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Topic: Child Molester wins Damages/Where's MSM on this one?
yellowrose10's photo
Sun 10/04/09 07:40 PM
winx...I googled it...there was nothing more than a few local coverage

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 10/04/09 07:40 PM

One thing the 8 year olds attorney could do is petition the court to freeze any funds and compensate the kid for him destroying her life.
Then, after he's done his time he can be deported with whatever funds, if any, he has left.
Remember, he made his bed. He could have avoided his fate by not jumping the fence and not jumping an 8 year old child.

Yep. He very well could have avoided this fate.

But he didn't. So that means all the bleeding hearts out there will try to brush this off ( no media coverage shows that it was swept under the rug pretty quickly ) and make excuses as to why a person who not only broke the law in being here illegally in the first place, but then FURTHER broke the law by molesting a child should be able to be granted millions upon millions of taxpayer ( which this guy NEVER was ) dollars for getting his *** whipped in prison.

" Well....criminals are humans too "....

Yeah..so much so that most of them, other than being locked up, live better than I do.

How do we know if there was no media coverage about this?

I did a Google search for the story and there were no links other than a couple to the newspaper and a couple of blog posts. That was IT.

Nothing from MSNBC, Fox, CNN...no video...no mention of it at all other than that paper.

willing2's photo
Sun 10/04/09 07:42 PM

David Letterman is newsworthy but not this?what


The President gets a BJ a few years ago....people FREAKED.

Letterman is big news right now.

An illegal alien child molester getting MILLIONS because he got his *** kicked doesn't warrant anything more than a quick blurb in a newspaper.


I saw in the news about BHO going out for his anniversary. but this isn't worth it?

Nope. It's not NEARLY as important as the latest Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan/insert your favorite " celebrity " here news either.

MSM, obummer news chanels, won't cover it because it would make them look bad and might nix out the Amnesty Hussein wants.

cashu's photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:07 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 10/05/09 03:12 PM

I think that they are always punished by other inmates. They consider child molesters to be the bottom of the barrel.

WHY do people in this country expect people in prison to do whats right FOR THEM . if you go to California's web page and look at the sex offenders list you'll see it takes about 3 days to read all the names on it and most are Mexicans . the mex. s do dislike them but they don't usually get put in the same cell block with them . and they have there own prisons for them also . that guy if what i read here about the beating isn't going to bother any other kid but he may get to be a legal citizen .

willing2's photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:13 PM
Edited by willing2 on Mon 10/05/09 03:16 PM

I think that they are always punished by other inmates. They consider child molesters to be the bottom of the barrel.

he may get to be a legal citizen .

Not at all likely.
Any chance he might have had he nullified with sexing the 8 year old.
On top of that, he'd have had to apply from Mexico, been checked for health and and criminal records. Paid fees and get in line .

Then again. He could have a chance if the ACLU gets his case.
They'd claim him to be more a victim than that defensless child.

cashu's photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:22 PM

But can we tell another country to imprison someone in our country illegally that breaks OUR laws?????? I'm just asking what the legal basis for this would be

yes we do that with mexico all the time ..

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:23 PM

But can we tell another country to imprison someone in our country illegally that breaks OUR laws?????? I'm just asking what the legal basis for this would be

yes we do that with mexico all the time ..

but that doesn't mean Mexico would do it

no photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:30 PM
There are a few good reasons why this is not covered, but why break up the party in here that is so focused on one line of thought they are incapable of seeing anything else. Geezuz, think already!!!!

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:39 PM

There are a few good reasons why this is not covered, but why break up the party in here that is so focused on one line of thought they are incapable of seeing anything else. Geezuz, think already!!!!


Prisoner settlements are just one of thousands of settlements daily in courts all over the country and you can bet I don't want the news tied up with it. That is for damn sure.

cashu's photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:46 PM

Here's a more complete news story sans Obama comments for everyone:

Taken from:


County to pay $4 million to settle jail-beating lawsuit

THey had a film of one prisoner getting beaten to bits because they thought he was a child molester . and the guards didn't help him . it turned out he was not charged with any sex crimes . that was los angles ca . and i saw one guy beaten so bad in jail he had body parts removed to save his life . the tv station had mistakenly said he was arrested for child molestation . that was phoenix az . the guards had it all on tv but did not get off there ***** to stop the beating ..

