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Topic: President Obama wants to shorten summer vacation
Giocamo's photo
Mon 09/28/09 09:36 AM
The Mobfather just commented on Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel saying...that Merkel makes tough decisions...while Obama makes speeches...laugh

daniel48706's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:33 AM
They did the same when I was in High School, and I know THEn it was the teachers UNIONS that caused the trouble and caused it to be blocked.


All I have read so far is the above linked story concerning it, which leaves President Obamas belies and wants fairly fast to spout out a lot of rhetorical mumbo jumbo, and polls.

However, I DO agree that summer vacation for school kids needs to be lessened considerably. I do NOT agree that the school DAY needs to be lengthened any more than it already is. Give the kids the same number of hours in school that they already have, but break up the two and three month summer vacations over the school year. there are four marking periods to a year, currently; if we kept with the four marking period standard, just extended their length by a couple weeks, and gave the kids a one week vacation after each marking period, they would retain a helluva lot more knowledge, and they would have more chances to visit family throughout the year. In regards to summer events, they would still have time to go camping, and whatever. They do not NEED 2 and 3 months vacation.

They talked of making summer vacation two weeks when I was a kid. I don't remember why it did not happen then but obviously someone has a problem with it.

Could it be the cost rise for the schools?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 09/28/09 10:37 AM

The Mobfather just commented on Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel saying...that Merkel makes tough decisions...while Obama makes speeches...laugh

Limbaugh is an idiot anyway, who cares????

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 09/29/09 03:40 AM

That's true to a certain extent. HOWEVER, just like when the federal government stepped forward and stated their could be no more discrimination in schools between people of different heritage, we need the government to step in now, and knock some local state heads together and get them moving in a proper and beneficial way.

What a lot of people are doing, and not just with education issues but most gouvernment issues, is trying to dictate that each state is it's own country, and that is not true. Yes, each state has it's own authority up to a certain extant. However, after that extent, the FEDERAL government kicks in, and oversees the running of everything, which means stepping in and slapping ***** and knocking heads at state level to get them to do their job properly.

Remember folks, we are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT the fifty individual countries in one territory.

I think our schools need to be more efficient before we change anything else.

Step one, remove federal government control over schools. State issue, not a federal one...

You do realize the majority of problems in our public educational system stem from inefficiency. Inefficiency is caused, in many ways, by government bureaucracy. Problem is, what may work for Californians, may not work for Floridians, aor Mainers. When you centralize policy, you have "one size fits all" answers for a variety of problems. State governments were originally intended to have the majority of the power for this very reason. That, and the fact that it would give you more power over what happens in your own neighborhood.

You are right about intervention sometimes ridding us of segregation. But their job ends with ensuring our constitutional rights.

I can't help but ponder on the fact that the United States lead the world in education, almost exactly until we developed the department of education to oversee everything.

no photo
Tue 09/29/09 04:00 AM
My son went from 1st to 5th grade in a school with a "year round" schedule. Many parents were against it first, only took a year to get them to see the advantages of such a schedule. Standardized test scores, individual grades, behavior problems, etc all improved significantly after only one year. For working parents (selfishly, I admit), it's a godsend. It was win-win for everyone. There are several elementary schools that were in the program, the results were the same. They were planning on trying it in the middle and high schools but due to budget cuts, those plans were put on hold.

I'm all for it.

willing2's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:10 AM
All them Libs who are complaining about Husseins plan best watch out or you could find yourself on his Terrorist List.scared

no photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:13 AM

All them Libs who are complaining about Husseins plan best watch out or you could find yourself on his Terrorist List.scared

I probably am already anyway laugh laugh flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:15 AM

All them Libs who are complaining about Husseins plan best watch out or you could find yourself on his Terrorist List.scared

I probably am already anyway laugh laugh flowerforyou

Is this like Santa's naughty list?????


willing2's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:16 AM

All them Libs who are complaining about Husseins plan best watch out or you could find yourself on his Terrorist List.scared

I probably am already anyway laugh laugh flowerforyou

I proly get reported on a daily basis.:angel:

no photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:23 AM

All them Libs who are complaining about Husseins plan best watch out or you could find yourself on his Terrorist List.scared

I probably am already anyway laugh laugh flowerforyou

I proly get reported on a daily basis.:angel:

We both sound like we're so worried rofl rofl

Frankly, if there is a list and I'm on it because I say what I think, well, then so be it. Rather go down speaking out than go down silently.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:29 AM
Gee, and I am trying to finish my elementary education degree so I can finally have a job with REAL time off,,,,

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