes just a dumb

TJN's photo
Thu 10/22/09 01:57 PM

True, many Canadians aren't the smartest people in the world...

what the f@ck? another one????

I think he said he's Canadian at the end of his post.
prolly being sarcastic when he said that part.

papersmile's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:04 PM
I liked your post before you edited it.

haha me too; but i sort of like it here and want to stay. :wink:

nothing gets me fired up so much as defending my country.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:25 PM

I know Canadians are not the smartest people in the world so maybe someone should tell them that Bush is no longer in power and no longer runs the war.If they want to protest the war they should be protesting a man called Barrak obama who is the countries new president.Then again I guess you could keep doing what liberals do best...cry,complain,and blame someone else for your problems.

That was sure a prejudice statement to start.

Liberals definitely do not corner the market on blaming othersslaphead rofl

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:27 PM

I feel bad for Bush, people will always find something negative to label others with. I do hope i will live to see the legacy and END of this so called war though.

Feeling bad for G.W. Bus ?.
How many millions of lives did he destroy ???!!!.
Damn.....some folks are deaf, dumb and blind politically . And the tragedy is they never return to reality and the truth in front of them....!!!.

THe reality is the world is a much,much,safer place today because of what George bush did.George bush served out more justice to all the countries of victims of terrorism than the worlds courts did in the last 100 years.How many dangerous criminals and terrorist did we capture under him?Some of the most barbaric terrorist resposible for countless bombings over the years dead under Bush.Subway bombings,hotel bombings,airline hijackers and bombings,etc.

Women were in nothing less than slavery in Iraq.The only job position they could hold was a school teacher.Now women are holding high level government positions.

Women in Afganistan are treated less than dirt.Sometimes being executed for simply starring at another man.Women are in modern day slavery due to the Taliban.

There are hundreds if not thousands more postive changes that have come to the middle East due to this war.I look at this war as the United states in taking out the garbage.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl ill rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl whoa rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl shocked rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl slaphead rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

markumX's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:35 PM

First of all, you can't liberate the peoples of other cultures. You can't GIVE democracy to a nation. They have to want it for themselves. Why do you suppose they are stil fighting.

Name ten terroists we captured. I can't. He didn't even get the one he was looking for, and that guy takes diallasys. We were in no more danger on 9/12 than we were on 9/10. Nothing changed, not the world, not our country. The only thing that is different is that our nation is now bankrupt for spending trillions of dollars on nothing, and getting nothing for it. Not even allies.

We cannot keep forcing our will and belief system (and that includes our belief in equal rights) on other countries. It's ethnocentric and wrong on many levels.

When diplomacy fails, you've already lost the war. Now it's just a matter of a body count.

The people of the countries in which we're fighting DO want freedom, it's those in power there who don't want to see that happen. It is a basic yearning of the HUMAN (not merely American) spirit to be free.

Though I couldn't give you names off the top of my head, I guarantee you I could very likely do some research and find far more than ten terrorists that we've captured in the course of the entire war. Just because Osama himself hasn't been found (probably because he's been buried somewhere for quite some time) doesn't mean that everything has been for naught. The only way one could say that "nothing changed" as a result of Sept. 11th is if you make the case that we were in danger before and we're in danger now, but even then, there are many of us who were blind to the danger before and are not now, so at the very least that has changed.

I didn't know you was a spokesman for the Iraqi people

Anonimoose's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:33 PM

First of all, you can't liberate the peoples of other cultures. You can't GIVE democracy to a nation. They have to want it for themselves. Why do you suppose they are stil fighting.

Name ten terroists we captured. I can't. He didn't even get the one he was looking for, and that guy takes diallasys. We were in no more danger on 9/12 than we were on 9/10. Nothing changed, not the world, not our country. The only thing that is different is that our nation is now bankrupt for spending trillions of dollars on nothing, and getting nothing for it. Not even allies.

We cannot keep forcing our will and belief system (and that includes our belief in equal rights) on other countries. It's ethnocentric and wrong on many levels.

When diplomacy fails, you've already lost the war. Now it's just a matter of a body count.