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 10/05/09 03:53 PM
personally..I think it is news worthy since a child was a victim and it has to do with tax dollars and the prison system.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/05/09 04:03 PM

There are a few good reasons why this is not covered, but why break up the party in here that is so focused on one line of thought they are incapable of seeing anything else. Geezuz, think already!!!!


Prisoner settlements are just one of thousands of settlements daily in courts all over the country and you can bet I don't want the news tied up with it. That is for damn sure.

Consumer, Personal Injury Settlements
Family Awarded $6.7M In Wrongful Death Suit (Oct-5-09)
Florida to Pay $27M Elderly Floridians Win Discrimination Class Action (Oct-2-09)
Personal Injury Victim Awarded $49 Million (Oct-2-09)
Travis County TX offers 72-year old woman $40k to settle taser suit (Oct-1-09)
Injured Worker Receives $1.2 Million Settlement (Sep-22-09)
Drunk Driver To Pay $33 Million to Injured Friend (Sep-21-09)
$10 Million Personal Injury Settlement For Man Attacked In Bar (Sep-18-09)
$40 Million Awarded in SUV Rollover Lawsuit (Sep-14-09)
Victim of Sexual Attack Awarded $1.5 Million (Sep-14-09)
Pedestrian Injured by Taxi Awarded $1 Million (Sep-14-09)
Allstate Settles Bad-Faith Insurance Suit for $4 Million (Sep-10-09)
$15 Million Settlement Awarded to Family of Plane Crash Victim (Sep-9-09)
Robert Fresh Groceries Wins $21.6 Million Katrina Insurance Lawsuit (Aug-13-09)
Social Security Loses Class Action, Will Pay $500 Million in Benefits (Aug-12-09)
Taser Death Lawsuit Settled for $625,000 (Aug-5-09)
Pacifica, CA $395,000 excessive force and wrongful death settlement. (Aug-5-09)
Nationwide Mutual 305,000 Potential Plaintiffs in Class Action (Jul-28-09)
Autism Class Action Reaches Settlement with Insurer (Jun-24-09)
Plane Crash Children of Dead Passenger Awarded $4.5 Million (Jun-24-09)
Microsoft Settles with Arizona for $4.4 Million (Jun-24-09)
Sonus, Vonage Settle their Class Actions (Jun-22-09)
Farmers Insurance Settles Bad Faith Class Action (Jun-18-09)
Everhart Trucking LLC and R&T Trucking $1 million settlement awarded after a woman was killed after a trucker lost consciousness and caused a car crash. (Jun-15-09)
Mississippi Antitrust Costs Microsoft $100 Million (Jun-12-09)
McAfee, Symantec Settle Investigation into Automatic Antivirus Subscription Practices (Jun-12-09)
NaviSite Settles Class Action for $1.67 Million (May-20-09)
Jackson National Life Insurance Settles Class Action for $22 Million (May-15-09)
Nationwide Settles Arkansas Class Action (May-14-09)
TD Ameritrade Data Theft Settlement Approved (May-12-09)
Wal-Mart Avoids Criminal Charges over Clerk's Death (May-6-09)
BlueTooth Class Action Settled (May-4-09)
Rite Aid Corp. A verdict has been reached in the personal injury lawsuit filed.. (May-4-09)
Qualcomm Settles Patent Suit for $891 Million (Apr-27-09)
Tractor Trailer Truck Accident VanWYK Trucking Inc. and the estates of John Huffman pay wrongful death settlement after a mother and her infant son were killed. (Apr-27-09)
Horizon Blue Cross Eating Disorder Settlement Finalized (Apr-22-09)
Canadian Crash Victim Awarded $17 Million Personal Injury Settlement (Apr-22-09)
Long-Term Insurance Suit Settled for $15 Million (Apr-20-09)
Bus Injury Victim Awarded $27.5 Million Settlement (Apr-20-09)
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Reaches $6 Million Settlement (Apr-16-09)
John Hancock $24 Million Settlement in Racial Discriminaton Class Action (Apr-8-09)
Burger King Settles Brain Injury Suit for $20 Million (Mar-31-09)
Boating Accident $1.25 million verdict. (Mar-24-09)
Seattle School District A $250,000 was awarded to a sexually abused student. (Mar-24-09)
Proposed $20 Million Settlement for Veterans' Data Theft Class Action (Mar-23-09)
Stephen Hill A $100,000 civil settlement for sexual batttery. (Mar-19-09)

