Topic: What is an atheist?
BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:24 PM

I don't get offended.... and these sorts of things are learned from a power beyond me..I can not teach you. You can teach yourself..if you believe.
I have a son your age...please don't call me hun.

Teaching me was sarcasm.
Sorry for thinking 'hun' was better than calling you Lady Lid.

I'll just shut up..
Cause idk, but I seem to be bothering you?
If that's possible....

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:28 PM

I don't get offended.... and these sorts of things are learned from a power beyond me..I can not teach you. You can teach yourself..if you believe.
I have a son your age...please don't call me hun.

Teaching me was sarcasm.
Sorry for thinking 'hun' was better than calling you Lady Lid.

I'll just shut up..
Cause idk, but I seem to be bothering you?
If that's possible....

Ladylid, or Lid is fine...
Your not bothering me. I rarely come in these threads because so many like to banter back and forth..I'm not going to attempt to explain my spirituality with a stranger via posts in a forum. Just no need to expend that kind of energy and I have no desire to prove anything to anyone. Makes sense?

Peace brother flowerforyou

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:31 PM
I can't call you Hun but you can call me.. 'brother'?
I'm not really asking you to explain yourself..
Heck, probably better I don't know..

All are permitted to believe what they will.
I choose to believe in nothing over something.

Doesn't make me any more wrong or right.

Believe what you will!

Oh, Goddess of mine. =]

I mean, Lid of mine. XD

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:32 PM

I can't call you Hun but you can call me.. 'brother'?
I'm not really asking you to explain yourself..
Heck, probably better I don't know..

All are permitted to believe what they will.
I choose to believe in nothing over something.

Doesn't make me any more wrong or right.

Believe what you will!

Oh, Goddess of mine. =]

I mean, Lid of mine. XD

flowerforyou :smile: :heart:

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:33 PM

But can you create something eternal that will never fade to the hands of time? Like your oceans, mountains, etc?

That is the power of 'God's' creations, not our own.

That part is not true. Mountains can be destroyed. Stars die out and disappear. The earth could very well fade out to the hands of time. Everything created has the potential to be destroyed over time.

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:35 PM
Yes, this is true..
But by time itself.

We can blow up a mountain, yeah, but the pieces would still exist.
A star will die out, true..
..but know anyone who has the power to make such happen?

Tis what I meant.
Nyquil makes me unclear in my phrasing.
drinker <-- Dats how I like my nyquil. XD

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:37 PM
Further note: Mountains, oceans, they've been around for how long?
Our buildings must be maintained, our cities, our roads, our cars, our medicines, etc, etc, etc...

Books written centuries ago..
Have been re-written.. Half the time losing it's originally intended message and get twisted and morphed and blown out of context 90% of the time..

What can we make that has the potential to last as long as the things already around us?

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:38 PM

Yes, this is true..
But by time itself.

We can blow up a mountain, yeah, but the pieces would still exist.
A star will die out, true..
..but know anyone who has the power to make such happen?

Tis what I meant.
Nyquil makes me unclear in my phrasing.
drinker <-- Dats how I like my nyquil. XD

I think humans created plastic bags and those will last longer than much of what is natural.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:39 PM

I find if you do not find the least common denominator then you cannot fully understand words like atheist. Start at the bottom and work your way up, I happen to prefer the most reduced form myself.


Theism in the broadest sense is the belief in at least one deity.[1][2] In a more specific sense, theism refers to a particular doctrine concerning the nature of God and his relationship to the universe.[3] Theism, in this specific sense, conceives of God as personal and active in the governance and organization of the world and the universe.

I have bolded the parts I think are most important to come away with in this definition.

So we have . . .


If you do not believe that the word god represents a singular, personal, active governing stand alone entity with desires and wants then you are not a theist.

Now you could be a deist, or pantheists which is what most in this thread sound like, the god is everything types, or god started it but does not really interfere types, or god as nature.

Me I am an unambiguous, no spirit needed, no personal god, no ghosts, skeptic, screen shot or it didnt happen type.

So, an atheist is someone who does not believe in any god.

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:41 PM

Yes, this is true..
But by time itself.

We can blow up a mountain, yeah, but the pieces would still exist.
A star will die out, true..
..but know anyone who has the power to make such happen?

