Topic: Anyone have any weird fears/phobias?
miko1960's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:05 AM
I don't have many fears except for being in high places for extended periods of time.

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:06 AM

Escalators , any type of big bug , snakes and rats ...

I used to be afraid of esalators as a kid, and I feared my showlace getting stuck, and getting sucked under, and smashed, but I overcame that when I was pregnant with my son.. one childish thng I managed to put away..

I said NOPE! No creepy escalator is gonna scare MY baby!


Havent been scared since, and he is 11 and isnt scared either.

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:06 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Tue 09/22/09 10:08 AM
speaking of roaches

when I was in college, some friends of mine rented a house. like 5 bedrooms and everyone shared rent

but it had a terrible roach problem

so they went out and gathered twenty or so praying mantis egg cases off the trees. clipped the branch with the egg case and scattered em all over the house. When the eggs hatched there were hundreds and hundreds of tiny little bitty praying mantises all over the house. as time went on and they ate each other there were ten or fifteen big praying mantises all over the house. After a couple of months they had no more roaches

tinydancer01's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:07 AM
have a fear of going outside sometimes and a fear of mosquitoes

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:12 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Tue 09/22/09 10:12 AM

speaking of roaches

when I was in college, some friends of mine rented a house. like 5 bedrooms and everyone shared rent

but it had a terrible roach problem

so they went out and gathered twenty or so praying mantis egg cases off the trees. clipped the branch with the egg case and scattered em all over the house. When the eggs hatched there were hundreds and hundreds of tiny little bitty praying mantises all over the house. as time went on and they ate each other there were ten or fifteen big praying mantises all over the house. After a couple of months they had no more roaches

ha, thats another thing that wierd me out.. if you sit, and watch a praying mantis, you can say to yourself.. "wow! Gods creatures! So amazing! But they make ONE FALSE quick move, and I swear to God, BAM MF goto hell! laugh rofl

darkowl1's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:12 AM

i have a story for y'all.......... years ago, i was watching babylon five one early fall night, in Orlando, around Curry-ford area, and a roach dive-bombed me and landed on my cheek....well, i grabbed him, and threw him out the door, and went out to wash my hands and get something cool to drink, and....

(anyone see creepshow?, this went through my mind at the time).......

well, there was a small hole in the screen, and maybe thirty seconds later, after i threw the roach out the door, by the time i finnished washing my hands, roaches started bubbling through the hole in the screen, by at least tens, until there were about a hundred or more with-in thirty seconds or so!.... they scattered everywhere! i was in a bit of....well, dis-belief to say the very least, and i was smashing and spraying, but there were so many! then they disappeared......somewhere, and i never saw them come out, or leave......very smart crafty creatures.....

the roach was actually very pissed that i threw him out, and called all his cohorts in that amount of time. i would never believe it if i haven't seen it........yes, the roach will definitely survive any houlocaust.....

Yeah,my sister left a damn sandwich, and a glass of tea in my stuffed animals pit i had when i was a kid, and there musta bee 1000 little ones outta nowhere when i pulled a stuffed animal out once.. OMG I will never forget that vision.

It was a new townhouse, and my parents hadnt exterminated yet.

they are rather, well, shocking at times...shocked laugh

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:16 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Tue 09/22/09 10:18 AM
damn right. freak me out man.

I will scream for an hour, and stand in fear looking toward the cieling, and shaking..

We had a big one that hung out on the damn livingroom curtains last week.

All I can do is stare, and can concentrate on nothing else.. when they are that high up, and i cant get to them.. i just flip. I cant deal with it when they fly off something high.. i scream forever!

Lemme tell ya though,,.. since I had my son 11 years ago..

I get ALLL rambo, and grab a shoe or whatever, and get all medevil on their ***! I have knocked holes in walls i go after them so damn aggressively. laugh NO WAYYYYYY im lettin them near my son.

Sewer crawling bastards!

no photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:22 AM
Edited by Bellatattoos on Tue 09/22/09 10:24 AM
FLYING! I went to Germany many years ago, during winter, and it was 12hrs of Turbulence! Those huge drop 1000ft things.

The next trip was to Mexico...I feared the airplane when I got was old and rickety...we made it there ok but....Flying back was another story. I saw smoke coming out of the wing, it was getting darker and darker...I started freaking out and the guy in front of me said, "don't worry it's just condensation." I was sorta ok with the answer until the pilot came out from the cockpit sweating bullets and ran back in, then the 2nd pilot came out and looked freaked. I screamed, "We're all gonna die!" The girls next to me started crying. They then came over the radio and said not to worry...we need to circle the ocean and drop out fuelscared and land back in Mexico. I was freaking out, my sister was kissing her cross and I said Land in Florida, Land in Florida.

Again they need to worry kinda thing...we had to land in the grass (after dropping fuel for 45 SCARY minutes in the air)...We couldn't land near the airport...there were fire trucks and ambulances below.

Once in the airport I was in perpetual panic, refusing to get back on a plane...I asked to take a train back...of course a train cannot go over water. I said F' it...I will do an Elian Gonzales...Give me an inner tube. Well I had to get back on, my friends drugged me up with Dramamin and every time I came to, they gave me more.

WOW, planes are scary!

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:26 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Tue 09/22/09 10:27 AM

FLYING! I went to Germany many years ago, during winter, and it was 12hrs of Turbulence! Those huge drop 1000ft things.

