popcornncoke's photo
Fri 10/16/09 06:47 PM
A man that said he wouldn't be back until his third daugther turned 18 years old. Guess What? He is coming back and his daugther is only 13 years old. TO ME THAT JUST PROVE THAT HIS WORD ISN'T WORTH MUCH...

silly's photo
Fri 10/16/09 06:51 PM
Haven't u changed your mind about anything?

popcornncoke's photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:50 AM

Haven't u changed your mind about anything?
I'VE but I'm not a star that alot of people look up to. I STILL THINK A MAN'S WORD IS WORTH GOLD. BROOKS SHOWS ME NOTHING..BUT BROKEN WORDS....

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 09:51 AM

Seems as though if you were a fan that you'd be happy he's coming back early

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:21 AM

Haven't u changed your mind about anything?
I'VE but I'm not a star that alot of people look up to. I STILL THINK A MAN'S WORD IS WORTH GOLD. BROOKS SHOWS ME NOTHING..BUT BROKEN WORDS....

Do you dislike him for some reason? No one is saying you need to go to his concert.

Mon 10/19/09 10:50 AM
Things change, perhaps his family decided the offer to sing again was too much to turn down. I Like Garth, and I'm glad he's going to sing again myself.

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:22 AM
Edited by ArtGurl on Mon 10/19/09 11:25 AM
Circumstances change. What are you going to be doing 'for sure' in 18 years? In 18 years the whole world looks different. I said I would still be married ... circumstances change outside of us sometimes.

I doubt that after devoting this much of himself to his family for the past dozen years or so that he is going to just abandon that.

And the only tour dates I see listed so far are in Las Vegas so it doesn't appear that he is embarking on a 2-year excursion around the world.

Humans are dynamic and evolving. Choices can and do change with new experiences and new information.

I don't think it says anything about proving he can keep his word. He was expressing a decision that he made at that time for very valid reasons. He is expressing another decision based upon some valid reasons too ... you just don't necessarily know what they are.

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 12:13 PM
Edited by RYker on Mon 10/19/09 12:43 PM
Though it hasn't been as long as he originally stated,
Garth has still stayed out of the game a long time.

I'm sure he missed it. And seeing people "make it",
people that doesn't have a fraction of his talent,
I'm sure didn't make it easy to stay on the sidelines either.

He obviously feels the time has come where he can succeed
at balancing both responsibilities.
Who are you to second guess his decision, which I assume
was a decision that he & Trisha discussed & made together?

Believe it or not, people do reserve the right to "change their mind"
when it comes to anything they may have said years ago.

It's not like he signed a legal document stating when or if he ever
came back & then got it notarized.

Since the circumstances in his home life must have changed over
the years, he just simply changed his mind.
And just like you & I & anyone else does, when circumstances change,
Garth Brooks has the right to change his mind too.

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 10/27/09 09:09 PM

artman48's photo
Tue 10/27/09 09:38 PM
Get real--times are hard---he needs the money!!!

Shasta1's photo
Tue 10/27/09 11:09 PM
The thing that gets me is...he said he was only going to charge 125.$ per ticket no matter where you're seated, as if he's doing everyone a big favor. So you go, sit in a huge arena, look at a stick man on the stage and get to see the video on the areas above him.
When all this hit, all the people who put people like him on top by going to concerts, seeing their movies, buying DVD's aren't even given a break. No one says "I'm gonna pay for all the lighting, all the costs and let you guys in for 25.$ each for getting me where I am now and all I have and all that my family has as a great big THANK YOU!, because without you guys, I'd probally be where you are now".
Sure, they donate to charities- some good causes but more for tax breaks.
No where, with all the $ these stars/atheles have, have I seen or heard of any consistancy of them helping out the peoples who really got them where they are.
Sorry to anger some of you, but seriously...they aren't thinking of you in the least, it's some new house or something they want personally. I have heard far better musicians/singers locally in my life than alot of whose at the top now. It's such a joke and we buy into it, hook, line and sinker.