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Topic: Does anyone know what the definition of a liberal is?
look4you's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:26 AM

pitchfork I'm helping the folks at Conservapedia rewrite the biblepitchfork

use blue crayon....that helps me bigsmile

See Yellow my definition of Liberal was 100% correct. Liberals believe in attacking by numbers and as I have been reading through your earlier post I noticed that you were being attacked by the herd of crazy liberal conspiracy theory thinking group of atheist. And yes, your friend is right by the way...gays should not marry and your not born gay...it's a choice. I can personal care less if your gay or not but they shouldn't :)

Considering this whole post in inaccurate, I don't where to start here.

Yellow hasn't been attacked not once.

Being gay is not a choice. You either are gay or bi or you are not. It is not a choice at all.

How do I know I am not gay? I see a naked woman and have no desire for her. So I am not bi or gay. I was born ungay.

Yes, being gay is a choice. And one day you wake up and say "Hmmm, you know what dating the same sex isn't doing it for me so let me try the same instead"
That's choice. Also, yes she has bc she mentioned a belief of hers and then the Libs come out (as usual) and want a clear definition or response for what she meant. She gives you one and (of course) it's not to your group's liking so you want another. Read back on the post and you'll see...
But, hey I'm just talking out loud :)

When did you choose to be straight, smart guy?

Hunny,you are making my point from the beginning. Liberals don't have answers ,they answer questions with a follow up question just like you just have done. We are born straight and then you choose to be gay. Most"gay" people start out dating the opposite sex and then CHOOSE to go with their own. It's pretty simple if you take all of the gray out of it and make it just black and white...

Umm...that's YOUR opinion. Some people believe that people can be born gay.

NO...it's not just my opinion MANY people feel the same way. And why even bother when it's such a small group that are gay to begin with?
Your not born that way...period

Only those who aren't gay and wouldn't know a damn thing about it say it is a decision. Showing their ignorance.

It's not ignorance...it's common sense. Unfortunately I see that some people on here happen to lack.
It's a choice, till someone can prove it to be otherwise...

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:28 AM

Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality.

However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences.

But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights.

It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person.

Those are your response????
To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural????
That's weak...
Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion

yeahhhhh if you wont agree with me then you can't play

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:28 AM

Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality.

However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences.

But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights.

It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person.

Those are your response????
To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural????
That's weak...
Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion

What exactly are you bringing to the discussion?

look4you's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:30 AM

Ok, maybe if I speak Liberal to you, you might just understand me. "Boo, how are people or the very,very,very few born gay?"
See, I answered your question by asking you one in return :)

With your attitude about gays and liberals, why the hell would I care to understand you.

Bc, you have no point.And that's your way out...I'm very openminded to things like this so it wouldn't be a problem to understand what you would say

look4you's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:33 AM


L- lies...a liberal can only tell lies and spin the truth

I- idiots..it's well documented that most liberals are idiots,etc: Nancy Pelosi

B- berate..they being Libes love to berate ANYONE that asked them a question that they cannot answer (which happens all the time i may add)

E- egos..living for the camera and more worried about how they look in front of the camera instead of the people that voted them into office

R- rants..that's what 90% of them do on a daily. Usually, how they are getting treated unfairly and how everything is soo wrong in this country

A- ***..we all know that most Libs happen to be an A S S OR
Atheist..bc, heaven forbid that they may believe in something higher than obama. But, if it's life or death situation I bet the first thing that you Libs would do would be praying...lol :)

L- Losers..this is what's going to happen in 2010, can't wait :D

Hope that I clear this up some :)

look4you's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:34 AM

Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality.

However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences.

But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights.

It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person.

Those are your response????
To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural????
That's weak...
Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion

yeahhhhh if you wont agree with me then you can't play

No, not at all. But, come up with something to discuss not just "it's not true"

look4you's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:34 AM

Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality.

However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences.

But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights.

It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person.

Those are your response????
To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural????
That's weak...
Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion

What exactly are you bringing to the discussion?

Facts...read back some :)

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:38 AM

Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality.

However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences.

But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights.

It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person.

Those are your response????
To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural????
That's weak...
Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion

What exactly are you bringing to the discussion?

Facts...read back some :)

I have read what you wrote, which is why I was asking.

