Topic: Ku Klux Klowns
no photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:42 PM

Mirror, you just helped my complaint! I brush my teeth, have a job, AND BATHE! SO I'M NOT PART OF THE KKK! I JUST DON'T LIKE THE PRESIDENT!

I do too....Plus I'm a skinny white girl laugh

I don't know the president to hate him....but I can hate policies


I'm with ya on that!

I'm a skinny white girl
that's nuthin new
I dont' like the prez
whatcha gonna do

no photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:43 PM

Hey lets toss bikers into that group also we know they are nothing but drinkers, drug using, drug selling, gun smuggleing, robbing, criminals! It's true I've seen movies about it!

laugh oh good one!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:44 PM

Hey lets toss bikers into that group also we know they are nothing but drinkers, drug using, drug selling, gun smuggleing, robbing, criminals! It's true I've seen movies about it!

laugh oh good one!!!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I'm really screwed then. I have biker friends AND I'm a redneck from Texas. I MUST be racist

TJN's photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:46 PM

Hey lets toss bikers into that group also we know they are nothing but drinkers, drug using, drug selling, gun smuggleing, robbing, criminals! It's true I've seen movies about it!

laugh oh good one!!!

I wouldn't want to forget them.

I don't like to discriminate.drinker
waving Kim

no photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:47 PM

Hey lets toss bikers into that group also we know they are nothing but drinkers, drug using, drug selling, gun smuggleing, robbing, criminals! It's true I've seen movies about it!

laugh oh good one!!!

I wouldn't want to forget them.

I don't like to discriminate.drinker
waving Kim

No, you don't want to do that, you might be labeled a racist.laugh laugh laugh

TJN's photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:50 PM

Hey lets toss bikers into that group also we know they are nothing but drinkers, drug using, drug selling, gun smuggleing, robbing, criminals! It's true I've seen movies about it!

laugh oh good one!!!

I wouldn't want to forget them.

I don't like to discriminate.drinker
waving Kim

No, you don't want to do that, you might be labeled a racist.laugh laugh laugh

That's happened in here once before and I wasn't here to defend myself.
Had some good people on here defend me though.
drinker Rose, willingdrinker

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:51 PM
my whole point in this is
1. YES....racism exists. People would be stupid to think it doesn't. But it's equally as stupid to assume ALL of something is the same.

2. Groups like the KKK, Black Panthers, etc has the rights under the constitution to their opinions....whether we like the opinions or not. as long as laws aren't broken...they have rights just like everyone else. Even if making the KKK illegal...that won't stop them. they would only change their name.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:51 PM

Hey lets toss bikers into that group also we know they are nothing but drinkers, drug using, drug selling, gun smuggleing, robbing, criminals! It's true I've seen movies about it!

laugh oh good one!!!

I wouldn't want to forget them.

I don't like to discriminate.drinker
waving Kim

No, you don't want to do that, you might be labeled a racist.laugh laugh laugh

That's happened in here once before and I wasn't here to defend myself.
Had some good people on here defend me though.
drinker Rose, willingdrinker

I remember TJ....I remember flowerforyou

willing2's photo
Sun 09/20/09 04:04 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 09/20/09 04:11 PM

Hey lets toss bikers into that group also we know they are nothing but drinkers, drug using, drug selling, gun smuggleing, robbing, criminals! It's true I've seen movies about it!

laugh oh good one!!!

I wouldn't want to forget them.

I don't like to discriminate.drinker
waving Kim

No, you don't want to do that, you might be labeled a racist.laugh laugh laugh

That's happened in here once before and I wasn't here to defend myself.
Had some good people on here defend me though.
drinker Rose, willingdrinker

Anytime, Bro:thumbsup:


MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 09/20/09 04:10 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 09/20/09 04:12 PM
drinker I'm just glad the KKK here in this county of Kentucky where I live got their land took away and most of them getting sent to prisondrinker I'm proud of being a southern man but I'm not proud of those people being part of the history:smile:They really held this place back for a long time:smile:I come from an old southern family and I am proud of certain aspects of my heritagedrinkerTime to take out the trashdrinker

Winx's photo
Sun 09/20/09 04:47 PM

The Klan is but one organization wut don't like Hussein.
Dey's some pi$$ed off mo-fos.
Kinda' makes the Klan sound like a sweet bedtime story.

Ewwww...what a disgusting site.

Winx's photo
Sun 09/20/09 04:48 PM

drinker I'm just glad the KKK here in this county of Kentucky where I live got their land took away and most of them getting sent to prisondrinker I'm proud of being a southern man but I'm not proud of those people being part of the history:smile:They really held this place back for a long time:smile:I come from an old southern family and I am proud of certain aspects of my heritagedrinkerTime to take out the trashdrinker

drinker drinker

peppydog50's photo
Sun 09/20/09 04:56 PM
I like the president and glad we have real leadership for a change also like his polices. Do not like the clueless idiot before him George W. Thank GOD he is out of office.

TJN's photo
Sun 09/20/09 05:08 PM

I like the president and glad we have real leadership for a change also like his polices. Do not like the clueless idiot before him George W. Thank GOD he is out of office.

There you go call someone a clueless idiot. Isnt that kinda what we are trying to get away from all the name calling going on?frustrated

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 09/20/09 05:12 PM
Spewing hate and violence should not be a god given should be confined to the privacy of the homes of the idiots who want to live that way..

TJN's photo
Sun 09/20/09 05:15 PM

Spewing hate and violence should not be a god given should be confined to the privacy of the homes of the idiots who want to live that way..


peppydog50's photo
Sun 09/20/09 05:16 PM
I agree with both of you. I also say if the shoe fits wear it.

no photo
Sun 09/20/09 05:25 PM

You describe a bunch of activities which you seem to think 'all' KKK members participate in... those activities are already illegal - there is no need to make the KKK itself illegal. What we really need is enforcement of existing laws to address that problem, not more laws.

YellowRose is right, it is wrong to say these things about 'all' KKK members. For example, I do not believe that 'all' KKK members nationwide rob gas stations.


LadyLid - as far as 'spewing hate and violence' - most acts of violence are already illegal.

Now, when it comes to 'spewing hate' with words - who decides what is hate? We cannot go down that road, in my opinion. There is too much control already. I would love for the KKK to STFU and never be heard from again, but any legal tools we use toward this end will result in even more censorship and control over speech.

no photo
Sun 09/20/09 05:27 PM

I like the president and glad we have real leadership for a change also like his polices. Do not like the clueless idiot before him George W. Thank GOD he is out of office.

There you go call someone a clueless idiot. Isnt that kinda what we are trying to get away from all the name calling going on?frustrated

TJN, drinker

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/20/09 05:31 PM


You describe a bunch of activities which you seem to think 'all' KKK members participate in... those activities are already illegal - there is no need to make the KKK itself illegal. What we really need is enforcement of existing laws to address that problem, not more laws.

YellowRose is right, it is wrong to say these things about 'all' KKK members. For example, I do not believe that 'all' KKK members nationwide rob gas stations.


LadyLid - as far as 'spewing hate and violence' - most acts of violence are already illegal.

Now, when it comes to 'spewing hate' with words - who decides what is hate? We cannot go down that road, in my opinion. There is too much control already. I would love for the KKK to STFU and never be heard from again, but any legal tools we use toward this end will result in even more censorship and control over speech.

I was going to say that as well. who decides what others can think or believe? Just because I might not like something...doesn't mean it should go away. we have laws here and if people cross the lines...let them be prosecuted. But I will defend someone's rights to their beliefs whether I agree with them or not...until they cross the lines