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Topic: Looking bad......
Sandy9876's photo
Fri 10/16/09 12:28 AM

So what do you do, when someone comes along, brighter, prettier, funnier, smarter than you?

What if you were in a quasi work/social setting....and had a position of management, and some new upstart appears.....cheeky, funny, playful....and instantly your previous 'fan base' disappears?

How do you manage that?

What about those people who just grate on your nerves? Whose opinions, and ways just irritate you?

Do you get them sacked?

Complain to the big boss about every minor misdemeanour?

Or do you rise above it.... and try harder to be funnier, smarter, brighter and win back your fan base?

Been there a few times but I find that if I strive not to change myself the people that liked me still do.
The people that grate on my nerves? Well that's a bit harder, got a new receptionist at work at the moment who is one of those people that is cheerful and flirty on the outside but you can tell she's just putting it on. I don't like her but all the guys do. (shrug) not much I can do.

no photo
Fri 10/16/09 08:32 AM
Being barely average myself, there has always been someone brighter, prettier, smarter, funnier than me, but it never occurred to me that I was competing with them for a 'fan base'. I don't tend to regard folks in my life in that manner as it would tend to place me in a superior position to them...i.e., someone to be adored or looked up to and I would never assume that about myself. I also never regarded work as a place for a popularity contest. I'm there to do a job and get along with the folks there to the best of my ability, not win them over or entertain them.

As far as the bloke at your work, those people tend to be their own worst enemy. Just a matter a time before they self destruct and really, they don't need any help getting there, just gotta sit back and watch them make it happen.

auburngirl's photo
Fri 10/16/09 08:37 AM

Ted1200's photo
Fri 10/16/09 11:04 AM
Someone came along, brighter, prettier, funnier, smarter than you Jess? I highly doubt that.
Cheekier? You are the only person I've seen here that has posted a bum shot. Thanks by the way. WOOF!

What was I talkin about?
Oh yah, idiots. Be thankful you aren't dealing with him after generations of inbreeding at high altitude. (SLC Utah) I wasn't born here, and I am NOT staying.

GOD bless.

no photo
Fri 10/16/09 01:08 PM
I don't need no steenking fans! bigsmile

auburngirl's photo
Fri 10/16/09 01:12 PM

Boobella's photo
Fri 10/16/09 01:17 PM
Edited by Boobella on Fri 10/16/09 01:18 PM

So what do you do, when someone comes along, brighter, prettier, funnier, smarter than you?

What if you were in a quasi work/social setting....and had a position of management, and some new upstart appears.....cheeky, funny, playful....and instantly your previous 'fan base' disappears?

How do you manage that?

What about those people who just grate on your nerves? Whose opinions, and ways just irritate you?

Do you get them sacked?

Complain to the big boss about every minor misdemeanour?

Or do you rise above it.... and try harder to be funnier, smarter, brighter and win back your fan base?

Hire someone to kick them in the butt !!!mad

no photo
Fri 10/16/09 01:18 PM

So what do you do, when someone comes along, brighter, prettier, funnier, smarter than you?

What if you were in a quasi work/social setting....and had a position of management, and some new upstart appears.....cheeky, funny, playful....and instantly your previous 'fan base' disappears?

How do you manage that?

What about those people who just grate on your nerves? Whose opinions, and ways just irritate you?

Do you get them sacked?

Complain to the big boss about every minor misdemeanour?

Or do you rise above it.... and try harder to be funnier, smarter, brighter and win back your fan base?

I am who I am I won't change to impress, accept me as I am or move on, if coworkers run to every new person that arrives i rather they do not come back if they are my friends it won't matter who new comes in they will stay my coworker friends and they can even go check the new ones if they so desire, won't change who i am either way.

Jess642's photo
Fri 10/16/09 03:08 PM

Someone came along, brighter, prettier, funnier, smarter than you Jess? I highly doubt that.
Cheekier? You are the only person I've seen here that has posted a bum shot. Thanks by the way. WOOF!

What was I talkin about?
Oh yah, idiots. Be thankful you aren't dealing with him after generations of inbreeding at high altitude. (SLC Utah) I wasn't born here, and I am NOT staying.

GOD bless.

surprised I posted a butt shot?????


I did not!

Nuh uh....

no way....

couldn't be me....

that's against forum rules...bigsmile pitchfork

Jess642's photo
Fri 10/16/09 03:09 PM


laugh laugh laugh That's the shortest post of yours I have read in a long time!


CatsLoveMe's photo
Fri 10/16/09 03:57 PM
Rise to the challenge. Makes victory all the more sweeter.

ECB's photo
Fri 10/16/09 03:59 PM
make sure that they trip and drown in a bowl of cereal...................jk

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