The people of the countries in which we're fighting DO want freedom, it's those in power there who don't want to see that happen. It is a basic yearning of the HUMAN (not merely American) spirit to be free.

Though I couldn't give you names off the top of my head, I guarantee you I could very likely do some research and find far more than ten terrorists that we've captured in the course of the entire war. Just because Osama himself hasn't been found (probably because he's been buried somewhere for quite some time) doesn't mean that everything has been for naught. The only way one could say that "nothing changed" as a result of Sept. 11th is if you make the case that we were in danger before and we're in danger now, but even then, there are many of us who were blind to the danger before and are not now, so at the very least that has changed.

I think what you fail to understand is that if you react in the fashion that we did to the attacks, the terrorists win.

We've repealed freedoms:

Try going somewhere in the western hemisphere without a passport anymore. You could use to go anywhere on this side of the globe with only your drivers liscence.

How long does it take to go through the airport? Even when you don't leave the country.

How's your parinoia? Think we'll be attack again? Why shouldn't we, Europe has been hundreds of times, do they react like that?

That's what we've lost. Our rights. Why? Because we were afraid? What happened to our presidents. 80 years ago it was "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Now it's "Be afraid they're out to stop our way of life."

They don't want to stop our way of life, they want to live theirs without our meddling.

And to say that people yearn to be free is not true. People yearn to live without the shackles of oppression. Just because you feel free in a democracy does not mean others will or do. We had to fight for our own freedom. So did most countries that have it. The people had enough of totalitarian regimes and they got rid of them. We should support them when they decide to go for it, but we should not disrupt a soveriegn nations ability to govern itself just because we don't like how they do it. If that is so, why do we buy everything from communist China? Do they not have a repressive system as well?

Our government can't even maintain state policy in a consistant manner, why believe the hype instead of thinking rationally?

Some very excellent points made here. The only one with which I would disagree is that people don't yearn to be free. Notice, I did not say that "democracy" is the only way to be free. [Nor am I under the misguided assumption that many in this country are that we are some sort of democracy. We were intended to be a republic. Democracy is mob rule. Not a good thing, in my book.] To say that people long to "live without the shackles of oppression" is to say that they desire freedom. The people of an oppressed society, however, are not always able to throw off those shackles themselves. They very often need some help to do so.

Aside from that, everything in the post was spot-on. :thumbsup:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:40 PM

I feel bad for Bush, people will always find something negative to label others with. I do hope i will live to see the legacy and END of this so called war though.

Feeling bad for G.W. Bus ?.
How many millions of lives did he destroy ???!!!.
Damn.....some folks are deaf, dumb and blind politically . And the tragedy is they never return to reality and the truth in front of them....!!!.

THe reality is the world is a much,much,safer place today because of what George bush did.George bush served out more justice to all the countries of victims of terrorism than the worlds courts did in the last 100 years.How many dangerous criminals and terrorist did we capture under him?Some of the most barbaric terrorist resposible for countless bombings over the years dead under Bush.Subway bombings,hotel bombings,airline hijackers and bombings,etc.

Women were in nothing less than slavery in Iraq.The only job position they could hold was a school teacher.Now women are holding high level government positions.

Women in Afganistan are treated less than dirt.Sometimes being executed for simply starring at another man.Women are in modern day slavery due to the Taliban.

There are hundreds if not thousands more postive changes that have come to the middle East due to this war.I look at this war as the United states in taking out the garbage.

First of all, you can't liberate the peoples of other cultures. You can't GIVE democracy to a nation. They have to want it for themselves. Why do you suppose they are stil fighting.

Name ten terroists we captured. I can't. He didn't even get the one he was looking for, and that guy takes diallasys. We were in no more danger on 9/12 than we were on 9/10. Nothing changed, not the world, not our country. The only thing that is different is that our nation is now bankrupt for spending trillions of dollars on nothing, and getting nothing for it. Not even allies.

We cannot keep forcing our will and belief system (and that includes our belief in equal rights) on other countries. It's ethnocentric and wrong on many levels.