http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/settlements_category.html?category2=Consumer%2C Personal Injury

And this is only some of them.

cashu's photo
Mon 10/05/09 04:09 PM

personally..I think it is news worthy since a child was a victim and it has to do with tax dollars and the prison system.
the crime the guy was charged with was a very low class c type crime . he would of only got maybe 6 mos. to a year in jail . the courts don't get excited about a touch-er . Mexico well take him and then steal the money to take care of him . and then he has the right to come back to the court system and get more money for medical care .
our jails are not supposed to put those in jail with the regular inmates and in prison they have there own prisons for there safety . not many of them get beaten more of the regular guys get beaten or stabbed or there heads crushed in with a rock or bat .
if you don't like the amendments stay home ...

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 10/05/09 04:10 PM

personally..I think it is news worthy since a child was a victim and it has to do with tax dollars and the prison system.
the crime the guy was charged with was a very low class c type crime . he would of only got maybe 6 mos. to a year in jail . the courts don't get excited about a touch-er . Mexico well take him and then steal the money to take care of him . and then he has the right to come back to the court system and get more money for medical care .
our jails are not supposed to put those in jail with the regular inmates and in prison they have there own prisons for there safety . not many of them get beaten more of the regular guys get beaten or stabbed or there heads crushed in with a rock or bat .
if you don't like the amendments stay home ...

wtf does that have to do with me thinking that it is news worthy????

mo_muirnin's photo
Mon 10/05/09 04:13 PM

If I am correct..the inmate will be in prison any way and can't spend the money and the tax payers would be paying for his care while in prison now

Even if he just gets probation, I feel he won't be a repeat offender and can be deported.

brain damage and now needs help walking. intellect of a 4-year-old child.

Actually he could have the intellect of a 4 year old and the body of a man and still molest. They never quit.

Except now, with the intellect of a 4 year old, he will have absolutely NO concept of it being wrong.

Which, in turn, makes it even more likely that he WILL do it again.

Good point. His child like ways will make him seem more trusting to children too.

Now I'm mad at the men that gave him brain damage.

I'm going to have to agree here as well...once a child molester always one. My cousin went 13 years with her dad molesting her, she didn't realize it was bad till he did that to one of her friends. Now he gets 7 years to life in jail and they are already talking about if he gets parolled in 7 years he will be out..that means he might strike again. He already got into trouble with 3 girls, 2 teens and a 5 year old...next time he might go for someone younger and actually kill her. People like that do not change, they are ill minded. Regardless of his position and how much money he was awarded he will stay that way, and when he is parolled and possibly deported back to mexico he'll just go do it to someone over there. I'm sure they'll either beat him to death or straight up kill him.

You (being all) can't base a sensitive case such as this as being the President's Fault. We already know that what he's trying to do the senate and congress won't let him do...It's not just him, it's the JUDGE that awarded that money to settle the case...most likely a case of prejudice...and fear of mouth spreading the news. That judge could have been fired. The staff could have been fired. You have to look at it from not just your point of view, but to what was going on in the court. Because we all have no real idea what went on or what was said.

cashu's photo
Mon 10/05/09 04:58 PM

I'm going to have to agree here as well...once a child molester always one. My cousin went 13 years with her dad molesting her, she didn't realize it was bad till he did that to one of her friends. Now he gets 7 years to life in jail and they are already talking about if he gets parolled in 7 years he will be out..that means he might strike again. He already got into trouble with 3 girls, 2 teens and a 5 year old...next time he might go for someone younger and actually kill her. People like that do not change, they are ill minded. Regardless of his position and how much money he was awarded he will stay that way, and when he is parolled and possibly deported back to mexico he'll just go do it to someone over there. I'm sure they'll either beat him to death or straight up kill him.