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:40 AM

Ok, maybe if I speak Liberal to you, you might just understand me. "Boo, how are people or the very,very,very few born gay?"
See, I answered your question by asking you one in return :)

With your attitude about gays and liberals, why the hell would I care to understand you.

Bc, you have no point.And that's your way out...I'm very openminded to things like this so it wouldn't be a problem to understand what you would say

Actually that made no sense at all. I should care to understand you because I have no point? huh?

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:55 AM

pitchfork I'm helping the folks at Conservapedia rewrite the biblepitchfork

use blue crayon....that helps me bigsmile

See Yellow my definition of Liberal was 100% correct. Liberals believe in attacking by numbers and as I have been reading through your earlier post I noticed that you were being attacked by the herd of crazy liberal conspiracy theory thinking group of atheist. And yes, your friend is right by the way...gays should not marry and your not born gay...it's a choice. I can personal care less if your gay or not but they shouldn't :)

Considering this whole post in inaccurate, I don't where to start here.

Yellow hasn't been attacked not once.

Being gay is not a choice. You either are gay or bi or you are not. It is not a choice at all.

How do I know I am not gay? I see a naked woman and have no desire for her. So I am not bi or gay. I was born ungay.

Yes, being gay is a choice. And one day you wake up and say "Hmmm, you know what dating the same sex isn't doing it for me so let me try the same instead"
That's choice. Also, yes she has bc she mentioned a belief of hers and then the Libs come out (as usual) and want a clear definition or response for what she meant. She gives you one and (of course) it's not to your group's liking so you want another. Read back on the post and you'll see...
But, hey I'm just talking out loud :)

When did you choose to be straight, smart guy?

Hunny,you are making my point from the beginning. Liberals don't have answers ,they answer questions with a follow up question just like you just have done. We are born straight and then you choose to be gay. Most"gay" people start out dating the opposite sex and then CHOOSE to go with their own. It's pretty simple if you take all of the gray out of it and make it just black and white...

Umm...that's YOUR opinion. Some people believe that people can be born gay.

NO...it's not just my opinion MANY people feel the same way. And why even bother when it's such a small group that are gay to begin with?
Your not born that way...period

Only those who aren't gay and wouldn't know a damn thing about it say it is a decision. Showing their ignorance.

It's not ignorance...it's common sense. Unfortunately I see that some people on here happen to lack.
It's a choice, till someone can prove it to be otherwise...

It is ignorance. No common sense being shown at all.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:57 AM


L- lies...a liberal can only tell lies and spin the truth

I- idiots..it's well documented that most liberals are idiots,etc: Nancy Pelosi

B- berate..they being Libes love to berate ANYONE that asked them a question that they cannot answer (which happens all the time i may add)

E- egos..living for the camera and more worried about how they look in front of the camera instead of the people that voted them into office

R- rants..that's what 90% of them do on a daily. Usually, how they are getting treated unfairly and how everything is soo wrong in this country

A- ***..we all know that most Libs happen to be an A S S OR
Atheist..bc, heaven forbid that they may believe in something higher than obama. But, if it's life or death situation I bet the first thing that you Libs would do would be praying...lol :)

L- Losers..this is what's going to happen in 2010, can't wait :D

Hope that I clear this up some :)

Concensus is that this is ********. So no go. Whoever wrote it needs to go back to school.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/09/09 08:05 AM

Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality.

However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences.

But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights.

It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person.

Those are your response????
To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural????
That's weak...
Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion

yeahhhhh if you wont agree with me then you can't play


Winx's photo
Fri 10/09/09 12:21 PM

Whatever right a married couple has , so should any other couple. Whatever right a man has , so should a woman. A man is not unnatural nor is a woman. Marriage is not unnatural nor is homosexuality.

However -- a man is not a woman and married couples dont need to be homosexual couples. People can fight for equal rights without requiring to ignore their differences.

But, it is unnatural and if it were natural then equal rights would apply as for them being couples. As for them being individuals they are equal and have the same rights.

It's unnatural to you but it's not unnatural to a gay person.

Those are your response????
To some people it's not a choice and to some people it's natural????
That's weak...
Please don't respond to any of my future post unless you can bring something to the discussion

Why are you so rude to people?huh

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