The next trip was to Mexico...I feared the airplane when I got was old and rickety...we made it there ok but....Flying back was another story. I saw smoke coming out of the wing, it was getting darker and darker...I started freaking out and the guy in front of me said, "don't worry it's just condensation." I was sorta ok with the answer until the pilot came out from the cockpit sweating bullets and ran back in, then the 2nd pilot came out and looked freaked. I screamed, "We're all gonna die!" The girls next to me started crying. They then came over the radio and said not to worry...we need to circle the ocean and drop out fuelscared and land back in Mexico. I was freaking out, my sister was kissing her cross and I said Land in Florida, Land in Florida.

Again they need to worry kinda thing...we had to land in the grass (after dropping fuel for 45 SCARY minutes in the air)...We couldn't land near the airport...there were fire trucks and ambulances below.

Once in the airport I was in perpetual panic, refusing to get back on a plane...I asked to take a train back...of course a train cannot go over water. I said F' it...I will do an Elian Gonzales...Give me an inner tube. Well I had to get back on, my friends drugged me up with Dramamin and every time I came to, they gave me more.

WOW, planes are scary!

laugh Elian..

Thats one thing I love is flying.. but that experience would freak me right on out too.

I especially love take off, and hauling butt down the runway at high speed! ZOOOOOOOOOOOOM! thats one situation I know i am totally not in control, and am taking a risk of dying. BUT I think,,.. "well if its my time, its my time".. AND I remind myself that there are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyy more car crashes than airplanes crashes BIG TIME!

krupa's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:35 AM
Wow! I am stunned about the peaches thing....I swear, I thought I was the only one.

The opposite end of the a kid I used to lick all the chemicals off of polaroid pissed my dad off to no end (but, explains some of my abnormalities)

The one that sticks with me to this day is, I friggen love the smell of vulcanized rubber. I swear,everytime I walk into a place that sells tires, I drool like a dog staring at a roast. If no one is looking I will gnaw on a tire just for the taste.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:35 AM
scared I fear reptoid draconiansscared

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:48 AM

Wow! I am stunned about the peaches thing....I swear, I thought I was the only one.

The opposite end of the a kid I used to lick all the chemicals off of polaroid pissed my dad off to no end (but, explains some of my abnormalities)

The one that sticks with me to this day is, I friggen love the smell of vulcanized rubber. I swear,everytime I walk into a place that sells tires, I drool like a dog staring at a roast. If no one is looking I will gnaw on a tire just for the taste.

AH I LOVE the smell of tires! And gasoline, and spray paint. rofl

for real.

no photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:51 AM

Wow! I am stunned about the peaches thing....I swear, I thought I was the only one.

The opposite end of the a kid I used to lick all the chemicals off of polaroid pissed my dad off to no end (but, explains some of my abnormalities)

The one that sticks with me to this day is, I friggen love the smell of vulcanized rubber. I swear,everytime I walk into a place that sells tires, I drool like a dog staring at a roast. If no one is looking I will gnaw on a tire just for the taste.

AH I LOVE the smell of tires! And gasoline, and spray paint. rofl

for real.
Ahhhhhhhhhh the smell of felt pens!!!love

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:51 AM
I love the smell of model glue in a paper sack

makes my eyes glaze over every time

metalwing's photo
Tue 09/22/09 10:59 AM
I have this strong fear of politicians. I have this phobia that every time they open their mouth they are lying. I fear, no matter what they say, their true motive is to take my rights away and increase their own power and influence. I greatly fear that they will do what is good for them and what people pay them to do, as opposed to look out for my interests. I fear that our country will continue to weaken because they have no guts and no honor. I fear they will lead to our country being turned into a third world nation.

no photo
Tue 09/22/09 11:07 AM

Wow! I am stunned about the peaches thing....I swear, I thought I was the only one.

The opposite end of the a kid I used to lick all the chemicals off of polaroid pissed my dad off to no end (but, explains some of my abnormalities)

The one that sticks with me to this day is, I friggen love the smell of vulcanized rubber. I swear,everytime I walk into a place that sells tires, I drool like a dog staring at a roast. If no one is looking I will gnaw on a tire just for the taste.

rofl Love the licking of the polaroid!!!!
When I was a kid, and still kinda now, I love that first wiff you get when you open your door at a gas station! However, I remember it being a lot stronger smell when I was kid....of course back then, we could run with scissors, not wear a seatbelt, no safety anything for that matter, and do pretty much everything that is considered unsafe now. Perhaps the gas pumps don't leak fuel anymore, damnbiggrin !

willing2's photo
Tue 09/22/09 12:02 PM

speaking of roaches

when I was in college, some friends of mine rented a house. like 5 bedrooms and everyone shared rent

but it had a terrible roach problem

so they went out and gathered twenty or so praying mantis egg cases off the trees. clipped the branch with the egg case and scattered em all over the house. When the eggs hatched there were hundreds and hundreds of tiny little bitty praying mantises all over the house. as time went on and they ate each other there were ten or fifteen big praying mantises all over the house. After a couple of months they had no more roaches

The Praying Mantis is just too cool!

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 09/22/09 12:38 PM


ColinMiller's photo
Tue 09/22/09 12:42 PM
Flying on a airplane. I've never done it but I'm afraid of it.

no photo
Tue 09/22/09 12:58 PM



The STRINGS on a banana...& the mealy texture...& the SMELL! Blah! But I DO like nanner puddin'...go figure!