You (being all) can't base a sensitive case such as this as being the President's Fault. We already know that what he's trying to do the senate and congress won't let him do...It's not just him, it's the JUDGE that awarded that money to settle the case...most likely a case of prejudice...and fear of mouth spreading the news. That judge could have been fired. The staff could have been fired. You have to look at it from not just your point of view, but to what was going on in the court. Because we all have no real idea what went on or what was said.
I don't care what you want to do to him but his crime was he touched her private parts with her colthes on . but if you folks are really serious about your feelings . then demand your government increase the time limits for the crime . remember the the low number is the one to increase .

mo_muirnin's photo
Mon 10/05/09 06:46 PM
I don't care what you want to do to him but his crime was he touched her private parts with her colthes on . but if you folks are really serious about your feelings . then demand your government increase the time limits for the crime . remember the the low number is the one to increase .

Cashu, The low number should definitely go up...so should parole...Parole shouldn't even happen for child molestors, that's just worse than robbing a bank where the only hurt was the bank due to the money being taken. A child is apart of society, they are worth more than anything that money can ever buy.

cashu's photo
Tue 10/06/09 05:16 PM

I don't care what you want to do to him but his crime was he touched her private parts with her colthes on . but if you folks are really serious about your feelings . then demand your government increase the time limits for the crime . remember the the low number is the one to increase .

Cashu, The low number should definitely go up...so should parole...Parole shouldn't even happen for child molestors, that's just worse than robbing a bank where the only hurt was the bank due to the money being taken. A child is apart of society, they are worth more than anything that money can ever buy.

the low number is the minimum amount of time he has to do before he can be up for parole .

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/06/09 05:57 PM
The man that hurt me (very touchy subject with me) only served 6 months in prison for it. He served his time but big deal. That little girl will go through hell for the rest of her life. She will pay for his crime for a long time to come. While he will eventually be released and have millions of dollars to his benefit. How about the little girl that will need counseling for a long time.

It may not happen in all cases, but i was molested 20 years ago and i am still in counseling. He served his time and died shortly after his release...I'm still paying for his crime, as that 8 year old girl will.

I think half of the money he was awarded should go towards paying for that girls psychiatry bills and other medical expenses. I could care less that he got beat up, that happens all the time in prisons. The guards should have been doing their jobs but then again he shouldn't have done what he did.

Generally a molester is someone you know, family member or friend, in rare cases its a total stranger. That man is a monster and will more than likely do it again.

I hope that girl is strong and has a good family behind her, and I hope she doesn't go through the hell most molestation victims go through.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:05 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 10/06/09 06:07 PM

The man that hurt me (very touchy subject with me) only served 6 months in prison for it. He served his time but big deal. That little girl will go through hell for the rest of her life. She will pay for his crime for a long time to come. While he will eventually be released and have millions of dollars to his benefit. How about the little girl that will need counseling for a long time.

It may not happen in all cases, but i was molested 20 years ago and i am still in counseling. He served his time and died shortly after his release...I'm still paying for his crime, as that 8 year old girl will.

I think half of the money he was awarded should go towards paying for that girls psychiatry bills and other medical expenses. I could care less that he got beat up, that happens all the time in prisons. The guards should have been doing their jobs but then again he shouldn't have done what he did.

Generally a molester is someone you know, family member or friend, in rare cases its a total stranger. That man is a monster and will more than likely do it again.

I hope that girl is strong and has a good family behind her, and I hope she doesn't go through the hell most molestation victims go through.

My molester did no time but did end up in a mental institution. I never wanted him to go to jail other than my concern that other children would suffer the same that I did. Vengeance serves no purpose to a victim unless the victim hasn't worked through the pain long enough to realize that laying of blame really doesn't help anything nor does execution of a punishment.

I wish you strength and healing for your pain.

What it comes down to is the prisoner got paid only because the prison staff were at fault of neglecting their job of monitoring and interfereing as they should be.

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