When diplomacy fails, you've already lost the war. Now it's just a matter of a body count.


no photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:51 PM
I must disagree with the statement that Junior Bush was elected twice by the American people. Any objective individual will agree that he did not win in 2000. Therefore, Junior was the only president to be re-elected without being elected.

History will not be kind to him and his henchmen. And will also not be kind to the American people for re-electing him in 2004 after experiencing his tyranny for 4 years.

War criminal? You bet.

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:43 PM

I know Canadians are not the smartest people in the world so maybe someone should tell them that Bush is no longer in power and no longer runs the war.If they want to protest the war they should be protesting a man called Barrak obama who is the countries new president.Then again I guess you could keep doing what liberals do best...cry,complain,and blame someone else for your problems.

True, many Canadians aren't the smartest people in the world...but then again - who elected him twice?
I suspect that it's that kind of bigoted statement that causes the worldwide general dislike of America and in many cases Americans but then again, what do I know...I'm just a dumb Canadian.

I was just a dumb a$$, inexcusable remark, period. But I am considering the source. :wink:

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:44 PM

I feel bad for Bush, people will always find something negative to label others with. I do hope i will live to see the legacy and END of this so called war though.

Feeling bad for G.W. Bus ?.
How many millions of lives did he destroy ???!!!.
Damn.....some folks are deaf, dumb and blind politically . And the tragedy is they never return to reality and the truth in front of them....!!!.

THe reality is the world is a much,much,safer place today because of what George bush did.George bush served out more justice to all the countries of victims of terrorism than the worlds courts did in the last 100 years.How many dangerous criminals and terrorist did we capture under him?Some of the most barbaric terrorist resposible for countless bombings over the years dead under Bush.Subway bombings,hotel bombings,airline hijackers and bombings,etc.

Women were in nothing less than slavery in Iraq.The only job position they could hold was a school teacher.Now women are holding high level government positions.

Women in Afganistan are treated less than dirt.Sometimes being executed for simply starring at another man.Women are in modern day slavery due to the Taliban.

There are hundreds if not thousands more postive changes that have come to the middle East due to this war.I look at this war as the United states in taking out the garbage.

You're using sarcasm right????? Because facts are....terrorism attacks have risen 60 percent since the invasion of Iraq. In Iraq, violence rose 80 percent.
have you been to iraq or afghanistan sir? i doubt it, so you have no place speaking on something you know nothing about.
My cousin living in Iraq, who happens to be a woman..would certainly disagree with your assumptions. I take her word anyday over internet blogger.

Amazing huh? No he is not kidding, sadly.

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:44 PM
I think Canadians are lovely.

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:50 PM

I only meant that the president doesnt do anything by themself. They have to get the support to make something like War happen. Bush managed to get everyone gang ho behind his war,, whatever his motives,,and it didnt work out. Now people want to put blame for it solely on him when he wasnt the only one supporting it. Noone is perfect. I think the war was a mistake,, but y dwell on it and place the responsibility on one mans shoulders when it just isnt that simple. He wasnt the only one who made bad decisions leading up to that decision. This is why I hate the blame game and prefer to stick to responsibility and choice. He made a bad choice, with many others, now its done. We should move on.

excuse me, I dont really care for Bush, but my empathy is winning out on this one.

I felt sorry for Bush for about a second, after he was out of office. It amazes me that after 8 very long years anyone could think Bush was good over all for the world, much less America. I understand empathy but I sure can't feel any for Bush. He will, not only never be held responsible for 'his' actions, but we doctor his legacy to make him look credible, most likely.. But the world will never forget the GWBush presidency that is for sure.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 10/22/09 06:23 PM

I must disagree with the statement that Junior Bush was elected twice by the American people. Any objective individual will agree that he did not win in 2000. Therefore, Junior was the only president to be re-elected without being elected.

History will not be kind to him and his henchmen. And will also not be kind to the American people for re-electing him in 2004 after experiencing his tyranny for 4 years.

War criminal? You bet.

Do you consider Truman a war criminal? Should he have been tried for dropping the atomic bombs on Japan?