Tis what I meant.
Nyquil makes me unclear in my phrasing.
drinker <-- Dats how I like my nyquil. XD

I think humans created plastic bags and those will last longer than much of what is natural.

Unless the world becomes engulfed in fire..

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:43 PM

So, an atheist is someone who does not believe in any god.

You shouldn't trust Wikipedia..
It's not always right, ya know.
My son could define something on there..
He's only 8...

wux's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:43 PM
Edited by wux on Mon 10/12/09 06:44 PM

Further note: Mountains, oceans, they've been around for how long?
Our buildings must be maintained, our cities, our roads, our cars, our medicines, etc, etc, etc...

Books written centuries ago..
Have been re-written.. Half the time losing it's originally intended message and get twisted and morphed and blown out of context 90% of the time..

What can we make that has the potential to last as long as the things already around us?

(Also:) We can blow up a mountain, yeah, but the pieces would still exist.

It's easy to argue with someone who digs his own debational grave between posts.

If you accept that oceans and mountains exist after they fall apart, since their parts never cease to exist, then you must accept that the most temporal and shortest-lived of man's creations also exist forever and ever, in the parts that they fall into and which survive the once-whole door or the once-new beef stroganoff.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:51 PM

So, an atheist is someone who does not believe in any god.

You shouldn't trust Wikipedia..
It's not always right, ya know.
My son could define something on there..
He's only 8...

Bushidobillyclub is a pretty smart guy. I try to pay attention to what he writes. I don't always agree with him though. :tongue:

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:05 PM

Further note: Mountains, oceans, they've been around for how long?
Our buildings must be maintained, our cities, our roads, our cars, our medicines, etc, etc, etc...

Books written centuries ago..
Have been re-written.. Half the time losing it's originally intended message and get twisted and morphed and blown out of context 90% of the time..

What can we make that has the potential to last as long as the things already around us?

(Also:) We can blow up a mountain, yeah, but the pieces would still exist.

It's easy to argue with someone who digs his own debational grave between posts.

If you accept that oceans and mountains exist after they fall apart, since their parts never cease to exist, then you must accept that the most temporal and shortest-lived of man's creations also exist forever and ever, in the parts that they fall into and which survive the once-whole door or the once-new beef stroganoff.

I'm merely expanding it to constant views which weren't originally intended...

To make that new door, it's recycled, reconstructed, and resold as something different that's its original intention.

You blow up a mountain; it's still a rock. Not nearly as big as it was before, but never the less, still the same.

You tear down a door, the wood is recycled or burned. If burnt, then isn't it safe to say, it's nowhere near the same?

If it's turned into paper, well, that wouldn't exactly make a good door would it?

You blow up a mountain.. It may make room for a highway...
..but it is, still in its smaller for, a piece of what its once bigger picture was.

Since my words were taken away from how I meant them, I was just continuing on with it, instead of going back to restate my original and totally lost meaning.

Debational grave? More like I bury myself alive with not being to express myself the way I want...

three yay's for the awesome LV School Districts!

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:08 PM
So if we want to be really technical, let me go back..

When I said 'destroy' I meant with your hands/mind, what have you.
Explosives yes, but you're using another creation to get this result.
Biblically speaking, God didn't have a magic wand, and didn't use loads of TNT to make the Grand Canyon or what have you..

Thus the idea of being able to destroy a mountain in that sense..
..that is what I meant by not entirely possible.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:11 PM
I believe it was Jesus who said, "I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

But, now I forgot what my point was. So, I'll just post this and go have a glass of wine. flowerforyou

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:17 PM
More Nyquil.

Hate being sick.

I don't know if I ever had a point to begin with?

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:22 PM

More Nyquil.

Hate being sick.

I don't know if I ever had a point to begin with?

I will toast your Nyquil with my glass of wine and it won't matter what any of the points were. drinker

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:27 PM
drinker I can teach you how to hold fire lady. ....But athiests simply do not believe in heven or hell, you are born, live, die. So make the most of it!

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:40 PM

More Nyquil.

Hate being sick.

I don't know if I ever had a point to begin with?

I will toast your Nyquil with my glass of wine and it won't matter what any of the points were. drinker

drinks smitten